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Alamat : Jl. Cilauteureun Desa Mancagahar Kecamatan Pameungpeuk

Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS)

Tahun Pelajaran 2015 2016

No : ..................................................
Nama : ..................................................
SD : ..................................................

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : IV (Empat)/ 1 (Satu)
Hari/ Tanggal : ..................................
Waktu : 90 menit

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d!

(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (x) huruf a, b, c or d!)
1. Andi : How are you ?
Doni : ....................
a. how are you ? c. good afternoon
a. good morning d. Im fine, thanks
2. Teacher : ..............
Students : Good morning, teacher.
a. good morning, teacher. c. good morning, students.
b. good afternoon, students. d. good night, students.
3. Ratna : Yuli, this is Tari.
Yuli : Hi, nice to meet you, Tari.
Tari : .....................
a. how are you ? c. nice to meet you too, Yuli.
b. nice to meet you too, Ratna. d. Im fine, thank you.
4. Reni : ...............
Ramli : nice too meet you, Reni. Im Ramli.
a. Hi ! My name is Ramli c. Hi ! How are you Ramli ?
b. Hi ! My name is Reni. d. Good morning, Ramli.
This is Ratna.
Ratnas full name is Ratna Juwita Maharani
She is from Yogyakarta
She lives at Jl. Perkutut No. 156
She likes singing and dancing
5. Where is Ratna from ?
a. Yogyakarta c. singing and dancing
b. Ratna Juwita Maharani d. Ratna
6. What is her full name ?
a. Yogyakarta c. singing and dancing
b. Ratna Juwita Maharani d. Ratna
7. Rani 10 years old and Mutia 9 years old.
Who is younger ?
a. Rani c. Ratna
b. Roni d. Mutia
8. Who is older ?
a. Rani c. Ratna
b. Roni d. Mutia

Adelia Angel
height: 140 cm height: 138 cm
height: 35 kg weight : 39 kg
9. Who is taller ?
a. Adelia c. Rani
b. Angel d. Mutia
10.Who is fatter ?
a. Angel c. Adelia
b. Rani d. Mutia

II. Answer the question !

11.Look at no 8.
(Old) Rani is older than Mutia
(Young) ..............................
12.Lets go to the village
Write in Indonesia language !
13.Mira : Here are some donuts for you
Nani : Thank you.
Mira : Youre welcome.
Write in Indonesia language !
14.Who likes going to the beach ?
15.Where does a teacher work ?
16.What is the colour of your hair ?
17.Arrange them in a correct order
18.Arrange them in a correct order
19.Could you ......... the books, please ?
20.Can you .............. my car, please ?

~ selamat bekerja ~

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