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Zh Comper. AUGUST 1996 0.14 ] all IY? 7.99 USA, $7.99 Canada In-den' th Reviews > Strife TacOps > Assault Rigs » Zork Nemesis > Total Mayhem > Gateway Destination > Battleground: Waterloo Se sa te eels Bae Se ese Se ee kn Se pee a the bitmapped scenery undergoing minimal defarmation ee ee en ee et an See eee ete ee ee ee eee ee ee See eee ee) ‘wondering through impregnable, stati corridors. The effect is hugely rewarding and is surely the direction in which such games shoukd be heading. GO en) _gares fail to capitalize on excellent technologies but See ce being packed with huge ramps, drops, lits, jumps and See Ty Ce uae) ‘single building) and there is always a feeling that there is Se eae a) et eee Cont enkiboaed Cae a ee es osteitis onstrated Peet Rea | #1 Selling PC Game, Jan-April 1996 PC Data Report » Game of the Year, PC Gamer « Multiplayer Game of the Year, PC Gamer + Golden Triad Award, Computer Game Review* Game of the Year, Computer Gaming World Readers’ Choice + Best On-line Game, C/NET 8 Players Head to Head Battle over land, sea and air Custom Map Builder included Rule as Ore or Human Bigger. Bolder. Bloodier. eee a 800-953-SNOW Over 50 Custom Maps! www, 2 New Story Lines! 24 New Scenarios! Cladta Reader Genine 2008: For the nearest dealer, call: 888-2-TOMEGA, ext. j25 (r See us at: , BS The Jaz” drive is you, man. It's fast, it holds tons of stuff, and it’s peisonal. You won't find an easier or cooler way to upgrade your hard drive, Just connect it to your PC or Mac and you're jammin’: files, pictures, graphics, video, CAD stuff, whatever. And with its dark green color, hey, the cat got style, A Me eae Le STN eT ee Gera as Compact one-gigabyte cartridges. fi Poe esac Cee sete ee " certs ernie neeeNy Ts BECAUSE IT’S YOUR STUFF.” jomega eT) HASLAM NTA beep i A ea trap on your pith helmet and i hop in : the CGW Jeep as we track down | | the hottest new games on {| the plain. In this 24-page fea- : ture, we focus in on the best new titles in each category, plus online games, hardware {| and peripherals. If you've heard the far-off drumbeat, and it stirred the primal hunter in your + | soul, then polish off that pitcher || of Gar’, sahio, and go bag {| some trophies. FEATURE SECTIONS 48 Action 16_ Simulations 58 Role-Playing Games 8 Sports (3 Online Games 4§ Wargames >See our Reneave IIT review—not! SECTIONS TECHNOLOGY 99 Loyd Case Digital video musings TOL Gateway Destination ny ose sevator 106 3D Graphic Accelerators ty toyd tase ADVENTURE/ROLE-PLAYING mM = Scorpia Chronicles of the Sword 116 Scorpia's Mail | Have no fear, hints are here | 118 Diablo ty Blo tia TWA Zork Nemesis ty hares Ava 18 Indy's Desktop Adventures ‘by Charies Adal 130 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine—Harbinger by Deny ain ACTION 139 Peter Olafson Virtua Cop Hits the PC Wa Total Mayhem ty Jack Rodrigues Alin. Strite ty Mark Clarkson 1h Assault Rigs ‘hy Martin £, Ciruls Wd Cyberia 2 ‘by Bot hin LASSICS/PUZZLES Ale. Terry Coleman The game that says “nee!” SPORTS ‘183 Dennis McCauley MicroLeague Baseball 6.0 188 VR Soccer '96 ty Gordon Gate SIMULATION 13 Denny Atkin Planetary Raiders Mids. U-Boat lI: Drumbeat ty Kevin Tarner STRATEGY/WARGAMES 119 Terry Coleman Avalon Hill’s breakthrough Alte. Ballleground: Waterloo dem wisn 16 TacOps by Patch iter 188 Chaos Overlords ty Mart, Cis 1M Civilization II Strategies by tim Carter DEPARTMENTS i Credits Meet the CGW writers 4 dust The FAQs — Answers to frequently asked questions 20 Johnny Wilson The Future of Gaming 0 Letters Our readers speak out 3 Read.Me Computer gaming news 2 Game Track A look at what's cool and coming your way. 4 Hall of Fame — Great games ofall time | 15 Patches Game files to kill bugs dead 3 Subscribers rate the top games Cirulis What's the deal with Windows 952 “AUGUST i OMPUTER G MIN WORLD RAPID RESPONSE HEAD TRACKING IMMERSIVE BIG SCREEN SUPPORTED BY MORE PC GAMES THAN ANY OTHER VR PRODUCT NO INTERNAL CARD NECESSARY WINNER OF EVERY VIRTUAL REALITY PRODUCT AWARD 3-0 STERE LIGHTWEIGHT ERGONOMIC DESIGN SPATIALIZED AUDIO VPC & VR PRO MODELS AVAILABLE STARTING AT $499 JUST BECAUSE IT’S ONLY A GAME DOESN’T MEAN YOUR HEAD HAS TO BELIEVE IT. INTRODUCING THE FIRST VR GLASSES THAT GO TO YOUR HEAD, VIRTUAL i-glosses!GIVE YOU MEGA BIG SCREEN ACTION AND THE FREEDOM TO LOOK IN ANY DIRECTION YOUR HEAD CAN DREAM UP. SCREEN SHOTS ARE FROM OCEAN'S £F2000, THE HOTTEST NEW HEAD TRACKED &) COMBAT FLIGHT SIM. i-Glasses! YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THIS BEFORE ANDERSON, T NEED A VOLUNTEER. THAT TANK UP THE ROAD? SOMEONE’S GOTTA TAKE Iv OUT. T NEED SOMEONE } CAN COUNT ON. SOMEONE WHO'S MAN ENOUGH TO RUN rHRoucH MACHINE GUN FIRE TOGHT THE JOB DONE. AND ANDERSON, THERE COULD BE A MEDAL IN IT FOR YA. Anderson, Chuck. Sergeant. Leads 2nd Platoon’s Recon team. Probably gotta wife back home. Damn good soldier. You give him an order and he figures out the best way to get the job done. So what's he doing cowering behind that bombed-out farmhouse? Saving his own butt. That's what you should expect if you order him to do something crazy. In Close Combat. everything reacts like it does on the battlefield. from the ripping canvas hiss of the German NG42 machine gun to the screams of the men it hits, It al) goes down right in front of you. In real time. So there’s no time to thumb through the manual. You work your mouse like anericand vo. Gereanat Watch site you a weapon. Point and click and boom, the shooting starts the second your men step off Omaha Beach and it don’t let up ‘til they've taken Saint-L6. Troops, terrain, situations —if you want to get any more accurate, you'll have to shave your head. Wanna go head to head with other military geniuses? All you need is a TCP/IP connection. And guts. To experience Close Combat visit your nearest recruiter or head straight forthe battlefield at Micresoft . Ta CREDITS e Elliott “Gunboy” — fanatic, and has been plajing Advanced ‘Chin ‘isthe edlor responsi. | Dungaors & Dragons lor ver ten years ‘ble for the Action and t ‘Never a great CRPG fan, he has recently been Staley secionsin CGW. A | lured to desHiop roleplaying bythe sweet huge fan of Cv, Cw, alpha of Bizzr’s Duawo, Now he's caning ‘Wascearr land side through diabolical dungeons, ragging space scroling fighting cames his sols and commanding ob, destuctie flst obsession is spanking his colleagues in | Ors, He define loves his ot ae ee Hitonn Cisue DeathMaches. Gunboy is aso an APG | i © on-Line Estor/AOL Kae estan i Hern Etre Auntie na — ‘Ealtoral Assistant. Cialale Per | Charles Ardai,hebi- | the compuer gaming inusiry He is@ mern- | fdltoral tern Arya jing nd incisive Contributing | ber ofthe Horror Writers Association, and i CIS INI Etitor for Interactive Fiction, | has had his sort stories published in Ellery aes isafleconaelykrown at | Queen's Mystey Magazine an oer publica- aN GW headquarters as, | tons, But not all is work for the Master of ‘ ood read” Often controver- | Quip. Fora good time he relreals othe sil and aluays enjoyable, respectable word of business and functions Charles ability to entertain wile scrutinizing 25 the Present of Juno fre email service rakes him one of our most healy reed | locate at tp: upon, and geallyanichaed authors in UA: ENGESIE ONNIN e eEN ArtDirector AUG Masia) raphe rit ck ooo ae Graphic Arist Dan Foaick SEES eis oncrIOn ea st Production Manager Sieve Sonn Production Coordinator Marta ail HOW TO CONTACT THE EDITORS Pocess queso an eco G6 Eta 135 Man. 4m Rosa Gordon Goble, acon inj ean he no runs his own onenan {essed sports unk fs an deslop publishing business in Vanco, aioonado ofrelextesting | &C. He gol Nook on compu racing wth Simulations ofa finds, | .wi#ous SOD, and sinc then has conn When he's nt cruisin’ the ved a relentless pursuit ofauthenity oer ly Sa acco CA BAR, yen us Netto get scoring updates | lash in is pursuit of the ume digi Poe: 4).3573800 {oc his hockey pool, Gordon | sports experienc. it werent for Papyrus, Eto fa) $5497 is busy hotrng his Pentium to un thel- Electronic rs and MicroProse, he would ConpuSene: ema) ‘est racing simulators and sports games. probably bs spending al of his tee time at a Formely an agent fora professional auio rac | the tennis courts or gym, ‘Gate col Imre roma 22aacongusene con — Web se Nii coming | Martin Cirulis iby bis | year began wring the poplar “What's the pavers sates coun atmssion, "a grumpy Deal Wh.” editorial columo. Inthe dsant vertising Directo ‘ld gamer” who also has | pas, he was indoctnaed inthe arcane com Gene ne from the Great Whe North | puting ats but has tuned his back on them {aura Salemo22)S034651 inVancowet BC., and has | in the nam ol Saience Fito erature NorthWest Territory Sales Manager rooenly joined the Penum |i he ties to wte when he isnt nee ay Coney. (5) 25725 ass of computer gaming, | deep i games to evi or he daly duties of SouthWest Ter itory Sales Manager For several years he has been @ regularcon- | being 2 husband and father. Fale i eles ‘Account Representative ae Yamaguen (48) 3574220, Advertising Coordinator Linda Pap 5) 574900 Sales Assistant nda Fan) 357 8825, Marketing Coardinat Cay 8) eibutor of game reins for CGV, and last ‘Jack Rodrigues isa. | 0o9 hlonlas inthe Marine Crps. sleath weaponin the CGW | Acostingy he's loging lat hours wth arsenal. Aalented antic | Act Lovoso, bul e's 0 playing Te ast ih a fnackoxseam- | Now, Steer and Que, wile eagerly lesslygraing heads fo ~ | avating Ftc Fuca: Bicx 1 Bem, clsparale bodies (eq, Enid) | Disio and Rerun 7 Krowoen (when). Boh Jéckis abar-core gamer | hardvare: and sofuare tert, Jack spends who races his oos tote avenue onthe. |_the remainder his oFours scouring nen Apple He got hooked on igh sims with Sid_ | roups and posting messayes abou technob Neir’s Heat Ace, vhich ed him lo Fusst-— | gy and gaming. Tous, the guy’ so knoe Siyuatoy, F15 Stake Bice, Guisar and edad ican argue any sie olan su, Fac, Hs inerestin fed wing and rolary alten des, ich can tun even an ot fight sins comes as no suprise, since he Nan emer @maraon debate. But served 2s cra chef on CHAG'Sea Knight thats al mas him a Cen o gu a ~— papiiaieai dle Nes ane cc oe Fanci, CA 305; tcl 1) 3575225, _ SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIESIADDRESS CHANGES nes ms ey 0k Di rest MUS se tO 6D pC 213 Tn ep 6627S nea faa ese eat 29 ST, de 0 SEASONAL ANUER eS TIES EPIC MEGAGAMES High resolution 3D rendered graphi LC sO ee ee Only from Epic MegaGames- Play the latest Epic MegaGames shareware games: http://www-epicgames-com Epic MogaGames sols Firo Fight as asinglo gamo or in a two player notwork starter pack containing 2 copies of the game - one Ce a CO a er ee Re Cu ‘The two-player 2 CD network starter pack is also avallable in retal stores world wide through Electronic Arts. me pore cee NE RAG LIP a TS LOE, SE CSE Oe eae JUST THE FAQS at's on the business end of my laser this month? What kind of a bent system do you rate games with? What do p What's On The CD? 4 Follow our safari guides as they lake you into the bush fo hunt Big Games. In this month's C&-ROM, we fate a beindthe-soenes lok a upcoming targets rom LucasArts, Westwood Studios, SS, Electronic ‘ts, Legend Entertain ment, MicroProse, Microsoft and mary more (ur ats and ecilrs take the best features of mut: smavia and taste them (oe you whats hot and vias hype. Then, tight a candle and setback in your tet for this month's game demos. oul ind Spectrum HoloByte's usertiendy Tor Gu: Fe a Wit; Kesma’s online, mulplayer air combat game, An Wrsacn 2; Domark’s Causa knockoff, Too. Mave, and Mindscape's action packed Mecsaace 2. Fora more calculating experience, ty Blue Bytes sequel tothe strategy game Sere Civ, Tae Ser.ens 2 ‘And now, a message from the ctor if games with SVGA graph ies leave you crossed, the pre scription might just be Deu Docrok 5.2. The atest vetsion of Scifech’s popular Universal VESA chive is avaible herein shareware & apnemenen iia you think you are, journalists? Why did you say one of your editors was, “She Who Must Be Obeyed”? form (exusive for our dis). Or ‘maybe your problem is less techn cal than gameplay oriented. so, ason Stautman has oraciousy dnate afew rounds of his ‘Universan Hovr Sysren to free you from the snare, game within any genre by licking ‘once on the *Next" button or exit the *Back" button twice, How Do I Play The Demos? To view the demos, fst click on EDITORS! HOT PICKS or PRODUCT DEMOS button. Next, click on your favorite genre: Action, Adventure, Classio, Strategy, Wargames, or Musie then click onthe tile of your interest Each demo has instructions for its instalation. How Do I Use It? (Our CD is a Windows program. i you have Windows 6, instalation is simple: the CD is Autoplay enabled. ust “Lock ‘nt lod.” Otherwise from Windows 3.x, pop the CD into your drive, select RUN. from the Program Manager's ‘menu and type DARUN-ME (where isthe letter of your CO-ROM hive) to run it straight fom the 6D. Then type D:INSTALL to cre- ae a CGW program group on your ‘Windows desktop. Il you have insted previous versions of the CG-ROM, this isk wil use the pro am group already on your desk top. Point and cick to mavigate aud the CO, just as you would in any olher Windows program, You can access ary ofthe regu: fa tems (such as Product Demos or How Do I Get The Patch Files? lick on PATCHES under the CoW. FEATURES and then rea the ted \window with instructions on copy ing te files to your harddrive, You also may access the patches from your DOS prompt by typing :\PATCHES (where D: isthe letter cf your CD-ROM civ) and copy them direc rom there to your hard drive, We strongly recommend thal you back up any previously saved games beloe instaling @ palo as this may wie over your ‘existing program. How Do I Get The CG-ROM? Newsstand issues come in two vari eties: ome with and some without the CD. Each ype is clearly marked I you cant fin the version you wantin the store you frequent, Patches) by simply encourage your ral to cary it (or clicking on its corre- subscribe to ensure you get a CD sponding button ‘every month). To subseribe, simply Within the feature, you may skip to the next call 33-665 6990, and specify that you want he CD-ROM version, a ~ f E if | i k EY g chose to stinulat their pleasure centers atthe exclusion of fod, water, slep, and sex | eee en (Une (elle A i BUNGIE introduces Marathon 2: Bufandab, the highly addictive game for Windows® 95 that will leave. | Pea TeaLL TRCu UC ecco Ue SEU ee nt DUE oS Lue oo a) POSES oce nea none ae eee ee ey stereo imaging don't suck either. And 13 levels of intense network play may cause you to wet yourself (Ogee CLO a aCe Ce Oe Ca po aE eee od How Do We Classify Games? Action/Arcade (AC) The emphasis ison hand-eye coordina tion and reflees, usually empha ing fast play over story or strategy. ‘Adventure (AD) Games wiere in you contol an ater ego and move through astoryine or sequence of evens, where puzze- solving takes precedence over con- vesaton and combat Classics/Puzzles (CP) Classis ar old standbys and par lor games that appeal to many ct ferent types of gama Examples include; backgammon, bridge, chess, Movcrow, parchesi, Risk, ‘and Soumae, Puzle games are computer games which emphasiee spaial relationships, wrd games andlor problem-solving without requiing gamers to follow a stoy tne. Examples would be: Swiss, Terms and 22a, Role-Playing (A?) APGS ae a subset of adventure games, but stress character development, olen through imroving stats or other attributes. Conversations with nan- player characters (NPCs) and tact cal combat are generally more important than in Adventure games. Finally, the game world tends to be large, and the pol less linear, often with some queststeks ouside the main storyline. Simulations (SI): Highly real istic games from a fist-person perspective: you may drive a rat istically simulated racecar, ty a milary arraft with a meticulous pliysies model, or swoop through 4 deaied sci environment Usually polygon illed technology is used to build the simulated world onthe ty ‘Sports (SP): The sports game category is a broad gente which Includes action (NBA Live) and strategy games (Frowt Pace Sports Foorsi.t Po) based on sports. Strategy (S1): Problem solving, shor: and long ange planning are the keys here, These games almost aways emphasize resource and tsk ‘management. This genre inaludes conlicbased scifi and fantasy ames (COM, Outros, MOO), as well 2s "pure” strategy games and “software toys" such 28 SiuCe, Wargames (WG): A subset of Weak: A game wih serious prob- | rare game thal lems. Usually esi all wong, buggy, seriously | This is reserved lacking in lay Value, orjusta oorly-conceived | dec wt ey were yer released in | the ist place. Strategy games, these recreate his- Lorca contics trom a command petspectve. They may be tactical, ‘operational, or strategic, and stress Anything from logistics and fire ower fo morale and leadership, They may be simple (Przen GeneRaL, Empire Il) to incredibly dealed and complex Pace Was) What Is Your Reviews Policy? +) We only review from the final copy of he game. Though it has become popular among PC gaming magazines to review rom lle bela ‘copes, we feel that the reader fs best served by having the reviewer {ook atthe same copy of a game ‘alte readers wil find onthe shelves While we recognize that this causes some dey in coverage, we believe the reader is better served by such caution 2) We expect our revieners to fin ‘ah the game. We want our readers tobe assured that ve do nat review based on immediate or early impressions of a game. Our reviews ers give a game ample opportunity to show its qually.n some cases, ‘bugs mate it impossible to finish a ‘game, but we dently situations ‘ere that has occured. 3) We make every effort to match the reviewer tothe game We take inlo consideration the preferences, background and possible biases of the reer and, where possible, ‘we find people with actual fe expe fence or special backgrounds that ‘match a game, We believe tis po «y enhances bot he oedbity of the review and the enjoyment of ‘gameplay when the real world and {he game world are competently compared. 4) We do not accept free tral {rom software or harcvare compa- ries. We belive such gilts have a tacit assumption of coverage atlched to them, (ew only cover such evenslaunches as We believe will benefit our readers. % The Beast Within® CORO TTT IR MODULE (Gabe na AWARDS ‘again, From the over 4,000 1996 Game of the Year Oe a Fe nC Computer Gaming World has Editor’s Choice ea ev role ag coveted Game of the Year award COL eee ‘for 1996. As with its popular pre- SRC aad decessor, Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers® (winner of the Adventure Game of the Year Trae Ly CGW 1994 Game of the Yeur Pietro eT N asc naan {for outer space. You've go new places to see, new places to incinerate. But don’t bask inthe nuder afterglow js yet. Because you don't use your head, the inventive lens wil, svolly oso sowveni ash roy, Samaimes os «hand puppet. Se your favorit rtaier orto order dre, tin! 1-800-336-3506, or give us o shot onthe Web: wr ‘Sttio 300 hos surgically Fused the human nigger finger othe brn bran. The result? Sar Fighler"— on explosive had-ore shooter tho demands staegicthinking for sucess. nmerse yourself ino vost 3D wold, Sor Explore, Scorch thousands of ‘enemy forgets. Fly anywhere. Fly upside down, Leave the airspoce “Stellar!” — Next Generation, March 1996 Ghote Reader Service #144 oe ¢ The Futuree% Of Gaming y Are Computer Games Here To Stay? t's alvays dangerous angles with which to view decapita lo speculate onthe tion future, especialy when you're dealing CONNECTION with inteigent read: Fortunately | am an optimist. 1 ers who tend to have sll fel like computer games vill long memories. Sill, permeate our lives in the future. Ihave to adress this Like Douglas Adams’ supernatural subject, because lots of people for private ey, Dirk Gently | belive in > GG SHOrtly —coponenttor nem ata moments whom | have the greatest respect, the connectedness ofl things. ‘ote All would be done without beloe tat the computer game particularly believe in ne comes. | AfeY 2OO5, interrupting the tlovison picture industy i creatvely ead, They edness of al things electronic and = because othe cable medem's bolieve that the MOTS (More OT I think they will bind us to each interactive superior bandwidth on the down: The Same) themes of te latest oer n the flue. | sil expect to lnk Electronic Entertainment see the time where there will be entertainment Exposition in Los Angeles loudly multiple CPUS (of varying vinlages VISION procimed the death knel fore and capabives) in the ome and | WELT F@AGH Pal | aso ewision a0 gasses as indus. Ofcourse, have ile tothe wil all connect fo the stereo, S such an inexpensive VR peripheral tose in addressing this subject. I! television, satelite dish, home Ity With Offer tna every tamiy shove be aie 0 {im right won't be witng this applances, and home secur, as ‘nn several. Virtual UO lready column inte ten years or so necessary Essential, ome LANs | BETLGRLALMIMEME — otfersigntweight glasses tha ae when my visions might or might conned to cable modem vety close tomy ideal. The resolu nt come true. t'm wrong, you'll which, in tur, connects tem to] OEMS HM BOTH —— tionis geting better every year and have a had time figuring cut the Web I hope te pice wil too A cur ‘where to send the ltr tothe ed- With the cable television con: prestige and rent prices, they area high-end tor nection, casual gamers wil watch peripheral for ight sim fanatics Frankly | believe thal the latest televised sports events as they revenue. 9 ‘and add considerably tothe ric: 3 show does sound a waming for waich live updates of thei fantasy ness ol the gaming experience the industry. The hottest games at team records and compare their before bedtime or every morning at loved flying EF2O00 with them. Yet, the show seemed to be merely the team side-by-side with their neigh- breakfast. imagine tying the next generation games of a decade ago with better bors in a window onthe felevision also imagine gamers watching EF2000 while wearing your VR ‘graphics and sound, New lect —_sereenmorito Or, they could play televised reviews of computer lasses wile you fly head-to-head Nologies are used to rehash old a simulation ofthe game atthe games o viewing interviews with against your son, daughter or concepts rather than to explore same time iis going on. AS an game designers lke Sid Meier, friend wile they wear their ox VR nvr ones. That's not alvays bad, added bonus, a smart search Chris Roberts of Lord British, With glasses. it should be awesome butt sure reduces the opportuni- agent could qo online, automatica» a touch ofa button, they could: ties fr fresh perspectives. Ater all, ly find all of the televised highlights order the game downloaded: join a SIMULACRON {here are only so many ticks you relating to ther players, and give multiplayer version ofa game in | also think that the games of can use to enhance on-screen them their wn highlights reel of progress; or send that smart the future wl rely upon synthetic blood and only so many camera thei fantasy team every night search agent to find an online actors. tis theoretically possible to A ce aveusr wis CGWY, or ane AH ‘Games, ¢ a fs i Sy # “3 Gates he mee s RRP Cen) Vs eee ioe ot ener a esa 7a iS ais Dea) film actors and actresses using all PERIPHERALS the phonemes and a variety of {1m also expecting to see more facial expressions. Next, a body and more peripherals that will ade douile or stunt man or woman can to our gaming experiences. | know tape all ofthe basic moves using that experiments on 3D mice motion capture technology. From haven't gone very wel, but | il ‘he latter, animators can build ath that the fantasy role-player of ‘working 30 body model and use tomorrow will enjoy wearing gog the former as a fimed texture map gles and thrusting his or her 3D cove the (op ofthe model. n this mouse trough the ar while ‘way program algorithms can direct — swashbucking wih vilins and smthelic actors to respond to any hacking monsters, We'l See more iven situation as the gamer spor ingutioutpu devices to sim desires. So, every conceivable uate bals, clubs, racquets and scene won't have fo be filmed in slicks. Fight sim fanatics won't be eff out either. CH Products is C¢ Future alteady working on a forced teed- ‘back joystick. Walch for other i/o gamers will devices to use forced feedback to simulate everything from racetrack War GOGGLES —prsicsto space siute conras and thrust peripherals in the air while swashbuck- ling with villains and monsters. 77 advance, but we can have interac: tive dramas on the low end and Computer Gaming Weta ‘move realistic avatars through Yes, there are times when | find imaginary worlds on the high end. self getting frustrated atthe Such potential allows for more immatuty of our medium and the advanced human interaction than lack of creativity that seems visible violence and lets gamers establish in today’s products. But as | sad in virtual relationships. Asin any ar comparing the soltare industiy form, these relationships may be withthe film industry in a 1990 based in fictional worlds, based on interview with The San Francisco non-existent situations, and involve Examiner's image magazine, imaginary characters but they are “We're inthe early sles.” AS we ‘a metaphor for ile. They can teach enter this new era of connectivity, sand sensitize us fo new per- we might just have entered the spective, cultures and ideals, period of he talkies. & That's an exciting potential Ly we FAST FORWARD | fv believe thal, shortly after the year 2005, interactive entertain- ‘ment will be reaching parity with ‘ther entertainment industries in terms ofboth prestige and revenue, Soon afer, | believe it wil surpass the maturing forms. | aso believe {hat the new technologies upon ‘which I've speculated wil offer new ‘opportunities to design computer ‘games thal are more than “shoot rs," more than "hack and slash.” And, God witing, | think 0 sil be covering it asthe grand old man of ine Director Benchmark Operation Bi Caching: {HDs aie Nee Ss iniecton, ete Dirsctar of Public Relations Gin ioe DUPE Aa NOLO O82 ely DCs natant Saas ssa ne poeee can hae es {ra Wms nye nny Wm ei {tain acu ie ches ake nse et erat A MOS ‘Eg cso ores on wea ects Dep) En Conputrcogn n et eaaly mis esas sao si cm a ey or Tea iaa wane eo sl mle Keene Conan PO us COs 2 pats Ptehing Com 2 Sontane company" & xis Beas Cranes ABC “wees, AUDITED. Nena ie a i feed CD aC ye ros Pee a uae CR eR oy eae : army and destroy Enemy Nations... eRe Oe RC bat for Sea a aie ig Battle dl . eats cece , acu = PoUCaers Pee eee ac) in stunning CoE ED) : (1-1, fern g OR conn cl Call (800) 469-2539 to order. MTs er aN 4 peli ete Oooo pe eee TIME 1S YOUR WERPON. HISTORY IS YOUR BATTLEFIELD. EUS TREC STE Gee a eel THE THIN MAG Why are CG anagarinesahnays thinner in summer an very tick (ap 40100 pages) in winter ntl? Aud where ft ine between Pet and PG? (Stating what speed does it count asa P62) Does 2007 (Some vendorssiy it only goes to 180.) Socket 7 rally accept a P se La Morence, SC LETTER OF THE MONTH DANGEROUS NISSIVE Wh abevilde santeandeonfision—Tin ikea meson avhiat don't know which way to quatk—1 iwiteto thank you, and your stall and who- exerebeswilling to take responsibil, fornainingny GD-ROMIHyENo, ‘Moun, sb Must Seuantthe CG Premier Avard ds Adenine Gane of the Year for 1956, Pleasure, eau every- Body ikesto cop the rings this loopy caravansri ‘on through 'Timeand Space: Confusion, because —as weboth know Tin an absoliteamat nigadminire of plea CLUS accokidesin your presentalion, But some ‘ne else who had as much, orn an aN We, todo ‘wh Bringing this projet to faton, who wasorerlooked in yourencomium, is David Mulch. Hewasthe Project Supenssor and designer after David Sears moved ‘on, He worked endles ana with shat Be called “clean hands and ‘comipasure” to produce a prop shame either of us. Itsim. tythat would not ply would not have won your award had not David Mulch mounted the barcades, Trenenuber heat dressed the Computer Game Designers’ banquet a couple years ago, shen I sil [woul work o the fiitsof my ability on | Have No Mount. butthatitwould bey one ent nto the medi. Nothing has changed. Ive been there, done thal, and nowyou won't ha ‘malinga further pest of mysein your ing oot. J} Bat forthe honor you pay me, lam srateful, And bewildered eto worry bent me Haan Ulin ; Sherman Oaks, CA \ vecanpuercane Dene ste come ey | Fae Harlan, tht wast your plsiognonn or Ofecume, insite of folony Nikon's ther ees premature eco diling (He assumed yourwould blow off the project like men ‘other noel ue one ther inet properties lu row claims fe real tikes the tasteof ero, thank you), you took he tine (opartpate nthe proc design, You desenvthe recognition for this and we thank yu for bot ie intenttve, aswell asthe linea; hoursofentertanent wth which | aian eison 208 \ conirence in \ is spot mm a TP isoercise Find myself not only avoiding catcalls and Huse hushieratany yn cots, bot to be eoenized with nod ofpproval rom again that previons)y chewed a neat, sina ok through the front of my face well tsbevildering Divi Sears and f worked very hard on THiveNo Mount. And we both get our you provided us ner the years. ce iammmeen is Computer Gaming World is ahs thinnes in the tamer because there are fess games to wit abot in the summer We put out _megacines (huge issues in the wi fer because most game companies publish the bull of ther products for the holiday season, As forte differ ence between a Peatium anda Pentiun Pro (P6), tian? merely matter of sped. Tere are Petit processors that run up to 200 Mhz cand there are fast Pera Pro processonin the sume range. snot the clock speed tat makes a difer ence. Finals as for upgrading toa 6 processor, DONT DO IT? Until ure reach the point of tue 32-bit sgaring youl actully be sabotag ing your performance instead of ener SOLUTION CONFUSION COW should haveaseetion on sling CD-ROM games in its Jolin Topper Panoramas City, CA Actual; we have several sections As the following eters obser, they ‘vespread thoughout the magazine Look for CG Tips, Scorpias Maif and soine of our strategy ete ove the cheat eos and helpful Hits. find your sal opinions of newly released games very aceurale: Ron Nien Wont I Sanlianciseo, CA 94105 [ Over 300 games for people with brains. 20 challenging levels. And with Optimization Scoring, Put on your thinking cap and get ready to have _the smarter your solution, the more points youl score. a blast with Smart Games Chalenge {=the fan Feeling competitive? Go “brain-to-brain” against niew PC game that’s sure to get your mind racing! family and fiends or take on the world at our Internet Play an outrageous variety of games: wordplay Leader Board wonders, svategy sticket and perception puzzles, Smart Games Challenge 1 wil delight your senses a Something for absolutely everyone! with eye-catching graphics and zany sound effects. Its i) Choose from hundreds of different puzzles, easy to play, but hard to master Smart Games wil pump From no-brainers for novices to brein-busters for up your brain and sharpen your powers of perception. seasoned gamers. Each mind:boggler gives you up ta _—Pick up Smmaré Games Challenge 1 ata retailer near you. Play With Your Brain! CARIAM Hore the red car out of the lot, ASAP. 10 real fonder-bonder mind-bender! eget sa Vaden ol Sart Gunes In: 188 Random rc. A ghs reared Girle Roster Sorvice #190 athe Ail tandansatt Download a FREE DEMO: ‘henner hittp:// ~ Seen Pragati ‘gang on the continent. Lee ee ud ag Peete cea ee ‘guessed it, nails and ey ess (oem tee ts Crete peor ear es Coa ae Se ® ORCS OLN RAT aOR mes crc ee lls toa ae ao reer 4 PO Box 245, Ogdensburg, NY 13669-0245 Tel: (315) 393-6633 Fax: (315) 393-1525 checkout the latest Pree ci a/c MU WWW.SIR-TECH.COM Bee eee ee eee READ.ME New Sony PC Highlights PG Expo Toshiba, Panasonic Unveil New DVD CD-ROM Drives Expo tools in this sleek tem help fle we've ever sean, isnta piaslc shell—and the and high-performance compo game sofware bundle, The nents, Sony seems to have done show. NO Space front end its homework. The only nade Access 1s ahightech cquacy we naticed when working Soltware, ‘Microsoft Bos that withthe machin was the tack showing doesn't insu your of true waveable sound, Music rear nal inteligence. You can is provided by an OPL3 synth versions of Las LS and launch games and chip, wilh an optional softae Panora Dect, was the only applications fom this based wavetable emulation game sotvare developer ve interlace, as well as mode tha eats valuable proces savi on the flor when we visi contol all the audio- sor power With Sony plastering ed the Jacob K. Javits video aspects ofthe the machine with the VAIO Convention Center in New York machine You'llalso (Video Aucio Integrated (on June 19. Despite the fact find a huge bundle of Operation), is surprising to see that PC Expo is the “ant-E3” tures, and Universal Serial Bus software including an enhanced them skimp on wavetable music (Electronic Entertainment Expo), support. Matching 15:in. and Direct 3D version of Activision's support. the show's hardware emphasis 17n, inion monitors include MecHWaarion 2. Expect Sony to Algo of interest to gamers ‘meant that there were a number a builtin speaker and subwooler develop les o ake advantage were protolype DVD-ROM play- of products of interest tothe set ofthe units’ impressive softvare ers shavin by Toshiba, games. What ditereniates nese PCs MPEG capabilites. Panasonic, and other compa ‘The altention-gelter atthe ave the case design —you can \With color-coded ports, easy show was the new PC by Sony access any component without access, the most complete sy: ‘continued on page 33 line, notable as much for what it doesn't do as for wha it does, The Sony VAIO PCV.70 and ar ankly ain't so hot. POV90 arent Gatenay m4 istics comes sane. Desinalon competitors orton [Eg] «= WARCRAFT I: ave related ithe Dak Pt to eqoup ‘sumer appliance” PCs. They I BEYOND THE ‘and conquer anew, The humans’ plan is to don't bring anything new to he Fs DARK PORTAL follow the Orcs through the Dark Portal to technology party, but they do tie A The Orcs and Humans are back annihilate the Ores once and for all. The together leading-edge PC tech- i} with a vengeance in the Warcaarr tt Expansion Set features new campaigns with nology with some of the best Evpansion Ser, After their deteal, the Orcs different missions for humans and Ores, and design work and usercomtfort soveral improvements, including 50 features we've | new maps and new Ore lesan com: The iil ine wil sport 165: ‘i 3 plete with gurgling voleanos and ad 200 Pentium proces ‘ ‘mushroom tes. alo introduces ‘sors, 16 to 32MB of RAM, an ‘unique stals for diferent heroes, an ‘ATI 3D Rage video chip with a ‘improvement over WarCrarr Il, whose ‘2MB of video RAM, an 8x CD- x ‘heroes had the same stats as the nor- ROM, @ 28.8kbps Digital 1}; - ‘mal troops. For example, Alleria, the ‘Simultaneous Voice and Data x archer heroine, has triple hit points, ‘modem with speakerphone fea: BEB 9000 armor, maximum sight, and READ.ME Sid Meier Founds New Settlement ‘Civ’ Designer Forms Game Company With 2 Others From M-Prose contioved trom page 32 ries, Expect to see the frst DVD-ROM players iting the market in early fal. (The possible adition of a copy he designer Brags: Meer adds tht, "were protection feature to alay ho is now for moving forward with Hollywood's piracy pare Sometimes each game, not jst repeating nia could delay the units called the the old ones We want to create siightly) Price shouldbe “Falher of innova ne products, een around $700 fr the initial Computer wil staying with the sttegy units, which wil include 2 -Games" has lett MieroProse—-a genre” The new company wil DVD player (supporting company he coounded—to consis ofa smal, “hand VO discs storing rom 4.7 | start new game development picked” group of programmers, 68 0 17 GB of data, 28 house Sid Meier, who designed musicians rls, end design- well as conventional CD: ROM alses), as well as an the cassie Cinzanon, i joined by former MioroProse members fs, fo be assembled around the designing and programming expansion card with MPEG: Brian Reynolds and Jeff Briggs core of Reynolds and Meier. = 2 video and Dolty ACS init new development compa MieroProse, cured four Meier has agreed to work surroundsound audio sup- | ny named Faxis Software. years ago by Spectrum vith MieroProse asa consultant port. Atvsin and Access | Reynolds, adesigner and pro: HoloBye fas been bese! by unt the completion of Mase: are among the companies | gramme, and Biggs, distor of nancial problems for several Te Garin, (projected to curtenly developing DVD- | product development at ‘monlis During the sommer clea his al ROM fies ‘MieoProse, were instrumental MiroProse la ff neariy hall ot Meier and company ay that One surprising piece ct | in developing MioroProse's Sd its, of which 30 employees. Fans wil focus on creating news was thal DVD payers verefom the Hun Valley MO, and programming games, wile ‘won't beable to play current CDR wte once CO-ROMs de to changes in the laser reading mechanism; new COR discs inthe works should sove this problem ~D. Atkin ‘Meier brand of strategy and sim- ens oe Microsoft Finally Ships Direct3D ON THE SHELF API Is Considered Key To The 3D Revolution rosoft lation—where works per recently formed on the host CPU shipped its 3D graphics chip doesn't acce- DirectX 2.0 erate a desired rendering fea Soltware lure, Direet30 can also pote a Developer's 3D accelerator o determine Kil(SDK), which includes the where a rendering feature can ‘much anticipated Direct3D be optimally accelerated, on the ‘Application Programming Iniertace (APY. This APL vill allow game developers to write hast or by the 30 grapis chip. There has been a great deal of confusion surounding Diect30, wi nacre vendors clamoring forts completion, and cautious game developers supporting Direct on one rand, but stil ranking out some DOS ties to herige their bets for Chvistmas “96 The APLs the Tynch-pin for much ofthe 30 rev lution, and vith Diret30's antiva, all players concerned can pretty much say “let the good limes roll" Microsoft plans to ship several Dicect0 tiles for Cvistmas tis yea, and other developers also have Diret@D Ailes in the works that may be home for Christmas as vl. As we get Direct30-based ies in, well have al'em on sera i ferent boards and tel you what we find.On the hardware side, two boards based on S3's one set of code for thei 30 action tiles, and have trun on al the diferent 30 graph les boards that are gato sh DiretBD i tight inte | (rated with Microso's | DirectDraw APY, which handles 20 graphics and digital video duties, [ and Direct has prove slons for software emus Diroct3D API Architecture BATTLE ARENA TOSHINDEN PC - Tasnoen vas the game hal dined a the Sony PlayStation wit fahy aphics and 30 polygon power, The fst 30 fitting game to alow moverent along the 2a, Tostnoe let you dodge let ‘and ight, and applied alt of panning to emphasie the 30 graphics. Ye, underneath al ‘he alt vas a mediocre fighting game that true lighting lans soon ditched. ‘Wel as we ook tthe PC version, al the gameplay has ported over nicely but he graph ies hae taken a mejor twit combo, The cc ‘AGUET 106 raphics in Tose PC sutra ot «f piselaton, blocky polygons and low resolution, oreo, he frame rate seems to have taken a sight hit as well, The heads of characters, vic in PlayStation Tose were composed of many shaded polygons, now ate single ecangls with poor textures ‘mapped on. The 30 eects, such as the z-axis ‘movement and panning carr, ae il ere but they can't begin to makeup for he slopny visuals So an arcade game wih eat 30 ‘epics and mediocre gameplay comes othe PG with the same mediocre gameplay, and now incredibly poor gephios ~E. Cin Windows 95 CD-ROM Playmates Interactive, (714) 562-1743, Reader Service #308 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. ‘Wile fs hard to recognize with the graphic ‘overhaul, Avencan Cia. Wan is relly ‘Tue Rano Frees Suures To APpouarion VIRGE are shipping (see our Mcrae eve this issue), Ais shiping API Is the iS Xovession 30, and Diamond component shipping the nVidiatased that will Edge3D. Orchid will be shipping ane de> is 3Dcbased Righteous 3 able 30 board sometime in July, Anolher titles hap- July aval should be Create pen, allow- Lays’ Rendition based 30 ina thom Blaster PCI, and Mato shoud any 30 be shiping its Mystique based ‘graphics boat in lle Augus. board. =D. Sattar is third incaraton Ineracte Magic has spiced his with some ice muted tous 5 and the cave game issillas ch as oe, ~ The fg of wari reals tic yet manageable, which allows McCiallan to ‘stumble around not knowing where Lee ts, for ‘example, Supply is stieamiined from Sumte, but ‘still allows inveterate micro- managers to fiddle ‘with munitions and foodstuffs if they must. The leader ratings are stil dynamic, showing why inept commanders such as Ben Butler were trounced by the ies of Stonewall Jackson, The biggest change is that the poor tactical module ‘of Sumter has been discarded for a more ele: ‘gant, if less visceral, strategic combat routine. AS we've said before, this Is the only strategic: Jevel Civil War game worth owning.-ZColeman PCCD ROM Interactive Magic, (219) 461.0722 Reader Service #310 3DO TAKES OVER THE (NEW) WORLD 10 announced intentions to acquire New World Computing, publish er of last year's ‘aardninning Ala cof Dra and Hesoes oF Mics Axo ‘Masi. The purchase is guaran- teed to have a value in excess of $3135 milion and i subject to a due dligence review and regular closing procedures. The impend- ing zoqusition rellects 300's (groing involvement in the PC Platform and extends its reach into the Strategy and Role Paying gente New World Computing wil Continue to function as its own entity and maintain ts operations and staffing in southern California however, it wil publish tiles under the 300 Studios umbrella ‘Adding to its repertoire of plat forms and genres, 300 recently acquired Archetype Interactive, THE WAR COLLEGE ‘Tae Wer Coxcece is an updated version of the ve ‘Unvensat Massy Siautator (UMS) and ‘UMS IL Itooks and plays better than the old UMS and the interface is a tremendous improvement. ‘The game includes four baltles: Pharsalus (ancient), Asrit lapleoni), Anam (American Cl War) and Tannenberg (World War I). The encyclopedic treat: ‘ment of each batle is impressive, providing players wl wealth of information betore they assume com> AUGUST 1385, La. creators of the RPG and fantasy adhenture game Meniow 59. ‘Mle relocating 'o Redwood Cit, CA, and resuming operations under the 300 name, the former ‘Archetype Interactive group wil continue to focus on estaiishing 2 siiong presence in Internet gaming. And earlier this year, ‘300 acquired Cyclone Studios (takes of console games: Carta Ouwsa® and Bate Shon), ‘which continues to develop ‘advanced-console(64-bi, action arcadestyle games under is own name, yet also publishes under the 300 Studias name, “We want to make sure we delver games in all the core genre thal people want,” says 300 publi relations manager, Diane Hunt. For mare perspective on the acquisitions, see Johnny’ Wilson's article on CW's AOL site: keyword: CGW. sl Anderson ‘mand. Unlosunalely the game's aily to simulate combat during any of the four time periods portrayed slacking. Among its ailing, the comb model lows unis containing ony 2 fer men to intict as ‘much damage as they did when at ul stength. Also, orc casualty aes are the now, Asa leaching tool, Tae Wan Coiese is interesting, but as a game, those who prefer a dose of realty with their historical war games should lok elsethere.—P Mller PC CO-AOM GameTek, (800) 426-3835, Reader Serve F311 DINOTOPIA vu ‘You may tink you've saen your fair share of prehistoric monsters, but! bet you've never seen a dinosaur kiting while brooding over her eggs, or playing cards with a gypsylike Velocrapt. Welcome to ‘Drow, ania where humans and dinosaurs live together in perfect domestic harmony. Based on James Gurney best PiU | HOW BIG IS THE | GAME ; BIZ? Financial analysts estimate the computer game biz is now a bil- ion dottar industry, although not everyone ‘is making money in it. Computer entertain ment software now represents about 22 percent of all retail software sales, accord- ing to PC Data of Reston, VA. Wanna start a game compa ny? Why not, everyone else seems to be... sling, lavishly usted book, this game wil dispel any preconceptions you may have about dinosaurs being vicious col-blooded ies ‘As Nathan Drake, you fnd yours washed up on the tan ara sipureck Yur mission iso locate your tin sitet Constance. T ul he quest you ‘must discover how to communicate in the Dinotopan language, while colectng items to ato your inven tory. The sles in figuring out how best fo use these its as you navigate the itn: Some objets ‘may help you solve puzdes, others canbe traded fr information bout Constance. ‘iota is intended for chien but wil certainly ‘appeal to adits, oc. though the game is oo easy {or evperenced atventue games, the use rend interface, rch graphs and retatnely staightforvard puzzles make this a good choice for new gamers or for those who wish o ease themselves into the gone getl.—C, Panther PC CD-ROM ‘umes Home Enertainment, (600) 294-0022 Reader Service #309 hr CAME TRACK AE SO These eth niu development we've actually spent some time with, They represent some of the most teresting | titles in the Pipeline, and they are complete | enough to actually tell how they're going to | play. Most should be released soon, » Shattered Steel e165 a novel idea fo a ‘game olan bots ‘fuking tout over ain fandscanes! ay, so maybe Interplay’s ShavTereo Sie. iit ‘hal origina, but i's more than [Usta Mean 2 clone t's ‘great looking, cbalenging and has enough tists fo justi is evxstence its 2182 and you're armer- Cenary sen to investigate dis (urbances a ¢ mining com- pound on distant planet. You. 1 iscover a hostile alien race, and you need to bring them flawers as a way o start peace negotiations. Just Kidding, Actual, you get to blast them all to smithereens with 30 weapons wer 70 nonlinear missions Designed by BioWre with an engine devel coped by Pyote, Siento Ste fealures beaul pBlood & Magic wy ierpay's fist Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game is a ile diferent rom J the usual realtime strategy fare, with ts 7) naw twists on building and troop recruitment Everything in the game hinges onthe Basal Golem Tiss the basic unt you stat with ands aiso the ont unit that can bul sinilues and collet manna ‘nyihre. They can only be bul on ‘Mystic Sites, and mast ofthese ae already accu ied by enemy sutures. This means youl have to engage your foe and wipe cut his structure bore you can plant your Golem al the Nstic Site for construction. There are five diferent structures, ‘and each alos upto four diferent types of troops. ‘oops cai’ be recruited al whim, either You cc | {ul SVGA ganbis, with fully-lextured, topooraph | cally ated transfor you to ight on, Lighting | and motion effects re fistale, andthe alien | rebols havea bizare, insect te appearence, ike ‘Something Wiliam S, Buroughs might have cre ated in meal shop, The game oles a vriely of na, including escor, rescue and decoy mis: sions, 28 well as head tohead modem and nto play Best of al, fr some, wil be the fac tha, unlike Mec Warn, you can jump into this amie immediatly | vas able to bast my wey ‘through the fist few missions without one + glimpse ata manual. Though one snoty CGW | staffer called it “MechWussier,” that really does: | do this promising game justice. —J. Green | Interplay Productions, (714) 553-6656. need io esearh hm ist yexpending exper ence oils ich re aie by creating Basal Gols ad dteting enemy tops. Teel etsion ve layed id ave a poles. Te ge BY speed vas loo stu tere were 1a cnt fo peeing up andthe woop also or, Arian ed each ime con anew unt Wile Bison & Mise doas . have afew fas, most of ich il probably be fed, the game looks ‘quite good. This short preview can't really do justice | tothe game, berausethr’s quite a it of comple ity hee The morta things that realtime sate 4G looking fr someting diferent wl want to Aeop ther ees pele for this ona —E. Chin Interplay, (714) 553-0656. ON AUGUST 1296 ‘oth Planet Betta 96 ‘ge of Nes $5) a6 Aide De Camp 2 HS Siulaions Summer 9 Batrayal in antara Sia 3 Blood 30 Realns!FormGen Summer 86 Callatan's Grosstime Saloon Laieid 086 (Grusader: Ho Regret Cin 998 Dagger ties Sue Dart Earth Vinisce 096 Diabla Sze septate 96 tk Moon Murder Aisin 896 Fazio Lois Wier 96 Guardians of Destiny Vigin Suminet 96 Flying Nightmares:2000 Dorit (Simmer Front Page Baseball Pro Siera Fal 96 reas of ight an Mai 6H Nt 0486) Wistory of the World Aion Hill Fal $5 Interstate 76 Aisin ‘iter 96 Into The Shadows Scevenger 996 ‘Jagged Alliance: Deadly Gams Sicfesti 6195 Jodi Knight; Dark Forces W uceswts 297 ‘ettighter Iason Sci a6 John Maden Football 97 EA Sports Fall ast Biizinieg SSG Sinner 96 Lelsure Sult Lary 7 Sia Fal 96 Magie 61 Kanth tid al Master of Orion 2: Antares WicroPose Summes 98 Meridian 59 scieypet300 1 Sommer Myst Biceetund Fal 98 Necradame S| 96 Nemesis Sich 976 NFL Legends anole 86 Noir Gyberteams 996 ‘ie Must Fall Ee Fal96 ‘Over the Reich Pion Hi 996 Pacific Tide Aseria Fall 96 Privateer Orn Systems 109 Red! Alert Viginestioad 006 Return to Kronor 7 2 Fal 96 Reverence Cyberireais Fall96 Ask! Hesvo Interactive Fall 96 Robert E. Lee Seta 96 Sorabile Hasio neracine 996 Shadows Over Riva Si Toh £196 Shattered Steel iipay 9196 Simgolt Naxis Summit 96 Star Grat Bizz Winter 96 Star Feet Academy ipa Wet 96 Star General ssi 198 Star Trekt Generations WicicPioss 9195 Supertleroes liicroProse ane Syniicate Wars £ 96 Th Mindwarp 20s 87% Third Rete Aion Hal 886 Timelanse GTE Eretannen 876 Tomi Raiders Doreriivos Wis 96 Trivial Pursuit ash neers Fell6 Ultima Online O%in Wnts 98 X-Com 9: The Apocalypse VicoPiose Fall 28 Xononhage “nonealFarmen faves 4 MERIT NTT) Cra 3 mee Ags) eieieininesl Perey Oca ee re er eee ee oe eo ey Be cia Peeaceo eee Oa? Uebel eta) ele ce Le SMUD ee corer OE eet) Loree cates conn aiisi/ ae) WWW.SIR-TECH.COM. GA Res Cece adventure VEU LNT a Se one anne SUP UN ay ak) a Ce CL aN PSs aA Ue Re COS ea Aan ae JEMESIS EXPERIENCE MARKS THE BEGINNING OF YET ANOTHER Pag Wt ee eet Sree | (BSS | Laas | |e |) Ls A breakthrough in sound so real, your PC will have its own groupies. Thecrowd keeps growin until they have your house surrounded. Then the chanting begins. “AW-E...A-W-E,..AWW-E" It seems that Sound Blaster’ AWE 32” PnP is the first sound card to develop its own cult following. That's because it makes every other sound card seem like a blast from the past. The AWE 32 puts professional sound technology +s 2 from E-mu’ Systems, the professional audio experts, inside your PC. It delivers the mind-bending realism of wave-table synthesis-which uses actual recordings of real sound effects and musical instruments. And it plays up to 32 notes simultancously, adding new detail and richness to your favorite games and software. AWE 32 is the first sound card that supports 3D Positional Audio™ so you can hear those dueling guitars coming at you from different places in the room, It also Features Creative's 3D Stereo Enhancement Technology’ system sound richer | more powerful (Our apologies to the neighbors.) (Our downloadable SoundFont’ technology lets you add new sounds and instruments to your card. Add up to which makes your who 28 MB of memory to create your own audio library. We even included a microphone and software for recording ‘music and sound effects. And, of course, the AWE 32 is fully Plug and Play and works with Windows’ 95, Windows 3.1 and DOS. So installation is a = f no brainer, Chat eo Sod Bee Sed Want to. spmaiy yori dale ee complete your multimedia dream system? Pick up the new % Blaster CD" 8x CD-ROM and Sound Blaster Speakers too, at your nearest Creative Labs dealer. But take along your Sound Blaster AWES2 PoP. Hear What You've Been Missing bedveusr, in case the groupies get carried away, www. Chtele Reader Service # 78 crack team of CGW editors recently set out to track down that most elusive of beast: the soon-to-be-ship- ping game program. We ‘stalked the wilds of Silicon Valley and the halls of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), tracking the herd of titles while braving a stampede of mar- keting flacks. In many cases, armed with only their critical eyes, these editors actually jumped in and tried to subdue these pre-beta beasts, even though many were months from being tamed. (‘While Marlon sits back in the jeep and enjoys a nice cool drink, Jim will attempt to run this early alpha version with only 390K of free conventional memory”) In the pages that follow, you'll find some of the most promising, most exciting, and most anticipated titles slated for release between now and the new year. Many of these aren't far enough along to give a firm estimated ship date, but if you don’t see a date listed you can expect to see the program on store shelves by or before the “well, we meant to ship itin time for Christmas” post-holi: day season. Because of the size of this | herd, we've concentrated pri- marily on titles you haven't yet read details of in these pages. Separate safari guides are leav- ing now for each of the gaming genres, so strap in and get ready to pick your targets. Gre Nog re MSO ost asic ert ese eins arent Pe Suen Mc on ase Teer nod oon mo) elaborate than the DOOM series, nd is setto challenge all comers ee A eee Eo rac, the amazing ooking Sequel to Dan Foes, has all the goad quaities ofthe origina, and then some. Seti the side of the Star Wars universe, ur hero from Dan Je Kalan, has now begun a ques lo become a Jedi Knight A his training and the game progtesses, he encounters the Dark Je Kyle must choose whether he ide or serve the force of good to batt e power ofan old Jel bri vill join the Dark this minions, w und to enslave the galaxy LucasArts, heeding the cries of disgruntled gamers, has added ‘mutilayer play over network, modem and diet ink, and even a $F save game feature. There will be new weapons—including a Light Asa Jedi Knight in training, aller ence points and Jedi runrand-gun spree through af recuting vilans 25, i Jedi taining. Jere and nto hamess Rendition board, and we found thatthe graphics inthis moc Qurke. Look forthe game to ship in ate winter. EERE his tte isn't Causanen 2 (Origin's working on tha), but No T Recrer is a mouth-watering morsel to hold us over unt! the true sequel. No Resner continues the story of No Revorse this time bringing you to the moon fo stop an evil corporate consor even beller sicuer mes Sipe cos ea) back story as been revealed to set the Re eae cat oN Guertin aa se) guys, you've been briefed on @ new deve called'a Slipgte, which can crack a hale HM ean On uue TEM But there's one problem. An evi fiend, or Poot todeieee cael en ie Mess fs coat Ns Ryn ea finesse numN Maus one E Cee ecient) Evacuees vas onus iM Me Too tic ener ee Oui ion ie wine ‘cover that Quake has escaped through the Slipgate Seeing that Piper eunIES CEM aie ete Siamese Ss Ce MUN oa MC nn Ore oe Mes ath of gameplay will probably be the same, be s packed with een ‘more cool weapons and nasty enemies. Some ofthe new weapons wil eeze and shatter opponents, met the flesh from their bones or italy reduce them toa pile of bones and body pars. New enemies include atleast three new mechs, including a morphing mech tha will lie in ambush inthe form of a soda machine, able, or other mundane object. The enemy Al has also been beefed-up. Now, enemies ha Slo the same weapons and same moves as you, So watch out for troops wo rol in and out of cover blasting you wth freezequns OriginlEA, (512) 335-5200, DOS tying indiana Jones could be fun, lying a mean, pistol packing, tomb robbing “nana dane” s probably even ‘me fun That’ the theory behind Eidos's Tos Res, a 3D shoce played tom a behind he back perspective. The graphics inthis gam, especialy inthe 3x version sa re beau, consisting of tedure mapped gouroud shaded poigons, amaze 24 ing ight sour Sing and 20 atlas fora brettakng, immersive worl In tis SS shooter you play Lara Got, tot raider wha is exploring various ruins around the ord in search ofan ancient rac cal the Scion, Her search takes her ovis om in Peru, Eat, Cambodia and oer ext ic locals. Tes, youl na cles, sole pce a bias aay any ‘eas or man wha sins in your vay. Though ony in it early tage of delopment, his game i aeady noteworthy fr the rough and tough male lead andthe amazing graphics. The main character has thousands cf rames a animation; she can un, ump, sin, ‘ide, pull sell up ono edges, and has incredibly hid and realistic movement, Te games slated fora winter release, from Bysgnosis, isan action game with @ heey ose of adventure elements. The envionmenls a al pre ren cred, so movement int as fel as ina polygonal rid Bul he graphics are highly deta, andthe character has range oid, ralisic moves, More so han in the orignal the view ing area \ changes accoring jo iat you co, and youll | sometimes | Dla trom a closeup sie wien atop low vien, o ‘en aniso metic vit estate 2 also hes af fighting game infvnces, allowing you to perform spacial ax ike spinning slshes, The game is sain ‘medal times; nce agin you play th young war om the orig tw Ecsta, wh, must hate an ei Archmage ho does what et ‘chmages do b 3 threaten o destroy the universe Coasting @ true 30 engine with impressive light sourcing and high es graphics, bio Tike Snaoows is a remarkable advancement ver previous dungeon romps. The D&Dsyle action game is sel in a detaled castle laced with shadows and light, where the player bates ugly denizens with a veriey of medieval weapons. Dynamic panning has been used to deepen the sense of immersion, to beter effect than thal seen in Aton bi Te Oi Ahough there is the usual key- and item searching, the main focus is action: large, motion captured characters slab slice and clobber cach othe ike many arcade syle fighting games. Not only are the movment id and reals, but special doubling techniques create the usin that the polygonal chara: ters are more ctl than they realy are, The m game's graphics engine has been in development for three years, andi fooks superb-—it lite short on blood and gore. ho Ti Stoo should support upto eight players over a network ee ez eas hen Virus Firs fist il the arcades, it revolutionized the iting game genre with its 30 graphics and pan ring camera, Vier FicaTen PC, a port ofthe game that stared the 3D ighling craze, looks poised to do the same onthe PC. inniaist— sey sms VPC wil have two gephios modes: the ‘tiga, blocky arcade mode and an enhanced, hk ses lexture mapped ‘mode. Alo the Vir Fcren arcade gameplay is intacl, including al eight characters, numerous special attacks throws, ring outs, and pouncing attacks Using DirectX, VFPG wil retain a high frame rate, high polygon count and the smooth tuid motion found in te arcade version, The good ness fs that special 30 hardware isnot required to un VEPC. Howev, to achieve VFPC's visual excellence, youl red af lest a Peiium 90, So, while the game wil be incredible, so wl the ovetead. The only other quibble with VEPC i that's nat ‘Van Ficten 2. Unfortunately, wel have to wal few more mons lor that one SemNet is arcade racer alowed Sega to take the lead in the ides and became the standard by which other racers fe measured, Nowy the same thiling, highspeed rac: ing of Daylona USA will be available for Windows 95 users packing ‘a minimum of a Pentium 90. This port retains all the gameplay of, the arcade classic, including four separate views, three race cours end.or nd crash es. The graphics re neatly identical to the atcade version, and wil retain most, itn the oii rai’ igh frame rate and polygon Entertainment play to thistle so tha! you and your friends wil be abl to burn rubber in pulse-poundt ing race of ay was an instant qual inner in the arcades, and to plac arcade racer ven it hts the PC this fl ‘Sega Entertainment, (415) 508-2800, Windows 95 {hops from his perch in orbit into various h aliens and evil creatures. The 3 nd ist-person view ‘more immersive and beautiful visuals, Players used to the usual qun-blazing shooter, to use thei w our sniper hell to take out enemies stealth Irom faraway, of from an ambu The emphasis on stealth and ambush will make play in the mutiplayer mode very interesting. Shiny is also working on making the alien creatures react more ly to your actions. It you shoot an alien's firearm from its hand, rater than continue to attack I duck b and then stick is hand out to search for its dropped weapon. I Shiny can actually pul off this dynamic, thinking in its ene. mies, MOK could be a killer action tie Look for MDK in ‘v7 Playmates Interactive, (714) 562-1743, DOS i instead CNOA DUST anne aa Cece other games in development that deserve mention, Coats Reon non eee enc) Virtua City police aticer With great grannies, PL eiedrtee ipl ni Cte ce this months action column for more ee OTe tere nc Ree Meccan ny Poe tare OIE eee cce Celie) Percent a) Reco enoce Se Ue nso 4 Ree aera Cees eter ony Toran Pee Dee tea ruts SO oe Rec a omen coset Se (ieee Impressive fr its beautiful visuals and a panning camera thaf zooms Dye ae eee Soa ante i en) {working on Wreour XL, the sequel i the Gos iecee Mec ates) Roce Un emer oe) Eo tienen ey Goan ton cr rac Eerie aun oSoe (gency Seen eaan at ne Somme mia Ee Mioe eae vo Eee une n coeese et ney Teo eases eNO y checks, power-ups, and arm ous for catching andi PTE) PP Oe eo ec ei POTS CUR CO eee NUR oc RS eee sah home. PR ee a ed telecommuting. And that’s ow Ren erste Cra cnr — Pee me from home to headquarters in Py ees that lets me e-mail my executive summaries to renee corporate on time. Plus, a large hard drive, a Onler diner from a local restaurant high-speed CD-ROM drive and stereo speakers eT eee re ee acca ee Manage my company stock options. ‘And because my Aspire 2550 Minitower has an Poe ee ans irene Ce eo Comparison shop for designer clathes. computing power as my colleagues at the office. And cruise the Internet. Na eas oa og has online software and a powerful fax a Seg al [like it—while working from home. 7 Na -)5] . Everything You Aspire To. are seeiberrctetcceetimnentine (fail Porter sian icine tree) ee ee aac etal rerne renee roeie tater Sot etter eee tae Serene erecta Teens oan Fer ee ee De ced creas) - eee) Toke 0 deep breath Now drop the hammeron eight ofthe words sweetest purebred exotics. Each with CD networked-rocng on two new needle-burying stretches of burred pavement. Choose fram four eye-watering per mn Cer rnc 4 all Pr eee) oe eC e ete ocd TAA SUT feeetee ener asa CTIA TH Cae Uw CRC ay Lee TOM it een aca Ge awotsacunt au iee see Rea gee e ML SOULE eNOS Siesta Cos sic e Rte classiosciencerficion short stories, now being adapted as an adven Meenas uence Pee Weineoee een on eon ee TOA eT ey j nosis’ The ity of Lost Chien is a 3D adventure game ‘on the 1985 French fim of the same name. Though im, crea (*Deiicatessen") only had the best ma of 1995, and easily one of the great film fantasies of the past 20 years. Amacabie ye beaut! mix ture of Ft Lang, Charles jens, Jules ne and David lynch, The Cty of evil scientist Krank, win, having lost Ihe abil ping ite chien ino hen a strongman's ile brothers kidnaped, he teams up witha ite orphan gil to nd te fost children. Along the way they encounter everything from ei Siamese twins toa taking brain to a mind poisoning tick Psygnosis’yame follows the same pol, in 3D-endered aftr the film sets, The movie's director, Marc Car, is game's design, and ater seeing some of it he reporter be made “dk ign indeed bvief run in US. art houses, it was one of the story of th {o dream, is kidnap: modeled ing the asked that it and grimier*—a good ould the gameplay match the visuals, look for this to be one ofthe more mem: ably surreal adventure games al, Psygnosis, (415) 655-8000, Windows 95 AUGUST 1995. CTreie ti ey ote Cee onic Pil cane cnr eee uNecctea ya ay RCM lege yeas] ECU Ue Ca teee tae ens Cie up eM Tce Goce ec aN CaO cua Cree sess ay Delon van) Genet tenor Munich iste) ese Men Poi eons a Peer sucnso ears RLM Rou Ce een ene Icy eure ener nn Ri ot a There's @ mountain o lent a work here, making it our mostantic pated adventure game ofthe coming season, Pe A eezac Cd Ce OULU NEUEN ard to believe, but i's now been 10 years and six releases [I] nce La at eae se dean, es sg ‘onto our computer screens to begin his hunt for female companionship. Tha's longer than most sotare franchises (and even some computer platforms), which just goes to show you. ve don't know wha exactly. Slice i to say thal Al Low alon is naw that most unlikely of things an institution. Tis model finds Larry aboard a cruise sip, the HMS ceered by one Captain Thigh), in pus al gag tydelying babes. SL. 7 b imation, and Sierra is also promising “scralch-and-snf puzales’—the pos ich are truly frightening. Sexist and neanderthal ceive for immature guys? Of course itis. But creator Al Lowe's humor isso deliber ately, uh, ‘road, that— a withthe simply 10 point in being ofended, Ofensueness i the point, Nota family game by any etch ofthe imagination, LSL.7 vl appeal to those who like ther adventures fed with ribald humor and a hearty ack of taste Sierra, MS-DOS, Windows 95 and 3.1 Sierra, (800) 757-7707, Windows 95 Reser ear techniology, periloiis risks, and a’pervasive sic wus eRe ara See Te Seeger set en aa inventive world of LIGHTHOUSE: POD ceo ae Rs erences its victim, ey Enter th fascinating world of LIGHTHOUSE ee eek be nan cee Core BE Ayre es a ' oa | Cg aw Mamie oe Car ear Boren cial Te reer cca See Pica ree tals erate tee eer eer rarer rn ion eric ascent arnt Se awe pa BB | et teve Meretaky has hitchiked to a diferent pat ofthe galaxy or his tatet offbeat adventure. THe Seice Baris a murder ‘Mysr-ery, whee you play a detective interviewing bizare crea {ures ina sot of sanitized, beatified version ofthe Canina in Star Wars. Navigating through the spotless, 3D rendered environment, you come across crealures wi look feshlyextruded from a disturbed Tawanese toymak: (ama e's mold, engag: ing in strange con vetsations using telepathy. Oftentimes the player assumes another characer’s perspective, such asa large bug-eyed ‘word through multiple lenses and compeled to carty out missions in oder to advance the plot. I's an odd convergence of Merely, Mist ‘and rubberytookng aliens, but the story and script should prove strong enough to please puzzle overs of al shapes and eyeses ANTASMAGORIA ies alowsup toils inisly horror adventure of last year is not so much a sequel (Don and Adtienne are gone) asa brand new slory. Phanasuacons 2: A Pure oF Fuss tolls the tale of Curtis Crag, a man who, one year out of @ mental hospital, begins experiencing a series of bizarre, horific events tal lead him to question his sanity once more. The biggest change ce the orginal game is tha al ofthe live action shots are being fimedenily onsets and location, rather than blue screen, which Dromises to give the game a much more movie-ke fee. he frst computer game from acto Robert DeNiro's company, “TivecaInleractive, 9 isan ofthe wal adventure selina delap iated resort fr aling rock stars, which you've just inherited, ‘Your jb fs to fixup the place and, with the help of the varous charac ters you'll meet, help get the musicians back on thei fet. Biting the amour attached to this project, the Game features the voices of James Belushi, Cher and Christopher Reeve, along with Aerosmith's Steven Tyler and Joe Perry. The later two are said fo have conibuted “creative input othe projec, athough we can't say if that’s a good thing or no, We havent saen much gameplay ye, but 9's wonderfully surreal 3D animation, reminiscent of Jim Ludle's work in Th estes’ Bab Drv cw THe Mion, is impressive indeed, and makes ita Ale to watch for hs fl FSO his suspense tril places you inthe role ofa Brish secret ‘agent aboard the doomed luxury tne the nigh it went down in 1912. No, you can't stop the ship from sinking, but what you can do in the time you have lt before drowning, is complete a mission thal would ater history by preventing the outbreak of Wor ‘War | As in OyberFin’s Dust, much of the gameplay focuses on interactions with the myriad non-player characte; how you communi cate with them will ultimately affect how well you succeed. The art rk that we've seen is beauiful, an is apparently 2 completly th ful recreation of the actual ship, down to the smallest details. Cyber- Fl has promised thal they've loned down the oerthetop huey that turned off some gamers from Dus, in favor of a more suspenseful and realistic tone PS eel Con Cue ALAC tote ogy ‘ot lust arehash ofthe movie, but rather a new stor that unfolds COR UC UO ORS ek OO Meee ‘amicalions throughout the game, so multiple experiences are pos- Ae cee Noe eo acre Ts) Peco eC ey Jac oie aeRO Ete (ieee our suecwenn cues lee ulcus ofthe Stoll Patrol ofthe Third Galactic Union, involved in a com- Ae Pons eit cit Com nee ee eMac cue Ranta oi the insane doctor ands island of mysterious “manbeasts, (etree nen aero ee Gemeente DoD Ceero MMM ene eunnt te) ae emo Neg eed Ogee sc nee Ceo ey Caecum ie cen Ne nea Comer ion Mic Tea COMING |N SEPTEMBER CoC ee eer erence Coe een ee eee Se net neers oe eee ke cee ise Rad oa aN BIG GAME HUN? TMT) Daa aya ye members of the design team of Sierra's BETRAAL 37 ‘ores consider tit produc o be a spill descendant of Berea at Konno, When Sita realized the mistake thy had made wen the former president of ther Dynamix subsidiary killed the Krovoor sequel, higher management decided lo create ther ‘em intellectual property. The Aniara design team recognizcd that they couldn" use ay of Fists world, but they sel oul to create @ world that they believed would make Feist proud. For example, instead of having the requisite ors, tolls and ehes of many post Tolkien fantasy wor they developed cultures based on anthronomorphized lite forms, Bera ar Avan, lke Peru To KeowoR, also uses a naw 3D engine I also uses the most unoblrusive interface we've seen yet in a (GRPG, The interlace ony takes up about 113 ofthe sorean wen max. imized (vith the usual character portraits and color-coded graphs) ‘and, mast of te tie sis minimized atthe bottom of the seregn so that you can get a fullscreen view ofthe action. Unlike RETUR 10 Keonnon, Beret aT Anana wil feature a disguised hex-based tactical combat system Lis also a skill based system in which characters can work on improving one oe kis a aime and a intiale magia system where characters can research spells by combining areas of owledge as { course, GRPG fans are sil awaiting Te Etoen Soros Ducscrau from Bethesda, The sequel othe Premiers ning Ti Fue Sonus: Aven features a smoother, faster 3 engine wth plenty of special lighting and weather effects also ea. pasmeeere sti, Rede aNgeaiee Men mlunceoet una ie GOs Geeecey eee tiles oC) ous eine ume) Pre onmenca ue eset ante oS ED eeu ene gent oie aa ty Pane eS e ces mmreeMConA) ites ance Taconiye Porat Sea veut saa Bice koe One e ICU (oe MU sen Ei) teen Pesan Pec Ojai cere COMTI EE features more detailed character generation (including advantages and disadvantages), richer conversational capacity, ably to ovnistoreldispay A} ec: crierted posses. sions, opportunity to join uid, adition of lore and sk based clues and activities, and option of customizing your on-screen avatar more than ever betore (throughout the game as opposed to only at creation. thal weren't enough, Bethesda dipped into the TSR brain trust to finda producer that has made sure that even the min-quess add to the experience rather than forcing you to assume the role of medieval Fed-Ex courte. ‘vi0s oF Loe broke new ground for RPGs, adits sequel, Gussouns oF Destin, J0oks like it wll do the same With impressive 3D graphics and an inteligent gaming environ: ment, GoD looks as iit might play more hike an adventure game. AS im the first Laos oF Lor, players won't generate characters; instead, they tae on the parsana of Luther, a reluctant nero pressed into riding the Lands ofan i cuse Though GoD is plot dr ven, the designers at VS TRE GAME OF THE YEAR. Ma 7 en “Anexcellent, groundbreaking “One of the most ambitious “Like nothing else you have adventure game, settinga and riveting PC games ofits ever tried... SPYCRAFT will new standard for plot depth genre ever produced.” guarantee sleepless nights.” It i Sa ue ae Pf alse esas SELEY headquarters and spending Fo ‘co Tee Uc “An espionage enthusiast’s toys. Grade: A.” aC TSE an CCL ae eo PCA cca ya ) iy a BURL Are eras a gd le SC Ty eg " —Batides dream’ CT A ae ey e ‘i ENE ae i EE Cee truly oe Bee cn Le See EL <2 OPYCRART = Peet i ier reed ahaa aa isa eee sab Prrrry parties DO ee Se eee) LACE Ce awh sas TR a 1 a Pom eet i y 4 = as i r 0 4 a ‘Westwood Studios are taking care nt to revard or punish behavior, it's upto the player to provide personaly for Luther, so there is no ight” way to complete the game. As Luther moves through the land scape, other characters wil remember how he teas them and the piot wil proceed accordingly. GoD promises tobe avery good ook ing, fist person perspective RPG. PE ‘vers of intricate role-playing systems are probably already fair with Si-Teoh’s Reais oF Awa: Soo OER RA Based in the German role-playing universe, Das Sohwarze ‘Auge (The Black Eye), the Anwar series fea tutes 30 tok anda rich, complex role ply ing sytem. The un verse is very fleshed ‘out, as readers ofthe ‘ovels just released by Prima's Proteus division (The Charlatan and The Lioness, reviewed on GGUS AOL edition) can atest. The universe as unique pantheon, cequaltaianattude toward gender, and an intriguing mix of cultures to commend it This incarnation a0 features ane tactcal syle of comb reminiscent of XCar the upcoming Suren Herces from MicroProse DIABLO tag, from the flks who brought you anor 2, is spi: tual otspring ofthe ancient (in computer years) Rosue game ‘and is more recent descendent, SS's Duweon Hac. Gamers choose from three distinct character classes: fighlers, archers and wizards. Then, they descend into a crypt and onward into & mon- ster and trapleden labyrinth Lik its prede- cessor, Dato features random dungeon con struction and objection sterfrap placement 0 that you never pay the same game twice. Add impressive 3D characters, ight sourcing, znd special elects, as well as mutiplyer play on fee Internal st and you've got aniresisiable combination, (See Sneak Preview, pg. 118) axa reviewed in CGW/2137, Dunceon KeePes turns the ables on rational roleplaying and ats games to assume the role tthe Utimate Bad Guy. Gamers ge to be dungeon arch ce aimee ial tects, monster handles, ist person fighters, source managers, and, in atleast one campaign, the destroyer of an Usmastle avatar. The game is fe with wonderul mutipayer touches such as audio cues to indicate where the “good guys" are trying to dig their vay into your dungeon, shade sourcing so thal you can detect wien those do- ‘gooders ae trying fo sneak around corners orture rooms wire you ‘can unleash your frustration on tapless foes to glean new info, and best ofall, the billy fo change every parameter inthe game through an Excel spreadsheet ia sa Ex (previewed in our June issue isan incredible ne foe playing universe from Mindscape's development unit in France, A combination fatasyscience fiction game, Das East pus you in the role ola Guardian of Fire—it- erally the tender ofthe flame that heats the ene urban structure (State) ‘ere ves an com: bination fremanipoice rman, The graphics make ‘much ofthe juxtaposition light vs, darkness, and the 30 sels are reminisnent ofthe illustra tions for Jules Vere’s novels or the sels of File Lang's Metropalis The cullur is extremely robust and the game has a surprisingly age combat system thal comes close fo some ofthe best fighting games ‘on the market. Even the monsters ae diferent inthis game, since the clsign team avoided the classic monsters in favor of monstrosities ‘mutated from the famiar ora and fauna of our world See ° Geena Ton scouted atte We eer eeee ge ec CUM afoot mle ai crc eo) Gece sci cone ete ui ue areas oo Ne the streets and alleys ofa mal Geen eager mee Si GmeC soni ue ame ce at moe) ah goss FOC eas ‘World Computing’ ear et cu) anew 0 engine wth ight sourcing and beaut texture indscape, not previously known fr roleplaying, has Seen nt Pane pone th Pec an Dont forget to feed the fish. LND LEFT CYOU IN CHARGE. intropucine Zlfterlife? rue trast WoRD IN SIMs. Welcome to Aticrite. rst wor Disasters or owvine broronrion nictvpe Disco InFeRNo (eterunen), Heat nA HANDBASKET anb Heaven Nost \Winoows 95, DOS ano MaciirosH

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