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Jambi, January 08th 1997

Lintas Jambi Muara Bulian Km.15 Mendalo Indah-Muaro Jambi
Mobile : +6282307658470 | Email :

Bachelor Degree
Now in Chemistry Education- Education and Teacher
Training of Faculty
SMAN 1 Tanjab Timur
1st Best Graduated From SMAN 1 Tanjab Timur
Year Of Graduation : 2015
SMPN SATAP 11 Tanjab Timur
1st Best Graduated From SMPN SATAP 11 Tanjab Timur
Year Of Graduation : 2012


2016-2018, Head of Enviromental Chemistry Division in Union Association of
Chemistry Student Indonesia
2016-2017, Secretary on Human Resource Development in Unit of Student Activity
(USA) of Research & Reasoning EXIST UNJA
2016-2017, Volunter MEDIA Indonesia Youth Inspiration (IYI)
2016-2017, Humas Member in USA of UTMC UNJA
2016-2017, Member in Islamic Study Forum FKIP UNJA
2016-2017, Staff Developing of Capacity Student Source in Executive Student of
Agency Jambi University
2015-2017, Staff Developing of Capacity Student Source in Executive Student of Agency
FKIP Jambi University
2016-2017, Staff Science, Intelectual and Creativity in Association of Mathematic and
Science Education.
2016-2017, Staff in USA United of Action Muslim Student of Indonesia
2011-2012, Treasurer in Organization of Center Counseling Information and
Reproduction Health at Adolescent.
2016, Province Level, 2nd Winner, Chemistry Olimpyc for Student University in KIMIA
HYDRO 2016
2016, Participant, Chemistry Olimpic in Science and Mathematic Olympic KOMISI X
2016, 1st Winner, Competition of Cooking with theme Memasak dengan kreasi tempe
2016, National Level, Accepted Proposal PKM 2015/2016 With title Faktor-Faktor
Intimidasi Eksternal Dalam Analisis Sosial dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kemajuan
Pendidikan: Studi Kasus Masyarakat Suku Anak Dalam Di Desa Pemayungan
Kecamatan Sumay Kabupaten Tebo
2016, National Level ,7th Finalist Food National Debate Competition HIMAGIHASTA
2016, National Level, Accepted Proposal INOVATIF 2016 with title Pemanfaatan
Minyak Tengkawang (Shorea Sumatrana), Gynura Sp, Jernang (Daemonorof Draco)
Sebagai Kosmetik Dan Obat.

2016, 12th Finalist Science National Debate Competition within Sriwijaya Science Debat
by BEM KM UNSRI 2016.

2016, University Level, 2st Winner, Islamic Article Competition by LSI UNJA

2016, National Level, The best paper in Pena Pemuda Indonesia 2016 UNY

2016, National Level , Finalist SBMP Paper Competition UNDIP

2016, National Level , Semifinalist PIMPI Paper Competition IPB 2016

2016, National Level ,Semifinalist Ambassador Campus by

2015, South Sumatra Level,2nd Winner, Chemistry Olimpyc Competition By

2014, Regency Level, 1st Winner, Intelligent and Precise Competition by Education
Official Regency.
2014, South Sumatra level, 1st Winner, Chemistry Inteligent and precise Competition By
2014, Regency Level, 2nd Winner, Paper Competition with Title 4 Pilar Sebagai
Karakter Pemersatu Pemuda Indonesia by General Occupation Official Regency
2014,Province Level, 5th Winner, Physics Inteligent and Precise Competition BY
2014, Sumatra Level, 139th Winner, Chemistry Olympic Competition BY HIMAKIM
2014, Regency Level, 1st Winner, Physics Olympic National
2013, Regency Level, 2st Winner, Physics Olympic National
2013, Province Level, 4th Winner, Physich Inteligent and Precise Competition By
HIMAFIS IAIN Sultah Thaha Saifudin Jambi
2013, Regency Level, 1 st Winner, 4th Pilars Nation and Country of Intelectual and
Precise Competition
2011, Distric Level, 1st level, Musabaqoh of fahmil Quran
2011, Province Level, 4th Winner, Physics Olympic for Junior School
2010, Village Level, 1st Winner, Tartil of Quran
2010, Regency Level, 1st Winner, Junior School Physic Olympic

2016, Paper with Title Acuras sebagai nutrisi Alternatif tanaman cabai within
BALITBANGDA Paper Competition
2016, Paper with Title Tekhnik Seko sebagai Terapi Penyembuhan Penyakit Kulit
Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Sekaligus Menjadi Usaha Terapi dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi
dan Kesehatan (EkoKes) di Indonesia in PRISMA UB Competition.
2016, Paper with Title Konsep Pembelajaran Berbasis Ecogradual dan Ekonomi
Kreatif (Eco-Etif) Sebagai Solusi Pemerataan Pendidikan di Daerah 3T dalam
Menyongsong Indonesia Mandiri 2025 in Paper competition Himamia Unnes
2016, Islamic Article with title Hikmah Isra Miraj Sebagai Pilar Intropeksi Diri in
Islamic Article Competition by LSI UNJA
2016, Paper with title Pembuatan Pecal dengan Teknik Sanggai Menjadi Makanan
Cepat Saji Berbasis Pangan Lokal Sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan Makanan Tradisional
Menuju Ketahanan Pangan Nasional in PIMPI Paper Competition IPB
2016, Proposal with title Uji Bioaktivitas Fraksi-fraksi dari Ekstrak Kulit Batang Shorea
singkawang Terhadap Sel Murin Leukimia P-388 for program of student creativity
2016, Writing News with title IMABIO Hadirkan SAD Dalam Seminar BIOEXPO in
writing news competition FKIP Aktual
2016, Essay with title BUBUR JERAWAT: Kombinasi Bubur Ubi Rambat (Ipomoea
batatas L) dan Jagung (Zea mays) sebagai Upaya Diversifikasi Pangan Di Desa
Pemayungan, Kabupaten Tebo, Jambi in National Debate Competition
2016, Proposal INOVATIF Kampus with title Pemanfaatan Minyak Tengkawang
(Shorea Sumatrana), Gynura Sp, Jernang (Daemonorof Draco) Sebagai Kosmetik Dan
2016, Paper with title Cold Powder Anjefit: Bedak Dingin Anti Jerawat Dan Flek Hitam
Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Taraf Ekonomi Masyarakat Tungkal Ilir Provinsi Jambi in
Sriwijaya Paper Competition

2016, Paper with title Pendidikan Alternatif Berbasis Eco-Gradual Sebagai Upaya
Memperjuangkan Kemerdekaan Pendidikan Komunitas Orang Rimba Di Desa
Pemayungan Kecamatan Sumay Kabupaten Tebo Taman Nasional Bukit Tigapuluh ij
Paper Competition SBMP UNDIP.
2016, Paper with title Pendidikan Alternatif Berbasis Eco-Gradual Sebagai Upaya
Memperjuangkan Kemerdekaan Pendidikan Komunitas orang rimba di sungai desa
buluh, aek behan Taman Nasional Bukit Dua Belas in Paper Kompetition Pena
Pemuda Indonesia UNY
2016, Paper with title DODOL DADAKAN (Daruju dan Kentang) sebagai Maknan
Sehat in Paper Competition FST FAIR
2015, Paper with Title Penyebab lunturnya budaya lisan Syair di Desa Telago Limo
as a requred for graduated from SMAN 1 Tanjab Timur 2015
2015, Essay with title Pendidikan Multikultural Sebagai Sarana Pembentukan Karakter
Pemersatu for BSC UNNES Competition
2015, Essay with title Revolusi Guru Indonesia Di Masa Depan in MAHAKARYA
Competition by BEM KBM FKIP UNJA
2015, Essay with title Negeri Ini Perlu Disumpah-Pemudakan Kembali IN Sumpah
Pemuda Competition
2015, Essay with title Metode C-Generation Dalam Menghapi Digital Native dan
Kurangnya Tenaga Pendidik
2015, Proposal with title Faktor-Faktor Intimidasi Eksternal Dalam Analisis Sosial dan
Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kemajuan Pendidikan: Studi Kasus Masyarakat Suku Anak
Dalam Di Desa Pemayungan Kecamatan Sumay Kabupaten Tebo for program of
student creativity
2014, Paper with Title 4 Pilar Sebagai Karakter Pemersatu Pemuda Indonesia within
Paper Competition by General Occupation Official regency


Desember 2016, Participant, Online Seminar Leadership &Globalization by Info

national Event

Desember 2016, Participant, Discuss Online Writing Good Essay &w Winning By
Cerita Ilmu

Desember 2016, Participant, Discuss Online Education System Compered Japan and
Indonesian at University Level by Cerita Ilmu

Desember 2016, Participant, Smart Savings Online Seminar by NPICAugust 2016,

Participant, Dauroh Marhalah 1 KAMMI JAMBI

Oktober 2016, Participant, Training PKM by UKM RnP EXIST UNJA

September 2016, Participant, Workshop Developing of Emotional concern Work,

Academic Development UNJA


Skills : Leadership, knowledge about Chemistry and Education, Writing research Paper,
Making Event
Interest :;culture and tourism; entrepreneurship and business; Exchange and Conference
Event, Discuss, Traveling Educative.

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