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El Camino College Compton Educational Center

Division: one
Nutrition and Foods 11 Course Syllabus, Spring 2017
Welcome to Nutrition and Foods 11, Course code: 9627
Units: 3 (UC, CSU)
Instructor: Valerie Henderson, MS
Class Location: Able Sykes T Cdc Room 8
Class Time/Day: Monday & Wednesday
Lecture: 8:00 9:25 AM
Contact E-mail Address:
Email: or

El Camino College Mission Statement - El Camino College offers quality, comprehensive educational
programs and services to ensure the educational success of students from our diverse community.
Books required: Nutrition for Healthy Living with Connect Access Card 4h edition, by Wendy J Schiff. Mc
Graw- Hill Education, ISBN-10 1259621243 and ISBN-13 978-1259621246

Course description:
This course is an introduction to the basic principles of nutrition as they relate to the health and
physical wellness of individuals. The topics covered include macronutrients, micronutrients, diet and health,
weight management, dietary analysis, current nutrition trends, food safety, and physical fitness.

Course prerequisites: English A

Course Objectives

In an effort to attain the course goals, students should be able to:

.1. Examine the psychological, social and cultural factors that influence eating, behavior and food choices.

2. Compare and contrast nutrients, their sources from food, and their functions in the body.

3. Explain the role of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water in a healthy diet.

4. Evaluate the factors that affects normal growth and development at each stage of the life cycle

5. Perform dietary analysis to include assessment of nutritional status and appropriate strategies to affect nutritional
deficiencies and/or excesses.

6. Explain the basic principles of food safety.

7. Assess the relationship between diet and disease

8. Perform a 3- day dietary analysis assignment

Assessment activities: The following activities will be used to assess mastery of student learning `
Lecture (power point, chalk board).
Homework exercises, writing assignments
Audio-Visual films.
Use of current periodicals and articles.
Preparing lecture notes and distributing them by e-mail individually.
Class discussions
Performance/Objective Exams
Problem based, critical thinking short descriptive questions

SLO Statement:
1. Students will be able to identify basic nutritional issues behind major diseases.
2. Students will be able to understand their role in nutrition as it pertains to their specific career.

Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Students will be able to understand the 6 classes of nutrients and how they undergo digestion, absorption and
excretion for proper body functioning.
2. Students will be able to explain how diseases and disorders occur due to malabsorption, macro/ micro-
nutrient deficiencies or genetic mutations.
3. Students will be able to learn nutrition as a science and how it incorporates learning about chemistry.

Evaluation Criteria:
A. Objective questions will test the understanding and memorization of basic nutrition, human
physiology and chemistry
B. Problem solving, and analytical questions will test the mastery of the subject and how the students
will apply this knowledge to solve problems.

There will be 4 lecture examinations. Exam format will be multiple-choice, true/false; completion,
matching, critical thinking/short answer questions. Questions will be taken from lectures, reading
reports, Smartbook, homework problems and announced/unannounced quizzes. All the assignments
must be submitted IN CLASS on due date and late submission will be accepted with 50%-point value.
Makeup examinations are NOT allowed unless supported with proper documentation. You MUST take
the exams as scheduled. If you miss it, you will not receive points for that test/exam. If you must be
absent for some unavoidable reason, provide evidence and you may be allowed to take the missed exam
but it wouldnt be the same. The missed exam must be taken within a week of the original exam is

Grading scale & procedures:

There are 4 lecture exams total of 400 points. The rest 200 points are assigned for assignments (150
points), quizzes (50 points)
Exam 1: 100 pts
Exam 2: 100 pts Quizzes: 25 pts (10-10-5)- Will be announced in class
Exam 3: 100 pts Assignments:100pts.
Exam 4: 100 pts
Total Points: 525 pts

Activities that are incomplete before the exam will not be included in the final grade. Its best to do these
assignments before/after each lecture to make sure you understand the material.

Grading category:
A - 90 to 100% 540 to 600 pts
B - 80 to 89% 480 to 539 pts
C - 70 to 79% 420 to 479 pts
D - 60 to 69% 360 to 419 pts
F - Below 60% 359 pts and below

Review of grades: Grades will be given to the students ASAP and the results reviewed as needed. Its students
responsibility to bring any inaccuracies to Instructors notice. During the reviews on the quizzes and
exams no cell phones, recorders, laptops or any recording devices should be used. The review on the
exams taken will be facilitated according to the availability of the time in class or office hours.

Attendance Policy:

1. Attendance at first class

Students who enroll in class but do not attend the first scheduled class meeting may be dropped from the
roster. A student who registers for a class and never attends is still responsible for dropping the class.

2. Attendance without official enrollment

Students will not be permitted to attend classes in which they are not enrolled.

3. Attendance during semester

Student may be dropped from class when the number of hours absent exceeds the number of units
assigned to the course. This rule also applies to excessive absences due to illness or medical treatment. A
student may be dropped from class when the number of hours absent exceeds the number of units
assigned to the course. If your absences and tardiness exceed the unit value of the course, you can be
dropped. This rule also applies to excessive absences due to illness or medical treatment. If you do not
appear to the class, its your responsibility to be dropped from the class and if you dont then you
are obliged to get F in your grade. Therefore, you ought to be attending lectures and laboratory
sessions. If you must be absent for some unavoidable reason, please leave e-mail message beforehand.
Any day missed classes during finding unknowns will reduce your full credit.
Punctual and regular attendance is essential in this course. Attendance will be taken at the beginning, at the end or
at any time of the class the quizzes will be administered. Any class session missed always reduces your
opportunity for learning and usually has an adverse effect on any students grade earned in this course. It will be
difficult for you to catch up especially if you miss ANY exercises in class.

Quizzes: Quizzes will be given any time at the beginning, at middle or at the end of the class without any prior
notice. No make-up quizzes will be given quiz questions will cover information from the proceeding
lectures, handouts, presentations and reading assignments. If you arrive after the quiz or miss the quiz you
will not permitted to take that quiz. The purpose of these quizzes is to encourage you to keep up with the

material in the class. I really do want each of you to learn as much as you can and to earn the best grade
Conduct - El Camino College student must conform to the Laws of the State of California, District policies, and campus
rules, and regulations. The El Camino College faculty, staff, and administration are dedicated to maintaining an
optimal learning environment; the standards of behavior as outlined in this policy are essential to the maintenance of
a quality college environment. These standards will apply to all students on campus, other college property or while
attending any college-sponsored event. Violation of such laws, policies, rules and regulations, or behavior adversely
affecting suitability as a student will lead to disciplinary action.

Class language Students use the course language only in a class to equally share the content of the subject

Children in Classrooms

Children are not permitted in classrooms while class is in session. Attendance in class is limited to
officially enrolled students and authorized visitors or guests. In addition, students must not allow children
to be left unsupervised or unattended anywhere on campus.

Examples of Classroom misconduct

1. Dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism or knowingly furnishing false information
to the College.
2. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of college documents, records, or identification.
3. Violation of college policies or off -campus regulations, including but not limited to campus regulations
concerning student organizations, the use of college facilities, or time, place, and manner of public
4. Continued disruptive behavior, continued willful disobedience, profanity or vulgarity, or continued
defiance of the authority of, or abuse of, college personnel or to anyone on campus.
5. Willful misconduct which results in injury or death to a student or college personnel.
6. Assault, battery, sex crimes including sexual assault or rape, or any threat of force or violence upon a
student or college personnel.
7. Sexual harassment which includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other
verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
8. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other
authorized college activities including but not limited to its
9. Community service functions or to authorized activities held off campus. Obstruction or disruption
includes but is not limited to the use of skateboards, bicycles, radios, and roller skates.
10. Unauthorized entry to or use of college facilities, equipment or supplies.
11. Theft or deliberate damage to property of a college staff member, a student, or a visitor to the college
including but not limited to the Library, Bookstore, and Food Service areas.
12. Defacing or damaging any college real or personal property.
13. Failure to comply with the directions of a member of the college certificated personnel, college
management or supervisor personnel, or campus police acting within the scope of his or her duties.

Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary action appropriate to the misconduct as defined above may be taken by an instructor the
Dean of Student Services or his or her designee and the Board of Trustees. Misconduct should be
brought to the immediate attention of the Campus Police, or local police department/security force for
courses taught off campus.
Removal by Instructor In addition to an instructors right to drop a student
Permanently from a class when the student is no longer participating i.e. lack of attendance in the course, an
instructor may remove (suspend) a student from his or her class for the day of the incident and the next class
meeting. During this period of removal, a conference should be held with the instructor and the student to
attempt to resolve the situation that led to the students removal and the student shall not be returned to the
class from which he or she was removed without the concurrence of the instructor of the class.
1. If a student is suspended for one class meeting, no additional formal disciplinary procedures are
2. If a student is suspended from class for the day of the incident and the next class meeting, the instructor
shall send a written report of the action to his or her dean who shall forward this information to the Dean
of Student Services, the Provost. If the student removed by an instructor is a minor, the Presidents
designee (Dean of Student Services) shall ask a parent or guardian of the student to attend a parent
conference regarding the removal as soon as possible. If the instructor or the parent or guardian so
requests, a college administrator shall attend the conference.
3. The instructor may recommend to his or her dean that a student be suspended for longer than two class
meetings. If the dean, instructor and student cannot resolve the problem, the suspension will be referred
to the President or the Presidents designee.
4. During the period following the initial suspension from class for the day of the incident and the
following class meeting, the student shall be allowed to return to the class until due process and the
disciplinary procedures are completed unless the student is further suspended as a result of actions.

Cheating or Plagiarism Policy

This policy applies to all forms of dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism or
knowingly furnishing false information to the college.

Consequences for cheating or Plagiarism

Given alleged violation of the Standards of Conduct, any or all of the following actions may be imposed:
1. When there is evidence of cheating or plagiarism in classroom work, students may receive an F for
that piece of work or may be suspended from all classes for that term and the following term if
deemed appropriate.
2. The instructor may assign a failing grade to the examination or assignment in which the alleged
cheating or plagiarism occurred. This action is based on information that the instructor had.
3. The instructor may dismiss the student from the class or activity for the present and/or following
class session(s)
4. The instructor may recommend suspension or expulsion of the student from the college as stipulated
in BP5138, Section IIB6 and 8. This recommendation must be in accordance with El Camino
Colleges Due Process and Disciplinary Procedures.
5. The instructor will complete the Academic Dishonesty Report Form and submit it to the Academic
Affairs Office.

Examples of Cheating or plagiarism

1. Representing the words, ideas or work of another as ones own in any academic exercise
(plagiarism), including the use of commercial term paper companies;
2. Copying or allowing another student to copy from ones paper or answer sheet during an
3. Allowing another individual to assume ones identity for the purpose of enhancing ones grade in
any of the following: testing, field trips or attendance;
4. Falsifying or attempting to falsify attendance records and/or grade rosters;
5. Changing answers on a previously scored test, assignment or experiment with the intent to defraud;
6. Inventing data for the purpose of completing a laboratory experiment or case study analysis with
the intent to defraud;
7. Giving and/or taking information during an examination by any means such as sign language, hand
signals or secret codes;
8. Obtaining copies of notes, exams or exam questions by any means other than distribution from the
instructor. (This includes copying and removing exam questions from the classroom for any
9. Using study aids such as calculators, tape recorders or notes that have been specifically prohibited
by the instructor.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to
contact the Special Resource Center located in room F-10 as soon as possible to better ensure such
accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. Also, please contact the instructor privately to
discuss your specific needs.

Syllabus Disclaimer
Information contained in this syllabus is, to the best knowledge of this instructor, considered correct and complete
when distributed to the student. The instructor reserves the right, acting within policies and procedures of El
Camino College, to make necessary changes in course content or instructional techniques without prior notice or
obligation to the student. However, students will be notified ahead of time if and when any changes are
made to the course requirements, schedule, or policies.

Policy regarding audio taping of lectures: You may be able to record lectures after obtaining permission if the
request is reasonable.

Note: Schedule is subject to changes throughout semester

Date/Week Course Material Exam Homework Assignment
2/13-3/6 Chapter 1-4 Exam #1- 3/8 (Wednesday)
3/13-3/29 Chapter 5-7 Exam #2- 4/3 (Monday)
4/5 & 4/17- Chapter 8&9 Exam #3 5/1 (Monday) Dietary Analysis Due 4/19 (Friday)
4/26 After Spring Break
5/3- 5/31 Chapter 10-13 Final Exam- 6/6 (Monday) Homework Packet Due 5/10 (Monday)
April 8- April 14- SPRING BREAK

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