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LtrcUlatrU,- lvassager

E!-ffi{TRICAL STitvrl


For detailed operation of your EleciroFlex- circulation

Massager Electrical stimulator please refer to the
comprehensive instructions wathin this manual.

To use ElectroFlex immediatelyfollowthis 5 point quick

start guide.

Remove your ElectroFlex Clrculation Massager from

(i_) packaging. Connect the DC adapter to a surtable
outlet and plug the small DC socket into the device.

Turn on the powerthe ,. ., :^-. _a .,

ceni:a I st
2 3 seconds and then turn offaga - -.- . : - _.--. . -
dOwr rTerpl.d pOWo -witrh[Or s-tt=--- . -.= at
d'so or lig^, p;ge or d rn*aiT or.

Remove your footwear and socks or stockings. your leet

need to be completely bare to experience the
EiectroFlex micro current stimulation massage therapy.

nerea'e'0diaerer red,.t 6lt p.o!,arres,eort

ofiering a range of micro current massage therapies.
Selecr a nlmber from 1 , 10 oy pressing the p+ and p-
buttons. lVe s'lggesi vc- in, ai l0 overtirne to decide
which best suits yor,.

Sit in a comfortable chair place your bare feet on the eft

and right foot plates. lncrease ihe intensity evels for
each foot by pressing the
^ tc increase the intensity
and v to decrease for BAND 1. The intensity leve ranges

from 0 to 40, slowly increase the level until you begin to

fee the micro-current stimulation.

For a full explanation of setting the intensity refer to page 1 3.

f-_l i\r.b!i!db)
For more information about BioEngergiser Product5 visit our website aL
lmponant Safety Information

What is Electronic Nerve Stimulation?

Machine Overuiew and Part Names

Functions and Proqrammes

Electroflex OutpuI Wave Forms

How to Operate

Cleanlnq 16

Troubleshooting and Maintenance 17

Technical Specifications

lmportant information


@D For mo.e information about BioEngergiser products visit our website at: www,bioenergiser.(om
,' , )

tlrcri.rr- .. :liiJre use.

The icons and warning signs are indicated here for your
2. P r::e:r:ckthat ycu have ai1 of safety and cotrect usaqe ofthe product as we I as to
:.. :.:lPonent parts as detailed prev-^nt injuries and/or damage to properties.
,. it s user manual.
Ihe icons and meanings are as fol ows:
l.Take all pirts out ofthe piastlc
Examples of lcon
llags ailo e xamine them to
famlli.rrs. yourself with th This icon means prohibited (mun not do).
@ a' . ''rq oroh b

This procur::-: . :

electronic meo.:
pacemakers, orgar ' " -. a ,:a.-,onlc
life support systems

\ffDi oosal ot i\or.d-c a' i .'.:: t-.'

/A ou o b-, drr ad o .-,n a rordor L- ... '' ' -
r nationa regu ationsforthe disposal of eectronic
products. Directive 2002196/EC(WEEE).

Consu t instructions for use

Date olmanufacturer
i,rianufacturer's name

EE]: - .--.- ;--rr ve in the European

At'- ::.,r canying documents

iloe tsF aoolleo Pan

@1his symbol means seria number which is on the
underside ofthe device and on the packaging.

((*"-F,t,t.r-..orro 1 oe.serr,3'16,9.i,ene1r r1

tl-etVed.ol D"v cDrc<Iftg /a)/ l\

14 i tor more in{ortration about BioEngergiser Products visit our website at: ww!
Danger la 'rai lse thls unit near the nean, above t"e I et.,
or tre heact, arourrd the mouth or on d seaseo ;t r
@;;;": May cause an acrident or ill health.
. nterna )'rr:f :a a-::-l , aedlcal devices, e q App lcation of electrodes near the thorax may
pacemakers lo ooro. o oio
. Eectronic fe,-:::':. .:l , lrir0nt, such as resp ratots Do notusethls unitsimutaneouslywith ::. :
. E ectronla r'.-r a: la. .:i atta.hed to the body, such
therapeut c devices or ln combinatlon r, :-
olntments lnc ud ng spray type o ntmen:!
a5 e etirotara :r'ea ij

r'l :f : May cause discomfort or ill health.

L-i f nli w rh oiher e ectron c medica
d..v ces ma_v cause eroncous operation ofthose 5imu r:-a .:apAT!
deviaes. :rroir::

Persons wiih {he to owing condirio.

consu t rhe doctor beiore u: nc :- ,

Ac!t d 5ease

[,4a lqf ant tumof

niecriol:. - '.
;aa OeaL:, aroa a-: . -a

Do not lnseft tl'e : :::' :. l ' : il .l .iO a.\,

p aceothel than rr. a :::': : :trar aa( c- :-i
main un t. [4ay cause ar I ...: r: snock or
. AC'a'-i a :: r:-':r: . -
Do not disassemb e or remode thls uf lt.
. t - ,.:
May cause fire, dysfunction, or accident.
. Rece. -:'. ) --a - -a-' .- : :;:::: t,ihose
Ma! :31s. :r accident or ill health. lfthe unit is not functioning properly or you feel
discomfort, stop using the unit immediately.
:' - , --.' ,' :: -::: :1, persons in the lirst
'., '-:: tyoulee anv proberswirh your bodyorskin,
=' a' :..:-z:c1,, fitted wirh a pacemaker consu t ycLr rao aa rract t oner and lol ow their
:' - -) :' :=' : :,eared foran exst ng deep

lf you want to move the Electrode Pad to

another region or your body during treatment,
be sure toturn off the power. f not, you may
iecelve a sirong e eat,ca :lock.

Do not try to attach the Pads to any other

person durirg rhe treatment.
stlonq e ea:':i ;^!ai.

Do not start treatment while wearing an

electronic device. The settings and t mings of
the device may be aflecied.

Do not use in the presence of flammable

anaesthetic gas mixture with air, oxygen or
iritrous oxide.

For more information about BioEngergiser products visit our website aL www.bioenergiser,com
{s }

Do not use Ihis unit on infants or people not Correct Disposal ofThis Produc (t{EEE Waste
capabie of expressing their intention5. l\ilay Eledri(al and Electronic Equipment)
a;rta an ac. denr or il heallh
- ': r'ccuct or its llterature,
Do not use this unit in places with high : :': -.I be dlsposed of, with other
humidity such as bathroorns or while taking a :::=,,: :-: end of lts working fe. To I

bath or shower. You wi I recelve a stronq : : -;'T :ctheenv ronment ol human

electr ca shock. r: -:': iEd waste disposa , p ease
r:'' ::rertypes ofwastes and recyc e t
Do not use this unit while sleeping. The m; I
:'ir-.c,e the susta nab e reuse of
un t may deve op a malfunction, or the pad ma\
move to an unexpected reglon and cause I

hea th. : ..,: s :icrld contact either the reta ler

.r -
-:. :' -':-;>eJ ln s oroduct, or theit loca
Do not use this unit whiie driving. P^. g
-.-- :-::'--, :e:: s otwhere and howthey
sudden stronq stimulat on may ead to tralf c
-. '--'-:nta ly safe req/c ing

Do not leave the Electrode Pad attarhed to the

Business users si: -: i::: :-eir stop ier and
checkthe terms;nd a:- l::-; :':.e purchase
skin after treatment" Prolonged attachment may
contract.Th s product sia - :r '--::.. T t?d wlth
cause skin irritation or infert on.
o-\., o^ r.., a wd t-\'., . .,
Be carelul not io allow any metal object, such -*r' o'od-, , doo
as a belt buckle or neckla(e to come into
10 o1ld. "^) I c.-, c'-
contact liJith the Electrode Pad during
treaiment. You may Teceive a s:'J-l e:air aa D sposal cf rseo bafteries should be canied out ln
shock. acccroanaewrth ih n.iiona re_culJtions forthe
disposa of baneries.
Do not u;e cellular phones or other electronic
devices near this unit.

Do not use this unit to treat one region for a

long time (more than 25 minutes). The muscles
ofthe reqion undertreatment may become
exhausted and may cause poor physical

Put the Ele{irode Gel Pads only on skin or

on the plastir prole(tor t0 avoid
damaqe of the adhesive
surfaces ofihe pals

-F{ar*il *#*

i6l For more iniormaticn about BloEngergiser Products visii our website al
lmportant information regarding Electro Magnetic
Compatibility (EMC)
Wth the increasa .--!. aielectronic dev ces such
as PC's and mobr e
" a'):e
echones, medica
devlces in !se mav be s-iaacirb e to e ecttomagnetla
nterference from othe. de, ices. Eleciromagnetic
interference may ,esu ii
l:totrect opeTation ofthe
med ca device ano create a potentlal y unsafe 5ituat on
lVedrca devlces s.olrri a sc not interferewlth other

ln order to regulate the requirements for E[,,1C (E ectro

A,4agneiic Compatlbi lty) wlth the aim to prevenr unsafe
product situatlons, the EN 60501 I 2 2001 +Al:2006
standard has been imp emented Th s standard defines
lhe leve 5 of lmmunity to electromagnetlc lr:erii.e. -:i
as wel as maximum leve s of e ectromac:-"i :
emiss ons for medica devlces.

Ltd.conformstothlsENaaa-'. -:- - --' -..:

.t. d"d'o bo ^ ^ -' :. r- :=^
Nevertheless, special precautions need to be

lc not use mob le (cel u arl le :: - : :: ,' I t:-::

::, :es, which generaie s:.:- j : a::. :: :'
re- ^:.: - '"A ''" ':--:.::-.-:
rnayresuLi r'::,.ea:,::':: :- :':-: -- ::- j ::eaie
a potentially uns.-: ,'

Recommenc:i -' : :, .::a: - - rnum disianceol

7m Ver:, ::"::- :::-:: :- :iinedevice in casethe
distance : ;-:::'

BEl09 r.eJ: ':::, crecautions regarding El\4C and

needs:a ca -s:. :c anci put into seryice accord ng to
the Etrl[ -'g'-21 3. provided n theACCOMPANY|NG

Poftab;e a': -:i e lF communications equipment

aan afrai:: -:
WARNING :':::^e -se ofaccessories, transducers and
cab es oi:.':ra' :-cse supp ied wlth the exceptlon of
the trarsJ-::'t :rl :ab es so d by the manufacturer of
the BEri?:5'aa pans for interna
compone':: -:i r:!J I in increased El,/ SS ONS or
decrease:',".' - r -" of BEI09.
WARNING :'.: : i- i9 shou d not be used ad.lacent to or
staakec ,i :- ::'?::j.ipment

infomation about BioEngergiser produds visitour website al; M,bioenergiser,(om

For more
1.7 )

INTENDED USEI Medical Purpose Electronic Nerve Stimulation is a non-invasive, safe

-' ,a :. S: mu ator ls intended nerve stjmulation intended to reduce pain. The
* .':' . :.- - a-O'LO e e.6,T )- atopabel used
.' eaas a ElectroFlex Circulation Massager uses proven
neuromuscular electrical stimulation therapy to send
: ::: :'cJ ation, re ax stiffness muscles, reduce svio e.
micro current pulses through the soles of your feet.
':::;'c ankles and fatlgue The massaglng effect s
This type of electrical stimulation is clinically proven
a:. eved by e ectron c stimu atlon ofthe nen,es
to be safe and effective and can be carried out in the
Ihrough e ectrode pads p aced on the skin cr ifrcuc-
comfort of your own home. The ElectroFlex
the foot p ates. Variors rnassage regio,'rs and :.eai-a-:
programs can be se;ected. Circulation Massager improves muscle function by
stimulating nerves increasing the flow of blood
Suitable Users: ? ease read "Notes on safetv" be{cre helping to reduce PAIN, SWELLING, TTRED AND
Jsing the unii. (-irrls unlt should not be used bv oecc e ACHING LEGS
o'o' o r-"0 ''o-
r ) ^g so -
\oles 01 sa',"r,
Medical Purpose
Environment:Thls unlt is nlendedfor home useon y.
This E ect::a 5: - - ::: : -::-ced to be used as a
Effectiveness: l\,,1assage rel ef of (musc e) pa n, st ffness 'U!(e:l"L=-- -- : a' .i-- ra-, -Cease
and fat gue. b ood circu atlo.,'i ar ;:: - -;::: ':aJCe swo en
feet, ankes and re e. e':: g-: -': - ::;oo -q effect
Precautions for use: Please read "Notes on safety" s

before L-sifg the un t.

achleved by electroqic st m, :: a' :' :-: .:.,.es
ihrough electrode pads p aced c. :'e j( - i: :r"cJgh
:f'e foot p ates. Vat ous massage Teglons anc ireairent
3.cqfams can be se ected
-o Scia . a correct treatmeni
llou ha,re aval ab e I 0
irealmeri orcgrams (see tab e be a",,'). A treatment
proqram runs for 25 rn r":es

Mode Complaint Program Effect

Si f src! Ce6 acc ng massage D fferent v brarions promote b ood circu arion
and re ieve fat gL:e

2 Swel ng and Pr ck y massage D ':':': :t - ., alion promoie c rcu at on of

'cc: fatlgue . aaa a'. cca) 'r d in th.6 f-6-6t
3 -:-:e Da r Combined massage i:-e'a. .ic.alions Te ieve acute

4 ::-ie e bow or Pu sed pr ck y massage c'al ons re ieve acute

,.'3s gain

5 -,-':rigu." Tapplng massage (2)

6 Swe , ng and Fast tappinq rnassaqe - - ,: t' cromote Circu at on of

ca ffatigue ::r, "-d:nthelrnbs
7 Back pa n or ower Fast tapp nglprick y massage : :.. "::-:-:.. ic aromote bood circu ation
back st ffness z'a'a a.a:: ^ lneura gla)
6 Stlff rnuscles, Very fast tapplng/pr ckly massage
nu m bness

9 Var oLrs Synl - ' P,r se rr r-l , 1rts5i-o':, ?e ieres ,:'-::s, pa n and fat gue

10 Var cus Symp::' Re eves st ffness. paln and fat gue

For more information about BioEngergiser Products visit our website at:

LCD Display Screen

Output for Body - for

Sole Massage connecting Gel Pads
Roller (cable.iack) for Body
Massage Treatment

The EletroFlex Circulation

Massager is also supplied
with an ACIDC Adaptor
(not illustrated)

Built-in Ergonomic

j Carrying Handle

Electrode Gel Pads to

target specific areas of
pain and swelling

Plastic Protector
for Gel Pads

Control Panel

E @
V Decr..a:e :

tr A
EI V Decrease the oulput riens i) ci cal

Elxtrcde Area

On th-" d,^vice (Flgure I ) the b ack

co our ar..a on the device which s
the e ectrode area for the sol,.

On the ge pad (F gure 2),the b ack

co ouT area on the sticky paI s the
e ..ctrode area for the body,

I 1o I For more information about BioEngergiser Products visit our website at:

Foot Electro Therapy Massage

Wewl examlnettao:ri:ai:.-inrotedetai aiernyourinstr!.:crsu..:iheptlnclple5reatveyeasyto

undersrand are -r,,o separate contro s,/channe s, one forthe feet, berng bano I ard one lor the pads belng

band2.Paceyouri-",.tonihefootpates,'rurnof EectroFexwithlhe.entra on/off swtch(hoddownfor3

seconds to activate), choose one of th.. I 0 dlffer..nt treatment programmes and stafi to ifcrease lhe inrenSlty to a
comfortable eve Therear..40dfferent evels Whenvousrarttofee theml deectrotherapywldep..rdl vcur
ourn,.ruesenstvlt,vCetain ndlyid!asw fee aolhinqunt thelntensty supatahqh -.v..,other5v,/ii-.:
stlmu atlon ai re at \.,-" y low evels Thls i! comp et,"ly f orma .

Body Toning

fyoucl'cos..totonemuscegroup5ortarqetpain lotherar-.asofvourbcdrtheaect,o.lx:omesurthf:
pads.Thesecalbeusedtotcnearms,hip:,thqhs,abscrbuttocksortarite:ra.... - ---;-i.Darf
The Outputs have no DC Component


BAND 1 - SoLE MASSAGER (during 1 kO load) BAND 2 - BODY MASSAGER (during ! kO load)

Pu se rare 6ll:
I second ir
second. A r',:

Pu se rate I 3l-r i
Pu se rat-. I 3Hz 80rz li'-, , ierr:rcis a .:
tlme I lsec Acycereprari,;
Pus,.rate I3-lz 8ll-:.. 1' :
Llme in I ser A.\,:.: 'i:.:: -
PLr se rate I 3llz !'-: u,rr secolds and off
tln're in I sea - :. . : repeat nq
: .'r' th l2 second5 and offtime li

r 80Hz wltr I 5 seccnds and off -C

r r:lua e repeatlng
r-r-r ..' ir seconds and ofl
.'. tf r5 seconds and off
-'a:nI 1g

r- :rrylth l0 seconds;nd oif

.'i: -o f,.peal fg

For more jnformation about BioEngergiser products visit our website at: www,

Body Massager EMS Waveform and Puke

Width Diagram below: during 1kO load connected
with ttse * i :<.8 Ei with the sole electlode paft

* lli

,*, I
*^*l FH'Hq
-ML!@ia@:E lJ"A.l


H ;*:,.,,".","" [,tt .[tl

l:s;,.[ frl11l ftry] nf\/l


For feet - BAND 1

ln order to increase the conductivity we recommend

thatyou dampen the soles ofyourfeet.
1. Piaceyour bare feet onto ElectroFlex
(do not wear socks)

2.Press (afd ho d down for I seconds) the onlofl

button,the LCDscreenwi i ghtup in b ue.The
program wi I show 0l and both band shows 00,
which means the device is ln standbv mod-".
(5ee F gure 3).

3.Selectthe program you w sh to use, there are I 0

diflerent programs whlch are indlcated on the LCD
display 5e ect the program by press ng 'P+'and "P-
(5ee Figure 4).

Gentyincrease lntenstysetting bvhod -: ::.,,'..

b.,o ^Od^ .-r- ....* jr.. :.;
down the button "-' The inters a, e?! <:,t ..i-:: i
between 0 and 40 (See Fiqrre 7r

od" -ol-. h^ . ^rree.1e .- _.c. .. :..j).:

..d 6 \-,.6^.'\:Od -:: _.:
| L*. I
ho d ng down il'-. "^" iltenslt, r -iio!. irosr
suffer wlth pcor rirau atior mav ,toi iee ai\tr ng
.nli reach ra a higherleve of lriers ti.-he.ear:4fl
a\p ^eder'-laou : .. I
the b inklng anc . :' '1' " .: -::- -
. i .-::: :ra "^
button 5 times

4.You can adjust ine orogram an)time.

Once re adjustec ii.e intensirywll return to "0". So
you wil have r:c ni.ease the intensltyto the desired
eve . The LCD wi i aiso show th-" leve wh ch vou have
selected (5ee Flgur," 5)

o terrninate the nassage period, you can turr off

the un t anyilrne rrj- oress ng the of/ofbutton lbr
3 seconds.

The L.rnit has an autc iimer, lt w i start to count down

from 25 minutes of rassage and s\,vitch ofF
automatlca lv.

@ For more information about BioEngergiser produds visit our website at: ww.bioenergiser.(om


For Body - BAND 2

Using the Gel Pads suggested Gel Pad positioning

crc:ea:i!r: - Mm
m ffi
pads !c:-:
to tuilr a- '
ard out!-:
wl shov!i':
start to cou':
'L P uq the 2 .a. es 'fio ihe cable lack ai the ci :fe
urrit (See 5).

2.Conn,"cr pln ofthe cab e to the gel pad. (See Flgur." /)

3.Rernovethe proteciive film from the ge pad, and

anached the 4 pads to thc area ofthe llody you wish
to treat

4.Repeatoperatior as in fool nstructions, adiuSt r:he

i'':erslty using Band 2.

5. . ." - :: : :"
:..: ^ .l ,.o-i1... ": :

:-? :-::. - v i5-o" Fillrfe ill.

-:a --l .

ii''.-- . : .

a ::-: i-,:

6.To:erflirai::ne ma!s:!: ::' - l

t'\"i re l\, ores: lo lne ol/o-,l-
.:, - aa, a' [/i
a .-: a ".^t, t start i] :.r,-: Li,.'
' -- -: .:a) .:,'i:lisage and swlith 3ri

Ifyou want to use with 2 gel pads only, then you must
connect 1 gel pad to Jack A and 1 gel pad to Jack B.

of your cel Pads

'.:. :, :: ck Lwo adh..sive pads to each other Keep the
:r-::;.e ge pads c ean, do fot expose them to h gh
:." l'.':iure or dircct sunliqht. lfIh.. e ertrode qe pads
:': - '-ncient y adhes ve or dilty, wipe with a darnp
-.-.' or change for new ore5. Replacement pats w
:: ;,.'al abLe directly from BioEnerg s-.r or your
.t -it,ibUtOt.

lo not cLean the electrode gel pads w th any ch."mlca .

: ge pads store on the g-'

-',VAY5 try and prote.t the
paC prot..ctor when not ln use, as i lustrated

{ 14 i For more informatlon about BioEngergiser Products visit our website
Connect with the supplied AC/DC Power Adapter

P ug the DC p ug ofthe povief supply lnto the socket

onthe sideof EectroFex (see Figure l0 Pug in power
adaptor to a suitab e wa sccker. (lVake sure ihat the
inputvohageofthewa socket ssuitabeforthe
supp ied adaptor.

lnserting Batteries
f youwant to use ihe E ectroF ex wlth b)aitery pow..r
nstead ofthe sL.rpp led maln adaptor, the battery
compartrnent is ocated onthe undersld,. of the !rii
Remove the batlery cover from the un t by removin!;
the screw wlth a sctewdr ver nseI three new I 5V size
f batierieswth the+and marksconecilya lgrL-C.

Note on batteries: Do not m x d ffereft tr r-.a,i t-

b...od.olooor.//; ^r :

the riskof eakageorexposiors, i',,i''it t: t:i--:

b"r--.pp,do,o- :.
When not using baiteries .:--.: :
batterydra nag.. f rtli r:r:''::-
themawav-i:, rt-:;- . a- -^-a
.,' Ih a d\' .:'
Changing the Sole Massage Roller

The sole massage roller is interchangeable.

L- ol ^ r.. oR."movethe ockinq locatorsyouwi |eedto
o'go squeeze lha. oaator on the out-q de iaae tf -< r,r !
lo-. - ...-
o :..- dl .
the ocking locator out of it-c fixec oos I i-r ar ,] it\
in plac,.. you to r--move and ahange the ro :

For more information about BioEngergiser Products visitourwebsite
i rs I


/l\ Electrode Gel oad: P,".uution,

4\ 2[srf"ty
. r,r!1.:- t' -ia sia':: .: a::':ae gel cads on th.. . Do not open the device or repalr it yourse I Th s wi
I ::l I llJ !:-iCii' l::l ai rCOn ient-oralitre invalldate your waranty and rnay rause serious harm

.'--i :--.'' - .- a1" -.' :'.. ' . liine devlce ma fLrrctlons, disconnect it lrom thc.
:" ..a o" .. : -
a .:.. ra. jou r.-o and contact yout sel ing aqent as soon
liie of lhe ..
' e a.cessories supp ied by the
stimulai a
soft damp : c . r::-Ere.iaeori!ioritsintendedputpose.
. eanlng.
. -:' -:erl:seireale\,aeioextreme heat.
. Forhygiene purposesthislsaslng e patientuse
. Do not cveroao ine -. eat,lca outet.
on y device.

. . Do not stand on the rnachine Use lt when sat

The adhesive wi I become less effectlv-^ llthe ge pad
down only.
ls contamlnated. Wash the pads under slow running
waterforabout2 -3 se.onds.fautlon Do notuse . Do notspi I iquidonthedeviceor itsa.cessorles
hot water. Do not wlpe the adhesive surface. Let the
The warranty is void lfthe product has been altered,
adheslve surfaces of pads air dry. Adhesive surface
m sused or abused. We wlL not take any responsibll ty
sides up during dry ng.

. rosierllzethefootplate usea mld aniseptc Regulatory Certifi <ation

sc uilof UVEuropeClass amedlca device

DO Or \P L. lO A. ((*-Thls symbo indlcates that the !nit meets the

e ectrode surface basic requlrements set by the CE Dlrectlve

. Do not use an\,iring abraslve:: ! aa' '' :' a

93/ 4)/EEC concerntng medical devices.

p"o i. ao:: .. El.^ctroFlex complies wlth the WEEE Dlre.tlve

. Donotfrequentycleanmeaaca,ari':' .. 1fl0 oo d ot .. r-l ^ -o o,oo1.pil |

detergentor hotwaterto clean ineelea:,:aa.a az:. ,,fit to6.l.; .oo,r.ob " -po or
./l\ Main Device r operaicr l'lliaseof atpubllcco -.cton
: :-t :oOiO-t^ 1 Oi ro,dce. i: :::: ":' .'::'.-,ac undetthe international
t: ':-:.,a\ :-t -.. : .: ---.,'.2'lardformedlca devices

. i ..:1,:<eeclhemaindevicecean,byusngasofi
, ,ii to c ean ihe surface ofthe unii.
. -:cear ilelccipates usea soft,dampcoth,dry
" r'oughiyafterceaning.
. r r ean the main unlt use a soft, damp cloth, dry
:roroughly after c ean ng.
. :c not sp 1 | quid on the device.
. lc not lmmerse the dev ce in water.
. Jo not c ean with chemica s.
. Srore in adry,dustfree locatlon ln atemperature
Detween I 0'f to 40'C and 30% to 9070 re ative
ru rnldity.

{ 16 l For moreinformation about BioEngergiser Products visit ourwebsite at:]



Devlce wi I ': .t:l _,1

'i,' i- , - !r ,r I ,!rtlrr arr,,t.jiaTi.i
not turn on'(,r\ i i I I Lt i r,r,'lr.l
li: .:z:'.,, s not connei_teci to the Ch."ck the connection of the ddaplor jack is prsppl;1
connected to ihe device and in the lvail so.klt
Power turns off
too soon ,'(il

Power turns cff i.vou aie using the batteries operatiorl Fit three ne| l 5V alkaline batteries t,pe a
while uslng then lhe batieries are weal/exhauste.J
massager 'iil'l f'l li,, ir I -' )', rrt, t,: , ,) rt,:,.
:r'rl l:.,1,i, , i,'i l
lfvou are using the oody rr;.rsaoer er- r i . -

lhe cabie may De darr;oec

tisdfncurro jrli'lrr' ',

anach gel pad Ce ropl ear
to the skin afier w:ir,r,:

I.- i- i. r :-
aaiire: . ,

Adhes ve sr'::e
of gel pad is s: c<

i is dif5culi ic Dampen the soie of your feei this y/ti

feel stimu ai cr lncrease conductlvlty

rr sacs nct attached Coreailv :C Attach gei pacl irml!,ro rtrr ,i.
:': si,, r
' ' .ii- :,,;('l Llii-,al
:re1-:rccie cord nrti connected corfectly Conl-"ct e eciro,le:cr!t --,,,a:: ,
The skin turns -.s r.. surface of Ge pads is iry'a)f aa.:i !,: . -,r:-i .;: paCiS Carefu \,lvhiiSt
red or the skln . 3f dry srI 169;q- i.;-.,::ii neano todrvthorouqhiy
fee s lrrltated . .,:t , !,1i : i r.ii l

Hygiene Storage
After using the prccuci (eec :.e c'a3-a: : :a^ a-3
siore with n ihe
. t^ ^,, .^"--^---
Ceanthefootplateareawirn a soft,dampcloth and
a n'rlld ant septic solutlon. ::3ra9e:eroe.a:-,3 310 rim d iy
. Storethe electrode gel oads on the protectors --C'a io5:':, 'a*io95a/c?-
prov ded
Operating ternperaiure and nlmic :y
I 0'C to 40'C, 3070 ro 90ry0 Rr

@ For more information about BioEngergiser produds visit our website at; f1, i

'oI-.. .dr01j\r' .9. e. o rrLo-ol

i; ne Barteries Type C*

N4ode,.':- -rrr:-

Frequency Generation Approx. I Hz ro 80n:

Power Consumptlon

l\,1ax mum Output Vo taqe

[/]ax mum Output aurrenl I < lOmA (durlng I kO load)

Cperating Temperature and Humidity I 0'c ro 40'c, 3070 to 9090 R-l

:--';ra -irperature and llumidit. I 0'C ro 60'C, I 070 to 9570 Ru

'.';: !-: l renslons 430 (t) x 430 (W) x 150 (H)mm

Package Contents

EectroFlex Circu atlon f,4assager Eectrlcal Stlmu ator

AC/DC Adaptor

5o e Massaqe Bo ler

Cab e \\ilre fcr i ecirode G-.1 Pads

Electrooe GeL Pads

Pastic Ge Pad Protectors

lnstructlon l\4anua

Accesso ries:

. - - . rse original accessories. Do not subst tute with non approved parrs
. -a:i the contents aTe cofiect

'-i:::erles are not inc uded

I r8 I For more information about BioEngergiser Products visit our website at ww.bioenergiser,om

Your ElectroFlex ls covereo'iti a:-: .::.

warranty against tau t or deie:t '..-- :-:
o l.. o .': ': : subject to change w rla..: - ' r:
oo,ri [ -:.'.: . \ \,our ElectroFlex does nol oaa.a:a i:: rj:::3r r, oa rot
repalr. e06:-O..pd,.. .. :_r-,O..j _.
.; 1 ti-i .a":rildoe!nc:a: selingagentforinstrL.ratlols.--aieaierhas.herJ-.
to ataice:: r- iJiit, ao--:a -' ' :l La, repair or rep ace fau ty ltems at lheir d scret on

warranty is va :' : '

: : - '.'= Ourfu lierms and conditions are ava lab e on our
equipmert !ai: '. : : t't -t . r"o -

information about BioEngergiser product5visit our website at:

For more
{ ]e }

.f i'.nsducers and cab es sold by the manufacturer of

i.a: aciroFiex as rep acement pans for internal, ray result in increased EM 55 ON5 or
::.'.:i.i r'.".1JN ry ofthe ElectroF ex .

4. lvarning :.! i e.:rof er shou d not be used adjacent

-: :' ::. --:-r .. :^ other equipment.

Guidan<e and manufactute/s declaration - electromagnetit emissions

The ElectroFlex is lntended for use in the electromagneric en,, '..-'i': ::: : :-)iarar or the User of
the E ectroFlex snould assure that lt is used ln such an envlronment

Emissions Environment Guidance

RF emiss ons CISPR I 1 The EectroF ex uses RF enerc! cn \ io, iIs

' -o.'b -.rLio Tl - pb -. rli e- or. or^
" ,
owand are not ikevto carse anr
, -6 1616r(e ^ s.rll, ao r,o i eq_iprej

?: er ssiols CISPR I l The E ectroF ex is sultable for use in al

shments, inc uding domesric
. e- ss cns IEC 6l 0CC-3-, and those directly connected to
the pub ic low vo tage polver supp y network
that supp ies bui difgs used lor domest c

120 I For more information about BioEngergiser products visit our website at
5. Guidance and Manufadure/s Declaration - Electromagneti( lmmunity

The E ectroF ex is intended lor use in the electromagnetic environment specified be olv. The
customer or th.. user of
the ElectroFlex shou d assure that it ls used in such an environment.

immunityTest Electromagnetic Environment Guidance

Electrostatic 16 kV contact t6 kV contacr F oors should be wood, concr-.te or ceramic tl e

discharge (ESD) *8 kV air t8 kV alr ffloors are covered with synthetlc material, the
tEC610A0 4 2 relative humidity shou d be ar east 30 %.

Electrical fast t2 kVfor power t2 kVlor power Mains power qua lty should be that of a ryct::
transienYburst supply ines supply lines commercial or hospital er,.,.ormeni
IEC 61 000 4 4 +lkVlor +'lkV for
input/output inpuVoutput
lines ines

IEC 61 000-4 5

Vo tage dips, short <5VoUI <5%Ui

interruptions and (>95 7o dip n UT) (>9t % cie it' t)-) ccmmeTcia orhosptaLr.. ":'"1-' :a:.a ..z.
voltage variatlons for 0,5 cycle for L,5 c:yr- e
on power supply 40%UI 40%UT ElectroFlexmaybedroppeo o-'':- -,-.
- \eve,n
input lines (60 % dip in UI] (60%dp;nUT) may be necessary to use uninterrL3:ac : oower
rEC 6t 000-4-r r for 5 cycLes for 5 cycles suppiy or a battery
(30 % dlp in UTl r3C%drp nUT)
f or 2l ''. .'. t: i.Lr 25 ,-yc)e:,
.a; ,- <5%UT
>3. % t3 p in UT) (>95 % dip in UT)
icr 5s for 5s

Power frequenc, Not appllcable

(.50/60 rz)
rnagneila fiel,
tEC 610cG4,8

NOTE: UT is tne lC mains vo tage prior to app ication ofthe test level

ffi For more information about BioEngergiser products visit our website at

6. Guidance and manufacture/s declaration - eledromagnetic immunity

lmmunity Test rEc 60601 Compliance I ElectromagneticEnvironmentGuidance

Test Level Level

r:1:c e:rc rJ3l,e aF communications equipment

:5-li-z:a i':- r 3: -;ec.aaosertoany parl:oflheEectroFex,
E"''/=z -: -r -r a:!s,:han therecommended separaton
: :'z'':a ca:'- z-.ecfrom the equation app icab e to
:r:'recuer:,' :':h: :'arsiiiter.

d= 1,2.fP

Radlated RF lVlms
EC 61 000-4-3 26[/F]z to .t= 2,fP
1 S0MHZto 800MHz

I 0V/m
26[,'1Hz to d= )3 ^rP 80A,.1Hzro 2.5Gllz

Where P s the maxlmum output power ratlng of the

transmitter in watts (W) according to the transm tter
manufacturer and d ls the recommended separation.

Dlstance n metres (m).

Field strengths fxed RF transmitters, as

determ red br ar eiectromagnetlc slte survey, a
s-o: be s!:-:' :i?.ompliance evel in each
t=:..'- 'r':: :
1 rhe vicinity of equipment
NOTE l:At80MHzand B00MHz,the h gherfrequencv rarge ::: :;
NOTE2:Theseguidelnesrnaynotapplylna situatlons.:e.irc-:l-:-::.tr3carionlsaffectedbyabsorptionand
'eiectjon from structures, objects and peop e.

,;) : e d strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations fc, .;: : :: - arlcord ess) telephones and and
-oblle radios, amateur radio, Af,4 and Fl\,4 radlo broadcast and W broao:::t c:rrc: ce pred cted theoretical y with
accuracy To assess the e ectromagnetic envjronment due to fixed RF transmitters, an e ectromagnetic site su[,/ey
srouldbeconsidered. fthemeasuredfiedstrengthinthe ocationinwhichtheEectroFlexlsusedexceedsthe
a:p lcab e RF comp iance leve above, the E ectroF er shou d be obseryed to verifl7 normal operation. lfabnormal
ledormanceisobsened,additiona measuresmavbanecessary,suchasre-orlentngorreocatlngtheEectroFex.
.r Cver the frequency range I 50kHz to 80lr,4Hz, fie c strengths shou d be ess than 3vlm.

122) For more information aboutBioEngergiser Products visitourwebsite

7. Recommended separation distan(es between
portabl and mobile RF communi(ations equipment and the EledroFlex
The EiectroF ex is intefded for use iN an electrornagnetic environment in which
radiated RF disturbances are
controi ed. The custorner ,ser of the ElectroF ex can heip prevent electromag nei c lnterference
oT th-^
maintaining a minirnum dlstaf ce between portable and mobi e RF communications
equlpment (transmitters) and
the ElectroF ex as recommended beiow, according to the maximum output power
oithe comm!nications
equ pment.

Rated max murn 5eparation dlstance according to frequency oftransm ter

o!tput power m
oftransm tter I 50 klz to 80 MHz 80 /vHz io 800 V !,1 80C rVHz to 2.5 C-
d: 1,2 JP d:' ,./P d = 2,. ,fP


-l':'ansr::e's'a--aaa-.2-a\ ----:-:a-:a:,,:'-a:rs:edabove,therecommendedseparationdistancedin
-:r-,--__:a-:aJte,ra:-::.-^a-..a-:-:::.-...,aits(W) accordingtothetransmittermanufacturer.
NoTE2:-'esa;-:= -.t*a. -aiapplyinalsituations.Eectrornagneticpropagationlsaffectedbyabsorprionand
refleciior '.:- j:,-: -.:s. ob,lects and peop e.

'0'0s'o. e.or.
A r 9h resered Manuidured .k Jj vdy rd 3:.e,s p i< :r. " ,.:

@ For more information about BioEngergiser products visit ourwebsite at; ww,
Lrrcu latton Massager

Available in stores
roughout the UK and at
'. l'
Distributed by
I eC I nef I PoBox4359kidderminsterDYlo4WUUnitedKingdom
Tel: 0845 389 0962. m.b;

I n:l','.1"';l'1,:',"""*fl :J,T:',f sff Txl ?:i;oon Hons Kons

EledroFler' C r.! auon Massaqer Erq 142 201 I Ed ton 2

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