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Canyon Ministry Leaders

Andrew Gutierrez, Elder, Pastor-Teacher

Jason Drumm, Elder, Associate Pastor

Dave Lutz, Elder

Small Group Ministry

Brad Penner, Elder

Josh Farmer
Music Ministry

Rob Leahy
Security Team

Jeff Nordyke

Joe Sapko
Childrens Ministry

Chuck Schafer
Needs Ministry

Jeff Timm
Set-Up, Tear-Down & Sound

Kristy Tracy
Womens Ministry

Canyon Bible Church // Prescott

Church Office: 122 N. Cortez Street, Ste. 317
Phone: 928.277.0017
A Pathology of Unbelief
John 12:36-43

March 5, 2017

Prayer Meeting: 8:40 in Mrs. Sobos Classroom

Welcome and Announcements

Song: The Lord our God

Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
Pastoral Prayer

Assurance of Pardon
Song: It is Well

Song: In Christ Alone


Sermon: A Pathology of Unbelief
Scripture: John 12:36-43

Lords Table
Offering & Song: Take My Life

Application: Are there examples to follow? Commands to obey?

Errors to avoid? Sins to forsake? Promises to claim?
Thoughts about God? Principles to live by?
Friday Canyon Announcements
Pray for the churches in Nicaragua. Particularly prayer Friendship Folders
for the churches, pastors, and believers in Chinandega. Please pass the Friendship Folders, for prayer requests and praise
Thoughtfully pray that the Lord brings up strong men to reports please also register your attendance. If there is no one
lead the church. Pray for Christ to be proclaimed boldly. sitting at the end of an aisle, please make sure the worship guide
Pray for the hearts of the lost to be changed to love Christ. gets passed.

Get to Know Canyon

The next Get to Know Canyon Class will be March 19th. This class is
for any who would like to know more about Canyon Bible Church of
Prescott and for those considering membership. If you would like to
attend please email

James Gems
If you are a widow at Canyon and are not involved in our James
Gems widows ministry, we have several activities coming up for
these special ladies. Please call Lynn Penner, 928-778-2734 for
more information.

Womens Bible Study

Ladies, our weekly study in JONAH is March 21st April 11th. If you
Saturday were a part of our Ruth study, you do not need to register or pay for
Jonah. If you would like to be a part of our Jonah study, registration
is Sunday, Feb. 26 and March 5th at the Womens Ministry table in
Resources: the foyer at Prescott High School. Workbooks are $5 and will be
available for pickup by everyone on Sunday, March 12th. *Please
Book of the Month: note: You will need to complete the first weeks lesson before our
first class. **Important Change for the evening ladies: We will be
The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Con- meeting at Alta Vista Retirement Community (916 Canterbury Lane,
flict by Ken Sande Prescott, AZ 86301) instead of American Warehouse. Call or email
Kristy Tracy if you have any questions, / (907)
One of the top 3 most influential books in my Christian life. 232-3743.
Every single relationship I have has been benefitted by the
biblical truths taught in The Peacemaker. -Pastor Andrew Men at War
Our four-week study through Jonah will begin on Thursday March
Blog: 23rd. Time and location will remain the same. If you were a part of
the Ruth study, there is no cost for Jonah. If you were not involved,
Go to and read the blog in the Ruth study, workbooks are $5. All can pick up their books on
post Pauls Gospel Essentials: Resurrection and Eyewitness- Sunday March 12th during worship service. The first lesson should
es by John MacArthur be completed before Thursday, March 23rd. For more information,
see the churchs website.

Please remember water bottles only in the Ruth Street Theater.

Monday Wednesday
John 6:41 speaks of Isaiahs vision of God in Isaiah 6. In this Read the following quote and pray for a heart that desires
vision Isaiah not only saw a vision of God with his eyes, but in Christ above all else:
this moment he understood the character of God. Ask God to
give you an accurate understanding of who He is based on The Christian life is all about loving, knowing and following
His revelation to you in the Scriptures. Additionally, be willing Jesus Christ. Being a genuine disciple means living in a
to forsake any understandings of God that you may have personal relationship with Him. It involves believing in Jesus
created in order to make a God of your own likeness. May we and following Him throughout ones entire life. it includes
submit and enjoy the one true God as He is revealed to us in worshipping and adoring Him with all of ones heart. It is
His Word. treasuring Him above all else. It leads to serving Him with
ones entire being. Simply put, the Christian life is Christ.
-Steven J. Lawson

Tuesday Thursday

Read through the book of Jude. May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowl-
edge of God and Jesus our Lord, 2 Peter 1:2.
Jude writes in verse 24, Now to him who is able to keep
you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the Grace and peace are the substance of salvation and God
presence of his glory with great joy. God is able to do this, to wants these things to be multiplied to His children. The
keep you from stumbling, because God is completely and su- grace is that which is given abundantly for every sin as
premely powerful, loving, and faithful. He will not allow those, Gods free, unmerited favor toward sinners, granting those
who are HIs children, to fall away from the saving faith of the who believe complete forgiveness through Christ. The
gospel. peace is a peace with God, which flows out of the forgive-
ness given to all His children.
Pray and thank the Lord that it is He that keeps you from
stumbling and is faithful and able to preserve you to the end. Pray and thank the Lord for the grace and peace that has
been given to you.

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