MLK I Have A Dream Rubric

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6+1 Trait Writing Model : I Have a Dream

Teacher Name: Ms. Koval

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Introduction The introduction is The introduction The introduction There is no clear
(Organization) inviting, states the clearly states the states the main topic, introduction of the
main topic and main topic and but does not main topic or
previews the previews the adequately preview structure of the
structure of the structure of the the structure of the paper.
paper. paper, but is not paper nor is it
particularly particularly inviting to
inviting to the the reader.
Support for Relevant, telling, Supporting details Supporting details Supporting details
Topic quality details give and information and information are and information are
(Content) the reader are relevant, but relevant, but several typically unclear or
important one key issue or key issues or portions not related to the
information that portion of the of the storyline are topic.
goes beyond the storyline is unsupported.
obvious or unsupported.
Transitions A variety of Transitions clearly Some transitions work The transitions
(Organization) thoughtful show how ideas well; but connections between ideas are
transitions are are connected, but between other ideas unclear or
used. They clearly there is little are fuzzy. nonexistant.
show how ideas are variety.
Grammar & Writer makes no Writer makes 1-2 Writer makes 3-4 Writer makes more
Spelling errors in grammar errors in grammar errors in grammar or than 4 errors in
(Conventions) or spelling that or spelling that spelling that distract grammar or spelling
distract the reader distract the reader the reader from the that distract the
from the content. from the content. content. reader from the

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