Revisedcopyproposalfinal Ninaharvey Bolden

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Nina Harvey-Bolden 3A

The title of my project is I am More than Just a Name: Education and Awareness for

Name-Based Discrimination when Applying for Jobs. My overarching topic is name-based

discrimination in society, and my specific topic will be name-based discrimination when

applying for jobs. Hypothetically speaking, a name-based discrimination incident would occur

when an individual is denied equal opportunity for a job due to the name that is written on their

application/resume, or that is given during an interview. Name-based discrimination would

include denying an applicant with a cultural or provocative name that is different and unique in

society, or a name that is deemed unorthodox because it goes against social norms. My

motivation for choosing this topic is due to the fact that name-based discrimination is prevalent

in society; however, there is not much awareness or discussion regarding the topic. My project

will shed a light on laws concerning the issue, the people that are affected, and the underlying

factors that are involved. I plan to research how stereotypes, an employers upbringing, and their

definition of professionalism dictates their biases towards certain names when going through the

hiring process. Other driving a questions that will guide my research include the following: What

court cases are involved? What are some laws/polices that guide the hiring process to avoid

discrimination? What is being done to educate or inform the public of this issue?

In order to bring my topic to life, I will conduct a seminar at a conference room in a

public library. If I cant secure this location, I will have my seminar at a similar venue. I plan to

have an interview simulation in which I have my friends volunteer as applicants and employers.

They will perform a short skit showing a interview scenario and an application review process to

magnify how biases exist during the hiring process. Ideally, I would also like to include a real

employer who reviews job applications to come and speak. They would provide useful
information about what they look for and what policies their company has (if any) to try to

prevent the discrimination from occurring. If I werent able to get an employer, I would like to

include testimonials of individuals who believe that they were discriminated against because of

their name. In addition, I would like to include a guest speaker and advocate who is

knowledgeable on my topic that would educate the public and spark conversation.

My consultant who will guide me during this process is my ninth grade English teacher

and National English Honors Society advisor, Dr. Godfrey. He will be my mentor and a resource

in guiding me by providing useful insight. Meeting with Dr. Godfrey will help me formulate

possible ideas that could be incorporated in my project. I plan to have my seminar during some

time in the spring, though I do not know the exact date. The success of my project will be based

on if I was able to educate my audience on an issue they may have not been familiar with, while

promoting awareness. (this will be done through surveys completed by my audience at the

conclusion of the event) The materials I will use to execute my project include the following:

A script
A venue
A visual aid (powerpoint)
A speaker (professional)
Advertisements (posters)
Legal articles, the rule of law, case briefs (research)
A survey

During the process of planning and executing of completing my senior project, I

anticipate learning new skills while improving on the ones I already have. The new skills I will

obtain include the following:

Making professional phone calls and emails (arrangements)

Booking a venue
Networking with professionals
Planning an event
Making advertisements
Formulating a skit
Contacting vendors for food donations

The skills that I will enhance throughout this process include the following:

Staying organized throughout the entire process

Staying connected by communicating to my resources
Staying on schedule and using target dates to have specific tasks completed
Writing clear and precise ( having a well-written legal research paper)
Being original and creative when planning activities for my community event


My target audience will consist of teens, adults, and employers. The audience will be a

diverse set of people from different cultures, races, and backgrounds. The teens will benefit from

being at my project because many people apply for their first job in their teenage years. My

seminar would be important to them because it will provide insight of a problem that could affect

them, if it hasnt already. Adults would benefit from my project as much as the teenagers would.

While many adults already have a work history, they may be unaware of name-based

discrimination that might occur when employers read their resume. Therefore, the information

presented at my seminar would be useful to them. Lastly, employers would be impacted from my

project because it will give them a sense of how their biases may affect their decision-making

process. The audience needs this message as the first step to invoke change. I will ensure that I

have an appropriate audience by using the proper advertising techniques. I plan to advertise for
my event by making posters around my school. In addition, I will take the steps to advertise at

other high schools in Virginia Beach, through morning announcements or posters. Dr. Godfrey

and my church mentor will be a resource that will help me gain my audience. The teens from my

church will be invited, as well as my co-workers from Chick-fil-a.


Preliminary Construct an 6 Hours

Steps outline/organizer of the activities I
would like to include for my project
Research and contact
possible guest speakers that could
speak at the seminar (may include
professional emails and phone calls)
Plan a meeting with my
consultant to brainstorm more ideas
and get feedback, discuss venue
Find schools that are willing
to advertise my event
Begin working on skit
Ask Mrs. Phillips to reward
LSA community service hours for
students attending my event

Midway Steps Begin planning event, 6 Hours

contact vendors and guest speaker(s)
Have a completed agenda of
what is to occur at the seminar
Begin advertisements (make
flyers) possibly make
announcements at other schools
Begin inviting friends, co-
workers, and people in the
Finnish skit, plan practices
for volunteers after school
Start designs for t-shirts, get
sizes and send the order
Later Steps Print surveys for seminar 5 Hours
Contact professionals to
ensure they have what they need
Pass out t-shirts
Skit rehersal for volunteers
Continue meeting with my

Collect surveys for feedback 3 Hours

Follow up Thank audience and
Send out thank you letters to
consultant and guest speaker(s)
Give Mrs. Philips completed
hours of LSA students that attended

Total 20 Hours


I will document my projects steps and event through pictures, time logs, phone logs

videos, journals, and copies. (receipts, emails, flyers, and scripts)


This project is a quality project because it will challenge me and inform my community.

The whole process of planning my event and applying the resources I have is a new experience

for me. I will gain knowledge from doing research on a topic that has my interest, and also gain

life experience on how to organize my own event. The topic on name-based discrimination is one

that Im very passionate about and I will be able to execute my ideas to the best of my abilities.

My goal is to promote a change, and strive for growth. Completing my project will allow me to

reach my full potential.


The focus of my research paper is analyzing name-based discrimination during the

application/resume review process when considering an applicant. I will do this by dissecting

discrimination laws and policies and compiling information about employers hiring practices.

My project will convey what I have learned through conducting the seminar. My seminar will

summarize my research, raise awareness by starting the discussion, and include other viewpoints

on this issue. It is important for the community to be aware of my issue because it currently

exists in society. The more people who are informed, the closer we are to a step in the right



Academic honesty means that I will not (under any circumstances) plagiarize, receive

help, or use unauthorized collaboration when writing my paper. I will put forth my best effort

when writing my essay and completing my project.

-I understand that any academic dishonesty by me on any part of the project will result in failure

of the Senior Project and forfeiture of the Legal Studies Seal on my High School diploma.

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