Mechanics 1

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Mechanics 1Useful Formulae


Vertical is towards the centre of the earth; horizontal is perpendicular to vertical.

Vectors (with magnitude and direction) Scalars (magnitude only)

Displacement Distance
Positiondistance from a fixed origin
Velocityrate of change of position Speedmagnitude of velocity
Accelerationrate of change of velocity
displacement total distance travelled
Average velocity = time taken
Average speed = total time taken

Modelling Using Constant Acceleration

v = u + at s = 12 (u + v) t s = ut + 12 at2 v 2 = u2 + 2as s = vt 12 at2

a is the (constant) acceleration; s is the displacement from the starting position at time t; v is the velocity
at time t; u is the velocity when t = 0.
If s = s0 when t = 0, replace s in each equation with (s s0 ).

The acceleration due to gravity (g ms2 ) is 9.8 ms2 vertically downwards.

Always draw a diagram and decide in advance where your origin is and which way is positive.
Make sure that your units are compatible.

Make simplifying assumptions by deciding what is most relevant:

A car is a particle with no dimensions.

A road is a straight line with one dimension.
Acceleration is constant.

Define variables and set up equations.

Solve the equations.
Check that the answer is sensible. If not, think again.

Mechanics 1Useful Formulae

Forces and Newtons Laws of Motion

I Every object continues in a state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is acted upon by
a resultant external force.

II Resultant force = mass acceleration, or F = ma.

III When one object exerts a force on another there is always a reaction which is equal, and opposite in
direction, to the acting force.

SI units: length: metre (m) time: second (s)

velocity: ms1 acceleration: ms2 mass: kilogram (kg)

Commonly used modelling terms:

inextensible: does not vary in length light: negligible mass negligible: small enough to ignore
particle: negligible dimensions smooth: negligible friction uniform: the same throughout

General Motion

Position Velocity Acceleration

ds dv d2 s
In one dimension s v= a= = 2
dt dt dt
dr dv
In two dimensions r = xi + yj v= = xi
+ yj
a= = xi + yj
dt dt

x x x
= = =
y y y

Acceleration Velocity Position

In one dimension a v = a dt s = v dt
In two dimensions a v = a dt r = v dt

Acceleration may be due to a change in direction or change in speed or both.

If the acceleration is constant: v = u + at r = r0 + ut + 12 at2 r = r0 + 21 (u + v) t.

Using vectors, Newtons second law is F = ma.

Mechanics 1Useful Formulae

Applying Newtons Second Law Along a Line

Newtons Second Law gives the equation of motion for an object.

The resultant force = mass acceleration or F = ma
The acceleration is always in the same direction as the resultant force.

Reaction forces between two objects (such as tension forces in joining rods or strings) are equal and opposite.
When connected object are moving along a line, the equations of motion can be obtained for each one
separately or for a system containing more than one object. The number of independent equations is equal
to the number of separate objects.


A vector has both magnitude and direction.

Vectors may be represented in either magnitudedirection form or in component form.

Magnitudedirection form Component form

Magnitude r, direction a1 i + a2 j or

where r = a1 2 + a2 2 a1 = r cos
and tan = a1
a2 = r sin
= r cos (90 )

When two or more vectors are added, the resultant is obtained. Vector addition may be done graphically or

p1 q1 p1 + q1
p+q= + = p + q = (p1 + q1 ) i + (p2 + q2 ) j
p2 q2 p2 + q2

a1 na1
Multiplication by a scalar: n (a1 i + a2 j) = na1 i + na2 j n =
a2 na2

The position vector of a point P is OP , its displacement from a fixed origin.

When A and B have position vectors a and b, AB = b a.
Equal vectors have equal magnitude in the same direction. p1 i + p2 j = p1 i + p2 j = p1 = q1 and p2 = q2 .
p1 p2
When p1 i + p2 j and q1 i + q2 j are parallel, q1
= q2
a1 a2
The unit vector in the direction of a1 i + a2 j is i+ j.
a1 2 +a2 2 a1 2 +a2 2

Mechanics 1Useful Formulae

Forces and Motion in Two Dimensions

The forces acting on a particle can be combined to form a resultant force using scale drawing or by resolving
into components. When the resultant R is zero, the forces are in equilibrium.
If a body is in equilibrium under three non-parallel forces, their lines of action are concurrent and they can
be represented by a triangle.
When the resultant R is not zero there is an acceleration a and R = ma.
When a particle is on a slope, it is usually helpful to resolve in directions parallel and perpendicular to the


Modelling assumptions for projectile motion with acceleration due to gravity:

A projectile is a particle It is not powered The air has no effect on its motion

Projectile motion is usually considered in terms of horizontal and vertical components.

When the initial position is at O, with angle of projection :

u cos 0
Initial velocity, u = Acceleration, g =
u sin g

At time t, velocity, v = u + at Displacement, r = ut + 21 at2

vx u cos 0 x u cos 0
= + t = t + 12 t2
vy u sin g y u sin g

vx = u cos x = ut cos
vy = u sin gt y = ut sin 12 gt2

At maximum height, vy = 0 y = 0 when the projectile lands.

The time to hit the ground is twice the time to maximum height.

When the point of projection is (x0 , y0 ) rather than (0, 0):

x x0 u cos 0
r = r0 + ut + 21 at2 = + t + 21 t2
y y0 u sin g

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