Required Elements: General Information

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Rubric : Espaol IIB - Obra Escrita Final

Accents/ Usage/ Required

Spelling Flow
Punctuation Grammar Elements

0-2 Missed, Meaning No errors - Few minor Reads smoothly and

20 0-3 Errors
not affected. errors. continuously.
All Six Present Required Elements
1. Minimum 100 Words.
2. Present Tense (Indica8ve)
Several minor errors,
14 8 Errors
4-5 Missed, Some
One or fewer large
Reads smoothly, but a
Five of Six 3. Preterite Tense (Indica8ve)
meaning affected. bit choppy at times.
errors. Meaning intact. 4. Imperfect Tense (Indica8ve)
5. Impera8ve Mood (Commands)
6. Present Subjunc8ve
8-10 Missed, Meaning Many minor errors, Few Choppy, but
10 12 Errors affected but
understanding intact.
large errors. Meaning
slightly affected.
understandable - The
point still gets across.
Four of Six

Several large errors, Very rough - Unclear

12-15 Missed, Meaning
Many small errors. who is doing what,
affected, but
6 15 Errors
understandable by
Meaning only
understandable by
point might be
understood by
Two of Six
sympathetic reader.
sympathetic reader. sympathetic reader.

Reads like a random None of the six

20+ Errors or Not 20+ Missed or Not Many large errors or series of words glued required elements
0 handed in. handed in. Not handed in. together or Not handed present or Not handed
in. in.

General Information
1. A cohesive writing about a topic of your choosing. (Can be a story, a commercial, a dialogue,
a song, whatever you'd like.) - Minimum 100 Words.

2. Writing must contain examples of present, preterite, imperfect, the imperative mood
(commands), and the present subjunctive.
Story Due:
You will be graded on your correct usage of the five required elements.
Total Points: Date By the end
100 You will be given several class days to compose this story. This work is to be completed in of class.
class during the time given.
You will be assessed on your use of spelling, accents and punctuation, and grammar.

NOTE: If your story only contains only one instance of the required elements in #2 above, be
absolutely certain that you have used them correctly!

3. This story is to be submitted to your Drive folder no later than the date given at right.

PLEASE NOTE: If you simply copy-and-paste this assignment from Google Translate or some other internet translation
device; 1) I WILL KNOW, and 2) I will fail you on this assignment. I have been reading your writing all year, and I know
what your Spanish writing style looks like. If you net translate, you will fail. DO NOT DO IT.

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