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Lesson Two

Mystery of Detachment: Is
Prosperity the Father's Will?

I s money evil? How can we know, if our wealth comes from the devil
or from
the Father?

I. Money per se is not evil

Money is a legal tender and to say it is evil is incorrect because it is

even a blessing. In fact the Word of God says that money answereth

A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry, but money answereth
all things (Ecclesiastes 10:19).

What makes money evil is not the bill or coin that you have in your
pocket but it is the love of money that destroys many of us.

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after,
they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many
sorrows (1 Timothy 6:10).

II. Love of money is the root of all evil

Money will become your god, if the love of money is a spirit that
pervades your mentality. It becomes your god if that is what you love
thinking that it is the only thing that can make you happy.

III. Fathers Will when it comes to money, etc.

a. Prosperity

First of all, when you have repented and become a child of the Father,
automatically He gives you wisdom on how to deal with life,
especially if you want to prosper. It is the Fathers Will for you to
Beloved, I wish above all things, that thou mayest prosper (materially,
financially), and be in health (physically) even as thy soul prospereth (3 John

Poverty or the lack of money is a curse. Curse is the consequence of

mans disobedience. It was the cause of misery since they were driven
away from the comfort of life in the Garden. Poverty is the fruit of the
curse that happened after the fall of man. Poverty, therefore, is not a
virtue. It is rather a curse.

b. Mystery of Detachment
O Mystery of Detachment means when you have everything, your
should always be like you have nothing. As Job 1:21 has
reminded us:

The Father has given, the Father has taken away. Blessed be the
name of the Almighty Father.

The riches and wealth or money will never change our love of God
to the love of money. Whether He takes that away from us or gives us
in abundance, it does not matter; for what matters to us is our
attachment to God.
In the story of Job, we know that:

- The LORD turned Jobs misery into blessings;

- and the blessings he received were doubled of what he had before.
- Jobs loving attitude was still the same towards God and fellowmen in
good times and in bad nonetheless.

And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his
friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before
(Job 42:10).

O The Mystery of Detachment is what will free us from becoming

emotionally and spiritually involved in temporal blessings. We are
only eternally connected to the will of the Almighty Father.

O The mystery of detachment is the spirit of meekness saying

everything is not mine but yours, Father, including my life. Thus, if
we talk also about our body, we dont treat it as if it is ours since we
know now that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 3:16).
We do not own it. The Father owns it. He owns everything we have. So
we treat everything we have as borrowed only from Him. The Father
has entrusted it to us. So, let us treat it also with respect and use it for
His glory (Matthew 5:5; Psalms 37:11).

c. Setting our attachment to the Fathers Will

You are not serving Him because He blessed you. You are not serving
Him because He healed you. You are not serving Him because He
promised heaven for you. You are rather serving Him because of who
He is. That is all that matters. Your attachment to the Father and His
Will is all that matters. You can take away everything but do not take
away my attachment from Him. That is all that matters to me.

We serve Him because we want to meet His needs. That is a great

example for all of us. So that when the Father blesses us and then we
are tried and we go though our Tamayong, we are not only here for the
blessings. We are not here only for comfort. We are not here only for
what God can do for us. In fact, when you serve God it is not really you
serve Him for what He can do for you. You serve Him for what you can
do for Him.

That ye should go and bring forth fruit. Bring for fruit. There is a
need to bring forth fruit. And who will bear the fruits for him? We are
the ones. Father I will grow in maturity. You do not have to worry
about me because that is your purpose in my life so that I could bear

Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you that
you should go and bring forth fruit (John 15:16).

d. The Son as the Model

I am your model. Even when I was in my Tamayong, I did not ask the
Father to bless me, to always look at me. What I want is Father give me
wisdom to follow you. Father fill me with knowledge, wisdom and
understanding to follow you. How can I follow you?


ur attitude towards prosperity should not conform as to how the
world handles wealth and riches. It is the Fathers Will for us to
mature in the spirit and always look for the greater cause, which
is the Fathers work here on earth. With this in mind, we no longer form
attachment to the blessings that the Father gives us but we look at the
bigger picture of what we can do for Him. The only way we can pass
this is by following our example who is no other but the Appointed Son.
Review Questions
1. What is the root of all evil?
2. How would money become mans god?
3. What New Testament text that would support the contention that it is the
Will of the Father for us to prosper?
4. What was the consequence or fruit of the curse of God to the fallen man
to disobedience?
5. Is poverty a virtue? Explain.
6. What attitude one must have in good times and in bad?
7. Why do you serve the Father?
8. What matters most in serving the Father?
9. What can we get from the story of Job?
10. Discuss the Mystery of Detachment with the Spirit of Meekness.

Points for Reflection

The Father wants each one of us to prosper, especially spiritually, according
to His Will. How would you respond to it? Which is mature in tone I want
to always praise you, Father! or I want to always serve you, Father! Which
of the two you belong to? xxx

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