Al Quaeda On Kashmir

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4. My Muslim brothers from the Subcontinent,
5. Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.
6. The Messenger of Allah has said,

8. The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection, fellow-feeling is
that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches, because of
sleeplessness and fever.
9. And he has said,
11. A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he
hand him over to an oppressor.
12. In just a few days, the Indian occupation force has martyred over 60 Muslims, injured
thousands of Muslims, and shoved countless Muslims into prisons. Screams and shouts of
mothers, sisters, and elders have wounded every Muslims heart. This long journey of
sacrifice for the love of the Islam and for freedom from the polytheists, Hindus, is
proof that the Kashmiri nation is alive and full of faith. Their dignity of faith is
not dead. The Indian oppression has not been able to crush their conscience. Likewise,
treason and betrayal within our own ranks have not succeeded in breaking its ties with
Islam and jihad.
13. If anyone offered it any cooperation, they offered it after proclaiming [Kashmir] to be
the jugular vein, and then assuring to help and support; and thenright in the middle
of the journeythey forsake it, and left it on its own. Still, the Kashmiriswithout
worrying about otherscontinued to stay firm in the face of cruelty, continued to march
forward by offering one sacrifice after another. Refusing slavery of Kufr, and
categorically accepting the kingship of Allah Alone has been their legacy. In the
spirit of Come what may/ La ilaha illa Allah, we shall say they have retreated not
one bit. May Allah accept this dignity of faith from them; and make it an example to be
emulated. May Allah guide the leadership that keep it standing against Kufr. Aameen.
14. With regard to the martyrs, we offer our condolences to our Kashmiri brothers and their
leaders. The purpose of this message though, is not merely to condole, not merely to
express sorrow, not merely to make a superficial show of solidarity and sympathy. The
purpose is not to show them the way of presenting demands and resolutions to the putrid
dead body called conscience of international community either. What we want is to help
heal the wounds of our Kashmiri brothers. The purpose is to call the Muslim Ummah to be
concerned about, and to take action in support of the Muslims of Kashmir.
15. Respected brothers,
16. In this painful situation, the critical issue is to identify the path; to identify who
is friend, and who is foe. If we successfully carry out this first step, then we would
truly have heartened this oppressed nation. That is what would really amount as
dressing their wounds. However if we continue to wander in mazes ourselves, and mislead
our brothers; continue to consider robbers and looters, guides and saviors; continue to
consider mirages, destinations and objectivesas what happened in the pastthen there
would not be any greater injustice on our part towards the oppressed Kashmiri people.
17. My dear Kashmiri brothers, young men full of dignity of faith.,
18. Is it not time that we say goodbye to those who have asserted sympathy and well-wishes,
and yet want the Kashmir dispute to remain a dispute. Whether they be Satans
parliament in the form of the United Nations, or traitors of the ummah in the form of
the Pakistani military and government, the issue of oppressed Kashmiris is no more than
a dirty game, and an ugly trade for these immoral, corrupt people. Since they are
averse to faith, sincerity, and obedience of shariahthe basic characteristics needed
on the paththen, how can there be any good expectations from them?
19. Keeping away the wounds of Kashmiris from healing is part of their politics. Their
business flourishes with the screams of mothers and sisters. Keeping the blazing fire
burning in the valley of Kashmir, safeguards their extravagant spending and enjoyments.
The path that they show ends in nothing but failure, helplessness, and agony.
Regrettably, the long chronicle of this treachery and betrayal of the oppressed nation
is no shorter than that of oppression meted out by outsiders. The period of 60 to 65
years is long enough for us to be able to distinguish between friends and foe, between
the sympathizers and the selfish.
20. My brothers from Kashmir and from the entire Subcontinent,
21. Is it any secret that the United Nations is no more than a weapon in the hands of the
criminals of the world? Its history is an expression of animosity towards Islam and
Muslims. Right after its inception, its first feat was allowing, rather, granting legal
status to the unacceptable existence of Israel in Al-Quds. Moreover, it was this very
organization that has continued to label the jihad against the Jewish occupation,
terrorism. It strengthened oppressive Russia against the oppressed Muslims of
Chechnya. It is it that gives legal cover to Chinas oppression, which has occupied
Turkestan . It is the same organization that has been providing tangible support to
the oppressors and occupiers, against the Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syriaand the
entire world. Besides, did not the Hindu occupation of Kashmir take place under the
supervision of this very United Nations? It is not at all surprising, since the
leadership of the United Nations is in the hands of none other than those same five
countries that have become addicted to spilling Muslim blood. These very veto-power
countries, these very criminals have joined hands, and are bombing the Muslims in
Syria. In these circumstances, we should accept the fact that the United Nations is the
cause ofand not the solution toall of Ummahs conflicts, including Kashmir! If we
accept this truth, then moving towards a real solution can become easier.
22. My Muslim brothers from the Subcontinent,
23. The Kashmir dispute is not just a problem of the Muslims of Kashmir. It is a problem of
Pakistan and Indias Muslims, rather a problem of the entire Ummahs 1.5 billion
Muslims. The basis of this dispute is creed. Its basis is the very difference between a
Hindu and a Muslim. Hence, as Muslims we are not free to suggest a solution to this
problem. We do not have the right to choose to let the Muslims of Kashmir and of the
Subcontinent get dominated by Kufr and Shirk (Disbelief and Polytheism) and end up
chanting the slogan, Hindus and Muslims are brothers! Allah (SWT) has revealed the
solution to this problem in His Book which we are bound to follow. That solution is
jihad Fighting has been enjoined upon youjihad to stop the oppressor,
to help the oppressed; jihad for relieving humans from slavery to other humans to being
slaves only of their Lord, Allah; jihad to demolish oppressive systems of other-than-
Allah, and to establish the just shariah of Allah, The One Who has no partners. The
Kashmiri Muslims, rather the Muslims of entire Subcontinent, are paying for the
negligence and shortcomings on our part as Muslim nation, towards this jihad that is an
individual obligation today. We would have to accept that the Kashmir issue is not a
political or economic issue; it is a religious issue; it is a matter of accountability
in Allahs court. Allah has told us one solution, one path, one principle:

and fight them. Until when?

Until no constitution, no religion, no
system, no power remains dominantnothing other than the Book of Allah, the Deen of

Until Allahs Shariah becomes the law, until it becomes

24. My Muslim brothers from Kashmir,
25. Allah has told us how to deal with those who rebel against Him, i.e. jihad; and he has
also told us the prime purpose of this jihad. That purpose is establishing the
shariah. It is only the establishment of the shariah sent down by Allah that would
wipe off tears of the oppressed; and that is what would end injustice. The purpose of
jihad is not at all to remove one oppressor, and impose over the oppressed, in his
place, another oppressor rebelling against Allah. The purpose is to establish heavenly
justice. That justice is not in the ignorance-based constitution and law of the devils
disguise as human being. Real justice is that which Allah, The King of Kings, sent down
from above seven heavens. Besides this heavenly justice, every law, every constitution,
every system is injustice. It is ignorance. It is an insult and sacrilege against
humans, the most noble of creation.

we need to accept that salvation from oppression; and establishment of justice have
never been attained and will never be achieved by weeping, begging for rights, or by
participating in plays of democracy. The only way to get justice for the oppressed
Kashmiris, and the only way to get freedom for the Muslims of the Subcontinent from
this pagan system, which is an expression of oppression and cruelty, is jihad.
26. The books of Islamic jurists (fuqahaa) bear testimony to the fact that today this jihad
is not a voluntary deed, it is not merely a recommended deed, but like the five prayers
and fasting, it is an individual obligation.
27. Oppressed Muslim brothers from Kashmir, and from the rest of the Subcontinent,
28. Furthermore, there is no option other than to acknowledge the fact that if this jihad
is not liberated from the influence of the Pakistani military and intelligence
agencies, then this night of oppression on the oppressed Kashmiri people would not only
become long, it would never end. The Prophet had said,
30. A believer is not stung twice (by something) out of one and the same hole.
31. Is not the history of Kashmirs jihad enough to make it clear that the objective of
this military is not helping the oppressed Kashmiris, it has its own vested interests.
Gathering wealth and securing their extravagant indulgences is their policy. They have
no interest in defending the Muslims of India and Kashmir. A military that is at war
with Islam after receiving US dollars, one that is a killer of the common Muslims and
Ummahs mujahideen, one that routinely bombs masjids and madrasas, one whose vocation
is torturing the seekers of Allahs shariah; how can it risk its employment, its
salaries, its pleasures for anyone oppressed? That is impossible!
32. Dear Kashmiri brothers,
33. This is an era of awakening of the Muslim Ummah and of humiliation of the disbelievers.
Today, the forces fighting kufr, in defence of the Ummah are not the national armed
forces. The armed forces established by the Englishmen are night watchmen and guards of
kufrs system. They are allies of the Crusaders attacking the Ummah, and a frontline
unit fighting the Islamic awakening. Their responsibility is guarding those blood-
covered lines that the disbelievers drew to divide the Ummah in parts. From Afghanistan
to Syria today, if anyone stands against the gangsters and aggressors of the world of
kufr, it is the mujahideen of Islam. They are the lions who are not subservient to, and
not dependent on, any military or government. It is Allah, the Self-Sufficient, who is
their Guide and Supporter; and it is the Muslim public that is helping and supporting
them [with Allahs leave].
34. My young brothers and elders from Kashmir,
35. To help heal the wounds of oppressed Kashmiris, turn towards these mujahideen, and this
Muslim public. Only these mujahideen can console your grief, who in their purpose,
objectives, policy, and ideology are neither subservient to, nor dependent on any
taghooti government, military, or intelligence agency. History testifies to the fact
that fighting under the supervision and with the cooperation of Pakistani agencies is
tantamount to wasting the fruitage of jihad and getting the injustice on oppressed
Kashmiris to increase.
36. It is so because there is a world of difference between a military servicemans and a
mujahids creed, ideology, training, and objectives. In 2002, when the Indian Army
approached the border and showed Pakistan Army a bit of force, the latter became
completely submissive. The generals who a day earlier were advocating for Kashmirs
jihad, started terming it terrorism. Bans were placed on Kashmiri organizations.
Emigrants became prisoners in Muzaffarabad and Mansehras camps. After being barred
from battlefields of jihad, they were forced into manual labor. If a mujahid tried
crossing the Indian border, he ended up getting martyred by Pakistan Armys bullets.
The freedom movement was stabbed by people who had considered Kashmir their jugular
vein; and the oppressed Kashmiris were left at the mercy of the merciless Hindus. Why?
Because showing resolve in the face of Indian military pressure and American
discontentment is not part of their doctrine to begin with. The robbing of Kashmiri
sisters and daughters dignity and modesty continued. There was no reduction in the
persecution of the abused Kashmiris. In the meanwhile, the Pakistani generals
temporarily pushed off danger from themselves by betraying the Kashmiri jihad. Hindus
arrogance and oppression skyrocketed, but Pakistani servicemens uniforms, salaries,
and extravagant enjoyments remained safe.
37. In contrast, look at the example set by the mujahid commander-in-chief, and a truly
believing ruler of the land of Afghanistan. Since this mujahid did not get his training
from Kakul [Pakistans military academy], since he had received his training from the
Book of Allah, from masjid and madrasa, from the battlefields of jihad; when America
asked him for a single Muslim, he refused. The Pharaoh of our times threatened to send
Afghanistan back to the Stone Age. But, he did not buckle. His response: It is not a
matter of one individual; it is a matter of Islam and Kufr. Even if the Americans burn
Afghanistans every tree and every rock to ashes, there is no need to worry. My dignity
of faith cannot bare handing over even a single Muslim to a kafir!
38. America invaded along with the heavily-armed forces of over 50 countries. Drones, B-
52s, F-16sall sorts of new technologies were tested. Fire and explosives were rained
down. But this servant of Allah did not bend down for a moment, did not get
intimidated, kept on fighting, and kept on recording a great saga of sacrifices, of
39. In the end, America reached the beginning of defeat. Islams prestige spread. Even
today the flag of tawheed continues to flap over more than half of Afghanistan. The
very jihadi movement that America had invaded Afghanistan wanting to exterminate,
spread beyond Afghanistan, all over the world! And it is Allah Who deserves all praise!
40. That is the difference between a mujahid and a military serviceman. How can the
mujahideen who believe in Allah be equal to military servicemen who take worldly forces
as their god? The difference between the one fighting for Allah and the one who has
carries arms for money and promotions, is not a minor one. A mujahid does not sell out
his faith on encountering pressure from kuffar, on seeing their forces and technology.
He does not abandon his oppressed brothers, leaving them helpless, out of intimidation
from the might of Kufr. He does not bow down in front of the enemy after seeing its
forces surround him. He does not put down his forehead on the ground in prostration to
them. Rather, on seeing the might of the tyrants against him, his faith strengthens.
That is so because it is with Allahs Help, and in His obedience that he fights!
41. Allah, The Owner of Might and Honor says,

43. The believers are those to whom people said,

45. The people have gathered against you; so, fear them.

47. It increased them in Faith

49. and they said, Allah is fully Sufficient for us, and the Best One in Whom to trust
50. For a mujahid, jihad is not a matter of national policy; rather it is an act of
worship. Helping the oppressed is not dirty politics, but a means of getting closer to
Allah. On the contrary, a military serviceman becomes utterly despondent on
encountering opposing force. Despite being 100,000 in numbers, surrendering in front of
the Hindu army is a non-issue for him. He hands over half of Pakistan to the Hindus,
the polytheists, the idol-worshippers; and registers a page of shamelessness and
disgrace by saying, Its part of the game. That is the difference between the Eagle-
like mujahid and the vulture-natured military man!
53. Their flights are both in the same atmosphere, the same air
54. An Eagles world though, and that of a vulture, do not compare!
55. So my dear Kashmiri brothers,
56. Liberation of Kashmir is not possible without establishing a jihadi movement purely on
the foundation of shariah; a movement that stands not on cooperation with, and under
supervision of a military or a government, but on support of the Muslim masses of India
and Pakistan; a movement that believes firmly in animosity against the enemies of Allah
and in supporting the believers; one that considers following only the shariah while
staying away from pagan plays and delusions of democracy, its foremost goal; one whose
objective, besides liberation of Kashmir, includes implementation of the religion of
Prophet Muhammad .
57. While this pure jihad, that is free of the influence of agencies, is difficult; it is
definitely not impossible. It is not about deciding between easy and difficult, but
about choosing between keeping the fruitage of jihad in our own hands, and letting it
fall in the enemys lap. Alhamdulillah, jihad that is completely free of the influence
of tawagheet is being waged all over the world. The jihadi movements of Chechnya,
Yemen, Somalia, Islamic West (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia), Islamic Turkestan, and above
all, of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and of Syria are fine examples for us. These
movements have proved that defense of Islam and Muslims becomes possible when a jihadi
movement is completely free of the influence of taghooti forces and governments. That
is the lesson learned from contemporary jihadi history. Hence, only fearing Allah and
relying on Him is what is needed. Allah has told us this fact,


59. And whoever fears Allah, He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from
where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah, then He is sufficient for him.
Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose.
60. Allah has promised that whoever wages jihad seeking Allahs pleasure, Allah would
surely guide him.

If we put our trust in Allah and

then raise the banner of a clean and clear dawah and jihad, then Allah would surely
help us.
61. !
62. So, my young Kashmiri brothers and most respected elders,
63. This is the only way for liberation from oppression, and establishment of justice.
March forward on this path; and we are with you. You have the backing of Islams
mujahideen from around the world. People of Pakistan and India would, Allah willing, be
your supporters. Put your trust in Allah.

If Allah should aid you,

no one can overcome you;

but if He should forsake you,

who is there that can aid you after Him?

upon Allah let the believers rely.
64. My Pakistani, Indian, and Bangladeshi Muslim brothers,
65. Waging jihad for helping the oppressed Kashmiri brothers and ending the oppressive
pagan system in the Subcontinent is also an obligation on us. The Kashmiri people have
offered many a sacrifice, which would only bear fruit when we, the Muslims of Pakistan,
India, and Bangladesh too respond to the call of jihad and then, not only strengthen
the caravan of jihad as one unit, but also safeguard this jihad from the attacks and
scheming of tawagheet. Much time has already passed. Delaying any further may result in
Allahs severe displeasure.


67. O you who have believed, what is [the matter] with you that, when you are told to go
forth in the cause of Allah, you adhere heavily to the earth? Are you satisfied with
the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But what is the enjoyment of worldly
life compared to the Hereafter except a [very] little. If you do not go forth, He will
punish you with a painful punishment and will replace you with another people, and you
will not harm Him at all. And Allah is over all things competent.
68. May Allah guide us, increase the patience and steadfastness of Kashmiri Muslims, and
make Islam dominant in the Subcontinent through the blessings of this great nations
sacrifices. Aameen, ya Rabb-al-Aalameen!
71. Dhul Qadah 1437 AH

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