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Name: Anthony Grek

Period:1 and 2
Day: A


00 word or more paragraph in the space below using
Answer the three questions below, in a 1
RED text. Watch the Guernica 3D video and look at the painting Guernica on the project
oogle drive, and Hand it into the
website to help answer these questions. Save this to your G
Dropbox on Haiku.

What details in the painting catch your attention?

What questions of curiosity are sparked by the painting?
What conclusions can you make that are based on information in the painting?

Pablo Picassos Guernica Is one of the most one of his well known and
controversial paintings of all time. In this painting, after analyzing, I realized everything
is deformed. All of the faces in the painting look sad and hopeless. I could tell there is a
lot of symbolism showed and I am curious to know what they all mean. What to the
lights, candlesticks and animals all mean? This had to have been Pablo Picassos
reaction toward the bombing of Guernica. All of the hopeless people represent the ones
who died during the explosions. Something that really caught my attention was the
broken sword in the hand of one of the fallen victims. This could represent that the
people of Guernica attempted to to fight back but the force of the Nazis was too strong
leaving many of them dead or injured.

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