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Sudbury Nickel Mine Achieves Optimal Levels of Productivity

with Comprehensive Control and Information Solution

Greenfield Project Serves as Benchmark for Future Mine Development

Provide mine-wide control and
information solution for greenfield
nickel ore mine

Integrated Architecture System
One integrated system optimizes
discrete and power control through
Intelligent Motor Control as well
as process applications
Modular underground control
substations streamline
implementation and minimize
infrastructure requirements
Supervisory-level visualization
capabilities provide operators
with optimal insight into
process information An integrated, mine-wide Rockwell Automation solution has optimized operations
Thin client single mode EtherNet/IP at this nickel mine in Sudbury, Ontario.
infrastructure meets long distance
communication requirements via
wired and Wi-Fi transmission
The mineral-rich Sudbury basin, located in northern Ontario, Canada,
Optimized overall system visibility
boasts extensive deposits of nickel, copper, platinum, palladium and
and efficiency
gold. Since 1929, this region has boasted an extensive network of mines,
Enabled system flexibility and mills and smelters.
scalability and ability to extend
integrated solution to other parts In 2003, the primary mining company in the region solidified plans to
of the operation quickly expand its operations in the northeast edge of the basin. Development of
the US $840-million greenfield project began in 2004. Built for an annual
capacity of 1.25 million tonne of nickel, copper and platinum-group ores,
the new underground mine was slated to begin production by 2011.
Challenge Solution
Historically, the mining industry is particularly vulnerable After evaluating a number of control systems, the Hatch
to fluctuations in the global commodities market. In fact, team recommended a mine-wide Rockwell Automation
when prices plummet, mining companies often find that solution based on the Integrated Architecture system.
marginally efficient operations are no longer profitable and
choose to suspend extraction until the market rebounds. It was clear that a Rockwell Automation control solution
would match the technology vision for the mine,
To justify the development of the project, the Sudbury said Lilley. Rockwell Automation offers a consistent,
mines leadership stipulated that the new operation integrated system that would optimize discrete and
incorporate advanced technologies to enable efficient power control as well as process applications.
and thereby profitable operation in virtually any
commodities market. The backbone for the solution is the communication
infrastructure, which consists of a redundant, single
The mines operators chose Hatch, an engineering, mode EtherNet/IP network. Via both wired and Wi-Fi
procurement and construction management (EPCM) firm, transmission, this IT infrastructure handles all surface and
to develop the project. Headquartered in Ontario, Hatch underground communication and enables high-level
is a global engineering company that has served the process and business data sharing on a common, centrally
mining and metals industry for more than 50 years. managed architecture.
From the onset, the end user had a vision to develop
an innovative, future-ready mine, said Josh Lilley, lead
engineer, Hatch. To do so, the company knew it had to
exploit the full potential of automation throughout the Rockwell Automation could support
mining process both above ground and at depths all applications throughout the mine
1,700 meters below the surface. within this cost-effective environment
In particular, the company hoped to incorporate the latest and allow us to create a real-time
automation and communication capabilities to optimize
management infrastructure.
productivity, improve process variability and capture the
advantages of mobile technology. Josh Lilley
From a systems and process control perspective, the
scope of the project was extensive and included: a real-
time data management infrastructure; RFID equipment
and personnel tracking; the ventilation on demand (VOD) We designed our solution based on thin client
system; automated mine hoisting; and remote static and architecture, Lilley said. Rockwell Automation could
mobile equipment controls. support all applications throughout the mine within
this cost-effective environment and allow us to create a
While each specific application presented unique real-time data management infrastructure.
challenges, energy and resource utilization was a common
concern throughout the mine. Rockwell Automation control systems were deployed
throughout all areas of the mine. The integrated
In specifying a control system, Hatch required an supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) solution
integrated solution that could address a wide range of includes Allen-Bradley ControlLogix programmable
control applications. automation controllers (PACs), low voltage and medium
Keep in mind, a mine is also a continuous construction voltage Allen-Bradley PowerFlex variable frequency
site, said Lilley. The selected control solution had to drives, Allen-Bradley E3 Plus solid-state overload
incorporate flexibility to adjust to these constant changes relays, FactoryTalk View Site Edition (SE) supervisory
cost-effectively. HMI software and Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus
graphic terminals.
All mining operations require an extensive control Results
infrastructure. To streamline development, the Hatch-
The project was commissioned on schedule and below
Rockwell Automation team designed a standard,
budget in 2011 and has been meeting productivity goals
DeviceNet configuration for all underground substations
ever since.
and employed a modular approach.
The end user planned to create a technology benchmark
Actually, we worked with Hatch to design portable
for future mine development, said Lilley. This project
control centers, explained Bob DaPrat, account manager,
allowed us to achieve their goal.
Rockwell Automation. By designing control capabilities in
various blocks related to specific functions, we were able The Rockwell Automation control solution provides an
to minimize some of the infrastructure requirements. integrated view into the entire mining process both
above ground and below. And the state-of-the-art power
Built to withstand underground conditions, the portable
control technologies implemented throughout the mine
substations were delivered as modular systems. Sling or
have been instrumental in helping the mine achieve
fork-lift ready, the skidded systems could be moved to
energy efficient operation.
provide needed power control as construction progressed
throughout the mine while leaving control for essential In addition, the modular control substations have
functions (e.g. lighting) in place. continued to prove valuable as mine development
expands at the site.
To ensure a standard control and visualization
environment throughout the operation, Hatch worked The modular substation approach is something we plan
closely with an embedded Rockwell Automation engineer to leverage in future mine developments as well, said
to deploy standard function blocks/add-on instructions Lilley. These flexible, pre-built systems allow us to achieve
(AOIs) and faceplates. underground control quickly and cost-effectively
expand capabilities as needed.
The projects goal was to deliver an HMI system based on
the best practices of the industry, said Lilley. FactoryTalk The results mentioned above are specific to the end users use of Rockwell Automation
software allowed us to achieve that goal and provides the products and services in conjunction with other products. Specific results may vary for
end user with seamless systems monitoring and control of other customers.
mine processes.
In addition, a third-party remote equipment tracking
system was integrated into the SCADA solution.

The Rockwell Automation control solution provides an integrated view into the entire
mining process both above ground and below. And the state-of-the-art power control
technologies implemented throughout the mine have been instrumental in helping the
mine achieve energy efficient operation.
Allen-Bradley, ControlLogix, E3 Plus, FactoryTalk, Integrated Architecture, PanelView, PowerFlex and Rockwell Software, are trademarks of Rockwell Automation Inc.
DeviceNet and EtherNet/IP are trademarks of Open DeviceNet Vendor Association.

Publication MFGVP-AP009A-EN-P June 2014 Copyright 2014 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.

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