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Integration Project
Project Plan
Christopher Beattie, Laura Hunt and Morgan Roberts

*tasks are to be completed before or during these weeks, please refer to terminology and dates provided *
Group plan to be finished and available on google document- Morgan
Joint Statement finished an available on google document- Work together with Laura as the scribe
Mind Map is to be finished and either published on to Weebly or available on the group google document- Chris
To be completed on the 8th of February (day of the first tutorial; homework). *tasks are to be completed before or during these we*

F.P.D Finished- Everyone contributes their agreed section of the F.P.D

2 Morgan: put it together on the google document/transfer across to group Weebly.
Due prior to Wednesday of week 2 (15th of February) Description *tasks are to be completed before or during these weeks, please refer to the

A statement indicating how your project is underpinned by established learning theory (e.g., multiple intelligences, social
constructivism, and cognitive theory).
Everyone must discuss and contribute ideas- Chris as the main scribe, to be completed prior to Wednesday of week 3 (22nd of February)
*Note: the individual blogs are also due on this day*

Work together on A statement articulating the integration of four ICT resources (minimum of one per week) that will be used in
addition to the Internet. The statement should include why you selected the ICT resources and how they are being used as a learning
tool (rather than teaching tools).
Everyone should contribute to this- Each selecting different ICT tools from various weeks that could be used in the final lesson plan.
Laura as main scribe to put all statements together
Due prior to Wednesday of week 4 (1st of March) are to be completed before or during these weeks, please refer to the terminology and dates provided*
All aspects of the planning should be edited and published to the group website.
Group website must be updated and edited to appear suitable for its purpose.
Group Weebly must be available to lecturer to obtain any marks.
* Note: All group members are responsible for this process
Due prior to the week 5 tutorial, on Wednesday 8th of March. are to be completed before or during these weeks, please refer to the
terminology and dates provided*
Mutual agreement on which lesson to present from the group F.P.D document.
Introduction of Presentation- All together- Chris speaks on detail about learning style of lesson
Activity 1: Laura introduces her section of the lesson based on the SCSA information, and controls an activity with various ICT tools to
essential teach
6 Activity 2: Morgan introduces her section of the lesson based on the SCSA information, and controls an activity with various ICT tools to
essentially teach
Activity 3: Chris- Summarises and reiterates information learnt, uses activity to reinforce and reflect on information taught e.g. Kahoot.
Individuals are responsible for their section of the presentation.
Due Prior to Wednesday of week 6 (15th of March)

Meet and collaborate information

Put all information together as a resource that flows well, with all resources able to be accessed at any time by all the students/and
7 presenters via the group Weebly.
Last minute editing touches e.g. things to add, take away etc.
*Meeting should be held prior to the week 7 tutorial on Wednesday the 22th of March*tasks are to be completed before or during these weeks, *

Each member has a detailed understanding of what they are presenting the class
A practice run through of the lesson e.g. if the lesson does not run smoothly, now is the time to alter and change aspects of the lesson
To be completed prior to Wednesday of Week 8 (29th of March)
Note: presentations may be expected on Wednesday 29th of March

9 Presentations continue on Wednesday the 5th of April, week 9 tutorial. *tasks are to be completed before or during these weeks, *

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