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Name: Emily Singer

Date: 12/9/16

*Partner before is Kate, leading the song teaching

Materials needed:
List the materials you will need for you portion of the teaching.
1. Piano accompaniment (for final run-through)

Task Analysis of Teaching:

Movement Activity
1. Have all students pick partners and come down and stand in a circle next to their partner
2. Have one partner come to the inside facing their partner to create two circles
3. Define the inside circle as the Matilda, have the outside circle be Swagman
4. Have everyone identify their right by raising their right hand
-Clarify that this means that they will go opposite of their partner.
4. Once a Jolly Swagman camped by a billabong
-Take 3 steps to left, double high five new person in front of you, spin back to partner
(cotton-eyed joe style)
5. Under the shade of the Coolibah tree
-Repeat same thing
6. And he sang as he watched and waited till his billy boiled
-Cross and grab right hand of partner, cross and grab left hand of partner, spin going to the
7. Wholl come a-waltzing Matilda with me?
-Freestyle! Bow to your on with me
8. Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
-Waltz in 4
Swagmans: forward, right, back, left
Matildas: back, left, forward, right
9. Youll Come a-waltzing Matilda, with me
-Waltz in 4.
Swagmans: forward, right, back, left
Matildas: back, left, forward, right
10. And he sang as watched and waited till his billy boiled
-dos sa dos with partner, clap
11. Youll come a waltzing Matilda with me
-Right arm swing with partner, inside partner spins to next partner, pats lap, double high five

*Next Partner is everyone for the wrap-up

-Ask students about what they learned about Australia today.
-Ask about key words in songs.

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