Final Project of Enterpreneurship Management

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Executive Summary

Tata Steel Limited (formerly Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited (TISCO)) is an Indian
multinational steel-making company headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, and a
subsidiary of the Tata Group. It was the 11th largest steel producing company in the world in
2013, with an annual crude steel capacity of 25.3 million tonnes, and the second largest steel
company in India (measured by domestic production) with an annual capacity of 9.7 million
tonnes after SAIL.

Tata Steel has manufacturing operations in 26 countries, including Australia, China, India, the
Netherlands, Singapore, Thailand and the United Kingdom, and employs around 80,500
people. Its largest plant is located in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. In 2007 Tata Steel acquired the
UK-based steel maker Corus. It was ranked 486th in the 2014 Fortune Global 500 ranking of
the world's biggest corporations. It was the seventh most valuable Indian brand of 2013 as per
Brand Finance.

The measure of their success is thus not an administrative unit or economic unit but their
impact on the overall quality of life of all their stakeholders, including the nations in which
we operate. From a single-location company, Tata Steel now operates in 26 countries with a
commercial presence in 50 countries - making it the world's second most diversified steel

Steel is crucial to the development of any modern economy and is considered to be the
backbone of the human civilization. The level of per capita consumption of steel is treated as
one of the importantindicators of socio-economic development and living standard of the
people in any country.It is a product of a large and technologically complex industry having
strong forward and backward linkages in terms of material flow and income generation. All
major industrial economies are characterized by the existence of a strong steel industry and
the growth of many of these economies has been largely shaped by the strength of their steel
industries in their initial stages of development

Contribution in the development of Indias economic growth:

The Indian steel industry is more than 100 years old now. The first steel ingot was rolled
on16th February 1912 - a momentous day in the history of industrial India. India is the 7th
Largest steel producer in the world, employing over 1/2 million people directly with a
cumulative capital investment of around Rs.1 lakhs crore. It is a core sector essential for
economic and social development of the country and crucial for its defense. The Indian iron
and steel industry contributes about Rs.8,000 crore to the national exchequer in the form of
excise and custom duties, apart from earning foreign exchange of approximately Rs.3,000
crore through exports. Consumption of finished steel grew by 5.9 % and increased to 24.9
million tones. steel consumption is likely to increase at a rapid pace in future due to large
investments planned in infrastructure development, increased urbanization and growth in key
steel sectors i.e. automobile, construction and capital goods.

The Indian steel industry has emerged as one of the core sectors in the Indian economy with a
very significant impact on economic growth. India with its abundant availability of high-
grade iron ore, the requisite technical base and cheap skilled labour is thus well placed for the
development of steel industry and to provide a strong manufacturing base for the
metallurgical industries. The deregulated Indian steel industry is performing at its peak level
in almost all spheres. The total production of finished steel from April 2004 to March
2005 has been estimated to be about 383.25 lakh tons as against the production of 369.57
lakh tones during the same period last year showing an increase of 3.7 %.

The most spectacular achievement has, however, been recorded in export performance. Steel
has so far proved to be the single key factor responsible for industrial production and thereby,
for economic growth. And it is growing from strength to strength with newer developments
both within steel-making practice as well as engineering developments, which ask for more
usage of steel. So much so, that economic development has become almost synonymous with

Major Happenings

In the 1920s and 1930s, when it was still called Tata Iron and Steel Company, TISCO's
largely tribal workers fought pitched battles with the European or Paris management.
Work conditions and the right to organize were important rallying issues, and over the years,
the company developed a reputation for union-busting, often by violent means. The value
of Dorabjis Expansion Programmed came to be appreciated only during the phase when
world was reeling under the pressure of the Great Depression. The Tatas survived the
depression and supplied nearly of the countrys steel requirements. By the Second World
War, Tatas production capacities had expanded enough to make their prices lower than those
of steel produced in England raising them to an authoritarian position. By the 1980s, the
government was clearly in control of what had come to be called the commanding heights of
economy. More than 45% of output in organized industry came from the public sector as well
as bank and other long-lending institution. In 1981-82, eight of the largest firms in India were
in the public sector, as were 24 out of the top 30 in terms of total capital employee. In this
sense it could be said that Nehrus goals when he had began the planning process had been
achieved. But this success has to be seen in the context of the fact that industrial growth rates
had lagged at about 4% per annum between 1964-65 and 1975-76.This rate was in sharp
contrast to what was happening
in theAsian economies and in Southeast Asia. These countries had achieved consistent high
growth by opening up their markets and by abandoning policies of import substitution .Indira
Gandhi in her second stint as prime minister was not willing to inaugurate a new industrial
policy that departed from the socialist pattern put in place by her father. Yet she was far too
astute not to recognize the signs of crises that were waiting in the wings. She made the
gesture that her government supports the expansion and modernization of the private sector.
The basic elements of the new policy began to emerge against the background of the India
Special Drawing Rights billion-dollar loan agreement with the International Monetary Fund
to cope with the balance of payment deficits.

Tata Iron & Steel Company Rajiv Gandhi- Both internal & external finance shortages were
worsening. Trade deficit increased from 10 billion in 1983-84 to Rs. 34 billion in 1985-86 so
it became difficult to repay loan.


TATA Steel, formerly Tata Iron and Steel Company Ltd (Tesco), the company around which
the entire township of Jamshedpur was built, was registered in Bombay (now Mumbai) on
August 26, 1907. It had an initial capacity of 160,000 tones of pig iron, 100,000 tones
of ingot steel, 70,000 tones of rails, beams and shapes and 20,000 tones of bars, hoops
androids. It also had a powerhouse, auxiliary facilities and a laboratory. It was in 1955
that Tata Steel began its two million-tone expansion programmed, the largest project in the
private sector at that time. The project was completed in December 1958. Beginning in the
1980s, the company undertook in various phases an ambitious modernization programmed.
The first phase, between 1981 and 1985, involved a total project cost of Rs.223 crores. This
phase, among other things, saw the installation of two 130 tone LD converters, two 250
tons a day oxygen plants, a bar forging machine, two vertical twin-shaft lime kilns and a tar-
dole brick plant. Significantly, a six-strand billet caster and a 130-tone vacuum arc refining
unit were installed, that too in the integrated steel plant. The second phase (1985-1992),
involving a project cost of Rs.780 crores, saw for the first time in India coal injection in blast
furnaces and coke oven battery with 54 ovens using stamp-charging technology. Apart from
this, a 0.3 mtpa (million tone per annum) wire rod mill, a 2.5 mtpa sinter plant, a bedding and
blending plant and a waste recycling plant of 1mtpa were installed.

The cost of the third phase (1992-1996) of the project was a whopping Rs.3,600 crores, and
that of the fourth phase (1996-2000) Rs.1,300 crores. The company recently commissioned
its 1.2 mt (million tone) capacity Cold Rolling Mill Complex at a project cost of
Rs.1,600crores. This four-phase modernization programmed has enabled Tata Steel to be
equipped with the most modern steel-making facilities in the world. As of today, the Tata
Steel facility has a hot metal capacity of 3.8 mtpa and a crude steel capacity of 3.5 mtpa,
corresponding to a salable steel capacity of 3.4 mtpa. Tata Steel has been in the
forefront of Indias industrialization and an engine of growth. It is part of Tata Group, a
prestigious, family-owned Indian multinational with 2005 revenues of $17.8 billion,
the equivalent of about 2.8% of India's GDP. Tata Steel's acquisition of Corus was a marriage
made in heaven. Tata acquired Corus, which is 4 times larger than its size and the largest steel
producer in U.K. The deal, which creates the worlds fifth largest steelmaker, is Indias
largest ever foreign takeover and follow Mittal steels $31 billion acquisition of rival Arcelor
in same year. Tata acquires Corus on April 2007 for a price of $12 billion. The price per share
was 608 pence, which is 33.6% higher the first offer which was 455 pence. For the fiscal year
ended March 2006, the company generated revenues of $3,693.6million (IR17, 144.22
Crores), an increase of 0.1% over the previous fiscal year. The company saw a net income
of $755.4 million (IR3,506.38 Crores), an increase of 8%over fiscal 2005months


Social responsiveness became integral to organizational objectives of Tata Steel; even before
the company was established in 1907. In 1970, however, Tata Steel formally incorporated its
commitment to the stakeholder concerns, including those of the nation, and environment, in
its Articles of Association. The Company shall have among its objectives the promotion and
growth of the national economy through increased productivity, effective utilization
of materials and manpower resources and continued application of modern scientific andman
agerial techniques in keeping with the national aspirations, and the Company shall be mindful
of its social and moral responsibilities to the consumers, employees, shareholders, society and
the local community.

For Jamsetji Tata, the progress of enterprise, welfare of people and the health of theenterprise
were inextricably linked. Wealth and the generation of wealth have never "been ends in
themselves, but a means to an end, for the increased prosperity of India. Tata Steels efforts at
environment management are well recognized. Its Steel Works in Jamshedpur, all its mines,
collieries and manufacturing divisions in its out locations are certified to ISO-14001.
Jamshedpur is the only town in the country which has an ISO-
14001certified service provider. Significant achievements by the Company include animprov
ement in environment and resource conservation, including a reduction in greenhouse
erosion, raw materials and water consumption. The Company has increased waste reuse and
recycling.The heritage of returning to society what they earn evokes trust among consumers,
employees, shareholders and the community. This heritage will be continuously enriched by
formalizing the high standards of behavior expected from employees and companies. The
TATA name is a unique asset representing Leadership with Trust. Leveraging this asset to
enhance group synergy and become globally competitive is the route to sustained
growthand long term success. Values Trusteeship Integrity Respect for Individual Credibility

Various Policies of Tata Steel
Quality Policy

Safety Occupational Health and Environmental Policy

Human Resource Policy

Social Accountability Policy

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Drug & Alcohol Policy

HIV+ & AIDS Control Policy

Energy Policy

Towards organization:

Tata was the 1st company to amend its articles of association including the clause of social

Towards shareholders:

Equal participation, straight forward business policy.

Towards employees:

Pioneer of P.F. scheme , free medical and workmens corporation fund.

Towards Society:

India should not be a economic super power but a happy country.

Towards government:

Suggestions of economic reforms and high tax Payer Company.

Towards consumers:

Consumer is the king of market. Quality products & services timely solutions of problems
Tata Steel is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, and abides by its 9 principles
that address issues on Human Rights, Labor Rights and Environment, etc

Tata Iron & Steel Company

Plantation of 1 lakh trees in and around Mumbai in collaboration with the National Society
of the friends of the Trees

Special project with M/s NEERI, in order to assess the carrying capacity of the region and to
ensure sustainable development in the region.

Tata Steel has been fortunate to have leaders and a rich reservoir of committed people who
could see clearly through the future and transformed the plant into a modern technological
giant with the power of their meticulous envisioning, strategy and planning, through several
modernization programmers having spent more than Rs. 70000 millions on environment-
friendly technologies since 1980. Installation of a modern Cold Rolling Mill Complex, built
at global speed and cost, is not only the epitome of Tata Steels modernization program, but
also remains a global benchmark in project management of its kind. It is also worthwhile to
mention that the Company lost dearly for their decision on the installation of EOF(Energy
Optimizing Furnace) at Jamshedpur Works, and CRM (Cold Rolling Mill) at Gopalpur in
Orissa .The Tatas made a great contribution in manpower development field too. From the
very beginning the Tatas invested substantial time, money and resources in training schemes.
In1921, the Jamshedpur Technical Institute was set up with a purpose to replace foreign
technical experts with their Indian counterparts. Furnished with super-sophisticated labs,
advanced training aids and other infrastructural facilities, the Technical Training Institutes
inJamshedpur is today one of the best in the country. Recently, a new ManagementDevelopm
ent Centre has been built at Dina to impart advanced management training to middle and
senior level managers in the Company.

Modernization Program

Tata Iron & Steel Company installation of a modern Cold Rolling Mill Complex, built at
global speed and cost, is not only the highlight of Tata Steels modernization program, but
also remains a global benchmark in project management of its kind. Besides, the Company
has also completely revamped its information technology infrastructure to suit its modernized
plant.Itspentclose to Rs. 40 crores on SAP implementation alone. Tata Steels modernization
programmers are detailed in the section, Technology at its Best of the chapter, Imperatives
of Change Management.

Natural disaster:

Disaster Management & Relief

Tata Steel has a long history of providing relief during natural calamities. Socialconsciousnes
s runs deep down to the last employee of the Company. Every employee contributes to such
causes, complemented by an equal, or more, amount from the
Company.Besides, employees also volunteer to administer relief operations and provide disas
ter management services to other agencies involved.

Relief Operations

Tata Steels relief and rehabilitation program largely executed by the Tata Relief committee,
is carefully planned and time-tested to counter unforeseen devastation caused by floods,
drought and other natural calamities, serving both immediate and long-term needs of those
affected, by offering them food, medical aid, rehabilitation, etc. It has even designed and
constructed buildings that can withstand natural calamities such as earthquakes.

CompanyIndia is a developing country and its economy is growing very fast. Instead of this
economical growth there is need for infrastructure to sustain this growth. The Government
envisions India becoming a developed nation by 2020 with a per capita GDP of $154010.For
a nation that is economically strong, free of the problems of underdevelopment and plays a
meaningful role in the world as befits a nation of over one billion people, the groundwork
would have to begin right now. The Indian steel industry will be required and is willing to
play a critical role in achieving this target. If the steel industry gears up in about 3 to 4 years,
Indian steel can be both in Indian and foreign markets. Steel industry has seen a sunrise after
a bad and cloudy night. Worries of financial institutions are over and have taken an exposure
in this sector. Indian government has planned for pumping in a lot of money in infrastructure
in coming years, hence steel consumption will go up manifold.

GDP per capita to increase from USD 2500 and USD 5000 in 2020.

Population growth rate of 1.3 - 1.5% .

Continuously improving macro economic factors,

A strong demographic profile : with a large consumer base,

Growing urbanization & Stable social and political environment

Indian Steel production likely to triple in next 15 years

National Steel Policy Projections

Global crude steel consumption is projected to increase to approximately1,730 mtpa by 2020,
driven by developing countries, including China. (Chart-3)

While China is becoming the new source of demand, the developedeconomies as a whole
still remain the largest portion of the worlds steel consumption.(Chart-3)

Positive demand fundamentals in development economics. (Chart-3)

Roads and power:

The existing road network needs to be expanded and strengthened considerably for reducing
transaction costs of the Indian steel producers. The steel plants and mines need to be
integrated with the on-going program of national highway development and also with the
proposed rural road schemes for expanding the delivery chain of steel across the country,
especially the rural areas. The additional requirement of power for the steel industry would be
7000 MW by 2019-2020, requiring an additional investment of Rs 24500 crore.

In order to achieve the goal of 110 million tons of steel production by 2019-20, the NSP seeks
to remove the supply-side constraints to the growth of this industry in an open, globally
integrated and competitive environment. The country would need an investment in the range
of Rs.1 lakh to 1.2 lakh crore in creation of additional steel capacities by 2011-12.Related
areas like mining and power will require an additional investment of Rs. 25,000
to30,000 crore. Further, there is a need to retain flexibilities in the financial system toencoura
ge innovation. There are many areas of technology development and adoption, which can be
risky but also highly rewarding. Venture capitalism needs to be promoted at greater pace for
early adoption of emerging technologies.

PEST Analysis of Steel Sector:

Political Factors: On 19th Nov. 2008, 5% import duty slapped on steel to save the
domestic market. In Oct., the government also removed a 15% export duty on long
steel products use by the construction of two sectors road and power. Present government
commitment that to make India an economic super power for that they inspire globalization
and brass industries to improve GDP growth rate 8% to 10%.Ministry of Steel had no scheme
to implement directly till 10th Plan (2002-07). In the 11thPlan (2007- 12) a new scheme
named Scheme for promotion of Research & Development in Iron and Steel sector has been
included with a budgetary provision of Rs. 118.00 crore for promotion of research &
development in the domestic iron and steel sector. The scheme is presently at formulation

Tata Iron & Steel Company Changing in government policy increase competition
which benefits to the consumers .Before BJP government as ruler in 1999, there were no
benefits got by steel industry. After 1999 when BJP came the industrial people would have
got the benefits from EXIM as tax relief. When Narendra Modi became the Chief Minister
the steel industry has started growing rapidly and the profit increased by Rs 9 to Rs. 13 per
Kg.The existing regime of liberalization, decontrol and deregulation of industry in the
country has opened up new opportunities for the expansion of the steel industry. With a view
to accelerating the growth of the steel sector and attaining the vision of India becoming a
developed economy by 2020, the Ministry of Steel formulated a

National Steel Policy(NSP)

In 2005. The following are the salient features of the NSP:-(1) The NSP set out a broad
roadmap for the Indian Steel Industry in its journey towards reform, restructuring and
globalization.(2) The long-term goal of the NSP is that India should have a modern and
efficient steel industry of world standards, catering to diversified steel demand. The focus of
the policy is to achieve global competitiveness not only in terms of cost, quality and product-
mix but also in terms of global benchmarks of efficiency and productivity. Government has a
scheme for routing the allocation of steel material from main producers like SAIL, RINL, and
TATA STEEL to SSI units, and other government departments (up to30% of the total
allocation) through the small scale industries corporation, SSICs and also through National
Steel Industry Corporation NSIC where SSICs are either defunct or not in
existence. In order to ensure that small scale industries obtain these raw materials as
reasonable prices, the government provided nominal handling charges of approximately
Rs.500 per tone to the corporation so that the corporation supply the steel material as the
doorstep of the SSI units .Political compulsions were the only reason for steel companies to
cut prices. Otherwise, steel prices have been looking up quite some time now and there has
been good demand of steel in domestic as well as international markets. Instead of prices
going up, they are declining. The government had recently affected a 5% customs duty cut on
non-alloy steel.

Steel prices to go up as Railways increases iron ore freight rates

In a move that may increase input cost for steel Cos like Tata Steel, Essar, Jindal and Ispat
Industries, Indian Railways has decided to increase the freight rate of iron ore by around
5%. The decision would push up freight rates by about Rs 100-200 per ton depending on the
distance. The decision was taken to soothe the inflationary pressure. The price of the ore
comprises between 30% to 45% (depending on the kind of iron and steel) of the total price of
steel. Currently, the price of steel is around $750-900 per ton in the global market. The
government has been fighting inflation due to rise in prices of various raw materials, iron
ore being one of them. The Railways transported 53.59 million ton of iron ore for exports

Implementation of the National Steel Policy (NSP), 2005:

Tata Iron & Steel Company Freight equalization Scheme was withdrawn in January, 1992.
However, with the coming up of new steel plants in different parts of the country, iron and
steel products are freely available in the domestic market. Recent years have witnessed
unprecedented turmoil in the global steel market. The crisis in
the international steel market might be attributed to the imbalance between capacity, demand
and production and consequent drop in prices. Throughout the world there is an
apparent over capacity (estimated to be between 100 Mt150 Mt) in the steel sector. According
to the IISI, the companies have been selling their products below costs to survive in global
competition. Since 2001, while growth has been negative in most mature markets, Asia
has maintained steady growth rate. The Asian production growth has mainly been driven by
the surge in steel demand and production in China. The huge Chinese appetite for steel has
led the 10.2%surge in output. The growth in Chinese steel demand, generated mainly by
demand from infrastructure sector is a beacon for Indian steel since both the nations are
comparable on many counts.

The Indian steel manufacturers are faced with some major problems and concerns, which
work as inhibiting factors to their effort towards gaining the competitive edge. A few of these

Un remunerative Prices:

Stagnating demand, domestic oversupply and falling prices in the last few years have hit
Indian steel makers. Barring the sporadic rise in demand in the recent months, it has suffered
from un remunerative prices to the extent that companies have been finding it difficult to
maintain capital costs.

Stagnating Demand for Steel:

According to Mc-Kinsey and Co the domestic steel industry is set to witness a 33% over
capacity in the hot rolled coil sector by the year 2003 when the domestic capacity currently at
45%, in long products and semis is expected to drop at 22% by that year. The non-flat
products are also likely to face an over capacity of over 21.4%.

Lower Consumption:

Steel consumption in India over a period of time has exhibited a strategy correlation to GDP
growth (correlation coefficient of 0.9855 between 1960-1961 and 1996-1997) and gross
domestic capital formation (0.981).The correlation with GDCF has been 1.0 for the period
FY 1994 to 1999. As investments declined from 1996-1997 onwards, steel consumption also
decreased. Failure to Develop Trade Especially International Trade.

.The countries which have achieved major growth including growth in steel industry, like
Japan, China and South Korea have largely used their trading houses to develop their markets
abroad. In India, they have singularly failed to do so. As a result, Indian steel industry does
not have a major presence even in the neighboring countries. The reasons for the same
include lack of profit motive, wrong scale of assets, little or no co-ordination between plants
and markets, inappropriate logistics/locations, over-manning, poor investment decisions, lack
of innovation and inadequate investment in requisite areas.

Slow Industry Growth:

The linkage between the economic growth of a country and the growth of its steel industry is
strong. The Indian steel industry is no exception. The growth of the domestic steel industry
between 1970 and 1990 was similar to the growth of the economy, which as a whole was
sluggish. This sluggish growth in the steel industry has resulted in enhanced rivalry among
existing firms. As the industry is not growing the only other way to grow is by increasing
ones market share. Consequently, the Indian steel industry has witnessed spurts of price wars
and heavy trade discounts, which has done Indian steel industry no good.

Social Factors:

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been to develop the villages as model steel
villages. All profitable steel PSUs have made commitments to the cause of CSR and have
earmarked at least 2% of their distributable surplus for CSR activities. The total budget
allocated for CSR in respect of the PSUs for 2007-08 is around Rs. 230.00 crore.
CSR activities focusing on environmental care, education, healthcare, cultural efflorescence
and peripheral development, family welfare, social initiatives and other measures are
underway in the PSUs. In view of the calamity brought in by the floods in UP, Bihar and
Assam, some of the PSUs organized immediate relief measures in these affected states.

SAIL, NMDC Ltd. and RINL contributed Rs.5 crore, Rs.4 crore and Rs.2 crore respectively
towards the flood relief measures. All the main producers have been urged by the Ministry to
adopt villages around their plant and as part of their CSR activity and help. Use of steel has
been emphasized in items such as storage beans, bullock carts, buildings such as school

buildings, panchayat halls, health centre buildings, water tanks, waiting sheds etc. 129
villages are being developed into model steel villages.

Child labour is the issues of small scale sector of the steel industry. Children were
exploited by paying them low wages. A decision was taken to have at least one dealer in each
district in order to make available steel items to common man. In order to ensure the
availability of commonly used items of steel in the rural areas across the country, SAIL and
RINL are expanding their distribution networks at a fast pace with the objective of having
dealers in all the districts of the country. Preference for SC, ST and OBC and occupation.
Aside its long history, Tata Steel has written the book on welfare measures in Indian
Industry many of which, have been subsequently followed by others i

Safety Measures

For improvement in the overall safety situation in the Iron & Steel industries in India
following remedial measures need to be taken up:

Tightening the legal system so that any instance of violation of safety policy,whether by
public sector or private sector, does not go unpenalised. The system
of factory inspectorate, safety officers and legal framework has to be refurbished accordingly.
There should be up-gradation in legal provisions to take care of changes in technologies /
work environment so that loopholes are plugged as far as possible.

OHS Management system as per ILO guidelines and OHSAS 18001 should be adopted in all

In India, many outdated technologies viz., twin hearth furnace, ingot making etc. are still
being practiced in some steel plants. These processes are hazardous to personnel working
there and it is required to phase these out immediately to improve safety in such plants. Apart
from this, new technological development will also facilitate attainment of safe work

Fire modeling and hazard risk analysis should be done in all plants for better assessment of
inherent risk/ hazard:

Social Audit (2002-03)

The Social Audit being reported, for the period 1991 2001, was conducted during the period
2002- 03 within the framework of the same Terms of Reference as that of the 2nd Social
Audit. The Audit Panel comprised of the following members recommended by the Board:
Ms. Pheroza Godrej

Justice S. K. Mohanty

The late Justice D. N. Mehta (Retd.) (Chaired the Panel until June 2003, when he
suddenly passed away)

Ms. Tarjani Vakil, MD, EXIM Bank (opted out during the initial phase of the Audit)The
Company nominated Mr. Ajit Jha, Resident Representative, New Delhi, Tata Steel, as the
Secretary and Chief, Co-ordination, 3rd Social Audit, to provide management support to the
Audit Panel, and later in the evaluation process, his role mandated to be independent of intra-
company domain. Subsequently, Mr. S. K. Suman, Head, Co-ordination, Tata Steel, was
nominated by the management to provide research and report assistance to the 6

Tata Iron & Steel Company Panel. Mr. Jha and Mr. Suman assiduously checked the facts and
figures contained in this report7


Earlier known as Tata Iron & Steel Company upto 2005

Strengths of TATA STEEL:

1. Mineral Reserves

Tata Steel has two collieries in West Bokaro and Jharia, inthe state of Jharkhand. The iron
ore units are located in Noamundi, Joda andKatamandi in the states of Jharkhand and Orissa.
Tata Steel Limited also has amanganese mines and dolomite quarries in Orissa. These mines
are located at an approximate distance of 150 kms from Jamshedpur, home to the steel
companys manufacturing facility. The Steel Company's iron ore units produce 9 million tons
per annum of various grades of high quality iron ore including rich blue dust ore. The
company in India is having mines of 281 million tones reserves in its mines in Jharkhand and
thus having minerals to cater its needs for more than 20 years. The company has also been
acquiring stake overseas in Canada, Mozambique, Australia etc. to boast its reserves for clean
coking coal which is rarely available in India.

2. Management Team

- Tata Steel has a highly credible management team who has displayed their skills in
expanding the company through inorganic route. The company has successfully acquired Nat
Steel of Indonesia, Millennium Steel of Thailand and more importantly Corus. The
companys virtuosos of finance have been able to find innovative ways to tackle the
companys bludgeoning debt and keep the bottom line in the green zone despite lowering
demand and huge debts accumulated.

3. Information Technology

- The entire mining operation of the Company is safeguarded against accident occurrence.
Proactive measures are undertaken to ensure the employee's health and productivity through
ergonomically designed work stations and by protecting them from occupational hazards. All
its mines are ISO-14001 -Environmental Management System Certified. Tata Steel's
collieries use 'Surpac', a state-of-the-art mine planning software that estimates the volume of
coal in every seam. This software is coupled with qualitative detailing that focuses on output
consistency. To maximize productivity and utilization, a voice and data equipped Global
Positioning System is used, which helps to supervise mining activity for machine movement
and engine status.

4. Innovativeness of TATA Steel with respect to its competitors

- Tata Steel has the lowest operating cost for steel manufacture in the world Further it has
displayed effective means in adopting an eco-friendly and sustainable approach towards
the manufacture of steel thus proactive measures are undertaken to ensure the employee's
health and productivity through ergonomically designed work stations and by protecting
them from occupational hazards.

5. Adaptability of the company in the fast change of the environment

- Tata Steel has displayed immense agility in the recent past during the global financial
tsunami. Its virtuosos of various fields have adopted various methods like lowering of
production and even shutting down of steel plant sowing to the lack of demand, managing the
balance sheet efficiently etc. The company has 70% of its procurement of raw materials for
its operations in Asia through long term contracts and so its margins can be shielded from the
nuances of the volatility of the financial markets.6.

6. Brand value

- The TATA brand owing to its highly ethical and a socialistic approach to business have
made its name synonymous to trust. After the acquisition of Corus another powerful brand,
the brand value of the company has enhanced further.7.

7. Corporate governance

- Tata Steel has had an impeccable record for corporate governance. It has set the benchmark
in global corporate governance principles of transparency, accountability and equity for
others to follow. Tata Steel has been consistently receiving prestigious awards at both the
national and the international arena. Recently it bagged the Best Governed Company Award
for corporate practices presented by Asian Centre for Corporate Governance.8.

8. Excellent integration with Corus

Corus has a great reserve of around2000 metallurgists and technology which could be
exploited by Tata Steel onseveral fronts.9.

9. Excellent procurement philosophy

- Tata Steel has around 70% of itssupplies through long term contracts. Thus it can be
shielded from thevolatility of the financial markets.10.

10. Spawning upon opportunities

- Tata Steel has been amongst the earliestto spot the escalation in the demand for steel in
the forthcoming years. It hashence invested heavily in the expansion of its existing facility at
Jamshedpurand is setting up other green field projects at Orissa, Jharkhand etc

Weaknesses of TATA Steel-

1. Huge debt burden

- Tata Steel is having a total debt of 10.2 billion USD in its books. It has a debt equity ratio 0f
1.6 which means that the assets of the company is largely financed through debt. With the
inflation on a rise the central banks of most all the countries are intending to tighten in the
liquidity in the money markets. As a result of which the interest rates are on a rise. InIndia the
banks are mulling the option of a rate hike and most analysts feel that the RBI is going to
increase the repo rate by almost 100 bps further after a CRR hike of 75 bps in late February
this year. Thus it would add to the interest burden of the company which would further
increase the liabilities of the company and thus degrade the quality of its balance sheet

2. High attrition rate

- Tata Steel has traditionally faced the brunt of high attrition rate. In its Jamshedpur plant
many engineers constantly change their jobs to SAIL in Buckaroo and vice-versa. Thus the
formation of a core team of capable individuals across all departments is very difficult as the
size of the team is ever changing.

3. Products in the portfolio lacking demand-

The company has certain products in its portfolio like aerospace steel which lacked demand
in the recent past. Primarily due to the slow down of the aviation sector which led to delay in
the delivery of aircrafts as a result of cutting of capacity by airlines. The company also had
certain Cast products largely marketing in the UK which has been witnessing slowdown in
demand since 2001. Hence the company had to close down its Tee Side plant.

4. Degradation in brand value owing to job losses- TATA group has made its name
synonymous to job security of it employees. But the shutdown of its plants in the UK and The
Netherlands will dent its image to a certain extent. As a result of which around 1600
employees would lose their daily livelihood.

5. Low cost recovery

There are specific products like the aerospace steel and cast products which has received
feeble response in the past. The company has failed to recover costs in this business front.6.

6. Laggard in technological front

- Companies like SAIL has efficiently introduced the XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) in its plants
at Durgapur and Bokaro over 12 months back which the Tata Steel has failed to do.

7. Bad raw material procurement philosophy of its subsidiaries-

The largest subsidiary of Tata Steel, Corus has high exposure to spot prices and
a higher operational gearing among the larger European steel companies. Hence it has the
risk of volatility associated with pricing, one of the key elements in determining profitability
of a commodity


.1.Competitive position of the company-

Tata Steel is the second largest producer of steel in India and the sixth largest producer in the

2. Newer technologies

The Cortex process combines an iron melter /coal gasified vessel with pre-reduction shaft
to produce a liquid product that is very similar to blast furnace hot metal. Coal, oxygen,
and pre-reduced iron are fed into the melter/gasifier to melt the iron and produce a highly
reducing off-gasoil)

The HIsmelt process -Iron reduction and coal gasification take place in a liquid metal
bath. The fundamental processes of HIsmelt began with early experiments in Germany with
bottom-blown oxygen steelmaking converters (LD, LD-AC, KMS, among others) to allow
for coal, lime, and/or iron ore injection through the bottom nozzles.iii)

Direct Iron Ore Smelting - (DIOS) process in Japan and the AISI direct steelmaking process
in North America produced two similar routes to hot metal production. Both processes utilize
a smelting reactor where the primary reactions occur in a deep slag bath as opposed to in the
metal phase

Opportunities in the field

India has geared up for rapid expansion in the field of infrastructure. The Government of
India (GOI) has earmarked Rs.1, 70,000 core for infrastructural spending for the fiscal year
2010- 2011 and the trend is set to escalate up to the fiscal year 2025 when India is slated to
become the third largest economy in the world. Further many private players either
independently or by undergoing public private partnerships (PPP) has also come into the fray.
The consumption of steel has been steadily increasing with the rapid investment in
the infrastructure and real estate projects. The annual steel production of India has touched
200MT and according to governments steel policy is expected to touch around 250 MT by
2013-2014. The demand for Indian made steel is escalating overseas out of the 200
MT of steel currently produced in India around 50% of it is exported. In the first six months
of the fiscal year 2009-2010 the Indian steel export almost doubled to 9.3MT from 4.4MT
in the same period the previous fiscal year. The countrys iron ore exports during April-
October 2009 period grew 20 per cent over the year ago period to 53 million tons.4.

Acquisition opportunities -

In the aftermath of the financial tsunami various mineral assets are available globally at a
price which is just a shade of their prime valuations. The government of various countries has
been putting up coal blocks under the hammer. Tata Steel has been very active in the asset
acquisition space and has bagged various coal blocks in Asia, Africa etc. which is essential
for its security of raw materials.5.

Opportunities for demand of higher prices

- The demand for steel is on arise both domestically and internationally as a result of the
enhanced focus upon infrastructural development. Secondly with other steel projects of
international giants POSCO, ARCELOR MITTAL stalled due to land acquisition problems
the prices of steel are slated to soar. In the month of April 2010 the steel prices were
increased by Rs.2500/ton and this is just the brink of the U-Shaped economic recovery and
the prices are slated to rise further in the near future.

The movement of Tata Steel in the value chain front-

India is the only country in the world where steel can be made cheaper and there is
consumption. Then there are other countries like Ukraine, Iran, Brazil, Australia and
Bangladesh where steel can be made cheap because of the availability of iron ore and coal.
Tata Steel has been to Iran, Ukraine, Bangladesh - all in the last year and is looking at China
for finishing capabilities Ukraine is like India, where the factors of production are

competitive. The sustainable level of demand in Ukraine is 12 million tons (MT),but one can
make much more steel because of the availability of ore. Secondly, the labor is cheap in India
and so is the cost of energy.

Hence, Tata Steel's strategy is based on breaking up this value chain and putting each part
where it's the most cost-effective. So primary steel will be produced in India, where there are
large deposits of iron ore. But the Asian markets, now a key focus for Tata Steel, will be
better addressed by taking the semi-finished steel to these countries for finishing and then
selling there. For now, Jamshedpur will provide the semi-finished steel for the NatSteel bases.
Tomorrow, it could well come from Iran or Ukraine; these countries have abundant iron ore
and are therefore ideal for primary steel making.

Improvement in the quality of operations, products, inventory management

Strategic Sourcing Approach

Tata Steels approach is based on the principle that strategic procurement is an exercise
beyond cost reduction. Commodities used for steel-making processes and their allied services
are being selected and prioritized for study using strategic sourcing tools, before their annual
procurement, depending upon their annual purchase value and criticality of application. After
the selection of the commodities, a Commodity Competence Team(CCT) is formed which is
a cross-functional team wherein people from different departments such as User/Operation,
Research and Development, Quality Control, MRO, Supply Management and Finance come
together to formulate sourcing strategies for a commodity purely on a techno-commercial
basis. After the formation of the CCT, the commodity studies are carried out based
on different technical and commercial parameters as

Strategic Sourcing Levers

Strategic sourcing requires the application and interpretation of sophisticated strategic

sourcing tools and techniques. Tata Steel follows a variety of sourcing strategies, as shown in
Figure 5, with multifarious objectives which are mentioned below:

Decrease specific consumption and specific cost of commodities on life-cycle costing basis

. Source consistent quality products

. Ensure continuous supply of materials.

To increase the productivity of blast furnaces or steel-Melting shops by decreasing the down
time through the use of improved quality, cost-effective materials, wherever applicable

Total Refractory Management Concept

To ensure the quality of refractory, proper service and the life of cast house runners which
are directly related to the hot metal production and also to decrease the total cost
of ownership on a life-cycle costing basis, a strategic decision was taken to go for total
refractory management. In the total refractory management of cast house troughs for high-
capacity blast furnaces, the supplier is responsible for the supply of the entire refractory
material for all the locations of cast house troughs, initial installation, regular supervision,
maintenance of troughs through casting till guaranteed throughput hot metal is achieved and
the supply of all kinds of equipments required for installation and maintenance of
cast houses.

Vendor Selection through comparative assessment

A comparative analysis of the suppliers was carried out based on parameters, which includes
total throughput commitment of hot metal, throughput of hot metal committed in between
two repairs, total down time of trough runners, a reference list of a suppliers customers,
quality of refractory to be used and life-cycle cost of refractory in terms of Rs/ ton of
hot metal (Rs/thm).

Reduction of Life-cycle cost

Total Refractory Management Concept

To ensure the quality of refractory, proper service and the life of cast house runners which
are directly related to the hot metal production and also to decrease the total cost
of ownership on a life-cycle costing basis, a strategic decision was taken to go for total
refractory management. In the total refractory management of cast house troughs for high-
capacity blast furnaces, the supplier is responsible for the supply of the entire refractory
material for all the locations of cast house troughs, initial installation, regular supervision,
maintenance of troughs through casting till guaranteed throughput hot metal is achieved and

the supply of all kinds of equipments required for installation and maintenance of
cast houses.

Vendor Selection through comparative assessment

A comparative analysis of the suppliers was carried out based on parameters, which includes
total throughput commitment of hot metal, throughput of hot metal committed in between
two repairs, total down time of trough runners, a reference list of a suppliers customers,
quality of refractory to be used and life-cycle cost of refractory in terms of Rs/ ton of
hot metal

A reduction of the total life-cycle cost. Of refractory, in terms of Rs/thm, has been done by
proper selection of material, optimization of its amount to achieve the guaranteed throughput
and finally by knowledge-based negotiation.

Benefit to Tata Steel

Reduced down time of the trough runners leading to higher rate of production. Reduced
specific consumption of refractory in terms of kg/thm. Reduced overall cost of ownership
due to higher campaign life of refractory and also due to higher rate of production, as
the productivity of the blast furnace largely depends on the quality of refractorys used at the
cast house. Different Sourcing Levers Applied for Procurement of High Value and Critical

Time for diversification-

With the demand for various products of steelsoaring presents us with the right time
for upstream diversification.

Threats faced by Tata Steel-

1. Resources to cushion the from business environmental change- Tata Steel is a company
floated by Tata Sons whose assets are valued at around 108 billion USD and thus the
company has enough reserves tocushion itself from market fluctuations.

2. International competition- Companies like the Indian Steel magnate Lakshmi Mittals
Arcelor Mittal, Posco has landed in the shores of India and have proposed to set up 8 MT
and 12 MT respectively. These are amongst the largest steel producers in the world and
have a high chance of eating into the market share of Tata Steel. Indian market is also
plagued with cheaper Chinese made steel which is ubiquitously available and insignificantly
munching through the pie of all Indian steel makers including Tata Steel.

3. Financial Crises - Tata Steel is having a huge debt of 10.2 billion USD in its books and
hence a huge interest burden. With the volatility of the financial markets and the tightening of
the liquidity by the central banks this rate is slated to go up and hence would further increase
the interest burden of the company.

4. Adoptability of the company to technological changes Tata Steel has shown immense
integration abilities in the past. With the acquisition of it has been able to imbibe the high
end technological knowledge to its production facilities and hence has been able to produce
high quality steel at least prices and significantly bettered its operating margins.

5. Regulatory norms- The government of India has chalked a strict norm for the clearance
of a plant through environmental impact assessment(EIA). To get clearance from the
concerned authority demands more than eight months thus leads to delay and project cost
escalation. Albeit the governments steel policy has been pro industry in order to increase the
steel capacity at a brisk pace.

6. Adverse effects of land acquisition picketing- India is plagued with violent agitation
against land acquisition. The land acquisition process of the companys plant in Orissa has
been stalled primarily due to the uprising of the land losers in the concerned area. Albeit the
company is providing with attractive compensation packages, the uprising is primarily due to
the cheap politics of the local leaders to come into the limelight. This will severely dent the
companys expansion plans of the future.

7. Decrement in the sales volumes- Some of the Tata Steel products (like aerospace steel)
have witnessed a severe reduction in sales and as a result of which the production facilities of
the company in the UK and The Netherlands is facing the brunt of shut down.

8. Brand equity of the products- Tata Steel brand is a very powerful one, can only take a
product very far. Beyond that it will be necessary for there duct to strike ahead with its
own brand. He says, "A villager who goes to buy steel in the marketplace does not know
what Tata Steel is bringing to this steel. All he knows is that it is a Tata product." That
villager needs to be told about the superiority of Tata Steels product over others. This is the
work of the brand. Branding has begun to yield rich dividends. Last year Tata Steel sold
about 345,000 tons of branded steel, which represented about 12 per cent of its total steel
sales, as against 265,000tons, representing 9 per cent of total steel sales, the previous year.
This year the company plans to more than double its volume of branded steel. Although the
resultant increase in turnover of branded products will be enormous, there are miles to go
before Tata Steel can rest on its laurels.

Tata Steel Consulting provides business planning services to a range of industrial sectors,

Iron and steel - all long and flat products

Tube and pipe

Foundry and forge products

Rail products

Iron ore mining

Engineering steels

Wire products

Metal fabrication industries

Steel distribution and service centers

Ferro alloys

The business planning group operates independently or in tandem with other groups within
Tata Steel Consulting and sometimes in collaboration with external organisations such as
management consultants and investment banks. As a result it can always call upon an
exceptional range of skills and experience to meet the diverse requirements of its clients.


The business planning group has assisted a broad range of clients, in public and private
sectors, situated in a large number of countries.

Expertise - Assignments undertaken are diverse in terms of the problems and issues
addressed. Tata Steel Consulting has provided strategic assistance to numerous manufacturing


A wide range of expertise and methodologies is employed by the business planning

consultancy group. The first stage of assignments often requires detailed analysis of market
prospects for the client company. This can involve extensive interview programmes in the
metals consuming sectors as well as economic and demand forecasts.

New Delhi: The world's seventh largest steel maker Tata Steel Ltd, a part of India's
diversified business conglomerate Tata Sons Ltd, plans to sell its stake in various group
companies, including Tata Motors Ltd, to raise fund for expansion and repay high cost loans,
the Business Standard reported citing unidentified bankers.

The steel major may garner as much as Rs 72 billion via selling its stake in group companies,
the bankers told the paper.

Presently, Tata Steel owns 5.6% equity stake, worth Rs 50.14 billion, in Tata Motors. Besides,
it also holds 51% stake in Tata Sponge; 73.4% in Tinplate India; 54.5% in Tayo Rolls; 32.5%
in TRF Ltd; 0.7% in Tata Power and 50% in Dhamra Ports.

The steel making company may sell these stakes to the holding company Tata Sons Ltd to
raise funds, which will be utilized for expansion in the Desha state and repay higher cost
loans, bankers told the daily.

Early this year, Tata Steel was holding discussion with Adani Group to divest its holding in
the Dhamra port project (Odisha), media reports said, adding that the company is now
awaiting the Odisha government's approval to raise capacity so that it gets a better valuation
for the loss-making port company.

Tata Steel plans to spend around Rs 420 billion in its Odisha plant in two phases. Total
expenditure for the phase I has risen up to Rs 240 billion from the earlier estimated Rs 190
billion on account of currency fluctuation and other cost overrun

Tata Steel Europe has won an order to manufacture 60,000 tonnes of high-quality rail for a
new high-speed line linking the two holy cities of Makkah and Madinah in Saudi Arabia.

The new railway will allow millions of pilgrims to cross the 444km between the two cities at
speeds of 320kmh.

The line will cross desert, withstanding temperatures ranging from freezing to 50C, as well as
sand storms, flash flooding and shifting dunes, a statement said.

Grard Glas, rail sector head for Tata Steel, said: "This is a prestigious project which will see
the holy cities being linked by rail for the first time.

"Tata Steel is delighted to be contributing to this high-speed line, which will have to
overcome some major challenges presented by building a high-capacity rail line across some
of the most extreme terrain in the world."

Steel for the project will be made at Tata Steel's Skuthorpe plant in the UK before being
rolled into rail in lengths of 25 meters both there and at the company's plant in Haying,
Northern France, he said.

Work on producing the rail will start at the end of this year and is expected to continue
throughout 2014.

Tata Steel rail has already been used successfully in similarly challenging conditions for
projects in Brazil and Mauritania, the statement added.

Last year the Saudi Railways Organization awarded the contract for the final phase of
completing, running and maintaining the Harman High-Speed Rail Project to a group of
Spanish infrastructure, construction and technology companies.

The new line is expected to carry around 160,000 people a day - and even more during the
Hajj pilgrimage. They will be transported on a fleet of 35 new high-speed trains.

The project started in 2009, with an estimated cost of more than 12bn. The new rail line is
set to open to the public in late 2014 or early 2015.

Besides the two holy cities, the line will have three other stops, two in Jeddah for commuters
and one in Saudi Arabia's new King Abdullah Economic City, a residential, industrial and
commercial macro-complex that is still being built. Spanish construction companies Copasa,
Imathia and OHL are responsible for building the line's superstructure and the track bases, as
well as for the line's mechanisms.

Life Cycle Assessment

In recent years concern for the environment has grown among national governments, industry
and the general public.

In consequence, there is pressure to improve manufacturing systems and change consumer

behaviour to progress towards sustainable development. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has
emerged as a leading tool for quantitative analysis of environmental impacts of products and
processes, which are often very complex. LCA measures the impact on the environment over

the course of a products lifetime, from the parts and materials that are used in its
manufacture through to its assembly, shipment, use, and ultimate disposal.

Major drivers for the increased use of LCA include:

Assessing and Improving Environmental Performance.

LCA provides a holistic understanding of environmental performance; the impact on the

environment can be reduced not just in certain process stages, but from the viewpoint of the
products total lifetime.

Legislation- Governments are increasingly requiring LCAs to be carried out to demonstrate

compliance with existing legislation.

Marketing and Eco-Labels- LCA results can be used to promote products based on
environmental criteria. Environmental Product Declarations are eco-labels based on LCA
results and are an increasingly popular way of differentiating products from competitors by
emphasizing environmental performance.

Improvements to Process and Product Design- LCA provides a strategic tool for the
identification of process and product design improvements.

Tata Steel has Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data for steel industry products. This includes
materials and energy balances, as well as an evaluation of emissions to air, water and land in
the supply chain industries (i.e. mining, transport, power, chemicals etc). The LCI was
compiled in accordance with ISO 14041 guidelines on conducting LCAs.

Tata Steel can provide the following LCA Services:

LCA Studies (to ISO 14041 Standard)

Defining the scope and the boundaries of the project, developing a software model of the
system being studied, compiling the LCI, conducting the Life Cycle Impact Assessment
(LCIA) studies, analysing sensitivity to assumptions and data quality and interpretation of

Critical Reviews of LCAs

Internally generated LCAs should be reviewed critically by external parties to ensure
compliance with ISO 14041 standard.

Advice on Existing LCA Studies / Methodologies

Tata Steel can comment on the results or methodology used in external LCA studies.

Related Activities

Tata Steel can assist with the Life Cycle Costing or Whole Life Costing of products.

Tata Steel can provide service and support to Works, commercial and technical functions,
customers and designers who use steel products and those who wish to evaluate using steel in
their products and services.

Tata Steel is a success story exemplifying organizational reinvention in its most basic form.
The company now finds itself in a position to leverage its inherent strengths and become a
global leader in the steel industry. From survival, the theme has changed to managing
global growth. While technology and operational processes will continue to be important
factors in this new and exciting phase in the companys journey, the people factor will be
the single most critical input for success.

The size of the company, range, and scale of strategic initiatives attempted, the long tenure of
the reinvention, and finally the actual performance on the ground make it a rich case to
appreciate the complexities of organizational reinvention.

The globalization is the order of the day. Post-globalization, Tata Steel took this as an
opportunity for restructuring its business portfolios and seriously took up an exercise of
effective cost-cutting bringing about substantial techno-economic improvements and making
efforts towards becoming a lean and an efficient organizations.

In order to become globally competitive, it took steps towards becoming the lowest cost
producer. Also, the product mix shifted focus from targeting low-end commodity steel to
high-end specialized products. A realization has dawned that the company can prosper in the
domestic as well as international markets by selecting the right strategy and improving
efficiencies across the entire value chain in an integrated manner.

Tata Steels success is attributed to values such as innovation, openness, flexibility,

empowerment, customer orientation, risk taking, and willingness to take tough decisions. The
companys Tata Steels leadership has been effective, inspiring, visionary, and future-
oriented. It has been successful due to strategy formulation and its effective implementation.





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