Free Shear Mixing Layer

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254 viscous FLUID FLOW Let the dominant free-shear velocity be u in the direction x. Then, if the Reynolds number is large, the boundary-layer approximations will hold: v 1 (a gas flowing over a liquid). For the air-water interface, k ~ 60,000 or k!/? = 245. Some solutions computed by Lock (1951) for various k are shown in Fig. 4-17c. As k increases, the lower layer moves slower. The air-water case, k = 60,000, gives a good physical picture of slow “wind-driven” flow in the surface layer of a lake or ocean—although that large-scale flow would likely be turbulent, not laminar. The interface velocity when U, = 0 is shown in Fig 4-17b as a function of k. The classic case k = 1, U, = 0 in Fig. 4-17c has two interesting facets. First, it is not antisymmetric: The interface velocity is greater than 0.5U,, because the two layers have different convective deceleration. Second, the asymptotic value f,(—~)/ 72 = —0.619, which represents a flat plate at (—) with its boundary layer “blown off” as in Fig. 4-15a. 4-4.2 The Plane Laminar Jet Consider a plane jet emerging into a still ambient (identical) fluid from a (two-dimensional) slot at x = 0, as shown in Fig. 4-18. Since the jet spreads at constant pressure and there are no bounding walls, it satisfies Eqs. (4-91) and must also have constant momentum flux across any (x = const) cross section: te J=pf- wey = const (4-97) which is the zero-drag, zero-freestream version of Eq. (4-5) for a constant-pres- FIGURE 4-18 Definition sketch for the two- mensional laminar free jet. | After Schlichting (1933a).} LAMINAR BOUNDARY LAYERS 257 sure control volume. Schlichting (1933) showed that if the boundary-layer approximations are valid, the jet entrainment spreads as the cube root of x, and the proper stream function is y w= vl2xlFF(n) where 7 = ae (4-98) The corresponding velocity components are tn) pif? is cm we (f ~ 2f'n) (499) Substitution into Eq. (4-91) gives the following relation to be solved: PU +f rfr=0 (4-100) The boundary conditions are symmetry about the x axis (v = 0 and du/dy = 0 at y = 0) and a quiescent ambient fluid (u = 0 at y = ~), This translates in the similarity variables to F(0) =f"(0) = 0 f'(~) =0 (4-101) With all zero boundary conditions, it laaks as if we have no driving force for the equation. Upon reflection, we see that the driving potential is the momentum flux J, rather analogous to the Jeffery-Hamel wedge flows of Chap. 3. Equation (4-100) contains the same two nonlinearities as the Falkner-Skan equation (4-69), thus issuing a seductive call for Subroutine RUNGE. In fact, however, Schlichting (1933a) deduced the exact analytic solution, which is strikingly simple: f(m) = 2a tanh(an) or (4-102) f'(n) = 2a? sech?( an) The jet velocity profile thus has the symmetric sech” y shape, reminiscent of a gaussian probability distribution. The constant @ is determined by evaluating the momentum flux J from Eq. (4-97): 2 J = of. “(sa sayssech? on) 3p'2x23 dn = Bpy'a os or a= ( | = 0.8255, (4-103) \ ypu. (pp) Since sech 0 = 1, the maximum or centerline velocity is seen to be: 1p 3 2 \I3 Tomy = asses | (4-104) Thus the jet spreads in such a way that the centerline velocity drops off as 2a? re 9 273 PA =

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