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The belief that pleasure is the most important thing in life The name derives
from the Greek word for "delight

To a HEDONIST, happiness is having all the pleasure one can obtain.

believes pleasure should play a central role in life
likes tattoos, likes strip clubs
prone to substance abuse, prone to shoplifting
thinks marijuana should be legalized
Gay marriage celebrated
not opposed to breaking laws, promiscuous,
prone to cheat in relationships

1. Motivational hedonism
is the claim that only pleasure or pain motivates us and guides all of our behavior.
2. Folk Hedonism
Never misses an opportunity to indulge in worldly pleasures even if the
indulges are likely to lead to relationship problems , regrets or sadness for
themselves or for others
3. Value Hedonism
Holds that all and only pleasures is intrinsically disvaluable or simply as good
and pain is the only prudential thing.
4. Prudential Hedonism
Holds that all and only pleasure intrinsically makes lives go better and that all
and only pain intrinsically makes life go worse.
5. Normative Hedonism
Asserts that happiness should be pursued
-First reduction
-Second reduction
a moral system that judges the morality of human acts in terms of the
happiness or the good that they bring about, An act is considered as good
when it gives good results.
A theory that makes utility the norm of morality. Good is that which
administers to the temporal welfare and happiness of man, bad which
obstructs or hinders happiness


-was the British philosopher who held that nature has placed mankind under
the governance of two sovereign masters PLEASURE AND PAIN.Pleasures
are all qualitatively alike, however, , the major factors or sensations of pain
and pleasure resulting from an action can be quantitatively graded through
the following variables


NORM produces benefit, advantage, pleasure and happiness.

a. Intensity
a. Duration
b. Fecundity
c. Extent


- An English philosopher who argued that an action is right insofar as it
maximizes general utility

A philosophical approach to reality which was derived from the teachings of

German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Asserts that matter is the only reality

Communism is founded on the theory of change, evolution and revolution


was founded by the German philosopher

Edmund Husserl who objected the thesis that truth is dependent on the
peculiarities of the human mind

a philosophical doctrine propose by Edmund Husserl based on the

study of human experiences in which considerations of objective
reality are not taken into account


-means that knowledge of being must start with his own personal being,a
philosophical theory or approach that emphasizes the existence of the
individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own
development through acts of the will, choice, and personal

asserts that the authentic self was the personally chosen self.Man is an
individual who lives his own life, who dies his own death, thus, the crowd
cannot dictate the individual.

he claimed also that the happiest man is the one who overcome himself Man
is a bridge and not an end or a goal.
is the conviction of a total contrast between value and fact.It also means
that nothing can be known because nothing exists

refers to the theory of knowledge that is a plan of action one adopts to
resolve practical problem and truth is the success of the plan in leading to
desirable results.

1. Charles Sanders Peirce - an American philosopher who stated that
beliefs are really rules for action, which establish habit to determine what
conduct it is fitted to produce.
2. William James believe that true ideas are those that can be
corroborated and verified while faster ones are those that cannot.
The meaning and value of all assumptions and ideas must be evaluated in
radical way by attention to their practical consequences in use
3. JOHN DEWEY - advocated the separation of religious values from
organized religion in a common faith.

What is fact?

an event known have to happenned or something known to have existed.can

be proven to be true or false.


- was an English philosopher who became the most prominent figure in
process philosophy
a. PHILOSOPHY OF ORGANISM the actual world is a process and the
process is becoming of actual entities.

b. PANENTHEISM belief and considers God and the world to be inter

related with the world being in God and God being in the world. God is the
divine subject of all experiences.

3. EVENT regarded events as the basis for reality.

-was a French philosopher who conceptualized time as a straight line with
moments as its points, experienced time is duration, not a succession of
moments and it flows in an indivisible continuity.
-was a British philosopher which posits that everything we ever experience
can be analyzed into logical atoms that is more on analysis rather than
physical ones.

was an Austrian British philosopher believed that the surface grammar of
statements disguised their logical form
Formulated picture theory of meaning wherein he stipulated that a picture
may mirror a reality by showing objects, thus, if they are to mean anything,
must mirror reality in the same way as sentences that refers to object or
states of affairs in the world.

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