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TO: Board of Apportionment and Taxation; Board of Aldermen

FROM: Mayor David S. Cassetti
DATE: February 27, 2017

Re: 2017-18 City Budget, Ansonia Public Library Allocation

Over the past two weeks I have worked with my finance team to identify a
package of $160,000 in additional cuts to the city budget. It is my
recommendation that these additional funds be allocated towards to
restoration of hours at the Ansonia Public Library.
I will continue to review the budget as this process continues and make
recommendations as appropriate. As you know, it is my desire to preserve
city services to every extent possible while preventing any form of tax
increase this year. I look forward to working alongside you in your endeavor
to deliver the best budget possible for Ansonia
City Government Gas $10,000
City Government Cultural Comm 50,550
Mayor's Office Dir. Of 10,000
Finance Comptroller 8,000
Information Computer 2,000
techology Systems
Information Computer 2,000
techology Services
Public Works Wages 50,404
Public Works Gas & Motor Oil 10,000
Recreation Activities 2,000
ARMS Collection Fees 3,000
Town Clerk Town Clerk 15,000

TOTAL $162,954


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