Polydactyly Case Study

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Polydactyly: A case study

Pit Baran Chakraborty *, Bani Marjit **, Sikha Dutta ***, Alpana De ****
Bankura Sammilani Medical College*, IPGME & R, Kolkata**, C.M.C Kolkata***, M.M.College, Kolkata****

ABSTRACT: Polydactyly is the commonest congenital deformity of the foot and hand presenting as a range of defects from
minor soft tissue duplications to major bony abnormalities. For proper management a comprehensive knowledge is required
amongst medical fraternity. Here we intend to summarise the experience obtained from a family having bilateral polydactyly of
both hands and both feet. Photograph and radiograph of hands and feet of the two brothers were studied.

KEY WORDS: Polydactyly, Congenital deformity.

INTRODUCTION counseling cannot be done due to the lack of facilities

Polydactyly is characterized by more than five Family history- The parent of these two
fingers/digits in hand/foot. It can present alone or as brothers (Case-I, Case-II) had early marriage. At the
part of many syndrome due to genetic disorder. The age of 17 years the mother gave birth to a girl (IUD) by
defects may be due to autosomal recessive or breech presentation. Subsequently she gave birth to
autosomal dominant disease. The present work was five sons and one daughter. The eldest son is
conducted to analyse the type, pattern of involvement, suffering at present with cardiac problem. The second
associated anomalies, plan of treatment and outcome (Case-I) and fifth (Case-II) sons having postaxial
of this malformation. polydactyly of both hands and feet.
Five types of polydactyly were encountered (1),
type I cutaneous nubbin, type II-pedunculated digit, Case-I
type III- articulating digit with fifth metacarpal, type IV- On physical examination of hands it was noted
fully developed digit with sixth metacarpal and type V- (Fig-I) that both hands contain one extra digit on ulnar
polysyndactyly. Type I and II ulnar polydactyly are side (Post axial polydactyly). On the right the extra
more prevalent. From Raphael's paintings it was digit is very small and closely fitted with hand but on
found that the father (St. Joseph) and son had the left hand the extra digit is well spaced with its
postaxial polydactyly (2) which is an autosomal neighbouring finger.
dominant trait. St. Joseph found shoes uncomfortable On radiological examination it was found (Fig-
because of his polydactyly. Pre and postaxial 2) that on the right side the base of 5th metacarpal is
polydactyly are also found in Acrocallosal Syndrome bifid and for that one extra carpal bone is formed for its
(3), an autosomal recessive condition characterized articulation. The 6th metacarpal base articulates with
by agenesis of corpus callosum. that extra carpal bone on its medical side. The
Molecular aspect of limb devevlopment (4) has proximal phalanx of 6th digit articulates on medical
an identifiable molecular basis. Hand surgeons side of bifurcated base of 5th metacarpal bone.
should beware of the basic molecular pathways Left hand radiograph shows the 5th metacarpal
controlling limb development because they are in a bifurcate and becomes 'Y' shaped at its distal end. No
unique position to be able to identify patients with such extra carpal bone is found in the left hand. The 6th
deformities. proximal phalanx articulates with distal part of the
If Ultrasonographic examination can be done medial bifurcated end of 5th metacarpal bone.
during 14-16 weeks of gestation, fetuses with Both the feet are well formed and the toes are
polydactyly may be observed. USG is a valuable tool uniformly placed (Fig-3). On radiological examination
for identification and early management since there is (Fig-4) it was noted that in both feet the great toes are
no biochemical or histopathological markers. In utero deviated more towards medially probably due to
auto-amputation (5) of extra digits can be done. broad bases of 1st metatarsal bones. The base of 5th
Pregnancies, having polydactyly associated with and 6th metatarsal bones of left side seems to be
other anomalies, should be terminated. Whereas united together but on the right side 5th and 6th
isolated fetal postaxial polydactyly type II is metatarsals are separate bones. There is extra tarsal
associated with a favourable outcome. on the medial side of cuboid bone on both sides for
The present study was carried out with two articulation with base of 6th metatarsal bone.
cases of the same family. Detailed history was taken
and recorded. Photography and radiology were the Case-II
main means of establishing the diagnosis. Genetic On the right hand (Fig-5) it was found that the

J. Anat. Soc. India 56 (1) 35-38 2007 35

Polydactyly: A case study....Pit Baran Chakraborty, Bani Marjit, Sikha Dutta, Alpana De

Fig.1 Both hands contain one extra digit on ulnar side (Post Fig.2 On the right side of 5th metacarpal is bifid and one extra
axial Type-II polydactyly), on the right hand the extra carpal bone is formed for its articulation. The 6th
digit is very and closely fitted with hand. metacarpal base articulates with that extra carpal bone
on its medical side. The proximal phalanx or 6th digit
articulates on medial side of bifurcated base of 5th
metacarpal bone. In left hand the 5the metacarpal
bifucrate and become 'Y' shaped at its distalend.

Fig.3 Both the feet are well formed and all six toes are Fig.4 The base of 5th and 6th metatarsal bones united
uniformly placed. together, extra tarsal bone.

postaxial digit is well formed with normal spacing On radiological view (Fig-8) it was found that
(Type-Pvpolydactyly). But on the left hand it was both great toes having broad bases and are slightly
noted that the 6th finger arises from ulnar border of deviated towards medial side. The bases of 5th and
hand slightly proximal to the base of 5th finger. 6th metatarsals are fused up to middle of the
On radiological findings (Fig-6) it was noted that metatarsals. After that they look like separate bone
one extra carpal bone was developed for articulation with only two phalanges in both 6th toes.
of 6th digit on the right side. On the left side the 5th No other abnormalities were found in both the
metacarpal base is much wider. The proximal phalanx cases.
of 6th finger articles with ulnar side of 5th metacarpal So, although the photographs of hands and
bone (Type-III polydactyly). There is no 6th feet of the two brothers seem apparently of the same
metacarpal on the left side but the right 6th metacarpal person, radiological findings are clearly different.
is well formed. In addition, it can be mentioned here that
Both the feet are found (Fig-7) containing an although polydactyly is not very rare, it is very
extra toe on lateral side with normal shape and uncommon to be acquainted with polydactyly of both
position (Type IV polydactyly). hands and both feet of the two brothers of a family as it

J. Anat. Soc. India 56 (1) 35-38 2007 36

Polydactyly: A case study....Pit Baran Chakraborty, Bani Marjit, Sikha Dutta, Alpana De

is in our case.

The patients develop polydactyly along with
other abnormalities. In chondroectodermal dysplasia

Fig.8 The bases of 5th and 6th metatarsals are fused up to

middle of the metatarsals.

(6) patients having bilateral polydactyly, hydroitic

ectodermic dysplasia affecting principally the nails,
Fig.5 Postaxial digits are well formed (Typed - IV polydactyly). teeth, the hair and congenital heart malformations. It
The 6th finger arises from ulnar border of hand slightly is necessary to identify this disease at its early stage
proximal to the base of 5th finger. in order to render prompt treatment. The oral
manifestations are characteristic for this particular
disease so that a dental surgeon can identify this
condition and refer this case to a cardiologist and
orthopedicion for correction surgeries. In
consanguineous family bilateral post axial
polydactyly(7) of hands and foot is the characteristic
feature in Joubert syndrome,which is an autosomal
recessive condition. African Americans more than
other ethnic groups, commonly inherit a six finger as
a dominant trait. Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy is
usually associated with polydactyly and in this case
short arm of chromosome 12 is defective. Familial
transmission of congenital muscular torticullis (8)
has been reported in the literature and postaxial
Fig.6 One extra carpal bone is on right side. The proximal polydactyly has been frequently reported in familial
phalanx of 6th finger articulates with ulnar side of 5th cases. A significant association with parental
metacarpal (Type - III polydactyly) consanguinity was observed for congenital
anomaly: hydrocephalus, postaxial hand and foot
polydactyly and bilateral cleft lip / palate (9).
Development of proper pattern requires the
involvement of inhibitory pathways in the anterior
limb that prevent secondary polarizing zone
formation, thus limiting the number of digits
Lmbr 1 gene is required for limb formation and
that reciprocal changes in levels of Lmbr 1 activity
can lead to either increases or decreases in the
number of digits in the vertebrate limbs. The loss of
digits in mice was observed with reduced Lmbr1
activity in contrast with the gain of digits observed in
Hx mice and human polydactyly patients (10).
Fig.7 One extra toe is on lateral side in both feet (Type - IV Polydactyly is a characteristic feature of Pallister-
polydactyly) Hall syndrome (11) along with other abnormalities.

J. Anat. Soc. India 56 (1) 35-38 2007 37

Polydactyly: A case study....Pit Baran Chakraborty, Bani Marjit, Sikha Dutta, Alpana De

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