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Kayla Borders



Tsunamis. Massive waves that crash on lands that are near the coast.Tsunamis are caused
by divergence and convergence zones. They are dangerous.
On the night of July 9, 1958, an earthquake along the Fairweather Fault in the Alaska Panhandle
loosened about 40 million cubic yards (30.6 million cubic meters) of rock high above the northeastern
shore of Lituya Bay.1 This mass of rock plunged from an altitude of approximately 3000 feet (914 meters)
down into the waters of Gilbert Inlet (see map below). 2 The impact generated a local tsunami that crashed
against the southwest shoreline of Gilbert Inlet. 3 The wave hit with such power that it swept completely
over the spur of land that separates Gilbert Inlet from the main body of Lituya Bay.4 The wave then
continued down the entire length of Lituya Bay, over La Chaussee Spit and into the Gulf of Alaska. The
force of the wave removed all trees and vegetation from elevations as high as 1720 feet (524 meters)
above sea level. Millions of trees were uprooted and swept away by the wave. 5 This is the highest wave
that has ever been known.

Tsunamis are giant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea. 7 Out in the
depths of the ocean, tsunami waves do not dramatically increase in height. 8 But as the waves travel

World's Tallest Tsunami

2 Ibid.

3 Ibid.

4 Ibid.

5 Ibid.

What is a Tsunami
Ocean Services

7 ibid

8 ibid
inland, they build up to higher and higher heights as the depth of the ocean decreases. 9The speed of
tsunami waves depends on ocean depth rather than the distance from the source of the wave. 10Tsunami
waves may travel as fast as jet planes over deep waters, only slowing down when reaching shallow
waters.11 While tsunamis are often referred to as tidal waves, this name is discouraged by oceanographers
because tides have little to do with these giant waves.
Tsunamis have occurred often throughout history. 13So frequently in Japan, in fact, that
they invented the word specifically for the phenomenon: 'tsu' meaning harbour and 'nami'
meaning wave.
Tsunami prone areas are usually near a coast or a large water body mostly an ocean. The
first survival tip that can save your life is adequate preparation.
One of the ways to be prepared is by knowing whether your area of residence is a tsunami
hotspot, if it is, there are some survival essential you will need to pack.16 If you reside in a
tsunami prone area, it is important to have a first-aid kit on the ready, climate appropriate attire,
stocked food and water.17 The emergency kit should be light to allow you to scamper off in case
of a tsunami emergency.

9 ibid

10 Ibid

11 Ibid


Survial Mastery

13 ibid

14 ibid

15 ibid

16 ibid

17 ibid
On August 27, 1883, one of the largest volcano eruptions in history, set off a devastating series
of tsunamis, making this event number two on the Biggest Tsunami Countdown.19 The sound of
the volcanic explosions were felt over two and a half thousand miles away (approx. four
thousand kilometers), and is the loudest documented sound in recorded history.
Aceh today is a transformed place, the result of a lot of money, good organization and hard
work.21 Nearly $7 billion in contributions from the Indonesian government and international
donors flowed in, fueling a boom in reconstruction activity.22 Nearly ten percent of these funds
were contributed through the Multi Donor Fund for Aceh and Nias (MDF).23 The fund, which
was managed by the World Bank, pooled funding from 15 donors and provided an effective
mechanism for putting these funds to work.24 The MDF will close its doors at the end of 2012,
marking the end of its mandate to support the reconstruction effort.
Tsunamis can do so much damage but yet they fascinate me for some reason. Well atleast for
now. Any if you experience a tsunami please stay safe and good day.


Bigest Tsunami

19 ibid

The World Bank

21 ibid

22 ibid

23 ibid

24 ibid

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