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GEK 116397

May 2009

GE Energy

Control and Protection

These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible
contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further information be
desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchasers purposes the
matter should be referred to the GE Company.
General Electric Company, 2009. GE Proprietary Information. All Rights Reserved.
GEK 116397 Control and Protection


The gas turbine has a number of control and protection systems designed for the reliable and safe operation
of the unit. This section presents the general operating characteristics of turbine control and protection. For
settings and adjustments refer to the Control Specifications included in the manual. Additional information
will be provided in the SPEEDTRONIC* documentation.

Control of the turbine is done mainly by startup, speed, acceleration, synchronization, and temperature
control. Figure 1 illustrates the three control modes, and the means of fuel control in relation to the fuel
command signal. Sensors monitor the turbine speed, temperature, and compressor discharge pressure to de-
termine the operating conditions of the unit. When it is necessary for the turbine control to alter the turbine
operating conditions because of changes in load or ambient conditions, it is accomplished by modulating
the flow of fuel to the turbine. For example, if the exhaust temperature starts to exceed its permitted value
for a given operating condition, the temperature control circuit will cause a reduction in the fuel supplied
to the turbine and thereby limit the exhaust temperature.

Protection systems are provided to prevent abnormal conditions which could result in damage to the tur-
bine. The critical operating parameters monitored by the protection system are: temperature, speed, vi-
bration, flame, and compressor operating limit. Overtemperature and overspeed systems are provided as
independent backup systems for the temperature control and speed control systems. Vibration detection
and protection is activated by abnormal turbine vibration amplitude reaching a preset level. The flame de-
tection and protection system is activated if flame is not established during startup or if flame is lost during

Each system operates independently and will trip the unit if its signal corresponds to a trip condition.


The SPEEDTRONIC* system is a microprocessor based control system which provides the analog and
digital signals required to control and protect the operation of the gas turbine.

Operating conditions of the turbine are sensed and utilized as feedback signals to the SPEEDTRONIC*
control system. There are three major control loops startup, speed and temperature, which may be in
control during turbine operation. These loops command Fuel Stroke Reference (FSR), the command signal
for fuel. The outputs of these control loops are connected to a minimum value select algorithm as shown
in Figure 1.

The minimum value select algorithm selects the lowest FSR called for by the control loops and passes
the result to the FSR controller. The action of this circuit is similar to a low-voltage selector. The lowest
voltage output of the control loops is allowed to pass the gate to the fuel control system as the controlling
FSR voltage. Fuel Stroke Reference (FSR) is the command signal for the fuel. Using this method of
FSR selection, switching between the control modes of speed, temperature and startup control takes place
without any discontinuity. The controlling FSR will establish the fuel input to the turbine at the value
required by the system which is in control. Displays on the turbine control panel CRT indicate which of
the control systems is controlling FSR. Figure 2 shows a more detailed schematic of the control loops.

This part of the service manual will explain the function of each control and protection system, with de-
scriptions of how electrical circuits and control devices operate together as systems. Reference to four sets
of control system documents is necessary for a complete understanding of turbine control. These are the

*Trademark of the General Electric Company.

2 General Electric Company, 2009. GE Proprietary Information. All Rights Reserved.

Control and Protection GEK 116397

Control Specifications, the Device Summary, the Schematic Piping Diagrams and the SPEEDTRONIC*


The Control Specifications consist of several multi-paged documents. The master document is Specifica-
tion Control - Control System Settings. It contains control settings defining the operational limits for each
turbine, calculated for the intended site conditions and fuel analysis submitted. The settings drawing ref-
erence the other control specification drawings as well as the Device Summary and the Schematic Piping
Diagrams. The Control Specifications should be consulted before attempting to make adjustments or oper-
ate the gas turbine. Users should therefore ensure that service manuals containing up-to-date revisions are
available to operating personnel.


This summary lists control devices appearing in the piping schematics. The listing includes device de-
scription, rating and proper settings; this information being essential to proper understanding of turbine
operation. It compliments the Control System Settings and becomes an essential part of it. Referenced on
the Device Summary are all the Schematic Piping Diagrams which apply to the gas turbine such as: starting
devices, control oil, hydraulic supply, etc.


These drawings depict control components in symbolic form, showing piping interconnections and features
in a manner intended to convey their main functions. Each significant control component is identified
on the schematic by standard device nomenclature to facilitate identification on the different documents;
for example: 20TV, 96FG, etc. Electrical and electronic interfaces with these devices are found in the
SPEEDTRONIC* documentation and are referenced by the same nomenclature.


The Control Sequence Program, shows Software Diagrams of the control algorithms and control constants
associated with the software.

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GEK 116397 Control and Protection

Figure 1. Fundamental SPEEDTRONIC* Control

4 General Electric Company, 2009. GE Proprietary Information. All Rights Reserved.

Control and Protection GEK 116397

Figure 2. Block Diagram Mark* VI FSR Control

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GEK 116397 Control and Protection

GE Energy
General Electric Company

6 General Electric Company, 2009. GE Proprietary Information. All Rights Reserved.

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