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Strategy Log

Strategy Purpose Procedure Classroom App

Opportunity to talk 1. Select a topic that requires
1. Line up To cement students to complete a Sentence line up
- Sharron understanding of sequential task. Events in a story
Bassano sequence 2. Students line up in order
3. Share out
2. Morning pages To begin to clear the
- Julia Cameron clutter of the mind 1. First thing in the morning write for Could be used as a bell
To be more creative or 10 minutes ringer or warm up activity
The Right to Write intuitive
3. Academic Tap prior knowledge 1. Display different illustrations
Language Promote language 2. Using sticky notes, students label This could be used in order
Corners development (nouns, synonyms, verbs, and to review the vocabulary
adjectives) words for the week.
3. Frame vocabulary using functions
and structures
4. Students share their sentence forms.
4. Pictorial To build on prior 1. Cut up illustrations Could be used with images
Conversations experiences to describe 2. Distribute pieces related to that weeks
an illustration 3. Find pieces that go together vocabulary words
4. In groups, describe illustrations Words from an earlier
using sentence forms. reading
5. Open Word To observe what students 1. In groups, students work together to Teacher could choose key
Sort know sort words. words related to a recent
(Bear, et. al) topic covered in class, and
use this to check for
6. Writers To incubate ideas for 1. Provide a writing prompt for Students could write in their
Notebook writing. students and ask them to write writers notebook as they
(Ralph whatever comes to mind, or let brainstorm for a big written
Fletcher) students write whatever comes assignment.
to their mind.
2. Set a time limit for students to
write freely.
7. Writing from Allows students to have 1. Have students choose a topic. Students will be able to
one genre to difference experiences 2. Have them write about their express themselves in a
another topics using different genres variety of different ways by
(Natalie (lists, poem, map, diagram, a choosing different genres.
Goldberg) letter, etc.)
8. Reciprocal Accountability 1. Questioning, Clarifying, Checking for meaning
Teaching Produce language Summarizing, and Predicting making
Comprehensible input Producing language
Check understanding
Collaborative groups
9. Line of Check for understanding 1. Line up (A & B) and rotate like This can be applied before,
communicatio Solidify learning speed dating. during, and after reading, so
n Productive language students could discuss the
10. Close Integrating language arts 1. The procedure varies depending on Reread text for different
Reading to all content how it is implemented. purposes.

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