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Wew. recruitment .guru 3 ‘Question Baoklet Code —> ME : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, Duration: Three Hours Maxismam Marks: 100) end the following instructions carefully. 1. Do not open the seal of the Question Booklet until you are asked to do so by the invigilator. 2. Take out the Optical Response Shcet (ORS) from this Question Booklet without breaking the seal ‘and read the instructions printed on the ORS-carefully. Ifyou find that ether The Question Booklet Code prinied at the right hand top comer of this page docs not maich with the Question Booklet Code at the right hand top comer of the ORS or b. The Questian Paper Code preceding the Registration number on the ORS is not ME, thon exchange the booklet immediately with anew scaled Question Booklet. 3. On the right hand side of the ORS, using ONLY a black ink ballpoint pen, (i) darken the appropriate babble under cach digit of your registration number and (ii) write Your registration number, your name sand name of the examination centre and put your signature atthe specified location. 4. This Question Booklet contains 16 pazes including blank pages for rough work. After you are ‘Permitted to open the seal, check all pages and report discrepancies. if any. to the invigilator. 5. There are a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks. All these questions are of objective type. Each ‘question has only one correct answer. Questions must be answered on the left hand side of the ORS by darkening the appropriate bubble (marked A, B, C, D) using ONLY a black ink ballpoint pen ‘against the question number. For each question darken the bubble of the correct answer. More than one answer bubbled azainst a question will be treuted as an incorrect response. 6. Since bubbles darkened by the black ink ballpoint pen cannot be erased, candidates should darken the bubbles in the ORS very carefully. 7. Questions Q.1— Q.25 carry 1 mark each. Questions Q.26 — Q.5S carry 2 marks each. The 2 marks ‘questions include two pairs of common data questions and two pairs of linked answer questions. The answer to the second question of the linked answer questions depends on the answer to the first ‘question of the pair. Ifthe first question in the linked pair is wrongly answered or is not attempted, then the answer fo the second question in the pair will not be evaluated. 8. Questions Q.56 — Q.65 belong fo General Aptitude (GA) section and carry a total of 15 marks. ‘Questions Q.56— (60 camry 1 mark each, and questions Q61 — Q.65 carry marks each. 9. Questions not attempted will result in zero mack and wrong answers will result in NEGATIVE, marks, For all | mark questions, #% mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. For all 2 marks ‘questions, % mark will be deducted for cach wrong answer. However. in the case of the linked answer question pair there will be negative marks only for wrong answer to the first question and no negative marks for wrong answer to the second question, 10, Calculator is allowed whereas charts, graph sheets or tables are NOT allowed in the examination hall, 11. Rough work can be dane on the Question Booklet itself. Blank pages are provided at the end of the ‘Question Booklet for rough work. 12, Before the stamt of the examination, write your name and registration number in the space provided belowr using a black ink ballpoint pen. ‘Name Registration Number | ME seating ames: betereotienc cite deanok an neebes alae, thie ee Sec need for 3 Wew. recruitment .guru (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - ME Q.1 to Q.25 carry one mark each, Qu a2 a3 aa as au naw ‘The partial differential equation — + 1 —— = —— isa ee oe ae at (A) linear equation of order 2 ¢B) non-lincar equation of order 1 (C) linear equation of order 1 (D) non-linear equation of orster 2 ‘The eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix are all (Aycomples with non-zero pasitive imaginary part. (B) complex with non-zero negative imaginary part. (C) real. (D)pure imaginary. ‘Match the CORRECT pairs. P. Simpson's 2/8 Rule ondal Rule 'R. Simpson’s 173 Rule (AVP2.QLR3S — BYPS.QLR1 — C)/PAQARS — (D/P3.QU.R2 ‘Arrod of length J having uniform cross-sectional area A is subjected to a tensile force P as shown in the Figure below. If the Young's modulus of the matcrial varies linearly from £ to £, along the length of the rod, the normal stress developed at the section-SS is gE E: a — }-—+P 2 5 L wt Mo) ig) PE (m2 ‘ MEE.) AE, ra ‘Two threaded bolts A und B of same material and length are subjected wo identical tensile loud. IF the clastic strain energy stored in bolt A is + times that of bolt B and the mean diameter of bolt A is 12mm, the mean diameter of bolt B in mm is (ane (By 36 (D) 38 seating ames: betereotienc cite deanok an neebes alae, thie ee Sec need for Wew. recruitment .guru (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - ME Q6 ar Qa Qo Quo A linkOB is rotating with a constant angular velocity of 2 rad/s in counter clockwise direction and a block is sliding radially outward on it with an uniform velocity of 0.75 més with respect to the rod. as shown in the figure below. If A = 1 m, the magnitude of the absolute acceleration of the bblock at location A im mis" is, 3 By os (D6 For steady. fully developed flow inside a straight pipe of diameter 2, neglecting gravity effects, the pressuredrop Apovera length L and the wall shar stress ¢, are related by D D apt p22 mee we =e (0) 7,=2 aE aE 2L D ‘The pressure, dry bulb temperature and relative humility of air in a mom are 1 bar; 30°C and 70%, respectively. If the saturated steam pressure at 30°C is 4.25 kPa, the specific humidity of the room air in ky water vapourikg dry air ts cayonoss (Byo.101 (ons (D) 0.0232 Consider one-dimensional sicady state heat conduction, without heat generation, in a plane wall; ‘with boundary conditions as shown in the figure below. The conductivity of the wall is given by =k, +BY; where &, and b are positive constants, and T is temperature. 1, where, >T, ‘As x increases, the temperature gradient ( dT fdr ) will (Ayremain constant (Bye zero (©) increase (D) decrease In a rolling process. the slate of siress of the material undergoing deformation is (Aypure compression (B) pure shear (C) compression and shear (D) tension and shear ae seating ames: betereotienc cite deanok an neebes alae, thie ee Sec need for Wew. recruitment .guru (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - ME Quiz aus Quis aus Quy Quis Quo Match the CORRECT pairs. Processes ‘Characteristics / Applications sumable electrode |. Gas Metal Are Welding thick plates ‘R. Tungsten Inert Gas Welding | 3. Consumable electrode wire . Hlectroslag Welding 4. Joining of cylindrical dissimilar materials (AyP4.Q3,R1,82 (B)P4,Q2,R3,-1 ()P2.Q3. R451 (D)P-2, Q4. R153 A metric thread of pitch and thread angle 60° is inspected for its pitch diameter using 3-wire ‘method. The diameter of the best size wire in mum is (A086, «B) 1.000 (List (p) 2.000, Customers arrive ata ticket counter at a rate of $0 per hr and tickets are issued in the order of their arrival. The averaze time taken for issuing a ticket is I min. Assuming that customer arrivals form a Poisson process and service limes are exponcatially distributed, the average waifing time in queue a3 By os (6 In simple exponential smoothing forecasting. to give higher weightuze to recent demand information, the smoothing constant must be close to (Ar-1 Byzc0 (pos (p) Lo ‘A steel bar 200 mt in diameter is turned at a feed of 0.25 mmdrev with a depth of cut of 4mm. The rofational speed af the workpicce is 1600 rpm, The material removal rate in ams is (ay 160 4B) 167.6 (©) 1600 (D) 167s5 ‘A cube shaped casting solidifies in 5 min. The solidification time in min for a cube of the same ‘material, which is § times heavier than the original casting, will be ano (B)20 om (p)40 Fora ductile material, toughness is a measure of (A) resistance to scratching (B) ability to absoeb energy up to fracture (C)ability toabsoeb energy till elastic limit (D) resistance to indentation In order to have maximum power from 2 Pelion turbine, the bucket speed must be (A) equal tothe jet speed. (B) cqual to half ofthe jet speed. (C) equal to twice the jet speed. (D) independent of the jt speed. Consider one-dimensional stcady state heat conduction along x-axis (0 << £), through a plane wall with the boundary surfaces (x=0 and.r=) maintained at temperatures of O° C and 100°C. Heat is generated uniformly throughout the wall. Choos the CORRECT statement. (A) The direction of heat transfer will be trom the surface at 100°C to the surface at 0*C. (B) The maximum temperature inside the wall must be greater than 100°C. (C) The temperature distribution is linear within the wall (D) The temperature distribution is symmetric about the mid-plane ofthe wall ve seating ames: betereotienc cite deanok an neebes alae, thie ee Sec need for Wew. recruitment .guru 201s (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - ME Q20 A cylinder contains 5 a’ of an ideal gas at a pressure of | bar. This gas is compressed in a reversible isothermal process tll its pressure increases to S bar. The work in ky required for this process is (ayn (By 9532 (9817 (p) 1012.2 Q21 A long thin walled cylindrical shell, closed at both the ends, is subjected to an intemal pressure ‘The ratio of the hoop stress (ircumferential stress) to longitudinal stress developed in the shell is (ayos eyo ©20 (p40 Q22._Iftwo nodes are observed at a frequency of 1800 rpm during whirling of a simply supported long. slender rotating shaft, the first critical speed of the shaft in rpm is (ay200 «B) 450 (c) 600 () 990 Q23 A planar closed kincmatic chain is formed with rigid links PQ= 20m, QR=3.0.m, Ri 23m and 7m with all revolute joints. The link to be fixed to obtain a double rocker trocker- rocker} mechanism Es ayrg (B)OR rs (DSP Q.24 Let X bea normal random variable with mean 1 and variance 4. The probability P[X ‘The solution tothe diferenal equation “1 — £4 = 0 where Kis a constant, subjected to the boundary conditions 40)=0 and w(t) =e, is w «uf 22) } oa way © wo ‘The value of the definixe integral [sfx in(x) dx is seating ames: betereotienc cite deanok an neebes alae, thie ee Sec need for Wew. recruitment .guru 201s MECHANICAL ENGINFERING . ME Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 48 and 49: [A single riveted lap joint of two similar plates as shown in the figure below has the following gcometrical ‘und material details, ULL URS SS width of the plate w 200 mm, thickness of the plate 1 = 5 ma, niimber of rivets n = 3, diameter of the | mm, allowable tensile stress.of the plate 6, = 200 MPa, allowable shear stress.of the rivet 6, ~ 100 AfPa and allowable bearing stress of the rivet ¢. = [50 MPa 48 therivets ure to be designed to avoid crushing faiture, the maximum permissible load P in kN is (aytso «B) 15.00 (C250 (p) 30.00 (Q49 Efthe plates are to be designed to avoid tearing failure, the maximum permissible load P in kN is cays (B) 125 (167 (D) 501 ‘Common Data for Questions $0 and $1: Water (specific heal, cy = 4.18 AifkcK) enters a pipe al a rate of (.01 kx/s and a temperature of 20°C. The pipe, of diameter 50 mum and length 3 m, is subjected to 2 wall eat flux. qf in Wini"> Q.50 IF gi= 2500, where x is in m and in the direction of flow (x= 0 at the inlet), the bulk mean temperstare of the water leaving the pipe in °C is (ayaa (B)62 «74 (D) 104 Q51 If ¢= 5000 and the convection heat transfer coefficient at the pipe outlet ix 1000 Wn", the temperature in °C at the inner surface of the pipe at the outlet is (ay7l «By 76 won (p81 MEX Toe age arte ras eanis Pian Ebecees betenwettece ck Setal-one; Thia fer Wew. recruitment .guru 2013 (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - ME Linked Answer Questions Statement for Linked Answer Questions 52 and $3: In orthogonal turning of a bar of 100 2mm diametcr with a feed of 0.25 mmn/rev, depth of cut of 4 mm and cutting velocity af 90 min, itis observed that the main (tangential) cutting force is perpendicular to the friction force acting al the chip-too! interface. The main (tangential) cutting force is 1500 N. Q52._ The orthogonal rake angle of the cutting tool in degree is (Ayzera 1B) 3.56 ©s (0) 53. The normal force acting at the chip-tool interface in Nis 44) 1000, «By 1500 (c)2000 (D) 2500 Statement for Linked Answer Questions $4 and 55: In a simple Brayton cycle, the pressure ratio is 8 and lemperatures af the entrance of compressor and turbine are 300 X and 1400 X, respectively. Both compressor and gas turbine have isentropic efficiencies equal to 0.8. For the gas, assume a constant valtc of c (specific heat at constant pressure} equal to | kl/ceK and ratio of specific heats as 1 4. Neglect chanzes in kinctic and potential energies. Q.54 The power required by the compressor in kIW/hg of gas flow mite is (Ay 194.7 «By 2434 (3043 (D) 3785 Q55._ The thermal efficiency of the eyclein percentage (%) ix tayras (By 386 Hs (ps3 MEA Te seating ames: betereotienc cite deanok an neebes alae, thie ee Sec need for Wew. recruitment .guru 2013 (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - ME General Aptitude (GA) Questions Q.56 to Q.60 carry one mark each. Q56 Complete the sentence: Universalism is to particularism as diffueness isto : (A) specificity «By neutrality (©) generality (D) adaptation Q57 Were you bind, you inthe sky. (Ay would fy «By shall fly (C) should thy (D) shall have flown Q.58 Which one ofthe following options is the elosest in meaning to the word given below? Nadir (Ay Highest (By Lowest (C) Medium (D) Integration Q59. Choose the grammatically INCORRECT sentence: (A) He is of Asian origin (B) They belonged to Africa. (C) She is an European. (D) They migrated from India to Australia. Q.60, What will be the maximum sum of 44,42, 40,....7 caysoz «By 504 (©) 508 (D) 500 Q. 61 to Q. 65 carry two marks each. Q661 Out of all the 2-digit integers between 1 and 100, a 2-digit number has to be selected at random. "What isthe probability that the selected number is not divisible by 7? (Ay 1390 «By 1290, (c) 7890 (D) 790 Q62 A tourist covers half of his journey by train at 60 kmh, half of the remainder by bus at 30 kmh and the rest by cycle at 10 kivh. The averaze speed of the tourist in kmvh during his entire journey is (ay36 30 ox (p18 Q.63._ Find the sum of the expressi iw wy (p) 10 Q.4 The current erection cost of a structure is Rx. 13.200. Ifthe labour wages per day increase by 1/S of the current wages and the working hours decrease by 1/24 of the current period. then the new cost of ereetion in Rs. is (A) 16,500 (By 15,180, (©) 11.900 (D) 10,120 MEA me seating ames: betereotienc cite deanok an neebes alae, thie ee Sec need for Wew. recruitment .guru 201s (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - ME Q65._ After several defeats in wars, Robert Bruce went in exile and wanted to commit suicide. Just before commiting suicide, he came across a spider attempting tirclessly to have its.nct. Time and again, the spider failed but that did not deter i to refrain from making attempts. Such attempts by the spider made Bruce curious. Thus, Bruce started observing the near-impossible znal of the spider to have the net. Ultimately, the spider succeeded in having its net despite several failures. Such act of the spider encouraged Bruce not to commit suicide. And then, Bruce went back again and won ‘many abatile, and the rest is history. ‘Which of the following assertions is best supported hy the above information? (A) Failure is the pillar of success. (B) Honesty is the best policy (C) Life bezins and ends with adventures. (D)No adversity justifies giving up hope. END OF THE QUESTION PAPER MEA coy seating ames: betereotienc cite deanok an neebes alae, thie ee Sec need for Wew. recruitment .guru 2013 (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - ME Space for Rough Work MEA me seating ames: betereotienc cite deanok an neebes alae, thie ee Sec need for Wew. recruitment .guru 2013 (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - ME Space for Rough Work MEA se seating ames: betereotienc cite deanok an neebes alae, thie ee Sec need for Wew. recruitment .guru 2013 (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - ME Space for Rough Work MEA Tee seating ames: betereotienc cite deanok an neebes alae, thie ee Sec need for Www. ‘GATE 2013 : Answer keys for ME - Mechanical Engineering ORS cade A ORS code B ORS Cada G ORS Cade D Key(syvalue(s) Key(syvalue(s) Key(syvalue(s) Key(syvalue(s) me | + D c D ME D ME Marks to All ME ME ME ME ME ME ol>lalol>lola olel>lol>lolo ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME. ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME. 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