Pre-Task Reflection: Teacher: Backlin Subject: Spanish 2A Grade: 10-11

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Teacher: Backlin Subject: Spanish 2A Grade: 10-11
What I envisioned the students to be doing during the task What I envisioned myself to be doing during the task
Using previously learned vocabulary, students will put I envisioned myself to be assisting students as they needed
together a brief statement of what they are wearing for and providing retroactive help and tutoring for students
the class. (differentiation)

What the students actually did during the task What I actually ended up doing during the task
In the past, students have not taken advantage of the time I helped students with simple concepts like gender
to plan and brush up on their vocabulary; the resulting agreement, subject/verb agreement, and did not have
product was... muddled. many students request assistance about anything.

1. Have you written & used this task before?
a. If NO, go on to question 2.
b. If YES, did you get the results you wanted? (YES/NO) NO

If YES, select a different task
If NO, what did you notice students didnt understand &/or werent able to do ?
(Identify the problem)
Students had difficulty recalling basic principles from previous Spanish classes and were reluctant to seek out

2. Is this a new task under development? (YES/NO) NO

3. Do you plan to use this task again? (YES/NO) YES
If NO, select a different task

4. Are you open to having the task critiqued? (YES/NO) ABSOLUTELY NOT Yes
If NO, select a different task

5. Are you interested in changing the task? (YES/NO) YUPPERS
If NO, select a different task

6. What IA Core concept/standard or state/national standard is the task primarily addressing?

1-3 Student present oral and written information on a variety of topics.

7. What is the big idea, enduring understanding, or concept central to the discipline that is connected to the above

Review of previously learned materials (vocabulary, grammar) within a presentational format (oral proficiency).

8. Is there a particular AIW Standard(s) that you are most interested in meeting at a high level? (YES/NO) NO
If NO, go to question 10
If YES, go to question 9

9. What AIW Standard(s) does the task focus on? (Construction of Knowledge, Elaborated Communication, &/or
Value Beyond School)
* Consider the task at is relates to each standard to ensure it is a good fit for review

Elaborated Communication

*10. How are students using technology within the task to construct knowledge, express & support conclusions,
and understand situations in the world beyond school?
THey are not currently, though I am planning on video taping the show so that my HIspanic friends can have a good chuckle.
11. Would you like the whole task scored or are there certain parts that you want scored?

Whole thang, por favor.

12. Provide a brief description of the task (What does the task ask students to do?)

In this task, students will use newer vocabulary in concert with previously learned task to briefly describe in as much
detail as possible the clothing they are wearing.

13. What type of feedback are you most interested in as it related to this standard(s) and assignment?
* Think about the problem that you identified in question 1

Any and all feedback is welcomed. The task as it exists now is rubbish and I had been planning to
discontinue it. We'll see what happens after we put it through the AIW wringer.

REMINDER: Bring any supporting documents that will assist students in completing these tasks such as
rubrics, additional handouts, graphic organizers, etc.

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