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Sri Vidya

Temple Society

Kalasa Puja:An Introduction

Table of Contents Page

KURCHAM Strands of Dharba grass tied

together in a knot
COCONUT A healthy coconut, with hair
and eyes pointing upwards
or northward, covered in

FLOWER Colorful flowers with stems

placed carefully between the
coconut and the neck of the

MANGO Mango leaves, single or in a

strand, placed between the
LEAVES coconut and the neck of the

THREADS Cotton threads running

across the pots surface in a
carefully prescribed manner

POT A solid pot to contain the

WATER Water, the basis of life, along
with a selection of special

RICE Grains of rice that act to sta-

bilize and ground the entire

MANTRA Varuna mantras chanted dur-

ing installation
SCIENCE Recent scientific discoveries
are shedding light on why
this ritual can truly change a
persons life.

Kurchams are made from strands of Darbha grass COMMON NAME DARBHA
that are tied together in a specific way. They are SCIENTIFIC NAME CYNODON DACTYLON
placed on top the coconut. NAMES DUBO, DOGS TOOTH
The Kurcham forms the Hair of the kalasam. In GRASS, BAHAMA
the human body hair can sense movement of air. It
also acts as a heat insulator and aids in cooling. GRASS, INDIAN DOAB,
It can be construed that the Kurcham acts as an

insulator to separate the micro environment of the HUMAN BEING HAIR

kalasam from the environment of the surroundings.

A University of California study has shown that

darbha grass is one of the few species that can

be cultivated using saline water; and saline water

cultivated darbha grass can be used to feed cattle.

Studies at the University of Ahllabad have dem-

onstrated that darbha grass has antimicrobial and

antiviral properties especially in the treatment of

urinary tract infections, prostatitis, syphilis, and


Lab tests have also revealed darbha grass potency

Dharba grass tied as a Kurcham
against diabetes.

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 2

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society

Coconuts are ubiquitous in Hindu worship. They HUMAN BEING HEAD

are offered in prayer as prasadam, broken to bring SCIENTIFIC NAME COCOS NUCIFERA
success, or offered to Agni in the sacrificial fire.

Coconut water is sterile (until opened) and mixes

easily with blood. It is also considered an isotonic

electrolyte - in that it assumes the pH of whatever

solution it is mixed into.

Modern research has also confirmed that young

coconut juice has estrogen like properties and has

general restoratives properties to any hormonal


The strong relationship between blood, hormones

and coconuts might be an explanation for its fre-

quent use in our religions tradition.

At the end the coconut on top of the kalasam can

be used for food preparation. Coconut covered in Turmeric. The hair

of the coconut is pointed up or towards the

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 3

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society

Flowers are used all throughout the puja. Five, or HUMAN BEING MIND
more, flowers with long stems are placed between CHAKRA AJNA

the coconut and the neck of the pot. The stems of

the flowers should be long enough to reach the


The relationship between flowers and sound has

been studied extensively, and there is conclusive

evidence that flowers and plants react positively to Michelia champaca (Champaka)

harmonic, resonant sounds.

Research has indicated that flowers respond to

sound, and produce their own sounds in response

to the sound heard.

As the flowers resonate, the vibrations will be car-

ried into the water more effectively despite the fact Saraca Asoca (Ashoka)

that the kalasam is kept closed.

Calophyllum inophyllum (Punnaga)

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 4

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society

Mango leaves are placed like the flowers between HUMAN BEING FIVE SENSES
the coconut and the neck of the pot. The stems PRIMARY COM- MANGIFERIN
should reach into the water as well. Ideally, the CHEMICAL FORMULA C H O
19 18 11

leaves should be together in a stem. BIOLOGICAL NAME MANGIFERA INDICA

Mango leaves dissolve a compound called Mangif-

erin, which has proven anti-oxidant properties and

is used in the herbal treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Anti-oxidant action from natural sources is consid-

ered preventative for many diseases.

Laboratory tests have also shown that mangiferin

has anti-depressant effects in mice.

Mango Leaves

Mangiferin is part of the Xanthonoid family.

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 5

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society

Cotton threads run across the pot. The threads run HUMAN BEING NERVES
across the pot and form a regular pattern. There

should be at least 72 lines producing 5184 intersec-


The 72 lines are representative of the 72,000 nerve

endings our body is supposed to have.

Kalasam with fine thread pattern

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 6

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society

The pot represents the body and acts as a container HUMAN BEING BODY
for the water that is inside. The human body in turn

is often referred to as a bag of water and as such

this arrangement makes perfect sense.

The pot can be made of different materials.

Below is a list of acceptable materials in decreas-

ing order of desirability. FEMALE MALE

Traditional Indian pots are designed as male
Silver or female. However, in recent years the male
variety has become more common.

The classical Indian pot designs allow for better

handling, ensure that the strings stay attached and

add to the overall aesthetic beauty of the set up.

The Appendix holds information on the various

metals and their specific properties.

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 7

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society

Water is the source of life. The human body is 80% HUMAN BEING BLOOD
water and blood itself is 90% water.

These are the main ingredients to be added to the

1. Turmeric
2. Elemi
3. Cloves
4. Vettiver Oil, Sandalwood Oil or
Nag Champa Oil
Dr. Masaru Emoto pioneered the study of the
In the absence of these oils, most perfumes can be
reaction of water to emotion and intent. He
used as most perfumes contain Vettiver Oil. has demonstrated that water organizes into
crystalline structure under the influences of
5. Abhishekam Powder positive vibrations.
A generic mix called Abhishekam Powder can be

obtained at most puja stores. However, at the Sri

Rajarajeswari Peetham we use a special mix.

In the appendix you will find important data re-

garding these ingredients. All of the above ingre-

dients have been used extensively in Ayur Vedic

medicine and are now under a great deal of re-

search by western researchers.

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 8

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society

Grains of rice act as the foundation of the pot. The CHAKRA MULADHARA
grains will provide a naturally stable, and level

foundation on which the pot can comfortably sit.

Moreover, porous grains, act as a water absorber

ensuring that throughout the puja the foundation is

not shaken.

Ideally, unhusked rice should be used, but practi-

cally any regular grain of rice can be used.

For special effects, like obtain favour from Nava-

grahas, a mixture of nine grains called Navadan- Inside of a rice grain

yams can be substituted for rice.

The rice can be collected and cooked for meals


Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 9

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society

The pot is filled with water and the Varuna Mantra

special herbs are added to it. It is Om imam m varuna rudh havamedycamr l aya |
tvmavasyuracak ||
placed on the rice.
Tattvymi brahman vandamnas tad sst
While the neck is still open Varuna yajamn havirbhih |
puja is done. ahdamno varunha bdhyuru amasamn yuh
prams ih ||
Varuna is invoked using the Varu-

na mantra and the Varuna gayatri.

The names of Varuna are chanted
Bhavajumbakya Vidmah
and the major rivers are invoked Paahastya Dhmahi Tanno Varuna Prachodhaya

by the chanting of their respective NAMES OF VARUNA Gmathi

Varunya Kmal
names. Finally, a pancha uppachara
Makarsanya Ghantakhi
puja is performed and the kalasam Ktakhi
is completed by placing the flow- Surpin Gangtri

Pirasethas Gdhvari
ers, mango leaves and coconut on
Sarvathrthdhipatay Krishn
the neck of the pot and the kur- Bhadr
Sakalasumudra Rajye
cham on top of the coconut. The Makaravhanya Tungabhadr

Jaldhipatay Vaigai
kalasam is further decorated as
desired with flowers and a cloth Tamraparani
Gang Sabarmathi
Once this is completed, the main
Yamun Yamuntri
puja can begin and the deity of Saraswathi Sarayu
Sindhu Niagara*
choice can be invoked.

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 10

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society

Tantra is dismissed as just mysticism and spiritualism. The exact meaning of the word tantra

implies technique, thus it is something very practical. Philosophers of science will tell you that a

science is that what can be falsified. In that context, Tantra is very much a science.

The techniques of Tantra can be applied, modified, and replicated like any scientific experiment.

But, before we try to demonstrate that Tantra is a science, let us look at what science tells us

about this experiment.

We will look at several factors

1. Effects of Sound on Plants and Flowers
2. Effects of Emotion and Intent on Water
3. Effects of Magnetized Water
4. Electromagnetic Theory of Consciousness
5. Oligodynamic Effect of Metals

Although we will try to look at each point as separate for claritys sake, most are related and we

will move back and forth between sections.

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 11

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society
Effects of Sound on Plants and
The relationship between sound and plant growth

has been demonstrated scientifically. In fact there

are Grade 5 science experiments that illustrate this

simple relationship. Moreover, studies at the uni-

versity level have shown that harmonic pleasant

sounds produce an increase in the growth rate and

quality of the fruits produced, while unharmonic

sounds (e.g. Heavy Metal) reduce plant growth and

fruit quality.

Research by the National University in Singapore It should therefore come as no surprise that
flowers are used to invoke the deity.
has also shown that plants respond to sound by
Plants and Flowers seem to respond strongly
producing their own sound in return, albeit very to both light and sound waves.

quietly. This shows that flowers and plants are

good absorbers and retainers of sound waves.

It is also know that flowers and plants absorb

electromagnetic waves in the process called photo-


It should therefore come as no surprise that flowers

are used to invoke the deity.

When we look at the electromagnetic theory of

consciousness it states that our thoughts and visu-

alizations take a physical form as an electromag-

netic field around our head. Consider the Trikhan-

da mudra used in Sri Vidya which places flowers

in the hands in such a way as to capture energy

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 12

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society
from both the electromagnetic around the head (as

one focuses on an idea- dhyanam) and the sound

energy from the mantra as being changed.

Knowing that flowers have the natural ability to

capture sound and light (electromagnetic) waves

makes them the ideal medium for use throughout

the puja.

More interestingly, photosynthetic and sound activ-

ity will result in heightened metabolism within the

plant. So placing a plant in the kalasam, with the

stem reaching the water, will result in an increase

absorption of water molecules by the plant.

The combination of sound, mental intent, and the

flower, will result in increased motion of water

and water dissolved molecules upwards toward the

stem of the flowers. This in turn will result in an

increase of mangiferin release from the stems of

the mango leaves. Water dissolved xanthonoids,

such as mangiferin, rotate with a charge thereby

aiding in the magnetizing of the water.

Effect of Emotions and Intent on

Water Water Crystal formation after exposure to
(top to bottom)
Dr. Emoto performed a series of experiments using 1. Classical Music
2. Love and
water to show that water crystal form differently 2. Heavy Metal.

based on the thoughts they are exposed to.

The general set up involved labelling the jar of

water with something that provokes instantaneous

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 13
May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society
positive or negative emotion and then freezing the

water. It was shown that water formed beautiful Photographing water crystals are hard, but
there is an easier way to demonstrate chang-
crystals when it was exposed to positive thoughts es in the water. Dr. Emoto developed the rice
and a discoherent grain structure when exposed to

negative thoughts.

These experiments have also been carried out in a

simpler way by boiling rice. Boiled rice contains

large quantities of water but as it is an organic

material will decay over time. Experiments have

shown that a jar of rice will stay fresher if the label

To the left, negative emotions and to the right
says something positive. This implies that the positive emotions

formation of positive water crystals help nourish

and protect the rice.

If we consider that a human body is 80% water it

should then come as no surprise that positive emo-

tion and mental nourishment can benefit the body.

Tying together the dipolar nature of water mol-

ecules and the Electromagnetic Theory of Con-

sciousness reveals an interesting conclusion. If

consciousness has an electromagnetic counter part

then water with a natural dipolar molecular magnet

will actively align itself with the field. Because of

the dipole nature of the water molecule, the pres-

ence of a magnetic field will influence formations

of patterns within the water.

So, a Kalasam with water will be actively influ-

enced through thoughts and intentions in a minute way.

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 14

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society
We can also show how concentration and focus

will influence the quality of the overall result. In

addition, the heightened metabolic rate, due to the

flowers, will result in quicker water movement and

we can achieve significant results in a short time.

However, since individual qualities such as con-

centration and focus play a role, controlled studies

are not realistic. Nonetheless, a large quantity of

studies can be performed to establish statistical


Effects of Magnetized Water Michael Pedersen conducted an experiment

with magnetized water.
In traditional, homeopathic, Chi-

nese and Ayur Vedic medicine

magnetized water is considered to

have positive effects and should

be used in aiding the healing


Water has a dipole moment and

all salts in water carry a charge.

In fact the concept of pH is just

The three pots on the left were fed magne-
the measure of the ionic concentration of H mol- + tized filtered water with varying magnetic
configurations. The two pots on the right were
ecules. However, putting a glass of water near a fed non-magnetized water.

compass will not have an effect on the needle.

The reason is simple - the individual magnetism

of the molecules and dissolved crystals are not

aligned with each other to form a singular polarity.

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 15

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society
Many traditional healers swear that placing a mag-

net rod in water over time will align the magnetic

fields of the molecules to produce a magnet.

Research has shown that water can in fact carry

a magnetic field. However, what can be accom-

plished by magnetized water? We know from wi-fi

signals and cell phone towers that an electromag-

netic wave can encode a lot of different informa-

tion. So similarly, a magnetic field can hold more

Visualization of a magnetic field
information than just north or south. Water with around a Kalasam.

its natural dipole moment will be susceptible to

the influence of a magnetic field and slowly align

with it.

The compounds in the Kalasam water, combined

with the increased water transport rate due to the

photosynthetic process of the flowers, will increase

the rate at which water will align. Once the water

is magnetized and ordered it can capture informa-

tion the same way a radio wave captures informa-

tion. Now well look at the Electromagnetic Theo-

ry of Consciousness to see how magnetized water

is capable of physically capturing a thought.

Electromagnetic Theory of
McFadden (2002) showed that the brain produces

an electromagnetic (EM) field that influences brain

function through EM field-sensitive voltage gated

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 16
May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society
ion channels in neuronal membranes. According to this theory the EM field surrounding the

brain is the physical dimension of consciousness. Conscious volition is influenced through the

EM field as it builds the bridge between a non-material consciousness and concrete, physical

neurons firing to produce bodily actions.

This scientific theory is still in its novice phase but shows how EM fields could be used to affect

our thinking.

If a properly established Kalasam is a pure thought that has been grown then it can be used in

turn to heal our damaged thoughts. The process of moving clockwise with the Kalasam near

ones head and then pouring it over the deity illustrates how the mind is healed and then the deity

absorbs the damage. In other instances when the water is poured over the practitioner we see

how the body and the mind are simultaneously cleansed.

Oligodynamic Effect of Metals

Oligodynamic refers to the ability of certain positive metal ions in extremely low concentra-

tion to bind to, and inhibit viruses and micro bacteria. The oligodynamic effect applies to metal

ion concentrations ranging from approximately 9.2ppb to 5.5ppm.

In recent studies both the SARS virus and the HIV virus have been inhibited by the use of oligo-

dynamic Ag+. Numerous other studies have confirmed the ability of oligodynamic metal ions to

inhibit viruses and micro bacteria of all kinds.

Basic physics and chemistry tell us that any compound exposed to water will erode. The com-

pound thus eroded will exist as an ionic compounds dissolved in water. The natural ionization of

water by a metallic container is sufficient for the Oligodynamic effect.

Once the Kalasam water is poured over someone, the oligodynamic ions will dissolve through

the skin and naturally aid in the destrution of bacteria in the body.

Moreover, the combination of magnetized water and the presence of Eugenol (from cloves - a

natural anaesthetic) will allow for a heightened absorption rate through the skin.

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 17

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society
Gold Au[74] (Chemical Formula) Gold has been actively used to
cure rheumatoid arthiritis. It is
considered a good conductor and
2.4 (Electro Negativity) since it doesnt corrode it is used
0.137nm (Ionic Radius) in microchips and speaker wires.

1062C/2000C (melting/boiling)

Silver Ag[74] Silver is considered the best

conductor and the rarest metal.
Silver is not a chemical active
1.9 metals and is very stable. Silver
0.126nm does not oxidize but will react
with hydrogen sulfide in the air,
forming tarnish.
Copper Cu[29] Copper can be found in drinking
water, foods and air. Copper as
a trace element is essential to
1.9 human health. Copper is used in
0.096nm the industry for electrical equip-
ment, piping and industrial ma-
Brass Cu[29] + Zn[30] Acoustic properties of brass have
made it the metal of choice for
A corrosion resistant copper alloy
wind instruments. It is relatively
resistant to corrosion and as a
1083C/2595C result has been often used as a
substitute for gold.

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 18

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society
Mercury Hg[80] Mercury is the only common
metal that is liquid at ordinary
temperatures. It is a relatively
2.0 poor conductor of heat and alloys
0.137nm easily with many metals. Mer-
cury is considered to have health
-38.9C/356.6C properties in ancient Chinese
and Indian Medicine
Steel Fe[26] + 10%Cr +other metals In addition to Chromium, differ-
ent steel alloys have different
Alloy based in Iron and Chromium
additional metals such as Man-
ganese, Aluminum etc. Steel,
CrO forms invisible protection stainless steel and other iron
layer used for stainless steel products are not to be used for
regular puja.
Clay Al2(SiO3)3 Clay has been used to prevent
codling moth damage as well as
Naturally occurring Aluminum
sun scald. In traditional medi-
Used in a variety of ayur Vedic cine it has been used to prevent
treatments diarrhea. Clay with some iron
content has been shown to kill

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 19

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society
Biological Name Syzygium Aromaticum
Active Compound(s) Eugenol (C10H12O2)

Cloves are aromatic dry flower buds. Cloves are an anodyne (painkillers), carminative (prevents formation of
gas), improve peristalsis (stomach movement) and are anthelmintic (expel parasitic worms). Clove oil is used
externally to treat hypotonic muscles. Cloves can be found in traditional Indian, Chinese and Tibetan medi-

Clove oil is generally 70 - 92% Eugenol. Eugenol is used in perfumeries, flavorings, essential oils and in
medicine as a local antiseptic and anesthetic. It is used in dentistry mixed with zinc oxide. Eugenol is consid-
ered hepatotoxic and can cause damage to the liver.

Biological Name Carnarium Luzonicum
Active Compound(s) Elemicin (C12H18O3)

Elemi resin is a pale yellow substance, of honey-like consistency. Aromatic elemi oil is steam distilled from
the resin. It is a fragrant resin with a sharp pine and lemon-like scent. One of the resin components is called

It is used as a herbal medicine to treat bronchitis, catarrh, extreme coughing, mature skin, scars, stress, and
wounds. The constituents include phellandrene, limonene, elemol, elemicin, terpineol, carvone, and terpin-

Elemicin is considered anticholinergic - it inhibits parasympathetic nerve activity. The nerve fibers of the para-
sympathetic system are responsible for the involuntary movements of smooth muscles. It is also considered
a psychedelic drug, if prepared and administered correctly.

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 20

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society
Biological Name Chrysopogon Zizaniodes
Active Compound(s) benzoic acid, furfurol, vetivene, vetivenyl vetivenate, terpinen-4-ol, 5-epiprezi-
zane, Khusimene, -muurolene, Khusimone, Calacorene, -humulene,
-longipinene, -selinene, -selinene, -cadinene, valencene, Calarene,-gurju-
nene, -amorphene, Epizizanal, 3-epizizanol, Khusimol, Iso-khusimol, Valerenol,
-vetivone, -vetivone, vetivazulene and more

Vettiver is a perennial grass of the Poaceae family, native to India. It is popularly known as khus or khus-
khus, giving the earlier English names cuscus, cuss cuss, kuss-kuss grass, etc. Vetiver can grow up to 1.5
meters high and form clumps as wide. The stems are tall and the leaves are long, thin, and rigid. Vettiver
flowers are brownish purple. Vetivers roots grow downward, 24 meters in depth. This makes vettiver an ex-
cellent stabilizing hedge for stream banks, terraces, and rice paddies. The close-growing clumps also help to
block the runoff of surface water. Because vettiver propagates itself by small offsets instead of underground
stolons, it is noninvasive and can easily be controlled by cultivation of the soil at the boundary of the hedge.

Vettiver is heavily used to prevent soil erosion, to improve soil moisture, for ground water recharge, for pest
control, and the clean up of contaminated ground water.

Vettiver is also used in the aromatherapy industry, where its essential oil is known as the oil of tranquility.
Vettiver oil calms and soothes the mind, thus helping with nervous tension and stress. It settles the nerves
and establishes a feeling of balance and grounding.

Most Vettiver around the world is cultivated. However, for the perfumery industry where it is used as a natu-
ral fixative. Although native to the Indian subcontinent, most of the worlds vettiver is produced and exported
from Haiti.

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 21

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society
Biological Name Curcuma Longa
Active Compound(s) Curcumin (C21H20O6)

Turmeric has been used in cooking, in dyes and traditional Indian medicine. In recent years its properties
have warranted medical research.

Turmeric contains 5% Curcumin which has been used as a natural yellow dye. All of Turmerics medicinal
properties stem from Curcumin.

Research has revealed that curcumin has antitumor, antioxidant, antiarthritic, antiamyloid, anti-ischemic, and
anti-inflammatory properties.

It is therefore no wonder that turmeric has been used in ayur Vedic medicine for over 2000 years.

Numerous clinical trials in humans are underway, studying the effect of curcumin on various diseases, includ-
ing multiple myeloma, pancreatic cancer, myelodysplastic syndromes, colon cancer, psoriasis, and Alzheim-
ers disease.

Its antitumor effects stems from Curcumins ability to induce apoptosis (suicide) in cancer cells without affect-
ing healthy cells. It was also found that the presence of Curcumin interferes with the reproduction transcrip-
tion process of cancer cells.

Little Curcumin when eaten is absorbed, hence, putting a road block on the myriad of health effects. Howev-
er, oil based solutions increase bio-availability significantly. This may explain why Indian cooking tradition use
ghee profusely and have many dishes that are fried in oil. It seems that this prepares curcumin to be better
absorbed into the system.

In recent years Turmeric has also been used increasingly in the skin care industry. Its anti-microbial and anti-
inflammatory properties have shown to cure many skin diseases. It is used in many sun screen lotions and
also as a cure for acne. It is also considered that daily application of turmeric to the face will reduce facial
hair. It is also believed that daily application reduces visible signs of aging.

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 22

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society
Mango Leaves
Biological Name Mangifera Indica (for Mangos)
Active Compound(s) Mangiferin (C19H18O11)

Mangiferin has shown consistent gastroprotective and anti diabetic effects. Recent studies have also re-
vealed that it has anti-viral and anti-oxidant properties.

In the kalasam set up a stem with several connected leaves is preferred to individual leaves, as this will allow
the sap to dissolve in the water.

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 23

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society

Below is the ingredient list of the powder used at the Sri Rajarajeswari Peetham as

Abhishekam Powder.
Basil 2 oz.
Cardamom 2 oz.
Cloves 1 oz.
Black pepper 1 oz.
Edible camphor 6 gm
Saffron 1 pinch
Cinnamon 2 oz.
Kasturi (musk) 1 capsule
Gorochana 1 capsule
Rose hips 2 oz.
Thyme oz.
Jeera oz.
Coriander oz.
Alcohol 1 tbsp
Cayenne pepper 1 tbsp
Gold powder 1 pinch
Turmeric powder 5 tbsp

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 24

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society
Books and Publications Department of Pharmaceutical Science, Kyung Hee University
Dongdaemun-ku, Seoul, Korea
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by Prakash Paranjpe
Delhi : Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan ; Varanasi
Polyphenols with Antiulcerogenic Action from Aqueous Decoc-
Alternative Medicine and Spinal Cord Injury
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by Juliana Aparecida Severi et al
Demos Medical Publishing, New York, 2006
Molecules 2009, 14, 1098-1110
The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory http://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/14/3/1098/pdf
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Investigating the effects of sound energy on plant growth
Oxford University Press, 1997
by Tan Shen Mynn et al
The Emerging Physics of Consciousness National University of Singapore
by Jack A. Tuszynski (editor) http://sps.nus.edu.sg/~tanshenm/2171.pdf
Springer, Berlin, 2006
Navaratri Malar 2004
The Conscious Electromagnetic Information (Cemi) Field by Aparna Hasling
Theory: The Hard Problem Made Easy? Sri Rajarajeswari Peetham, 2004
by John Jay McFadden
The Effect of Static Magnetic Forces on Water Contents and
Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (8):45-60, 2002
Photosynthetic Pigments in Sweet Basil Ocimum basilicum L.
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Withyachumnarnkul B, Connor JR http://www.vetiver.org
Histol Histopathol. 2009 Jun;24(6):667-7 http://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/mango.html
Antioxidant Activity of the Polyphenol Mangiferin
by Ivanka Stoilova et al
Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food
(EJEAFChe) 7 (13), 2008. [2706-2716]

Mangiferin Inhibits Passive Cutaneous Anaphylaxis Reaction

and Pruritus in Mice
by Bomi Lee et al
Department of Life and Nanopharmaceutical Sciences and

Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of our Guru Parampara. Sri Vidya 25

May their guidance illuminate our way. Temple Society
This publication is the culmination of personal study and research and intended to help in the understanding of
the depth of ritual. It is intended for an understanding of the requirments for rigur in the ritual. It is not to be
taken as a medical handbook and medical claims made here should not be used to either diagnose or treat illness-
es. Furthermore, while a bibliographic reference is provided in the end, it is not exhaustive, and readers should
pursue additional sources.

Sri Vidya
Temple Society

2011 Sri Vidya Temple Society

Sri Vidya Temple Society | Sri Rajarajeswari Peetham
6980 East River Road, Rush, New York, 14543 USA
Tel: (585) 533 1970 | E-mail: info@srividya.org
Website: http://www.srividya.org

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