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An algebra A over F(or an F-algebra )is an F vector space in which the element of a multiply in
a way that is compatible with the multiplication of F . Specifically.

(c a 1 )a 2 = c(a 1 a 2 ) = a 1 (c a 2 ) f or al l C F, a 1 a 2 A. (1)

A is said to be a unital algebra if there is an identity element I A A For multiplication in A.

Algebra Homomorphism

An algebra homomorphism from an algebra A to an algebra B is a linear map : A B

(ab) = (a) (b) f or al l a, b A (2)

An algebra isomorphism is an algebra homomorphism with is both one to one and onto.
Algebra A and B are said to be isomorphic if there is an algebra isomorphism between them.
Let M n (C ) be the algebra ofn n matrix over c under usual operations of matrix addition and
multiplication .

Algebra Representation

A Representation of an algebra A is an Algebra homomorphism.

: A M n (C ) (3)

A Representation is said to be unital if (I A ) is the identity matrix (provided A has an identity

element). If A has no identity element,then every representation of A is initial.


A left module over A (or A module for short) is a C vector space M in which element of M may
be multiplied on the left by element in A in an compatible may specifically.

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