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The Age of Imperialism

A) Front Page- Jennifer

British Imperialism in Egypt
Egyptians experienced extreme hardship and suffocation of liberties under the British.
The political structures and economies were taken over by the military. Although Egypt was still
under Ottoman rulers like the khedives, they were only there as a facade to show that somehow
they had a kind of control over Egypt, but that was not true. During the American civil war as the
great depression hit leaving the economy worse than ever, Egypt started the growth of cotton, but
at this time Egypt had also borrowed a great amount of money from Britain to improve
themselves and as they were making money they had to pay back the british with all they would
get sadly leaving them in poverty still. This lead to the British taking complete control over their
money, leaving them defenseless against the British.
Britain had complete rule over them and there was nothing for the egyptians to do about
it. This controlling also lead to many social and political structures to deteriorate. For example
egypt's once strong and powerful military now had no purpose to it. The children of Egypt had to
begin to adapt to the British ways of learning because they were the ones in charge now. They
were taking over their way of life. For two months in the spring of 1919, students, peasants, the
urban poor, civil servants and others protested across Egypt, disrupting railroad lines and
creating upheaval because they did not like the British ruling. The Egyptian government went
through many political fluxes as political parties such as the Wafd and Muslim Brotherhood vied
for power during the years after World War I and through World War II.

B) National News page- Johnny -

National News- Black lives dont matter!
Breaking news, the Southern states have now adopted Jim Crow laws that limit the rights
of African Americans and many other people of color. The laws have been enforced in the
southern states were people of color really dont matter. These southern states consist of texas,
delaware, maryland, and etc. These laws are made to protect the superior race, which is
obviously the whites.

The Jim Crow Laws were laws passed by Americans to legally discriminate against the
African Americans and make them inferior, as we all know these laws are active as of 1890 and
we shall keep them active. These laws prohibit the liberty of the Africans Americans and put
them in their place because they should not be able to exercise their constitutional rights. These
laws are crucial because we need to differentiate the supreme race, the colored people have no
rights to take away our resources and our space. They lack the capacity to understand us and can
simply follow orders. These laws help to reinforce segregation needed in societies between
blacks and whites. We cannot permit these colored people to revoke our schools, busses, and all
other public resources they are only given to the white ,civilized, and educated people.

C) Editorial page- Esme

The Spanish-American War

The Spanish-American War was a four month War between the United States and Spain.
Spain declared war on the United States on April 24, followed by a U.S. declaration of war on
the 25th. The war that started in 1898 between the United States and Spain was a result of a three
year fighting by Cubans to gain independence from Spanish colonial rule. From 18951898, the
violent conflict occurring in Cuba captured the attention of Americans because of the economic
and political instability that it produced in a region within such close geographical proximity to
the United States. America decides to do into war against Spain to be able to free cuba from
spanish domination. But going into war provided the united states an opportunity to seize
overseas possession and will be able to build an american empire.
Following its declaration of war against Spain the United States added the Teller Amendment,
asserting that it would not attempt to take over Cuba. But two days later Commodore George
Dewey sailed from Hong Kong with Emilio Aguinaldo on board. Fighting began in the
Philippines Island at the Battle of Manila Bay. Its reported that Commodore George Dewey
stated, You may fire when ready, Gridley. However, Dewey did not have enough power to
capture Manila so Aguinaldo's guerrillas maintained their operations until 15,000 U.S. troops
arrived near the end of July. The cruiser Charleston stopped at Guam and accepted its surrender
from its Spanish governor who was unaware of the war.
The war actually began on June for the U.S. in Cuba when the Marines captured Guantnamo
Bay and 17,000 troops landed at Siboney and Daiquir, east of Santiago de Cuba. The Spanish
troops stationed on the island included 150,000 regulars and 40,000 irregulars and volunteers.
While rebels stationed inside Cuba numbered as many as 50,000. On June 22, U.S. troops landed
at Daiquiri where they were joined by Calixto Garca and about 5,000 revolutionaries. On July
1, 1898, U.S. troops attacked the San Juan heights. Dismounted troopers, which including the
African-American and the Rough Riders, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt went up against Kettle Hill.While the forces led by Brigadier General Jacob Kent
charged up San Juan Hill and pushed Spanish troops further inland while inflicting 1,700
casualties. The Spaniards agreed to the unconditional surrender of the 23,500 troops around the
city by July 16. A few days later, Major General Nelson Miles sailed from Guantnamo to Puerto
Rico. His forces landed near Ponce and marched to San Juan with virtually no opposition.
On December 10, 1898 representatives of Spain and the United States to sign a peace treaty
in Paris, it established the independence of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Guam to the United States,
and allow the victorious power to purchase the Philippines Islands from Spain for $20 million.
The war cost the United States 250 million dollars and 3,000 lives, 90 percent died perished from
infectious diseases.

D) Human Interest Page- Bryan

William McKinley- He was the 25th president of the United State who was assassinated on
September 6, 1901 but died on september 14. He became the third president to be assassinated.
The day before his death he seemed to be recovering but died the next morning. His final
moments were spent with his wife in the hospital where he told everyone that there was no point
in wasting time trying to save him. At the time the disease he had , pancreatic necrosis, is
difficult to treat today so it was nearly impossible during his time. The bullet wounds only made
it more difficult for him to survive as he had a disease, was overweight, and lacked exercise .
Although William

President McKinley Assassinated

There is a lot of people in this world. Some are good while others are bad. There are
many bad men in this world who ruin lives of others who may be good. So is the case and loss of
William McKinley, who was born on January 29, 1843 and was also the 25th President of the
United States that was assassinated. We have seen this before in history and hoped we would
never see again but we did as he is the 3rd president to be assassinated. This is such a tragedy as
we lost another president who was only 6 months into his second term in office. The people of
the United States had to experience the death of the last President to serve in the Civil War. He
did a lot while in office such as lead the nation to victory in the Spanish-American War. Another
achievement was raise protective tariffs to promote the american Industry. In addition, he
maintained the nation on the gold standard in a rejection of inflationary proposals. In his life he
did a lot for his country. Like stated before he served in the civil war where he initially started as
a private in the Union Army and ended as a Brevet Major. After the War he practiced law in Ohio
and married Ida Saxton. Later in 1876 he was elected into Congress. In 1891 and 1893 he was
elected Governor of Ohio. Finally he became President and unfortunately also ended his career
and life. In his final speech , he urged reciprocity treaties with other nations to assure American
manufacturers access to foreign markets. He wanted to let the people know his plans for his
second term.
Little did he know that his assassin was attending the speech and attempted to kill him
but doubted himself. However, the assassin was ready to kill him so he waited the next day at
The Temple of Music where the president was going to meet and upon his arrival and a clear
vision he fired and hit the president twice in the abdomen. Despite being shot twice he was not
dead and rushed to seek medical attention. He did not want to panic his wife so he requested that
his aides to break the news gently to her. He was taken to the Exposition aid station where the
doctor successfully removed one bullet but was unable to locate the second one. Despite having
access to a privative x ray machine , it was not used. In addition to his fatal wounds he also
suffered from pancreatic necrosis which is nearly impossible to treat with our current technology.
He was also overweight and lacked exercise. He was later taken into the Milburn House.
McKinley appeared to be improving a fews days after the shooting. Doctors issued optimistic
bulletins and members of the cabinet who rushed to his location dispersed. The doctors unaware ,
William had gangrene growing on the walls of his stomach was slowly poisoning his blood. On
september 13 his family members and friends gathered around his bed now ot knowing that he
took a turn for the worse. He told his family that there was no point in saving him and to rest
easy. The next day at 2:15 a.m. President William McKinley died. After his death the nation
experienced a genuine wave of grief as the news of his death was spread. The stock market
suffered a steep decline . The nation was focused on the casket which traveled by train and
carried the president's body. Thousand of people gathered around the casket as it stopped by
cities from Washington to Caton. Many people waited to see the casket and paid their final
respects despite many waiting several hours in the rain. He is a very important and helpful man
who sadly was taken from this world. Let him rest in peace and never forgotten and always
remembered. He was an honorable soldier and an even better President. Only God knows what
awaits us as a nation. Let us give a moment of silence and pay him his last respects and hope that
his wife will be strong.

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