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Do you ever question how crystal is formed? This is due to the chemical bonding between
Tetramethylammonium iodide and iodide are mixed together. In order to understand this, we have to
know some background knowlege of chemistry. Initially, we have to know the property of halogen
group which is 7A in periodic table. Halogen is the group of element that needs only one electron to
make it become stable. This makes it become sigificant oxidising agent that is likely to react with
other elements and gain an electron. Although halogen has low melting and boiling point, iodine that
we use to observe melts at 114 degree celcius and start to evarporate at 184 degree celcius. One
interesting is most of them are colored in which we can use these to observe the reaction in the
experiment. Moreover, halogen can react with halide solution and result in displacement reaction. For
example, sodium bromide reacts with chlorine to form sodium chloride and bromine. Iodide (I2) is
also considered to be an element in halogen group. It is an neutral compound which can be commonly
found as an iodized salt.

Secondly, chemical structure is the structure that shows how the element or atom in each
molecule bind with the other atoms and also shows which type of bond that they form between each
other. Morover, the chemical equation is the equation that shows the chemical reaction between each
molecule to form the product at the end of the reaction. On the right hand side of the equation is the
reactant that finally will be combined together and form the product which is the left hand side of the
equation. In order to calculate the limiting reagent, excess reagent and other stuff, we need to balance
the chemical equation first. During balancing the chemical equation, we need to make sure that the
number of element in two side of the equation are equal. This is the chemical equation for this
experiment that already has been balanced: Me4N+I + I2 ----> Me4N+I3 Below is the chemical
structure of tetramethylammonium, Iodide (I2) that chemically bond with each other in the form of
covalence bond and tetramethylammonium triiodide.
Thirdly, Tetramethylammonium iodide is a quaternary ammonium compound with the
chemical formula Me4N+I. It also has a crystal strcture. We will observe how crystal is formed by
combining these two substances together. In this experiment, crystallization is occured.
Crystallization is a separation process which the solid is formed from a supersaturated liquid. The
concept of crystallization is the limited solubility of a compound in a solvent at the certain conditions.
If the solubility is lower or the solute can no longer dissolve in the solvent, the crystal will be formed.
Sometimes crystalisation can result through precipitation of the substance. Precipitation occurs when
the solid is settled down depending on its density. The solution above the solid that precipitate is
called supernatant. One thing that makes precipitation differ from the crystalisation is sometimes
particle can be too small which make it not be able to filter it through filter paper. However, there is
some case in which crystal forms but it has no site to attach. This makes crystal percipitate on the
bottom of the containers.

Objective of this lab is to know how crystal is formed during synthesis of

tetramethylammonium triiodide. We also observe mole and mass of reactants and products to know
how a theoretical yield is different from an actual yield and what might be causes of this difference.
We also consider limiting agent, excess agent and the percentage yield of this expirement.

1. Add 0.5 gram tetramethylammonium iodide and use a string rod to break clumps
2. Add 0.6g of iodine and 12mL of ethanol.
3. Heat the beaker on the hot plate and stirring it along heating for 10 minutes until
tetramethylammonium iodide has dissolved.
4. Heat at low temperature
5. Put it out of hot plate and let it cool without disturbing. Disturbing it can cause crystal to be
small and become impurity
6. This is the period when crystal starts to form
7. Place the solution at room temperature. It will slowly form crytals. (Can use ice for quicker).
Prepare instrument for filtration and washing of compounds.
8. Using the vacuum filtration to collect the crystals and watch them twice with hexanes.
9. Dry and weigh the product.
10. Send the product that included your name, name of compound and date.

50ml Beaker
Weighing paper
Strring rod
Hot plate
Ice bath
Funnel vacuum
Filter paper

Physical properties

For our product, the change of the physical property of tetramethylammonia triiodide is occur
in colors and shape. The result colors are dark purple with some green spot on it and for the shape, it
is a rod shape which resembles like the tiny snow flakes.

Errors in the result

In theory, the result suppose to contain only dark color and rod shape, but in our result there are some
green spot mixing inside it. This may come the time that filter it in the vacuum and did not completely
wash it with hexane. This might result in some parts that is impurity. Also, the time that we place it in
the fume hood. It is hard to control every condition in the fumehood and it is easier to get
contaminated from other substace. Other substance might get split into the our crystal that is left to
dry over night. All of these factors makes the result not accurate as the theorical one. Morover, our
reaction yields is about only seventy seven percents. This can also come from the time that we wash
beaker with hexane and do not get all substance to filter. Some of it is left on beaker. Also, we might
not totally stir mixture which makes it clump together.
Chemical Properties
Balance Equation: Me4N+I + I2 + -
Me4N I 3
Theoretical Yield: 1.075 g. Me4N+I-3
Actual Yield: 0.82g. Me4N+I-3
Reaction Yield: 76.28%
In conclusion, we found out that when Tetramethylammonium reacting with iodide at certain
temperature would result in cystal formation. While crystal should be in dark purple rod, our products
contains some green spots that shows sign of contamination and impurity. These might be because of
some errors during thr experiment, for instance, we might not wash the crystal with hexane enough
and some ethanol still present on the surface face of the crystal or we might not stir the solution
comepletely before wash it with hexane in the funnel vaccuum.

For our calculatation, Me4N+I has 2.45 x 10-3 mole Me4N+I-3 and for I2 it has 2.364 x 10-3
mole I2 . So, the limiting reagent is I2 . The Theoretical Yield of our experiment is 1.075g. Me4N+I-3
and the Actual Yield is 0.82g. Me4N+I-3. After we calculated, the Reaction Yield is 76.28% which
means that we had some error. This can be including as iodine not actually melt during one the hot
plate which might led to green spot.
For the further experiment, we would do experiments on other substances in order to see and
learn about more reactions occured. For instance, we might choose sugar to further observe about
crystalisation. Nevertheless, we have gained lots of new knowledge on scientific field as well as new
skills for life. We have discovered how crystallization occur and how two substances react together.
We also have learnt to be more descriptive and precise to minimize mistakes that would happen in our
daily activities.


Title : Weigh of each substance including filter paper

Filter paper Tetramethylammonioum Iodine including
triiodine paper

Weight (gram) 0.58 0.50 0.60 1.40

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