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Suggested in-House Earthquake Drill for Businesses

Major earthquakes can cause disruptions in our daily lives. The issue of how much are we preparing for
still needs to be evaluated. The amount of time and resources we invest now will significantly determine
our resiliency should a 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit Metro Manila.

Everyone and anyone is at risk as this catastrophic event knows no boundary.

Having this in mind, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority is spearheading a region-wide Metro
Manila Shake Drill on 30 July 2015 at exactly 10:30 a.m.

The Agency developed the following websites: and to provide information to help improve our awareness and promote
safety in this type of hazard.

Life Safety: Drop, Cover and Hold Drill

Before the Drill

1. To participate in the earthquake drill, there is a need to register your company in the website
cited above as an official participant with details on the number of participants and the focal
2. The company should develop an earthquake evacuation and response plan.
3. Inform your employees of the following:
Date and time of the Metro Manila Shake Drill;
How to correctly perform Duck, Cover and Hold position wherever they are. This can be done
by taking cover beneath a sturdy table or desk and covering your head with your hands and
4. Assign or delegate a Lead Officer and/or floor-by-floor officer who will serve as lead or focal
person for this activity.

During the Drill

1. Continuously ring an alarm or a bell or if none, make announcements through the public address
(PA) system or though verbal direction;
2. Play audio recording of a rumbling earthquake sound (can be downloaded online) on your PA;
3. Advice everyone to perform the Duck, Cover and Hold position.
4. While down on the floor, employees look around for possible materials that might fall, break or
collapse and make conscious efforts to avoid them.
5. Sound off the alarm or make announcements that the shaking has stopped;
6. Everyone may stand up and proceed to evacuate the building/office to the safer area based on
the evacuation plan.
7. Conduct a headcount and ensure that nobody is left in the building/office and everyone is
accounted for.

After the Drill

1. The Lead Officer should immediately conduct a post-drill assessment meeting.

2. Evaluate the conduct of the drill by looking into the details of the exercise and by identifying
possible areas for improvement.
3. Based on the assessment, employees capacity building and trainings should be done to further
improve earthquake preparedness.
4. Schedule a regular earthquake drill in your company at least once a year.

Post Evaluation: Things to Ponder on

1. More than the actual earthquake, other potential hazards must be identified e.g., power outages,
theft and other security risks. The Management should know how to address such situation.
2. Develop your business earthquake scenario taking into consideration the effects of a major
shaking in your infrastructure, operations, production and supply chain, employees and
customers. This shall serve as the main inputs in your Evacuation Plan as well as your Business
Continuity Plan.
3. Remember that first and foremost, peoples lives are far more important than anything. Readily
available disaster supplies, first aid kits and food packs will come in handy in this kin d of

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