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Maheen Hashmi

Question 1: In what ways does your media product use,
develop or challenge form and conventions of real
media products?

1) The concept and narrative

Usually a documentary is made to understand different viewpoints of a
topic and communicate and argue what is right and wrong. Our
documentary is focused on what makes you better as a person and what
changes can you make for yourself and other people around you and
having a day in a life with Mr. Islam to understand where he made them
turning points in his life to be successful. Depending on the narrative of
the documentary is varies how you open up the first scene to the
audience to understand what the documentary is based on. For example,
for our documentary we had used several shots taken in the classroom
teaching KS3 students Mathematics. With a few seconds into the opening
a scene a voice over was used to introduce Mr. Islam.

2) The use of an informative and authoritative voice over

The voice over that we had used was on Mr. Islam talking in first person
and about is day to day life that was recorded during the interview period.
The second voice over that was used was Chloe that spoke in third person
to tell the narrative of the documentary. The voice over that was used to
tell the narrative was made to be useful as in the script we had introduced
facts about Mr. Islam. However, when we had gathered feedback from our
target audience 15 35 year olds we had gathered results of them
preferring the interview better. This could have been because the
documentary was based on Mr. Islam and how he can inspire lot of people
so they will want to understand from his point of view as first person.

3) Interview the individuals and knowledge about the

subject/expert opinion
Most of the people that we had interviewed did not what the sport Jujitsu
was. We had asked this question as we wanted to know as an estimate
how much footage we will need to provide our audience with to help them
have a better understanding of the sport as its not quite common. I had
interviewed Rob that interested in playing sports such as football, rugby
etc. but he didnt have knowledge about non common sports now played.
4) Footage of real events
This particular convention allows us to introduce the narrative in our opening
sequence. For example, in the opening scene we had had filmed in the classroom
Maheen Hashmi

that Mr.Islam was teaching in at the time. We had shit mid shot, close up,
medium shots etc. To allow the audience to understand where the scene is set
and based on. We had used close up shits of students working to show the
documentary will also be about students and able to connect with the younger
age group of our target audience.
5) Archival footage or skills that could not be filmed by the
production team
At first when we had filmed the interview the first time the footage was not
successful to use for our documentary as there was low key lights and the
background was white and just did not set the scene. However, we then had re-
filmed the interview a suitable setting in the Maths office and with suitable light
that would be clear.
6) Natural sound and lighting
For this convention needed suitable sound and lighting for example, for the
interview and the go pro footage. For our first interview that we had filmed we
had used natural lighting and room lighting but the light was not bright enough
as the position of the white wall was not in the appropriate place for us to film
the interview. For our second and final interview that we had filmed it was set up
in the Maths office where there was more space and room lighting that helped
with the interview. For our sound we had used a Zoom to record the voice over
for better sound quality. However, we were only able to film after school as the
Zoom would pick up sounds from a far distance. So we had to ensure that the
corridors are quite for the interview to be recorded successfully and according
the right time so we could start editing.
7) Set- Up or reconstructions
We didnt have reconstructions but we used a set up that was in the classroom
and the Maths office. We had used cutaways to distract the attention from the
interview shot as it would have disengaged the audience. The cutaways shots
that we had included where of Mr. Islam teaching or of him marking books. We
had sure we had used cutaways that were filmed by the Go Pro that would
match the voice over. We had used different cutaways that were not repeated as
this would have caused the audience to be disengaged.
8) Shaped Realism
For our documentary we had included verisimilitude which means creating a
believable world. We had created this in our documentary by basing our
narrative on a day to day bases of what Mr. Islam does. We had used cutaways
from the Go Pro camera that has given the audience an insight to his daily and
personal life.

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