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Name: ____________________________________ Date: _________ Pd: ________

Fahrenheit 451 Mid-Term Project

We are through Part 6 of the book, so you will be completing a mid-term
All projects are INDIVIDUAL projects
ALL must be submitted on by Wednesday, March 8 th, 2017
The project is worth 250 pts to your Essays and Projects portion of your grades
o So 35% of your final grade for the quarter

Project: TV/Film Class

You will be creating a curriculum for what students in the future of Fahrenheit 451 would be
learning about in their TV/Film Class. You will be creating a PowerPoint slide show that displays
all of your choices and explains why they would be taught in this class in the future.


You must choose movies and TV shows that would be taught in this class of the
future, with a minimum of:
o 3 TV shows
o 5 movies

PowerPoint Project Slides must include:

o Title Slide
Name, Class Period, Mr. Lopez, English 2
o 2 Slides per TV Show/Movie (total of 16 Slides)
Slide #1:
Title of Show/Movie
Year it began and ended
Lead Actors
Basic Plot
Picture of the TV Show/Movie
o i.e. Movie Poster, Scene, etc.
Slide #2
3 Sentence MINIMUM explanation of why that TV Show/Movie would be
Picture of the TV Show/Movie
o i.e. Movie Poster, Scene, etc.
o LAST SLIDE: Reflection:
Explain in 5 sentences MINIMUM what your opinion is of the book so far
Do you like it? Not like it? Can you relate? What interested you? Which
character do you like the most? The least? ETC.

Submit all Projects to by Wednesday, March


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