Ju Su-JCM 2011

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Flexural properties of lightweight FRP

composite truss structures

Article in Journal of Composite Materials September 2011

DOI: 10.1177/0021998311410237


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4 authors, including:

Su Ju Dazhi Jiang
National University of Defense Technology National University of Defense Technology


R. A. Shenoi
University of Southampton


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Article M AT E R I A L S
Journal of Composite Materials
45(19) 19211930
! The Author(s) 2011
Flexural properties of lightweight FRP Reprints and permissions:
composite truss structures DOI: 10.1177/0021998311410237

S. Ju1, D. Z. Jiang1, R. A. Shenoi2 and J. Y. Xiao1

This article deals with the flexural behavior of a lightweight, long-span, and triangular cross-section fiber-reinforced
polymer (FRP) composite truss. Three-point bending tests are conducted for a 6 m long, triangular cross-section, glass
fiber/epoxy composite truss and characteristic structural responses identified. Numerical analysis has been performed,
validated by the experimental results. Stiffness to weight ratio of this truss structure made by different materials has been
compared by numerical analysis under the same geometry dimension constraints. A parametric study has been employed
to determine the effects of different geometric parameters on the flexural performance of this lightweight FRP com-
posite truss. The composite truss is of bilinear behavior under three-point bending. The linear load capacity and flexural
stiffness of this composite truss structures are identified. A relationship between the individual geometric parameters
and the flexural properties has been obtained.

fiber-reinforced polymer, lightweight structure, flexural properties, finite element analysis

Introduction composite materials allows the majority of materials

Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite lightweight stiness and strength to be located and directed along
structures, such as composite truss structures, have the load transfer path. The high-specic stiness and
been widely applied in various engineering elds, espe- strength of unidirectional FRP composite materials are
cially in the aerospace industry. Recent development in fully utilized in these composite truss structures.
manufacturing technologies has allowed the composite Composite grid structure is a lattice of rigidly con-
truss structures to be integrally fabricated by the la- nected ribs with or without laminate skins, such as
ment winding process, with the same structural element composite stiened panel or shell structures. The
repetitively appearing along the length. These new type same grid pattern of composite ribs repetitively appears
of continuous lament FRP composite truss structures, on 2D plane or curved surface (Figure 1). A composite
also known as the beam-like lattice structures14 or isogrid structure is one such conguration, character-
macro-scale one-dimension periodic cellular struc- ized by equilateral triangle rib pattern. The IsoTrussTM
tures,510 have attracted considerable attention due to structure is structurally more ecient in the axial long
their high eciency in load distribution, long-span, length condition. The same pyramid pattern truss
good integrity (few joints), and high specic stiness members appear along the length. Key characteristics
and strength. of the previous studies on the mechanical behaviors of
The concept of continuous lament composite truss
evolves from the continuous lament advanced com- 1
College of Aerospace and Materials Engineering, National University of
posite isogrid which was developed by McDonnell Defense Technology, Changsha, 410073, China.
Douglas Astronautics Company (St. Louis) as an e- School of Engineering Science, University of Southampton,
cient structural concept.11 Load transfer paths are Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK.
mainly along the ribs of the truss structures.
Corresponding author:
Continuous unidirectional FRP composite materials S. Ju, College of Aerospace and Materials Engineering, National University
are particularly well-suited for manufacturing these12 of Defense Technology, Changsha, 410073, China
as the high directionality of unidirectional FRP Email: jusu.nudt@gmail.com
1922 Journal of Composite Materials 45(19)

Racklie et al.17 Both the failure modes of global buck-

ling and local buckling were considered. Failure of the
graphite/epoxy IsoTrussTM structure specimens under
compression, tension, and torsion was experimentally
and analytically studied by Weaver and Jensen.18
Carroll19 has conducted a numerical study on residual
strength of the damaged hybrid-grid IsoTrussTM struc-
tures subjected to axial compression, torsion, and ex-
ural bending. IsoTrussTM composite structures are also
employed as reinforcements for concrete structures.
Compressive and exural behaviors of IsoTrussTM rein-
forced concrete column were experimentally and numer-
ically studied by Blake20 and Jones.21 Flexural behavior
(strength, stiness, and failure) of IsoTrussTM rein-
forced concrete beam-column for use in deep founda-
tion pile applications were quantied by Ferrell.22
Lightweight composite truss structures are prefera-
bly used in aircraft and space applications. Schtuze23
has used the triangular cross-section lightweight carbon
ber (CF) composite truss in Zeppelin airships. For
designers to make intelligent choices when designing
with FRP composite truss structures for practical appli-
cations, an understanding of their mechanical behavior
Figure 1. Composite grid structure. is required.13 In many structural applications, the crit-
ical condition for the lightweight FRP composite truss
composite grid structure and IsoTrussTM structure are structure is bulking under bending load. Previous
twofold as discussed below. works mentioned in the preceding paragraphs mainly
focused on the mechanical behavior under compres-
sion, torsion, and tension load conditions. Aside from
Composite grid structure
some limited coverage of the composite IsoTrussTM
Both strength and stiness controlled compressive structure,19 few studies have been done on the exural
behavior of continuous lament composite isogrid behavior of other long-span lightweight continuous l-
structures under uniaxial compression with xed ament FRP composite truss structures, such as triangu-
loaded ends were experimentally and analytically inves- lar cross-section FRP composite truss structure. It is
tigated by Reddy.11 Huybrechts and Tsai13 have stud- this gap in the literature that this article seeks to cover.
ied the behavior of composite grid structure in failure Flexural properties of the long-span, triangular
space by developing a deformation and failure model of cross-section lightweight FRP composite truss are
the composite grid structure. Parametric studies were experimentally and numerically investigated in this arti-
used to determine the eects of structure type and cle. Three-point bending test is conducted for the 6 m
geometries on the mechanical behavior of composite long, triangular cross-section, glass ber (GF)/epoxy
grid structures. Compressive behaviors of the compos- composite truss and characteristic structural responses
ite isogrid stiened cylinder and thin composite isogrid are identied. Numerical analysis with nite element
stiened panel were examined by axial compression test (FE) model is performed to validate the experimental
and the rib buckling was identied as the critical failure results. Weight eciency of this truss structure is numer-
mode by Kim.14,15 Hou and Gramoll16 has experimen- ically evaluated by considering dierent materials.
tally and numerically investigated the compressive A parametric FE model is deployed to determine the
strength of composite cylindrical and conical shells. eects of dierent geometric parameters on the exural
Eects of the geometrical conguration on the com- performance of this lightweight FRP composite truss.
pressive behavior were considered.

IsoTrussTM composite structure Experiments

Composite truss specimen
Eects of dierent geometry parameters on the com-
pressive behavior of IsoTrussTM composite structure The conguration of a triangular cross-section light-
were experimentally and numerically investigated by weight FRP composite truss structure is shown
Ju et al. 1923

Figure 2. Geometry for the lightweight triangular cross-section composite truss dimensions: L 6 m, b 333 mm, D 348 mm,
d1 8.5 mm, and d2 5.2 mm.

in Figure 2. The truss structure is dened by ve main triangular cross-section is employed as loading point
geometric parameters: total length L, bay length b, tri- which is connected to the force sensor. To measure
angular cross-section circumscribing circle diameter D, the displacement at the middle of composite truss,
longitudinal member diameter d1, and the helical two electromechanical dial gages are mounted at
member diameter d2. The same structural element other two vertices of the middle triangular cross-
lXl, as shown in Figure 2, repeats along the length section. Both ends of the composite truss specimen
direction on three sides. The composite truss specimen are xed by weights to simulate simply supported con-
used in three-point bending test has a total length (L) of ditions. The weights should be heavy enough to prevent
6 m, bay length (b) of 333 mm, triangular cross-section any movement of the truss ends under the peak load
circumscribing circle diameter (D) of 348 mm, longitu- during the test. Four 50 kg weights are used in this
dinal member diameter (d1) of 8.5 mm, and the helical study. The force sensor and electromechanical dial
member diameter (d2) of 5.2 mm. The total weight of gages are connected to the same data acquisition
the composite truss is 5.3 kg. system. The composite truss specimen is loaded at a
The composite truss specimen is fabricated from rate of 1 mm/min controlled by UTM. The displace-
GF-reinforced epoxy in the form of prepreg tow: ment controlled load is continuously applied until the
2400 tex alkaline free GF roving, bisphenol-A epoxy composite truss specimen experience buckling and fail-
resin CYD-128 (epoxy equivalent is 184194) and ure of the truss members. The data from the force
curing agent diaminodiphenylmethane (DDM) system sensor and electromechanical dial gages are recorded
are used. A similar lament winding process as used in at a rate of 180 samples per minute and plotted syn-
IsoTrussTM 24 and isogrid14 structures has been chronously in the computer connected to the data
employed to fabricate the triangular cross-section com- acquisition system of UTM during the whole experi-
posite truss specimen. After curing and demolding, the ment process.
triangular cross-section composite truss specimen is
obtained (Figure 3).
Experimental results
The loaddisplacement curve of the lightweight FRP
Scheme of the three-point bending test composite truss under three-point bending test is plot-
A three-point bending test is performed on a universal ted in Figure 5. The truss specimen was initially loaded
testing machine (UTM) as shown in Figure 4. The com- to 410 N and then unloaded to 0 N. The loading and
posite truss specimen, force sensor, and UTM are con- unloading process was repeated three times. The load
nected by steel wire rope and pulley. At the middle displacement curve of each loading process was coin-
cross-section of composite truss specimen, the apex of cided. After unloading, the truss specimen can recover
1924 Journal of Composite Materials 45(19)

Figure 3. Triangular cross-section composite truss.

Figure 5. Loaddisplacement curve obtained by experiment.

After the yield point, continued loading cause a rapid

Figure 4. Experimental setup for three-point bending test.
increase in the displacement but almost no change on
the bearing load. The failure of the lightweight compos-
to its initial state. At the third time, the test was stopped ite truss occurs soon after the yield point (St, Lt); it is
at the load 431 N when the composite truss was highly caused by local buckling of the truss members.
distorted and began to make a low pinging noise. The Consequently, the yield point load Lt can be considered
polymer matrix micro-cracking most likely cause this as the linear load capacity in design.
sound. Further examination of the graph shows that
the truss member buckling is initiated at 405 N which
is just the yield point of the loaddisplacement curve. Numerical analysis
The experimental curve consists of a yield point and
FE model and boundary constraints
two linear parts, also known as bilinear curve. The
slope of the rst linear part (k) before the yield point To numerically simulate the three-point bending test
is 33.75 N/mm, which is an indication of the integral process, a nite element analysis (FEA) is carried out
structural stiness of the lightweight composite truss. using the general purpose FE program ANSYS.
Ju et al. 1925

Figure 6. FE model for the composite truss under three-point bending.

A quadratic three-node beam element BEAM189 is

selected for modeling both longitudinal and helical
members of the lightweight FRP composite truss.
This element can be used to analyze slender to moder-
ately thick beams and is well-suited for geometrically
nonlinear analysis of truss structures.
A schematic view of the FE model for the light-
weight FRP composite truss under three-point bending
test is shown in Figure 6. The FE model has exactly the
same geometry dimensions to the GF/epoxy composite
truss specimen used in three-point bending test
(L 6 m, D 348 mm, b 333 mm, d1 8.5 mm, and
d2 5.2 mm). Attention is given to the representation of
the experimental boundary conditions at both ends of
the composite truss. With default settings, six degrees
of freedom (translations in the x, y, z directions and
rotations about the x, y, and z directions) occur at each Figure 7. Loaddisplacement curve obtained by numerical
node of element BEAM189. To simulate the simply simulation.
supported boundary conditions, all the translation free-
dom of the four supporting nodes are xed but rota-
tionally free by imposing zero displacement at these experimental loaddisplacement curve, a simulated
nodes (UX, UY, and UZ 0). Corresponding to the loaddisplacement curve is obtained (Figure 7).
test conditions, two nodes at the middle cross-section
are selected as loading node and measuring node, Effects of different materials and geometric
In order to account for the shape of the experimen-
tally derived loaddeection curve, the geometric non- To evaluate the weight eciency of the trusses made by
linear option is switched on in the ANSYS model. dierent materials, numerical simulations are done with
An element size of 0.05 m is chosen for the FE mesh the same FE model but dierent material properties.
in this model: this is consistent with the results con- In addition to GF/epoxy used in fabricating the com-
verging with an acceptable degree of accuracy. The posite truss specimen, three other materials, namely
displacement-time history of measuring node and the CF/epoxy, Al alloy, and steel are selected for further
load time history of loading node are, respectively, FEA studies. Material properties used in FE models are
derived from the time history postprocessor listed in Table 1. The case of same geometry dimensions
POST26 of ANSYS. Finally, corresponding to the (L 6 m, D 348 mm, b 333 mm, d1 8.5 mm, and
1926 Journal of Composite Materials 45(19)

Table 1. Material properties used in FE models

GF/epoxy CF/epoxy Al alloy Steel

E1 (longitudinal/helical) 46.6/45.8 GPa E1 (longitudinal/helical) 126/120 GPa E 70 GPa E 210 GPa

E2 E3 8.40 GPa E2 E3 8.90 GPa  0.33  0.28
G12 G13 4.70 GPa G12 G13 5.00 GPa  2800 kg/m3  7850 kg/m3
G23 4.14 GPa G23 4.60 GPa
12 13 0.28 12 13 0.32
23 0.33 23 0.34
 (longitudinal/helical) 2092/2099 kg/m3  (longitudinal/helical) 1796/1689 kg/m3

Table 2. FEA results for the truss structure with same geometry dimensions but different materials

Number Materials Weight W (kg) L (m) D (mm) b (mm) d1 (mm) d2 (mm) k (N/mm) k/W

1 CF/epoxy 4.05 6 348 333 8.50 5.20 91.69 22.63

2 GF/epoxy 5.07 6 348 333 8.50 5.20 34.10 6.73
3 Al alloy 6.77 6 348 333 8.50 5.20 51.91 7.67
4 Steel 18.97 6 348 333 8.50 5.20 153.95 8.11

Figure 8. Loaddisplacement curves of different geometric parameters: (a) D; (b) N; (c) d1; and (d) d2.
Ju et al. 1927

d2 5.2 mm) is considered. For each material, the ex- cross-section (D) varies from 190 to 650 mm; bay
ural stiness k, and theoretical structural weight W are number (N) is set as all the even number between 10
derived and calculated. Stiness to weight ratio k/W are and 44; longitudinal member diameter (d1) is from 5.8
used to evaluate weight eciency of the truss structure. to 9.8 mm and helical member diameter (d2) changes
A parametric FE model is built by the APDL from 4.2 to 8.2 mm.
(ANSYS Parametric Design Language) and used to
determine how the geometries aect the exural prop-
erties of this GF/epoxy composite truss structure. For
Numerical results
the geometry studies, the total length (L) is xed to The loaddisplacement curve of numerical simulation is
5.2 m and bay length (b) is replaced by bay number plotted in Figure 7 which also consists of a yield point
(N) in the parametric FE model for the consideration and two linear parts. The yield point data is (St,
of facilitating the modeling, where b L/N. Four geo- Lt) (12.58 mm, 429 N) and exural stiness (slope of
metric variables, D, N, d1, and d2 are taken into account the rst linear part) is k 34.1 N/mm.
in the parametric FE model. To ensure the loading Numerical simulation results for the exural perfor-
point is located at the middle of composite truss, the mance of triangular cross-section truss structures made
total bay number (N) is constrained to be even number. by CF/epoxy, GF/epoxy, Al alloy, and steel are listed in
The initial values for the four geometric parameters are: Table 2, respectively.
D 330 mm, N 18, d1 8.5 mm, d2 5.4 mm. Only The eects of each geometric parameter on the load
one parameter is changed at a time while other three displacement curve of the GF/epoxy composite truss
are maintained at the initial value. A loaddisplacement under three-point bending are shown in Figure 8. All
curve is obtained at each change and then the exural the loaddisplacement curves have obvious bilinear fea-
performance maps of these composite truss structures, ture and an apparent yield point is included.
based on the eects of each individual geometric Corresponding to each curve and geometric diameter,
parameter, are derived. From practical considerations, the yield point data (St, Lt) and exural stiness k are
the circumscribing circle diameter of triangular derived and plotted in Figures 9 and 10, respectively.

Figure 9. Effects of individual geometric parameter on (Lt, St): (a) D; (b) N; (c) d1; and (d) d2.
1928 Journal of Composite Materials 45(19)

Discussion point load Lt can be considered as the linear load

capacity in design. The slope of the rst linear part
Experiment vs. numerical simulation dened by k Lt/St can be considered as the integral
The experimental and numerical results of the light- exural stiness of the composite truss. As the yield
weight GF/epoxy composite truss under three-point point data (St, Lt) of loaddisplacement curve indicates
bending are plotted in one graph, as shown in both the load bearing capacity and integral exural
Figure 11. Both the two curves are bilinear curves stiness of the lightweight composite truss, it can be
and very close to each other. Compared to numerical considered as the most signicant structural responses
curve, the experimental curve is smooth at the yield of this composite truss structure under three-point
point. More local buckling of the truss members bending condition.
appeared after the yield point during both the experi-
mental process and numerical simulation time history. Weight efficiency of the truss structure with different
Loading after the yield point, the highly distorted S
conguration longitudinal members are observed, as
shown in Figure 12. The dierence of yield point load Results for the triangular cross-section truss structure
Lt and exural stiness k between the experimental and with the same geometry dimensions made by CF/
simulation results is less than 7%. This indicates that epoxy, GF/epoxy, Al alloy, and steel in Table 2 show
the exural performance of the lightweight FRP com- that k/W of the CF/epoxy composite truss is far greater
posite truss can be simulated by FE method with ade- than that of the truss made by other materials. This
quate accuracy. indicates the distinct advantage of CF/epoxy in
As the failure of the lightweight composite truss weight eciency. Trusses made by the other three mate-
occur soon after the yield point (St, Lt), the yield rials have very close k/W values.

Figure 10. Effects of individual geometric parameter on k: (a) D; (b) N; (c) d1; and (d) d2.
Ju et al. 1929

Effects of geometric parameters on the flexural insensitive to change of N. However, N is considerably

more eective in increasing the yield point load Lt, even
properties more eective than D. This indicates that the circum-
As shown in Figures 8(a) and 9(a), with the increase of scribing circle diameter D and bay number N are crit-
D, Lt increases while St decreases which causes a dis- ical factors underpinning the integral exural stiness k
tinct increase in k, as shown in Figure 10(a). The trends and yield point load Lt, respectively, which are funda-
in Figure 8(a) indicate the response of yield point (St, mentally due to D changing the second moment of area
Lt) to the variation of D: the exural properties of these of truss cross-section and N changing the buckling
lightweight composite truss structures are highly depen- length of truss members.
dent on D as the integral exural stiness and linear The yield point data (St, Lt) and exural stiness k
load capacity of the composite trusses are sensitive to are given according to the value of d1 shown in
the change of D. As the Lt and St increase at almost Figures 9(c) and 10(c), respectively. Lt and k increase
the same rate shown in Figure 9(b), there is little change with the increasing of d1; however, d1 is not as eective
on k while N varies from 10 to 44, as shown in as D and N in increasing k and Lt. Compared with d1,
Figure 10(b). It can thus be concluded that k is the increase of d2 will also cause the increase of Lt but
with little eect on k, as shown in Figures 9(d) and
10(d), respectively. Just like N, k is also insensitive to
variation of d2. In addition, as shown in Figure 8(d), the
slope of the second linear part of the loaddisplacement
curve (the section after the yield point) increases as the
d2 increases, while other three geometric parameters
hardly have any eects on this part of the curve. This
indicates that when d2 is large enough, the ultimate load
may continue increasing after yield point rather than
stop at yield point load Lt.

The exural properties of a triangular cross-section
lightweight FRP composite truss are experimentally
and numerically investigated. The composite truss
shows bilinear behavior under three-point bending.
A yield point of loaddisplacement curve can be
Figure 11. Loadingdisplacement curves of the lightweight GF/ observed in both the three-point bending experiment
epoxy composite truss under three-point bending. and numerical simulation. The numerical result

Figure 12. Deformation of the composite truss after the yield point load (a) Experiment (b) Numerical Simulation.
1930 Journal of Composite Materials 45(19)

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