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Tulsa World

New pay

used for

Merit pay a boon for some

teachers at Epic Charter
School, not for others
By Jennifer Palmer
Oklahoma Watch

Teachers at Epic Charter

Schools are some of the highest
paid in the state. They are also
some of the lowest paid in the
The wide variations in teacher
compensation at the states larg-
est online charter school are due
to an unconventional program
that allows teachers to earn a
bonus of up to their base salary,
which would double their pay.
So a teacher earning $35,000,
for instance, can earn an annual
bonus of up to $35,000, pushing
total pay to $70,000.
Bonus pay allowed more than
half of Epics 218 certied teach-
ers to earn well above the average
pay for public school teachers,
according to Oklahoma Depart-
ment of Education data for 2015-
16. But for some, the gamble
didnt pay off; they earned little
or no bonus and their total
compensation was less than the
minimum salary required in tra-
ditional public schools.
Meanwhile, Epic, which en-
rolled more than 9,000 students
in pre-K through 12 this year

See Watch, page A3

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Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Tulsa World

Watch: Charter school tries experimental pay scale
2017 From page A1 cipals monthly, Baneld said,
and are evaluated regularly us-
Page and is now the states 14th larg-
est school system, has average
ing metrics the school has devel-
oped. Low-performing teachers
A003 to low school grades and hasnt are directed to online training
seen signicant improvement in videos to improve their craft,
Clip student achievement. and rst-year teachers are rarely
resized Epic has been using this mod- terminated, giving them time to
42% el of performance pay also adjust to Epics model, he said.
known as merit pay since it When asked for evidence that
opened in 2011, an experiment in performance pay is improving
From teacher compensation conduct- student performance, Baneld
A001 ed using state per-pupil funds, cited Epics growth in enrollment
which all charter schools receive. and internal benchmarks on aca-
(Epics) pay performance demic growth.
model is one we feel like works, On 2016 state report cards,
and is allowing us to attract Epics elementary and middle
some of the most talented teach- school earned a D+, pushed
ers, said Bart Baneld, assistant above the F threshold by a per-
superintendent of instruction for fect attendance rate that has
Epic. Epic teacher Katie Biswell reads to students Corinne Schulte, 7 (left); Juliet raised questions among state of-
Merit pay, which rewards Schulte, 8; and Luke Schulte, 5, at the public library in Sapulpa on Friday. cials. A state lawmaker recently
teachers for test scores and other Biswell earned nearly $40,000 working part time for Epic in 2015-16. Of that, led legislation to address the
student outcomes, is relatively nearly $16,000 was bonus pay and stipends.CLIFTON ADCOCK/Oklahoma Watch issue.
rare in Oklahoma, education Epics high school received a C,
groups say. Nationally, it is also with low marks for student per-
uncommon, with just 3.5 percent state average in 2015-16, data least (about the school)?, three formance in math and science.
of schools offering it, according show. of the concerned teachers re- Just 19 percent of students took
to a 2011 report from the now- Teachers traditionally see their sponded: a college entrance exam, such
defunct National Center on Per- pay increase as they spend more :k[bmkZkrgZmnk^h_hnk\hf- as the ACT, and only a quarter
formance Incentives. years in the classroom or earn pensation plan. Bonus structure graduated a rate slightly lower
Charter schools are well-suited an advanced degree. Epic uses is a positive and a negative. It than in 2015.
to experiment with merit pay neither to determine a teachers provides an added stress that L\ahhe h\bZel aZo^ ehg`
because their teachers dont typi- salary. Epic teachers base pay is may be unnecessary. railed against the state A-F report
cally belong to unions and the $1,000 per regular student and  Ma^ [hgnl l\a^]ne^ bl cards, saying they unfairly grade
schools dont have to follow the $1,500 per special education stu- complicated, and when admin- Epic for accepting enrollments
minimum salaries set by the Leg- dent. istrators share specic data per- all year and taking students who
islature. The bonuses, paid out three taining to it, they dont clearly are close to dropping out.
Some studies have found that times a year, are based on three explain it (data overload.) Epic instead points to students
performance-pay systems, espe- components: standardized test-  Bml ]b\nem mh `^m \eZk- performance on end-of-year ex-
cially those using standardized ing participation and perfor- ity with bonus payouts. It some- ams. In 2015-16, 88 percent of
test scores, dont improve stu- mance, and whether students re- times takes months to have a Epic students were procient in
dent performance. turn to the school the next year, response to an email when in- English II, better than the state
or retention. quiring about a bonus calcula- average of 82 percent. In math,
High risk, high reward Teacher Kristi Rich, in her tion error. We need some trans- however, Epic students fared
eighth year of teaching and sixth parency when it comes to bonus worse than the state average,
Public school teachers in year with Epic, earned more payout. with 61 percent procient in Al-
Oklahoma are among the low- than $83,000 in 2015-16. gebra I, versus 78 percent state-
est paid in the country, earning If Im going to go the extra Measuring success wide.
an average of $44,921, includ- mile, it will result in my fami- Tara Cameron, who has twin
ing benets, according to the lies wanting to stay on my ros- The most important question second-graders and an eighth-
National Education Association. ter, Rich said. It will result in about merit pay is whether it grader in Epic this year, wasnt
The minimum starting salary my students performing well on works by improving the academ- aware her childrens teachers
for teachers in Oklahoma with a their testing. It will result in high ic success of kids. were eligible for bonuses based
bachelors degree is $31,600, in- performance, and my pay is as- Teachers are often opposed to partially on how well her chil-
cluding benets. sociated with that. pay that relies on student test dren score on standardized tests.
Epic pays its full-time teach- A handful of teachers, respond- performance because there are But she has become frustrated
ers an average of $61,200, which ing to a recent performance re- so many variables they have no with what she said is the schools
includes base pay, benets, travel view conducted by the state Of- control over, said Mary Sue Back- emphasis on practice tests in-
stipends and bonus pay. The ce of Educational Quality and us, a University of Oklahoma law stead of curriculum to introduce
schools highest paid teacher Accountability, raised concerns professor. students to new concepts.
made $92,890 in 2015-16. about the plan. The agency sur- Its not always a fair measure Its been such a frustrating
At the other end of the pay veyed more than 100 Epic staff of whether someone is a good year because that (testing) is all
scale, nearly 30 of Epics 132 full- members on a variety of topics. teacher or not, she said. theyve cared about, Cameron
time teachers earned below the When asked, What do you like Epics teachers meet with prin- said.

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Sapulpa Daily Herald

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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