The Great Gatsby Party

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Great Gatsby Party

As a class, we will recreate a Gatsby party! In order to attend the party, you must choose one of the following
assignments below. If something has a * next to it, please turn this project in before your class period. On the
Conclusion page on the website please RSVP what you are planning to do for the party with your name by at
the bottom of the page.

Cook something that would have been served at the 1920s party: *
o You should also turn in the following:
A two paragraph (5-7 sentences) explanation on why you chose the dish you did, its
history in the 1920s and how it has evolved since
Create an alternate cover to the Great Gatsby:
o Your alternative cover should be in color and include the following:
A two paragraph (5-7 sentences) explanation on why you chose the design you did. How
does it reflect the major themes and events from the novel?
Include at least on quote from the novel in the design
Create an advertisement authentic to the 1920s.
o This can be a video, a drawing, or even a poster. Your advertisement should include the
A two paragraph (5-7 sentences) explanation on why you chose the produce, any
research you found and used to create your ad and how the as is authentic to the 1920s.
Dress like one of the main characters from the novel, or a VIP from the 1920s to the party:
o Write a two-sentence explanation on why you chose this person/character
o Write a two-paragraph (5-7 sentences per paragraph) biography of the VIP
o A two-paragraph (5-7 sentences per paragraph) character analysis if you chose a character. What
kind of person were they? What role do they play in the novel? Include at least two direct
quotes from the novel.
Design a Table Cloth: *
o Every party needs decorations, so create a table cloth that has at least fifteen quotes from either
the novel or the 1920s. It must include the following:
Each quote on a separate sheet of paper as well as being on the table cloth
Write a 2 sentences for each quote:
One to explain what the quote means to you
One to explain why you chose the quote.
Learn a dance or song from the Jazz Age:
o Play or show a video recording at the party. You should turn in the following:
The title of the song with lyrics (if applicable)
A two paragraph (5-7 sentences) explanation on why you chose the song, its history in
the Jazz Age and its importance of the Jazz Age in the 1920s
Write a one page essay on the following topics from the novel:
o Fitzgeralds use of color symbolism throughout the novel
o Fitzgeralds view on the American Dream
o Character Analysis of one of the major characters
If you would like to do something else come ask Miss. Rabideau or Mrs. Chavez for approval.
If you complete more than one of the task you may receive extra credit.
Great Gatsby Party
Due: Friday, April 14th, 2017
Name: ________________________Hour:____ Date:_____________
RSVP: ______/5 points
Writing Element: _____/20 points
Physical Project: _____/25 points
Extra Credit: +______
5 4 3 or below
RSVP Student RSVP online by Student RSVP online Student RSVP the day
the due date April 7th. after April 7th. before the party OR
did not RSVP
20 15 10 or below
Writing Writing Element is Writing Element is Writing Element is
Element complete with the proper missing a little in length, missing a huge chunk
length. The Writing but mostly details what of length and/or is
Element has few errors and their physical project is filled with mistakes.
describes their project well. about. There are minimal OR Writing Element
mistakes in the writing. was not turned in.
25 20 15 or below
Physical Physical project looks like Physical project is Physical project looks
Project there was time and thought missing a few key details thrown together last
put into the project. It and/ or a little rushed, minute and does not
looks nice and professional but still looks nice. meet all the criteria
and wasnt put together last OR Physical project
minute. wasnt turned in.

Total: _______/50 points


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