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Rocket project

By: Gut, Orm, Tonhom, Bat, Cream 1101

Abstract/Background Information
This experiment was designed to determine whether the
rocket will go directly to a distance of 20 meters. It
depends on two factors; the chemical inside the rocket and
the angle launcher.
We have to understand how rockets fly. This project
aims at answering the questions. There are some theories
thats related to this experiment which is the Newtons
law of motion, projectile and balancing chemical reaction.
For the first law of Newton is inertia. It is the objects
persist in its state of the rest in a straight line unless
acted on by a nonzero net force.

F = 0

The Newtons second law of motion is an acceleration is

inversely proportional to mass which means if the acceleration
increases, then the force will be increase as well.

F = ma
The third law of Newton is called law of action and
reaction. It means action equal to reaction.

F1 = -F2

In addition, the part of the rocket when it reaches

to the target will be a projectile, which is a curve
form when the rocket moves.
Moreover, the balancing chemical reaction involves in
this rocket project as well.

NaHCO3 + CH3COOH -------> CO2 + H2O + Na+ + CH3COO-

The product that we get from the chemical are carbon

dioxide gas as a fuel which creates pressure inside the
rocket and pushes the rocket forward.
To observe the chemical reaction
of acid-base substances and the
amount of product they produce from
each chemical pair in order for the
rocket to hit the target.
For the rocket:
1 liter plastic bottles
Silver and black duct tapes
Color spray
Bagasse papers

For the launcher:

UPC pipes
Tissue core
For the fuel:
Baking soda

Scissors Beaker
Cutter Cylinder
Tapes Pencils
Digital scale Papers
Discussion of physics concepts
Newtons Laws of Motion :
1st ---> object at rest will continues at rest and
objects that are in motion will stays in motion
with constant speed and direction unless it was
acted by another force
2nd ---> F = ma >>> a = F/m
3nd ---> action(gas produced) = reaction(rocket moved the
opposite side of the gas)
Discussion of physics concepts
Impulse and Momentum :
Initial momentum = Final momentum
Energy :
Kinetic Energy ---> highest position = min
Potential Energy ---> highest position = max
Discussion of physics concepts
Linear Motion :
non-freefall because there is air resistant
Projectile :
45 degree is the best angle to launch the rocket
Project Progress
Progress 1: Researching and Designing

model for the

commonly used in
baking soda -
vinegar rocket
Progress 2: sketching prototype and researching on materials

Researching on appropriate
materials and size to use.

Coca cola or Sprite bottle
>>> the body
Thick paper >>> rocket tip
Bagasse paper >>> fins
Wine cork to prevent
chemical leaping

The launcher:
PVC pipe >>> body
wooden board >>> base
Progress 4: Planning on chemicals used in experiment

Our plan
Add vinegar first
Put baking soda in
a folded tissue
(the vinegar will
be slowly absorbed
baking soda)
This way, vinegar and
baking soda will
react not too fast
and we can have
enough time to stay
away from it.
Progress 5: Discussing on materials used in making the ogive
and the fins

We were discussing on using thick

paper to make the ogive and the
fins. We were figuring out what
shape and size we should make the
Progress 7: Finding pipe

From our first plan, we were going

to use a PVC pipe as the launcher.
We tried to find a place to buy it,
but we couldnt, so we ended up with
using a box as the launcher instead.

Progress 8 : Making the rocket

Progress 9 : Calculating, designing, making fins and
re-designing launcher.

We used the shape of the dart as a model for our

rocket. By measuring the length of the body of the
dart plus the length of the fins, we got 13 cm : 3.5
cm. Therefore, we started making the fins.
Progress 10: Making testing rocket, Attaching fins,
Calculating chemicals

Making reserved rocket

Calculating chemicals using
Chemistry knowledge
Planning chemicals to be
used in each trials
Progress 11: Making launcher

After many discussion, we decided to use pipes

It had a smooth surface
We used the 90 degree pipe connector to make the top
of the triangle, so the pipe made a 45 degree angle
with the floor.
Attached tissue cores to be the base for the rocket.
Trial Vinegar Baking Angle of Distance
Mass Accuracy
No. (mL) Soda (g) Propulsion Covered

1 100.90 250 17.85 45 20 0

2 100.90 250 17.85 45 20 0

3 100.90 250 17.85 45 12 0

4 100.90 250 17.85 45 15 0

5 100.90 300 18.20 45 16 0

6 88.16 250 17.60 45 11 0

7 88.16 250 19.00 45 19 0

8 88.16 300 20.00 45 11 0

9 88.16 250 20.00 45 17 0

10 88.16 250 17.00 45 N/A 0

Analysis of Data
The best result of the experiment is the 1st and 2nd trial,
which we used vinegar for 250mL and baking soda for 17.85 when
our rocket mass is 100.9 g
The mass of the rocket, wind direction , angle, and pressure are
the factors that can affect the rocket to fly.
From all the trials, we can see that mass is really matter. We
need to have the rocket that is heavy enough in order to resist
the wind direction. Otherwise, the rocket will fly slantingly.
The size of our rocket did not larger or smaller, and the
fins and the nose cone are suitable to the body. It had a great
dynamic, and could go against the wind. Although our rocket
could reach the goal, and was straight, there was the wind from
the side making our rocket fell out of the target. Therefore,
the reason why we fail this because we cannot predict the
position of the wind. Moreover, our rocket gradually defected
because we used it for many times.
We should improve our cork to be more fit. Also, the rocket
weight should be appropriate to our chemical. Furthermore, we
should plan first: how many chemical we need to use to hit the
target, and do we need to change the position when we launched
the rocket to be suitable with the wind. Therefore, our rocket
will reach the target before the efficacy of the rocket
Science, S. S. (2012, April 3). Chemistry rocket (acid/base reaction) - SICK science -
the lab. Retrieved February 25, 2017, from https://

Pop bottle rocket, part II: Projectile motion. (2016, June 8). Retrieved February 25,
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Rocketology: Baking soda + vinegar = lift off! (2015, April 17). Retrieved February 25,
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Newtons First law of motion. Retrieved February 25, 2017, from https://
Newtons Second law of motion. Retrieved February 25, 2017, from https://

Classroom, T. P. (1996). Newtons Third law. Retrieved February 25, 2017,


Vinegar and Baking Soda. Retrieved February 25, 2017, from http://

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