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PRQ #2: Engaging and Supporting Diverse Learners

Aminee Hector

Vanguard University


Have you ever traveled to a new country where you were the outsider? Were you

confused when people were talking to you and when you had to understand their entire

language? A young, first grade boy named Jaio was in this position. He and his family moved

their entire life from China, to the United States. There he was, in a new class, with new teachers

and peers, and with a new language surrounding him. He spoke barely enough English to have an

ounce of understanding of what was going on in the classroom. He would look around, observe

what his peers were doing, and would follow their behaviors the best he could. Like this young

boy, many other students are put in the same position. As teachers, it is our job to make sure that

we are creating the right environment and curriculum for the need of every individual student. I

can engage and support diverse learners in their learning by implementing assistive technology,

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, and using the Universal Design for Learning method.

Assistive Technology

Many students suffer from learning and physical disabilities. The disabilities affect the

way they are able to learn and participate in the classroom. As a teacher, we cannot overlook the

matter that will either enable or disable students from learning to their full potential. In this

aspect, assistive technology is a tool that teachers can use in order to support students learning

who may have any form of disability. Assistive technology is any equipment or device that

enables a student to better engage with, or understand classroom material. Robert W. Maloy

stated, assistive technologies modify the interface between student and material so that the

material becomes more accessible (Hitch-cock, Meyer, Rose, &Jackson, 2005, p. 49). For

example, consider a hearing impaired student in the classroom. If no arrangements were made

for this student, they would most likely struggle the entire year, all because of their hearing

disability. With assistive technology, students are able to use tools such as an assistive listening

device and personal amplifier. These devices will aid in this students ability to hear, which

ultimately will allow them to better succeed in their academics and learning.

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy is needed in the classroom in order to create a

comfortable and supporting environment for those students who may come from different

backgrounds or cultures. These students may have difficulty engaging in the classroom and

learning because of their prior knowledge and experiences. Culturally Responsive Pedagogy is

referred as, instruction that acknowledges and accommodates students culture, language, and

learning styles in the curriculum and in the classroom (Ogbu & Simons, 1998, p. 17). By using

this pedagogy, we would gain knowledge and insight into each students personal background

and culture. We would be able to incorporate that information through daily lessons, activities

and routines. For example, a culture center that contains pictures, literature and artifacts from

many different cultures and especially with cultures that students relate to. Students would feel

like they are an asset to the classroom, rather than a burden. It would result in empowering

students in their social, political, emotional and academic funds of knowledge.

Universal Design for Learning

When it comes to engaging and supporting diverse learners, the Universal Design for

Learning method (UDL) is a resourceful strategy. All students deserve access to a high quality

curriculum and instruction and this method implements a set of principles that make this goal a

realization. Burkhardt (2014) defines UDL as, a conceptual understanding of how our brains

work and a means to provide flexible opportunities for learning (p.8). This method is to provide

support for all learners and to be able to provide them the means of representation,

action/expression, and engagement. For example, a teacher would teach the content, have student

expression, and engagement in ways that are most beneficial for the students and especially

diverse learners. UDL focuses on the core of students interests, passions, and their ways of

learning which consequently allow them to be more engaged and supported in their learning.


In closing, I once again recall on the story of the young first grade boy named Jaio. I had

the opportunity to observe this situation in the real life classroom. When he first came to the

school, the teacher began getting to know him, his family and how to meet his certain needs.

Over time, I saw the progress that Jaio began to make, all with the help of his teacher and peers.

This is an amazing example of what it looks like when a teacher engages and supports the

diverse learners in their classroom. Whether you are using assistive technology, Culturally

ResponsivePedagogy or the Universal Design for Learning method, it is important to make sure

that as teachers, we are giving our students the tools, support, and encouragement to be

academically, socially, and cognitively successful in their learning.


Burkhardt, W. (2014). Universal Design for Learning: An Overview and Examples of How o Use

It in the Classroom.

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O'Laughlin, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Wolf, B. P. (2011). Transforming

learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Ogbu, J. U., & Simons, H. D. (1998). Voluntary and Involuntary Minorities: A Cultural-

Ecological Theory of School Performance with Some Implications for Education.

Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 29(2), 155-88.

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