Methamphetamine: Health Hazards

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Methamphetamine is a very addictive Health Hazards ———

stimulant drug that activates certain sys-
tems in the brain. It is chemically related Methamphetamine increases the release
to amphetamine but, at comparable of very high levels of the neurotransmit-
doses, the effects of methamphetamine ter dopamine, which stimulates brain
are much more potent, longer lasting, cells, enhancing mood and body move-
and more harmful to the central nervous ment. Chronic methamphetamine abuse
system (CNS). significantly changes how the brain func-
tions. Animal research going back more
Methamphetamine is a Schedule II stimu-
than 30 years shows that high doses of
lant, which means it has a high potential
methamphetamine damage neuron cell
for abuse and is available only through
endings. Dopamine- and serotonin-con-
a prescription that cannot be refilled. It
taining neurons do not die after metham-
can be made in small, illegal laborato-
phetamine use, but their nerve endings
ries, where its production endangers the
(“terminals”) are cut back, and regrowth
people in the labs, neighbors, and the
appears to be limited. Noninvasive
environment. Street methamphetamine is
human brain imaging studies have
referred to by many names, such as
shown alterations in the activity of the
“speed,” “meth,” and “chalk.”
dopamine system. These alterations are
Methamphetamine hydrochloride, clear
associated with reduced motor speed
chunky crystals resembling ice, which
and impaired verbal learning. Recent
can be inhaled by smoking, is referred
studies in chronic methamphetamine
to as “ice,” “crystal,” “glass,” and
abusers have also revealed severe struc-
tural and functional changes in areas of
Methamphetamine is taken orally, the brain associated with emotion and
intranasally (snorting the powder), by memory, which may account for many of
needle injection, or by smoking. Abusers the emotional and cognitive problems
may become addicted quickly, needing observed in chronic methamphetamine
higher doses and more often. At this abusers.
time, the most effective treatments for
Taking even small amounts of metham-
methamphetamine addiction are behav-
phetamine can result in increased
ioral therapies such as cognitive behav-
wakefulness, increased physical activity,
ioral and contingency management
decreased appetite, increased respiration,

November 2006 Page 1 of 4

rapid heart rate, irregular heartbeat, Extent of Use ———
increased blood pressure, and hyper-
thermia. Other effects of methampheta-
Monitoring the Future (MTF) Study
mine abuse may include irritability,
These data are from the 2005 MTF, funded by the
anxiety, insomnia, confusion, tremors, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of
convulsions, and cardiovascular collapse Health, DHHS, and conducted by the University of
and death. Long-term effects may include Michigan's Institute for Social Research. The study has
tracked 12th-graders' illicit drug abuse and related
paranoia, aggressiveness, extreme attitudes since 1975; in 1991, 8th- and 10th-graders
anorexia, memory loss, visual and audi- were added to the study. The latest data are online at
tory hallucinations, delusions, and

severe dental problems. Data from the 2005 MTF study indicate
Also, transmission of HIV and hepatitis that, compared to the 2004 data:
B and C can be a consequence of • there were no statistically significant
methamphetamine abuse. Among increases in methamphetamine abuse
abusers who inject the drug, infection among 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-graders
with HIV and other infectious diseases is in 2005;
spread mainly through the re-use of con-
• methamphetamine abuse among
taminated syringes, needles, and other
8th-graders remained stable and
injection equipment by more than one
was lower than for 10th- and 12th-
person. The intoxicating effects of
methamphetamine, however, whether it
is injected or taken other ways, can alter • 10th- and 12th-graders reported
judgment and inhibition and lead peo- significant decreases in lifetime2
ple to engage in unsafe behaviors. methamphetamine abuse; and
Methamphetamine abuse actually may • 12th-graders reported significant
worsen the progression of HIV and its declines in annual and 30-day
consequences; studies with methamphet- abuse.
amine abusers who have HIV indicate
that the HIV causes greater neuronal Methamphetamine Prevalence of
injury and cognitive impairment com- Abuse among 12th-Graders
pared with HIV-positive people who do Monitoring the Future Survey,
not use drugs. 2003-2005

2003 2004 2005

Lifetime 6.2% 6.2% 4.5%
Annual 3.2% 3.4% 2.5%
30-day 1.7% 1.4% 0.9%

November 2006 Page 2 of 4

Community Epidemiology Work prior years. Most CEWG areas reported
Group (CEWG) increases in the amounts and purity of
CEWG is a NIDA-sponsored network of researchers methamphetamine smuggled into the
from 21 major U.S. metropolitan areas and selected United States from Mexico.
foreign countries who meet semiannually to discuss
the latest epidemiology of drug abuse. CEWG's
most recent reports are available at http://www. National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)
NSDUH (formerly known as the National Household
From 2004 to 2005, methamphetamine
Survey on Drug Abuse) is an annual survey conducted
abuse did not decrease in any of the 21 by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
CEWG areas; increased in 9 CEWG Administration. Findings from the latest survey are
available at
areas (8 of which had high levels of
methamphetamine abuse—Atlanta, According to the 2005 NSDUH, 10.4
Denver, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Phoenix, million Americans age 12 and older
San Diego, Seattle, and Texas); and had tried methamphetamine at least
was reported as a growing problem in once in their lifetimes. The rates for
St. Louis, where a 15-percent increase annual and 30-day methamphetamine
occurred in methamphetamine treatment abuse did not change between 2004
admissions from 2004 to 2005. and 2005, but the lifetime rate declined
Also, it was reported that methampheta- from 4.9 to 4.3 percent. From 2002 to
mine has been replacing crack as a 2005, decreases were seen in lifetime
drug of choice in some areas of Texas; (5.3 to 4.3 percent) and annual (0.7
remained stable or mixed in Minneapolis/ to 0.5 percent) use, but not 30-day use
St. Paul and San Francisco; and (0.3 percent in 2002 vs. 0.2 percent in
remained at low levels in nine areas 2005).
located in the Northeast and Midwest.
Sharp decreases were reported in small
Other Information
methamphetamine clandestine incidents Resources ———
(e.g., laboratories, dumpsites, chemical/
glass/equipment) located in and/or For more information on the effects of
around most CEWG areas, according to methamphetamine abuse and addiction,
the Drug Enforcement Administration’s visit
El Paso Intelligence Center (2006 data). methamphetamine.html.
Despite these decreases in the number To find publicly-funded treatment facili-
of incidents, as well as in the number of ties by state, visit www.findtreatment.
seizures, the drug was readily available
and generally of higher purity than in

November 2006 Page 3 of 4

Street names for drugs of abuse can be found at
“Lifetime” refers to use at least once during a respondent's lifetime. “Annual” refers to use at least once during the
year preceding an individual's response to the survey. “30-day” refers to use at least once during the 30 days preced-
ing an individual's response to the survey.

National Institutes of Health – U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This material may be used or reproduced without permission from NIDA. Citation of the source is appreciated.

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