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diseases cardiovascular
A.K.A; heart diseases
diseases Rheumatic heart disease
Rheumatic heart disease is caused by one or more
attacks of rheumatic fever, which then do damage to
the heart, particularly the heart valves. Rheumatic
fever usually occurs in childhood, and may follow a
-Shortness of breathe
streptococcal infection. In some cases, the infection
affects the heart and may result in scarring the
valves, weakening the heart muscle, or damaging the -Chest pain
sac enclosing the heart. The valves are sometimes
scarred so they do not open and close normally.
-Irregular heartbeat
Hypertensive heart disease
High blood pressure of unknown origin (primary
hypertension) or caused by (secondary -Swollen feet or ankles
hypertension) certain specific diseases or infections,
such as tumor in the adrenal glands, damage to or
disease of the kidneys or their blood vessels. High
blood pressure may overburden the heart and blood
vessels and cause disease.

Ischemic heart disease -Swelling in legs or abdomen

Heart ailments caused by narrowing of the coronary
Cardiovascular disease generally arteries and therefore a decreased blood supply to
the heart. -Changes in heartbeat
refers to conditions that involve Cerebrovascular disease
Disease pertaining to the blood vessels in the brain. -Dry or persistent cough
narrowed or blocked blood vessels A cerebrovascular accident or stroke is the result of
an impeded blood supply to some part of the brain.
-Skin rashes or unusual spots
that can lead to a heart attack, Inflammatory heart disease
Inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis), the
membrane sac (pericarditis) which surround the
chest pain (angina) or stroke. heart, the inner lining of the heart (endocarditis) or -Pericarditis
the myocardium (heart muscle). Inflammation may be
caused by known toxic or infectious agents or by an
Other heart conditions, such as unknown origin. -Myocarditis
those that affect Congenital heart disease
Congenital heart disease is when you are born with -Endocarditis
malformations of the hearts structures. This may be
your heart's muscle, valves or the result of the genes you inherited from your
parents or adverse exposure to certain elements
while still in the womb, such as some medicines or
rhythm, also are considered forms too much alcohol. Congenital heart disease is a
broad term and examples are holes in the heart,
abnormal valves, and abnormal heart chambers. -Pale gray or blue skin color
of heart disease.
Heart failure
Heart failure is a chronic condition that happens -Fluttering in your chest
when the hearts muscle becomes too damaged to
adequately pump the blood around your body. If you
have heart failure your heart still works but because
it is less effective your organs do not get enough
-Racing heartbeat
Carrillo, Gonzalo blood and oxygen. Heart failure tends to affect older
people more often and manifests as shortness of

Period.2 breath, reduced exercise tolerance and swelling of

the ankles. It results if the heart is damaged and
February 27 2017
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Medical Testing Treatments

No matter what type of heart -Cardiac rehabilitation
Plaque buildup thickens and disease you have, your
-Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
stiffens artery walls, which doctor will likely perform a
can inhibit blood flow through physical exam and ask about -Percutaneous coronary Intervention
your arteries to your organs your personal and -Procedures and Surgery
and family medical history before
tissues. Atherosclerosis is doing any tests. Besides -Menopausal Hormone Therapy
also the most common cause blood tests and a chest X- -Medicines
of cardiovascular disease. It ray, tests to diagnose heart
can be caused by disease can include: -Stress and Depression
correctable problems, such Electrocardiogram (ECG). -Maintain a healthy weight
as an unhealthy diet, lack of
exercise, being overweight -Be Physically Active
and smoking.
-Follow a Healthy Diet

-Quit Smoking

-Lifestyle Changes

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