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Pre- Observation Reflection: Designing Lessons to Meet Student

Learning Needs

Please answer one question in each category (ie: Learning objectives and
goals) below for a total of 5 questions. Use complete sentences and attend to
writing mechanics. Include this sheet as the cover page for your formal
lesson plan.

Learning Objectives and Goals

How do you plan to communicate the learning objectives to students?
Be specific include teacher talk and exact language you might use.
The learning objective and math essential question are
reviewed at the beginning of each lesson. The math essential
question for each day is displayed on the board for the class to
see. Starting with the engage problem, students are
introduced to the topic for the day. They are expected to apply
this topic to the second problem. Based on these results,
students are placed in differentiated groups.

Using Data (choose one)

What sources of student data did you use to determine student
performance levels? What did you learn from this data?
By teaching previous math lessons, assessing weekly journal
questions, and grading previous assessments on a similar unit,
I am aware of which students understand the concept and
which students typically need more support. During the
lesson, I will walk around and look at each students work while
they are working to give them a differentiated activity. From
previous lesson observations and assessments along with the
data that I will gain from this lesson, I will be able to
determine what material needs to be re-taught or reviewed
before the next test.
How did you become familiar with students background knowledge,
skill levels, experiences, and cultural resources? What did you learn
that you used in this lesson?

Assessment (choose one)

How do you plan to provide feedback to students? Why
How do you expect students to respond to questions? Whole class?
Individual? Why?
By using HOT questions, I expect students to think and respond
during class discussion. Students are used to the routine and
procedure for these math lessons and know the expectations for
the lessons as well. When given a single question, students know
that they are to work independently or with their table to come
up with the answer. After the time is up, students know that we
will review the problems as a class and use student examples
during discussion. Because this procedure is repeated for daily
math lessons, students are aware of the expectations

How will you ensure you call on all students?

Instruction (choose one)

How will you model or explain clear expectations for student learning?
Be specific, include teacher talk and exact language you might use.
How will students be grouped for learning? How is the grouping related
to social and academic goals?
Based on the results, work, and answer from the second
Unlock the Problem question, students will be coded for
differentiated groups. This means that there will be a reteach
group, a core group, and an enrichment group. Students are
placed in these groups based on their performance. Each
group has a different activity. I will be working with the
reteach group to reinforce concepts and provide additional
How will you know when it is time to move from one activity to the

Observation Focus
What specific areas would you like me to focus on for my observation
(ie: questioning, teacher movement). It may help to think about a
FEAP or instructional goal
I would like you to focus on differentiation strategies. Many times,
with this group, there are not students that need additional
support, so differentiation is always interesting because it is
focused around enrichment. This sometimes includes differentiated
activities, additional HOT Questions, or more challenging problems.

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