Arts Integration Lesson Harriet Tubman Vts and Tableau

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Arts Integrated Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Harriet Tubman VTS and Tableaus

Grade Level: 1st Time Required: 1 hour

Content Objectives: Fine Art(s) Objectives:

SS1H1, SS1CG1 TAES1.3 Acting by developing, communicating, and sustraining

Identifies the contributions and character traits of Harriet roles within a variety of situations and emvironments.
TAES1.6 Researching cultureal and historial information to
support artistic choices.

VA1CU.2 Views and discusses selected artworks.

Vocabulary: Vocabulary:
Harriet Tubman Tableau
Underground Railroad Freeze
Slave Audience
Slave owners Performance
Escape Body neutral
Additional Applications: (connections with other content areas)


Display of Harriet Tubman statue from front and back

Arts Integrated Lesson Plan

Lesson Development/Procedures
Ask questions to assess background knowledge of Harriet Tubman. Before the lesson all students have viewed Harriet Tubman Video
to develop this background knowledge.
Who was Harriet Tubman?
Why was she important?
What did she do for our country?
What were some of her character traits?
What was important to her?

Display the picture of the statue of her. Have students sit and think about what they see in the statue and what it might mean based on
what they know about her life. Students will use the VTS strategy to analyze the statue. Ask these questions until they have noticed all
of the import things in the statue:
Whats going on in this picture/statue?
What do you see that makes you say that?
What more can we find?

Use what we have learned about Harriet Tubman in the video and through our VTS to create tableaus about the different parts of her
Before doing the tableaus we need to practice the important parts of the frozen picture and discuss the vocabulary. Practice using our
faces to show our feelings. Practice creating different levels with our bodies, and practice creating relationships between characters
using the spaces between people and our eye direction.
After practicing all of this and learning how to freeze and go back to body neutral, students will be split into three groups. The first
group will create a picture of Harriet Tubman when she was a slave, the second group will create a picture of Harriet Tubman while
she is escaping, and the third will be a picture of Harriet Tubman when she makes it to freedom.

Send students to their groups, give them 5 or so minutes to prepare, then bring everyone back to the carpet to be the audience while we
watch the tableaus.
Arts Integrated Lesson Plan

Each group will perform their tableau. The teacher will tap students to life and ask questions about their position, character, feeling,
etc to check for comprehension. Have the audience notice things that the performers are doing well.

Assessment: (Review of Anticipation Guides; Post-tests; BCRs; Quizzes; Tests; Projects; Essays: Performance Assessments, etc.)
Assessment is the final tableaus. Teacher will note if students can answer questions about and relate to the feelings of Harriet
Tubman during the different stages in her life.
This will happen when you create the groups, they should be mixed level groups so that everyone can have support and be successful.
Arts Integrated Lesson Plan

Teacher References:
Arts Integrated Lesson Plan

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