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The Sun - The Creating Self p

The Sun is referred to as the star at the center of our solar system. It is a sphere, around which the Earth and the other planets
rotate in an elliptical orbit, which causes the distance between the two to vary. The Sun is enormous in relation to the planets,
approximately 700 times larger than all the planets put together. Although from the Earth, the Sun seems to cross above us
symmetrically from East to West every day, it only appears to be so. Following the Vernal Equinox the Sun moves to the North until
the 21st of June (in the Northern Hemisphere the day with the shortest night) when it reaches its climax in Cancer. It changes
directions turning south continuing past the autumnal equinox until reaching its turning point in Capricorn on the 22nd of December,
in the northern hemisphere the day with the longest night.

The Sun was naturally the first and most important celestial body to be observed by man and therefore plays an import role in
mythology. The Sun is personified by Apollo (in Greek mythology) and by Hellos (in Roman mythology). This god brought life energy,
enlightenment and healing. In Astrology the position of the Sun describes our personalities. People who are not yet well acquainted
with Astrology refer to themselves as Pisces if the Sun was in the sign Pisces at the time of their birth. Naturally, the Sun is a very
important part of the interpretation but it remains merely one factor among many. A well-placed Sun enables us to radiate

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