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Class XI

Subject: PHYSICS


1. A car of mass 2000kg is moving with a speed of 30 ms-1. To stop it ,brakes are applied. If the
braking force is 8000 N, then the time required to stop the car will be:

a)5 seconds b) 7.5 seconds c) 14 seconds d) 6 seconds.

2. The power of water pump is 2.5 kW. If g= 10 m/s2, the amount of water it can raise in one
minute to a height of 10 m is:

a) 2000 litre b) 1000 litre c) 1200 litre d) 1500 litre

3. The rain drops falling from the sky neither hit us nor make holes on the ground because they
move with :

a) constant acceleration b) variable acceleration c) variable speed d)

constant terminal velocity

4. Water is flowing through a tube of non uniform cross-section . If the radius of the tube at the
entrance and exit is 3:2, then the ratio of velocity of liquid entering and leaving the tube is :

a) 8:27 b) 4:9 c) 1:1 d) 9:4

5. Two springs of force- constants k1 and k2 are stretched by the same force.The ratio of the
potential energies stored in them is:

a) k1 : k2 b) k2 : k1 c) k1 : k2 d) k22 : k12

6. Moment of inertia of a ring about a tangent perpendicular to its plane is :

a) 2MR2 B) MR2 C) MR2 D) MR2

7. The ratio of the radii of gyration of a circular disc about a tangential axis in the plane of the
disc and of a circular ring of the same radius about a tangential axis in the plane of the ring:

a) 51/2: 61/2 b) 1: 21/2 c) 2:3 d) 2:1

8. If g be the acceleration due to gravity on the earths surface , the gain in potential energy of an
object of mass m raised from the surface of earth to a height equal to the radius R of earth is:

a) mg R b) 2mgR c) mg R d) mg R

9. A particle moves along a straight line such that its displacement at any time t is given by S= t3-
9t2+5t-14 metre. The velocity when the acceleration is zero is:

a) -39 m/s b) -22 m/s c) 13 m/s d) 42 m/s

10. A 2-kg block is placed on a rough surface inclined at 300 with the horizontal. If the
coefficient of friction be 0.5, the limiting frictional force acting on the block will be:

a) 2.5 N b) 9.8 N c) 9.83 N d) 4.93 N

11. A Machine gun fires a bullet of mass 40 g with a velocity 1200 m/s. The man holding it can
exert a maximum force of 144 N on the gun. How many bullets can be fired per second at the

a) two b) four c) one d) three

12. The perfect gas equation for 4gram of hydrogen gas is :

a) PV= RT b) PV=2RT c) PV= RT d) PV= 4RT

13. Internal energy of a gram molecule of an ideal gas depends on:

a) pressure alone b) volume alone c) temperature alone d) both on pressure &


14. The pressure of air inside a motor tyre is 2 atmosphere and the temperature is 27C. If it

bursts suddenly, the final temperature will be ( = 1.4):

a) 27C b) 127C c) -27C d) -127C

15. Even Carnot engine cannot give 100% efficiency because we cannot:

a) prevent radiation b) find ideal sources c) reach absolute zero temperature

d) eliminate friction

16. Absorbing power for a perfectly black body is:

a) 1 b) 0.5 c) 0 d) infinite

17. If the temperature of a black body increases from 7C to 287C, then the rate of energy
radiation increases by :

a) (287/4)4 b) 16 c) 4 d) 2
18. The Wiens displacement law expresses relation between:

a) frequency and temperature b) temperature and amplitude c) wavelength and radiating

power of black body d) wavelength corresponding to maximum energy radiated by black
body and temperature

19. Time period of a simple pendulum of length l, at a place, where acceleration due to gravity is
g, is T. The period of simple pendulum of the same length at a place, where the acceleration due
to gravity is 1.02 g, is:

a) T b) 1.02T c) 0.99T d) 1.01T

20. The equation of sound wave is y= 0.0015 sin (62.4x + 316t). Find the wavelength of this

a) 0.2 unit b) 0.1 unit c) 0.3 unit d) cannot be calculated

21. A body of mass 500 kg falls on the earth from infinity. Its velocity on reaching the earth will
be :

a) 11.8 km/h b) 11.2 km/s c) 11.6m/s d) 11.8 km/s

22.Which of the following relation represents isothermal change:

a) P/V= constant b) P= constant/V c) V/P= constant d) VT = constant


Chapter- VECTORS

1. If A=3i+2j and B=i-2j+3k,then find the magnitude of A+B and A-B.

2. A car is A is moving at 10m/s on a straight road,is ahead of another car B moving in

the same direction at 6m/s.Find the velocity of A relative to Band vice-versa.

3. If A= 3i+2j+k and B= 7i+ 4j -3k. Find an unit vector perpendicular to the plain
containing both the vectors.

4. Find the angle between the vectors A and B where A= i+2j-k and B= -i+j-2k.

5. Find the unit vector perpendicular to both the vectors A=3i-j+2k and B=2i-2j+4k.

6. The x-component and y-component of a vector are 4 and 6 metre respectively.Txand y

components of vector A+B are 10 and 9 metre respectively.Calculate the vector B a)its x
and y components b)its length and c) the angle it makes with the x-axis.

7. When a force of 10N acts on a body, the body is displaced 2m in the direction of the
force. Calculate the work done by the force.

8. Under what condition the sum and difference of two vectors will be equal in

9.Two persons are pulling the ends of a string in such a way that the string is stretched
horizontally. When a weight of 10 kg is suspended in the middle of the string, the string
does not remain horizontal. Can the person make it horizontal again by pulling it with a
greater force?

10. When is the sum of two vectors maximum and when minimum?

11. Prove that the vectors A=i+2j+3k and B=2i-j are perpendicular to each other.

12.Two vectors A and B are added. Prove that the magnitude of the resultant vector
cannot be greater than A+B and smaller than (A-B) or (B- A).

13.Find the unit vector parallel to the resultant of the vector A=2i-6j-3k and B=4i+3j k.

14. Find out the area of a parallelogram whose adjacent sides are i+2j+3k and -3i-2j+k.

15. Calculate the values of i) j.(2i-3j+k) and (ii) (2i-j). (3i+k)


1. Distinguish between streamline and turbulent flow of liquid.

2. When we try to close a water tap with our fingers, fast jets of water gush through the
openings between our fingers. Explain why?

3. Why is the pressure of water reduced when it comes to narrow pipe from wide pipe
while flowing?

4. What is the difference between friction and viscosity?

5. The diameter of ball A is twice that of B. What will be the ratio of their terminal
velocities in water?

6. Plot a graph between terminal velocity of spherical body and the square of its radius.

7. Explain Newtons law of Viscosity.

8. State and establish Stokes law.

9. State and prove Bernoullis theorem.

10. Define terminal velocity and derive its expression.

11. Using Bernoullis theorem ,prove that velocity of efflux of liquid emerging from the hole
in the wall of a vessel is 2gh,where h is the height of the liquid level above the hole.

12. The weight of a person is 80kgf. How much pressure is exerted by him on the ground,
when i) he is lying, ii) he is standing on both his feet? Given: area of the body of the
person 1.2m2 and that of a foot is 60cm2. ( g = 9.8 ms-2)

13. A square plate of 10 cm side moves parallel to another plate with a relative velocity of
10 cms-1, both plates immersed in water. If the viscous force is 2 x 10-3 N., calculate the
perpendicular distance between the plates.
An iron ball of radius 0.3 cm falling through a column of oil of density 0.94 g cm-3
attains a terminal velocity of 0.5 cm s-1. What is the coeff. Of viscosity of the oil?
Density of iron = 7.8 g cm-3.
Two drops of equal radii are falling through air with a terminal velocity of 5cm s-1. If
they coalesce into one drop, what will be the terminal velocity of the new drop?
Water flows through a horizontal pipe of varying cross-section.The pressure of water
equals to 0.1 m of mercury at a place where the velocity of flow is 0.4m/s.What will be
the pressure at another place where the velocity of flow is 0.5m/s?
Air s streaming past a horizontal aeroplane wing such that its speed is 120/s at the upper
surface and 90m/s at the lower surface.If the density of air is 1.3kg/m3,find the
difference in pressures between the two surfaces of the wing. If the wing is 10m long
and has an average width of 2m ,the calculate the gross lift on it.
What will be the terminal velocity of a steel ball of radius 2mm in glycerine?
An air bubble of radius 0.4 mm rises up in water. Determine the terminal velocity of the
There is a 1mm ,thick layer of oil between a flat plate of area 0.001 m2and a big plate.
How much force is required to move the plate with velocity of 1.5cm/s. The coefficient
of viscosity of oil is 1 poise.


1. Draw graphs showing the variation of acceleration due to gravity with (a) height above
the earths surface (b) depth below the surface of earth

2. Why do different planets have different escape velocities?

3. Two artificial satellites one close to the surface and the other away are revolving around
the earth. Which has larger speed?

4. If the radius of the earth shrinks by 1%, its mass remaining the same by what percentage
will be acceleration due to gravity on its surface change?

5. Discuss the variation of g with (i) the altitude (ii) the depth and (iii) the shape of the earth
(iv) rotation of earth

6. What is satellite? Obtain expression for (a) Orbital velocity (b) period of revolution.

7. Define escape velocity. Derive an expression for it in terms of mass and radius of the

8. Define Gravitational field strength. Give its unit and dimension. State whether it is a
scalar or vector quantity.

9. What is a Geostationary satellite? Calculate the height of a Geostationary satellite above

the earths surface. What is the orbiting speed of this kind of satellite?

10. Derive an expression for the periodic time of a satellite revolving around the earth.
Shows how it depends upon the density of the earth.

11. Explain gravitational potential at a point and gravitational potential energy of a body in a
gravitational field. Establish a relation between them.

12. If the radius of the earth shrinks by 2%, mass remaining the same, then how would the
value of acceleration due to gravity change?

13. Assuming the earth to be a sphere of uniform density, how much would a body weigh
half way down to the center of the earth, if it weighed 300N on the surface of earth?

14. What is the minimum energy required to launch a satellite of mass m kg from the earths
surface of radius R in a circular orbit at an altitude of 2R?

15. Calculate the escape speed for an atmospheric particle 1600km above the earths surface,
given that the radius of the earth is 6400km and acceleration due to gravity on the surface
if earth is 9.8m/s2?

16. State Kepler's laws of Planetary motion.

17. The mean distance f earth from sun is 1.496x 108km and its sidereal revolution period is
365.3 days. The sidereal revolution period of the planets Venus and Mars are 224.7 days
and 687 days respectively. Estimate the distance of these planets from sun.

18. A 500 kg satellite revolves around the earth at a height of 1000km above the earths
surface. Calculate assuming circular orbit: speed of satellite, angular velocity of
satellite ,gravitational force of the earth on the satellite.

19. The mass of earth is 6x1024kg and 6400 km. What will be the potential energy of a 200 kg
body placed 600 km high from the earths surface?

20. At what height above the earth surface would the acceleration due to gravity be i) half
ii)one fourth of its value at the earths surface?


1. What are shearing stress and shearing strain? Define modulus of rigidity of a material
and write its unit.

2. Draw a graph between the load suspended from a wire and the extension produced in
the length of the wire. Mark the elastic limit on the graph. Which part of the graph is
related to the Youngs modulus of the material of the wire?

3. Explain the meanings of tensile stress, yield point and plastic region.

4. Derive the expression for the elastic potential energy per unit volume of a wire
stretched by an external force.

5. Derive the formula for the force developed on the clamps when the temperature of a
wire stretched between two clamps is changed.

6. Which is more elastic rubber or steel? Explain.

7. A steel wire of diameter 2mm has a breaking strength of 4x 105 N. What is the breaking
strength of similar steel wire of diameter 1mm?

8. One end of a uniform rod of mass M and cross sectional area A is suspended from a
rigid support and an equal mass M is suspended from the other end. What is the stress
at the midpoint of the rod?

9. The length of a rubber cord increases to 60cm under a weight of 100g suspended from
it, and to 70cm under a weight of 120g. Find the initial length of the cord. Also
calculate the weight under which the length of the cord will become 74 cm.

10. The area of cross-section of a metal rod is 1cm2.It is clamped tightly at its two ends at
0C. The rod is heated to 100 C. Calculate the tension produced at its two ends. Coeff.
Of linear expansion of metal is 1.2 x 10-5 C-1 and Youngs modulus is 2.0 x 1011 N m-2.

11. A solid ball 3cm in diameter is submerged in lake to a depth, where the pressure is 10 3
kgf/m2. Find the change in volume of the ball, if bulk modulus of the material of the
ball is 107 dyne/cm2.

12. A rubber cube of each side 7cm has one side fixed, while a tangential force equal to the
weight of 300kgf is applied to the opposite face. Find the shearing strain produced and
the distance through which the strained side moves. Y of rubber = 2 x 10 7 dyne/cm2, g

13. Two exactly similar wires are stretched by the same load and difference in their
elongation is found to be 2.5x 10-3m. If their elasticities are in the ratio 5:3, find their
individual elongation.

14. A wire of length 2.0mand cross-sectional 1sq mm is stretched between two points.
When a mass of 0.01kg is hung from the mid-point of wire, it is found that the point is
depressed by an amount 0.01m. Calculate the Young's modulus of the material of the
What will be the density of lead under a pressure of 20,000N cm -2? Density of lead is
11400kgm-3 and the bulk modulus of lead is 0.80 x1010 Nm-2


1. Establish the relation between the surface tension of a liquid and the work done increasing
its surface area.

2. Deduce expressions for the excess pressure inside a i) liquid drop ii) air bubble in a liquid
and iii) soap bubble.

3. What is capillarity? Establish a relation among the height h of water column in a glass
capillary tube, the internal radius r of the tube and the surface tension T of water.

4. A mercury drop of radius 1.0 cm is sprayed into 106 droplets of equal size. Calculate the
energy expanded.

5. The air pressure inside a soap bubble of diameter 3.5mm is 8 mm of water column above
the atmospheric pressure. Calculate the surface tension of soap solution.

6. Water rises up to 2.0 cm in a capillary tube of length 20.0 cm held vertically. If the
capillary is bent by 30 from this vertical position, find the length of liquid raised in it.

7. State the factors on surface tension of a liquid depends.

8. Water rises in a glass capillary tube, but descends if the bore of the capillary tube is coated
with paraffin wax. Why?

9. What is the relation between surface tension and surface energy ?

10. Explain the cause of surface tension. What is angle of contact ? What is the SI unit of
surface tension?

11. The moisture in a field is retained on ploughing the field. Explain how.

12.A drop of oil poured on water surface spreads out, but a water drop poured on oil is
compressed in globule. Why ?

13. Why are the droplets of mercury brought in contact pulled together to form a bigger

14. Why is the tip of nib of a pen split?

15. A capillary tube of radius 0.2 mm is dipped vertically in water. Find the height of water
column raised in the tube. [T=0.075 N/mg=9.8m/s2]


1. Why are gas laws not obeyed at low temperature and high pressure?

2. The pressure of a gas can be increased either by increasing the temperature or by

decreasing the volume. Explain why.

3. Which gas molecule will possess higher value of rms velocity oxygen or hydrogen?

4. Explain on the basis of kinetic theory of gases that the pressure of a gas increases when
its temperature is increased?

5. When pressure increases by 1% what is the % decrease in the volume of a gas, if Boyles
law is obeyed?

6. Derive the expression for the pressure of a gas.

7. From Kinetic theory of gas explain- I) Boyles law ii) Charless law

8. Prove that the root mean square velocity of the molecules of a gas is directly proportional
to the square root of the absolute temperature of the gas.

9. Assuming the relation P = 1/3 v2 , prove that the average kinetic energy of a molecule of
an ideal gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas.

10. The volume of an air bubble becomes 11 times on reaching the surface of water from the
bottom of a lake. If the height of mercury in the barometer be 75 cm, then calculate the
depth of the lake. Density of water of the lake is 1.02 x 10 3 kg m -3.

11. A vessel is filled with oxygen gas at 0C temperature and at 1 atmospheric pressure. What
is the root-mean square speed of the oxygen molecules?

12. The mass of molecule of krypton is 2.25 times the mass of a hydrogen molecule. A
mixture of equal masses of these gases is enclosed in a vessel. Calculate at any constant
temperature the ratio of the root mean square velocities of the molecules of krypton and
hydrogen gases.

13. The density of hydrogen at normal temperature and pressure is 0.09 kg m-3. What will be
the root mean square speed of its molecules? What of oxygen? Oxygen is 16 times
heavier than hydrogen.

14. At what temperature the kinetic energy of a molecule will be equal to 2.8 x 10 -20 J?
Boltzmann constant k = 1.4 x 10 -23 J K-1. .

15. The mean kinetic energy of 1 kg-mol of nitrogen at 27C is 3400 J, what will be its mean
kinetic energy at 127C?


1. Define a) degrees of freedom b) internal energy of a gas c) coefficient of performance d)

absorptance e) emissivity f) solar constant.

2. State a) Zeroth law of thermodynamics b) First law of thermodynamics c) Second law of

thermodynamics d) Carnots theorem e) Stefans law f) Newtons law of cooling g)
Wiens law

3. Write first law of thermodynamics for adiabatic process.

4. Is it possible to increase the temperature of a gas without heating it?

5. Define temperature gradient, write an expression for it.

6. Write Wiedmann and Franz relation between thermal conductivity K and electrical
conductivity .

7. Derive an expression for work done during a) isothermal process b) adiabatic process

8. Using first law of thermodynamics prove that Cp- C v = R

9. What do you by refrigerator? How does it function? Derive an expression for the
coefficient of performance of a refrigerator.

10. Define thermal conductivity. Derive an expression for heat flowing through a conductor
per second, in steady state.

11. Derive the expression for efficiency of Carnot engine and draw labeled indicator diagram
for it.

12. A 2 kg sphere falls from a height of 3m .If whole of its potential energy is converted into
heat, then how much heat will be produced?

13. What amount of work will have to be done in converting 1 kg of water into steam at
100C and normal atmospheric pressure? The volume of 1kg of water at 100C I s10 -3
m3 and that of 1 kg of steam is 1.671 m3 and the normal pressure is 105 N m-2.

14. At normal temperature 0 C and normal pressure the volume of 1mole of a gas is 22.4 x
10-3 m3. What will be the volume of the gas on increasing its temperature by 100C at
constant pressure? What will be the external work done by the gas?

15. Heat equivalent to 50J is supplied to a thermodynamic system and 10 J work is done on
the system. What is the change I the internal energy of the system in this process?

16. Find the average kinetic energy of a gas molecule of i) monoatomic gas ii) diatomic gas
at 20 C.

17. 0.5 mole of an ideal monoatomic gas initially at 1.0 x 10 15 Pa and 27C expands until its
volume doubles. Calculate the work done , if the expansion is a) isothermal b) isobaric c)

18. A Carnot engine takes 660 kcal from a heat source at 277C, does some external work,
and delivers the balance of the energy to a heat sink at 127. Find how much work is done
and how much heat is delivered to the sink.

19. One end of a copper rod of uniform cross-section and that of length 1.0m is in contact
with ice and the other end with water. At what point along its length should a temperature
of 250 C b maintained, so that in steady state, the mass of ice melting is equal to that of
steam formed in the same interval of time.

20. A body initially at 64C cools to 52C in 5 minutes. The temperature of surroundings is
16C. Find the temperature after further 5 minutes.

21. Refrigerator A works between -10C and 27C, while refrigerator B works between -27C
and 17C, both removing heat equal to 2000 J from the freezer. Which of the two is better

22. State Kirchoffs law of radiation

23. Define a perfectly black body. Draw spectral distribution curves of black body radiation
and write the effect of rise in temperature on it.

24. Sun and moon emit maximum radiation for wavelengths 5000 and 15 m respectively.
Taking temperature of the sun to be 6000K, find the temperature of the moon.


1. Show that the area enclosed by time-acceleration graph and time axis of an object for a
certain interval of time is equal to the velocity-change for that time-interval.

2. An object is moving in a given direction with a definite velocity. What is its acceleration?
Draw time-velocity and time-displacements graphs for the object.

3. A body covers a distance s in t seconds with initial velocity and uniform acceleration a,
2 s 2v 0 t
Prove by the method of integration that .

4. Rain is falling vertically with a speed of 45 m s -1. A boy on a bicycle is traveling with a
speed of 10 m s-1 in the north to south direction. In what direction, should he hold his
umbrella in order to protect himself from rain? With what speed does the rain strike the

5. A body travels with velocity v1 for time t1 second and with velocity v2 for time t2 second
in the same direction, find the average velocity of the body.

6. A particle starts moving from position of rest under a constant acceleration. If it travels a
distance x in t second, what distance will it travel in next t second.

7. Deduce the equations of motion by following calculus method.

8. The position of a particle is given by r =5t2 i - 2tj + 5k, where t is in seconds and the
coefficients have the proper units for r to be in meter. Find the velocity and acceleration
of the particle in magnitude and direction at time t = 4s.
9. A balloon, going upwards with a velocity of 12m/s, is at a height of 65m from the earth at
any instant. Exactly at this instant a packet drops from it. How much time will the packet
take to reach the earth? (take g= 10m/s2)

10. What are the two angles of projection of a projectile projected with velocity 30m/s, so
that the horizontal range is 45m? (g = 10m/s2)

11. A projectile can have same range R for two angles of projection. If t1 and t2 be the times
of flight in two cases, find the relation between horizontal range and the product of two
times of flight.

12. A ball of mass m is thrown vertically up. Another ball of mass 2m is thrown at an angle
with the vertical. Both of them stay in air for the same period of time. What is the ratio of
the height attained by the two balls?

13. Find i) the path of projectile ii) time of flight iii) horizontal range iv) maximum height,
when projectile is projected with velocity u making an angle with the vertical direction.

14. Find the angle of projection for a projectile motion whose range R is n times the
maximum height H.

15. A body traveling along a straight line traversed one third of the total distance with a
velocity 4m/s. The remaining part of the distance was covered with a velocity 2m/s for
half the time and with velocity 6m/s for the other half of time. What is the mean velocity
averaged over the whole time of motion?

16. Prove that a gun will shoot three times as high when its angle of elevation is 60 0 as when
it is 30 but cover the same horizontal range.

17. Find the maximum horizontal range of a cricket ball projected with a velocity of 80 m/s.
If the ball is to have a range of 1003 m, find the least angle of projection and the least
time taken.

18. A bullet fired from rifle attains a maximum height of 5m and crosses a range of 200m.
Find the angle of projection.

19. A body is projected downwards at an angle of 30 0 to the horizontal with a velocity 9.8m/s
from the top of a tower 29.4m high. How long will it take before striking the ground?

20. A racing car moving with constant acceleration covers two successive kilometers in 30s
and 20s respectively. Find the acceleration of the car.

21. A ball is dropped from a height of 19.6m above the ground. It rebounds from the ground
and raises itself up to the same height. Take the starting point as the origin and vertically

downwards as the positive X-axis. Draw approximate plots of x versus t, v versus t and a
versus t. Neglect the small interval during which the ball was in contact with the ground.

22. A helicopter on flood relief mission, flying horizontally with a speed u at an altitude H,
has to drop a food packet for a victim standing on the ground. At what distance from the
victim should the packet be dropped? The victim stands in the vertical plane of the
helicopters motion.

23. A man running on a horizontal road at 8kmh-1 finds the rain falling vertically. He
increases his speed to 12kmh-1 and finds that the drop makes an angle 30 with the
vertical. Find the speed and direction of rain with respect to the road.

24. In a car race, A takes a time t second less than the car B and passes the finishing point
with a velocity more than that of the car b. assuming that the cars start from rest and
v t a1 a 2
travel with constant acceleration a1 and a2 respectively, show that .

200 2
25. An aircraft flies at 400 km/h in still air. A wind of km/h is blowing from the south.
The pilot wishes to travel from A to a point B north-east of A. Find the direction he must
steer and time of his journey is AB = 1000 km.


1. Derive an expression for velocity of a rocket at any time, after being fired. What is meant
by burnt out velocity of rocket?

2. Ten one rupee coins are put on the top of one another one table. Each coin has a mass of
m kg. Given the magnitude and direction of a) the force on the 7 th coin (counted from the
bottom) due to all the coins on its top, b) the force on the 7 th coin by the 8th coin, c) the
reaction of the 6th coin on the 7th coin.

3. A bird is sitting on the floor of a wire cage and the cage is in the hand of a boy. The bird
starts flying in the cage. Will the boy experience any change in the weight of the cage?

4. A force of 5N changes the velocity of a body from 10 m/s to 20 m/s in 5sec. How much
force is required to bring about the same change in 2 seconds?

5. A person of mass m is hanging from a rope fastened to a stationary balloon of mass M. If
the person climbs along the rope, then with what velocity the balloon will move and in
what direction? The velocity of the person relative to the rope is v.

6. Explain why:

a) It is easier to pull a roller than to push it.

b) A cricketer moves his hands backward when holding a catch.

7. Define impulse and show that impulse of force is equal to the change in momentum of
the body.

8. A body of mass 10 kg is hung by a spring balance in a lift. What would be the reading of
the balance when i) the lift is ascending with an acceleration of 2m/s 2, ii) descending with
the same acceleration, iii) descending with a constant velocity of 2m/s. (g = 10m/s2)

9. A ball moving with a momentum of 15 kgms-1 strikes against a wall at 60 0 angle and is
reflected at the same angle with its initial speed. Find the impulse.

10. A uniform shell explodes into three equal parts. Two of the parts fly off perpendicular to
each other with velocities 9 ms-1 and 12 ms-1. Find the velocity of the third part.

11. A force acts upon a body of mass 20 kg, initially at rest, for 6 s after which the force
ceases. Now, the body describes 60m in the next 5 s. Find the magnitude of the force.

12. Why does the electric fan continue to rotate for some time after the current is switched

13. What is meant by an inertial reference frame and non-inertial reference frame? Explain
the concept of pseudo force.

14. A machine gun of mass 5 kg fires 30 bullets, each of mass 50 g, per minute at a speed of
400 m/s. What force must be exerted to keep the machine gun in position?

15. A lift is going upwards with an acceleration of 4.9 m/s 2. What will be the apparent weight
of a 60-kg man in the lift? What will be the weight when the lift rises with a uniform
velocity of 4.9m/s? If the rope of the lift snaps, then what changes do you hope to see?

16. A 20g bullet pierces through a plate of mass M1 = 1kg and then comes to rest inside a
second plate of massM2 =2.98kg. It is found that the two plates initially at rest, now move
with equal velocities. Find the percentage loss in the initial velocity of the bullet when it
is moving between M1 and M2. Neglect any loss of material of plates due to the action of
the bullets.

17. An explosion blows a rock into three pieces. Two pieces whose masses are 200kg and
100kg go off at right angles to each with a velocity of 8 m/s and 12 m/s respectively. If
the third piece flies off with a velocity of 25 m/s, then calculate the mass of this piece and
indicate the direction of this piece in a diagram.

18. Two masses m1= 12kg and m2= 8kg are connected at the two ends of a light, inextensible
string passing over a light, frictionless pulley. Find the acceleration of the masses and the
tension in the string when the masses are released. Through what distance the 12kg mass
would fall in 0.3s after the masses are released? (g=9.8ms-2)

19. A metallic block of mass 2 kg is resting on a frictionless plane. It is struck by a jet

releasing water at a rate of 1 kg/s and at a speed of 5 m/s. Find the initial acceleration of
the block.

20. A balloon with mass M is descending down with an acceleration a(<g). Calculate the
mass(m) of its contents that must be removed so that it starts moving up with the same


1. A light body and a heavy body have same linear momentum. Which one has greater
Kinetic energy?

2. What is the relation between the kinetic energy and linear momentum of a particle of
mass m moving with velocity v?

3. Define conservative and non-conservative forces and give examples of each.

4. Prove that the work done by a constant force in displacing a body through a certain
distance measures the change in the kinetic energy of the body.

5. Derive an expression for energy stored in a stretched spring.

6. Define elastic collision. Obtain expressions for velocities of the two bodies after such a
collision. Show that there is a loss of kinetic energy during inelastic collision.

7. Why is the work done by the gravitational force over complete orbit of the comet zero?

8. Two protons are brought towards each other. Will the PE of the system decrease or

9. Is mass converted to energy in an exothermic chemical reaction?

10. State the conservation of energy. Show that gravitational force field is a conservative
force field.

11. A 9-kg block moving on a frictionless horizontal surface with a velocity of 4 m/s
compresses an ideal spring and comes to rest. If the force constant of the spring be 100
N/m, then how much is the spring compressed.

12. Water falling from a 50m high fall is to be used for generating electric power. If 1.8x 10 5
kg of water falls per hour and half the gravitational potential energy can be converted into
electric energy, how many 100 watt electric bulbs can be lit? Consider there is no loss in
energy during energy transformation.

13. A 10kg ball and a 20kg ball approach each other with velocities 20 m/s and10 m/s
respectively. What are their velocities after collision, if the collision is perfectly elastic?

14. A bullet of mass 0.02 kg moving with a speed of 200 ms -1strikes a 2-kg wooden block
suspended by a 1m long thread and is embedded in the block. What is the maximum
inclination of the thread with the vertical?

15. An electron and a proton are detected in a cosmic-ray experiment, the first with KE 10
keV and the second with 100 keV. Which one is faster? Obtain the ratio of their speeds.
(Electron mass =9.11x 10-31 kg, Proton mass= 1.67 x 10-27 kg)

16. A uniform chain of length and mass m overhangs a smooth table with its two-third part
lying on the table. Find the KE of the chain as it completely slips of the table.

17. What minimum horizontal speed should be given to the bob of a simple pendulum of
length so that it describes a complete circle?

18. A pendulum bob of mass 10-2 kg is raised to a height 5x10-2 m and then released. At the
bottom of the swing it picks up a mass10 -3 kg. To what height will the combined mass
rise? (g=10ms-2)

Chapter - FRICTION

1. Define angle of repose and show that coefficient of limiting friction is equal to the
tangent of the angle of repose.

2. State the laws of limiting friction.

3. a) Why is friction a non-conservative force?

b) When the weight of a body placed on a surface is doubled, how does the coefficient of
friction change?

4. Discuss the various methods of reducing friction.

5. Static friction is a self-adjusting force. Comment on this statement.

6. Polishing a surface beyond a certain limit may increase friction. Why?

7. An automobile is moving on a straight horizontal road with a speed u. If the coefficient of

static friction between the tyres and the road is s, what is the shortest distance in which
the automobile can be stopped?

8. Masses A and B are 10kg and 5 kg respectively. Calculate the minimum mass of C which
may stop A from slipping. The coefficient. of static friction between A and the table is 0.2

9. A block rests on a plane of variable inclination. Find the incline of the plane with the
horizontal at which the block just slides down. The coefficient. of friction between the
block and the plane is
s = 1/3...

10. A fireman of mass 80 kg slides down a pole during a rescue mission. The force of
friction is constant at 720 N. Find the acceleration of the man. (g= 10m/s2).

11. A car is moving on a straight road at a speed of 20 ms -1. The coefficient. of friction
between the tyres of the car and the road is 0.4. Find the shortest distance within which
the car can be stopped. (g= 10ms-2)
12. A block of mass 1.5 kg placed on a rough horizontal surface is pulled by a constant
horizontal force of 1.2 kgf. The coeff. of friction between the block and the surface is 0.3.
Find the acceleration produced in terms of g.

13. Starting from rest, a body slides down a 45 inclined plane in twice the time I takes to
slide down the same plane in the absence of friction. Find the coefficient. of friction
between the body and the inclined plane.

14. f N



A block slides down an incline of angle 30 with an acceleration of g/4. Find the kinetic friction

15. A block is moving on an inclined plane making an angle 45 with the horizontal and the
coefficient of friction is . The force required to push it up the incline plane is three times
the force required to prevent it from sliding. Find the value of N if N= 10



1. What is the centripetal acceleration of a body in uniform circular motion in terms of its
speed v and time period of revolution T?

2. Why does a cyclist lean while moving fast on a curved road?

3. Using a vector method, prove that the centripetal acceleration on a particle in circular
motion is given by v/r. Notations have their usual meaning.

4. Show that the maximum speed with which a bicycle rider may cross a circular turn of
radius r is given by rg where is the coefficient of friction of the road on the tyres.

5. What is a conical pendulum? Derive an expression for the time period of a conical
pendulum with string length l, which moves in a circle of radius r.

6. A body is revolved with constant speed in a circular path of radius 5 m in such a way that
it completes 14 rounds in 4 second. Fine the magnitude of acceleration in this motion.

7. In hydrogen atom, the electron revolves around the proton at a speed of 2.18 x 10 6 m/s
in a circle of radius 5.28 x 10-11 m. calculate the acceleration of the electron and compare
it with g.

8. A boy is whirling 20g stone in a horizontal circle by tying it to on end of a string of

length 2m. If the stone is making 4 revolutions in 1 second then, assuming the other end
of the string stationary, calculate the tension produced in the string.

9. The distance between the rails of a railway line is 1m. How much should the outer rail be
raised relative to the inner one so that a train may cross over a turn of radius 400m with a
speed of 20 m/s without friction? g = 10 ms-2

10. At what maximum speed can a racing car traverse on an unbanked curve of 20m radius, if
the coefficient of static friction is 0.64? [g=9.8m/s]

11. A long-playing record revolves with a speed of 33 rev/min and has a radius of 15cm.
Two coins are placed at 4cm and 14cm away from the centre of the record. If the
coefficient of friction between the coins and the record is 0.15, which of the two coins
will revolve with the record?

12. A 2000kg car has to go over a turn whose radius is 750m and the angle of slope is 5 . The
coefficient of friction between the car wheels and the road is 0.5. What should be the
maximum speed of the car so that it may go over the turn without slipping?

13. The driver of a car travelling at a speed v suddenly sees a wall at a distance r directly in
front of him. To avoid collision, should he apply the brakes or turn the car sharply away
from the wall? Give reason.

14. Give the location of the center of mass of (i) sphere (ii) cylinder (iii) ring, each of
uniform mass density.

15. Obtain expressions for the center of mass of a system consisting of a large number of

16. Prove that the center of mass of two particles divides the line joining them internally in
the inverse ratio of their masses.

17. Three point masses of 2g, 3g and 4g are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of
side 1m. Find the centre of mass of the system.

18. Give three examples of the centre-of-mass motion.

19. State and prove the theorem of parallel axes for the moment of inertia of a given body.

20. State and prove the theorem of perpendicular axes for the moment of inertia of a plane

21. Show that the M. I. of a plane square lamina of mass m and side a about and axis
perpendicular to its plane and passing through the midpoint of one of the sides is 12


22. Find the M.I. of a thin circular ring with mass M and radius R, about one of its diameters
and about its tangents in the plane and perpendicular to the plane of the ring.

23. For solid spheres, each of diameter 2 a and mass m, are placed with their centers at the
four corners of a square of side b. Calculate the M.I. of the system about one the sides of
the square.

24. A ring, a disc and a sphere all of the same radius and same mass roll down an inclined
plane from the same height h. Which of the three reaches the bottom I) earliest ii) latest.

25. a) Explain the concept of angular momentum and obtain an expression for it in Cartesian

b) Explain geometrical meaning of angular momentum.

26.A solid cylinder of mass 50kg rotates about its axis with angular speed 50s-1. The radius
of the cylinder is 0.25m. What is the KE associated with the rotation of the cylinder? What is
the magnitude of angular momentum of the cylinder about its axis?

27. The ratio of earth's orbital angular momentum (about the sun) to its mass is 4.4x 10 15.
Find the area enclosed by the earth's orbit.


1. A vibrating simple pendulum of period T is placed in a lift which is accelerating i)

upwards ii) downwards with a. What will be the effect on the time period?

2. What is the phase relation between displacement, velocity and acceleration in SHM?

3. Will the time period of, loaded spring change when taken to moon?

4. A particle starts oscillating from half the amplitude position. What is its initial phase?

5. How is the path difference related to phase difference?

6. A spring of force constant k is cut into equal pieces. What is the force constant of each

7. The frequency of oscillations of a mass suspended by a spring is n 1.If the length of the
spring is cut to one-half; the same mass oscillates with frequency n 2. Determine the value
of n2/n1.

8. A point particle of mass0.1kg is executing SHM of amplitude 0.1m. When the particle
passes through the mean position, its kinetic energy is 8x10-3 J. obtain the equation of
motion of this particle if the initial phase of oscillation is 45.

9. A particle is executing linear SHM of amplitude (a) what fraction of the total energy is
kinetic when the displacement is half the amplitude? (b) At what displacement is the
energy half kinetic and half potential?

10. Two linear simple harmonic motions of equal amplitudes and frequencies and 2 are
imposed on a particle along the axes of X and Y respectively. If the initial phase
difference between them is /2, then find the resultant path followed by the particle.

11. Obtain the formulae for displacement, velocity, acceleration and time period of a particle
executing SHM.

12. Two springs of force constants k1 and k2 are joined end to end and suspend from a
support. A body of mass m is attached to the lower end. Find out the period of oscillation
of the body.

13. Obtain the expressions for kinetic and potential energies of a body executing SHM. Prove
that its total energy is proportional to the square of the amplitude of oscillation.

14. One end of a U tube containing mercury is connected to a suction pump and the other end
is open to the atmosphere. A small pressure difference is maintained between the two
columns. Show that when the suction pump is removed, the liquid column in the tube
performs SHM. Obtain formula for the period of this motion.

15. Obtain an expression for the time period of a simple pendulum. Show that the time period
of a simple pendulum of infinite length is limited to 84.6 minutes.

16. If a tunnel be dug inside the earth and ball be dropped at one end of it then show that the
ball will execute SHM. Determine its time period in terms of G and density of earth, and
also in terms of g and radius of earth.

17. Obtain the expression for time period of a cylindrical body oscillating in a liquid.

18. The shortest distance traveled by a particle executing SHM from mean position in 2
seconds is equal to 3 / 2 times its amplitude. Determine its time period.

19. An 8kg body performs SHM of amplitude 30cm. The restoring force is 60N, when the
displacement is 30cm. Find a) time period b) the acceleration, PE and KE, when
displacement is 12cm.

20. Two identical springs have the same force constant of 147N /m. What elongation will be
produced in each spring in each case shown in the fig. g = 9.8m/s2.
Chapter - WAVES:

1. What is the basic difference between transverse and longitudinal waves? Why cant
transverse wave travel through gases?

2. Define the intensity of a progressive wave. Derive and expression for the velocity of a
Harmonic wave (v) in terms of frequency (n) and wavelength () of the wave.

3. What is meant by propagation constant of a wave? Derive an expression for the

instantaneous displacement of a particle in the medium in terms of angular frequency and
propagation constant of the progressive wave.

4. Establish the equation of a wave having velocity, frequency and amplitude 330 m/s,
110Hz and 5cm, respectively. The wave is traveling along negative x- direction.

5. A transverse wave is represented by the following equation

a. Y = 4 sin [(0.01x2.0t)] Where x and y are in cm and t is in second. Find the

amplitude, wavelength, frequency and speed of this wave.

6. In a progressive wave, the phase difference between two particles at a distance of 20cm is
2/3. Find the wavelength of this wave.

7. A plane wave has frequency 500Hz and velocity 360m/s. what is the phase difference
between two points at a distance 12 cms?

8. Find the intensity of a wave traveling with a speed of 500m/s in a medium whose density
3 3
is 7.8x 10 kg/ m . The amplitude and wavelength are 0.3 mm and 20m

9. What is the amplitude of the resultant wave when two waves of the same frequency n
meet at a point with phase difference , their individual amplitudes being a1 and a2?

10. What is the intensity of the resultant wave when two waves of the same frequency and
having the amplitudes a1 and a2 interfere constructively and destructively?

11. What are beats? Prove that the number of beats per second produced by two sources of
sound is equal to the difference in the frequencies of the two sources.

12. What is the natural frequency of a stretched string? What are overtone and harmonics?

13. What do you mean by coherence?

14. Explain the formation of standing waves in an open-end organ pipe and show that both
even and odd harmonics are produced in it.

15. Prove that both type of harmonics even and odd, are produced in a stretched string.

16. A string with mass per unit length m is stretched by a tension T. Prove that the
transmission of the transverse waves through this stretched string has the frequency n =
1/2l(T/m). State the laws of vibration of a stretch sting.

17. A tuning fork produces six beats pre-second. with a vibrating stretched wire of length
20cm and 21cm. What is the frequency of the tuning fork?

18. Show that the fundamental frequency of a closed organ pipe is half that of an open organ
pipe of the same length.

y1 10 sin 3t
19. The equation of displacement of two waves are given as

y 2 5 sin 5t 3 cos 5t
. What is the ratio of their amplitudes?

0.8 m 120 Hz
20. The phase difference between two points separated by in a wave of frequency is
. Find the velocity of the wave.

y 0.2 cos 0.04t 0.02 x
21. Equation of a progressive waves is given by . The distance is
expressed in cm and time in second. What will be the minimum distance between two particles

having the phase difference of .

1m 0.1 g cm 1
22. A string of length has the linear mass density . What would be the fundamental
400 N
frequency of vibration of this string under the tension of .

l 2l 2r r
23. Two vibrating strings of same material but lengths and have radii and respectively. they
are stretched under the same tension. Both the strings vibrate in their fundamental modes, the one
l 1 2 2
of the length with frequency and the other with . find the ratio of .
24. The third overtone of a close organ pipe is equal to the second harmonic of an open organ pipe.
Then find the ratio of their length.
25. The length of a sonometer wire AB is 110 cm. Where should the two bridges be placed from A to
divide the wire in three segments whose fundamental frequencies are in the ration of 1:2:3.
26. A cylindrical resonance tube, open at both ends, has a fundamental frequency in air. If half of
the length is dipped vertically in water, then what will be the fundamental frequency of air
27. When the temperature of an ideal gas is increased by 600 K, the velocity of sound in the gas
become times the initial velocity in it. Find the initial temperature of the gas.
28. Two strings of copper are stretched to the same tension. If their cross-section areas are in the ratio
1:4, then find the ratio of respective wave velocity.
29. A car sounding its horn at 480 Hz moves towards a high wall at a speed of 20 m/s, then what will
be the nearest frequency of the reflected sound heard by the man sitting in the car? [speed of
sound 330 m/s]

30. A train moves towards stationary observer with speed 34 m/s. the train sounds a whistle and its
frequency registered by the observer is . if the trains speed is reduced to 17 m/s, the frequency
f2 f2
registered is . if the speed of the sound is 340 m/s then find the ratio .


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