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Lesson Three

The Spiritual Battle

Scriptural Reference: Ephesians 6:10-18


he Father Almighty that we are serving is a Father of victory. So as His
Sons and Daughters, we too will become victorious in our lives.
However, we have to defeat first our number one enemy - our self;
since Satan Lucifer the devil is no longer in power so we cannot blame him
anymore. Now we know that we commit sin if we do our own will, and set
aside the Will of the Father.

To obtain victory, we must always recognize that there is an enemy

that we have to overcome, and we should also recognize that our enemy
cannot be defeated by means of our physical strength but by the power of
God that is within us (John 1:12). Remember, you have to be cautious of your
spiritual life because Satan will not easily let go of you. Though you are
clean by virtue of repentance and baptism, yet, if you are empty and vacant
inside because you are not yet committed to do His Will, Satan will attempt
to reclaim you (Luke 11:24-26).

I. What are the works of the devil? (John 10:10)

1. To steal
What does Satan steal from us?
a. Praise.
The number one thing that Satan Lucifer the devil
steals from us is our praise. Praise is the evidence of
the presence of the Father. It is for this reason that
the devil tries to shut our mouth to stop us from
praising the Father and in time, it will cost us our
spiritual life. We must therefore praise the Father in
whatever circumstances we may be. An example is
the spirituality of Job. He kept on thanking and
praising the Father even in his affliction (Job 1:6-21;
Job 2: 1-10).
b. Faith
Our faith is our source of life in the Father Almighty.
Satan Lucifer the devil tries to steal our faith because
without faith, we cannot please God (Hebrews 11:6).
We must therefore hold on to our faith because the
devil wants to destroy our faith to lead us to
condemnation. God is there to strengthen our faith,
as it is our means of communication with Him.

2. To kill

Satan Lucifer the devil has been a murderer since from the
beginning. He never holds onto the truth; for there is no truth in
him. (John 8:44).

3. To destroy

Satan desires to destroy our faith in order to cause many Sons

Daughters to fall away (1 Timothy 4:1). He does this through
He deceives people who are infants and/or those who have not
grown in
wisdom, knowledge, and understanding about the Will of the

II. What is our role in this spiritual battle? Or how would you
fight your enemies spiritually?

Every Son and Daughter plays a major role in this spiritual conflict.

A. By actively involving in the ministry

No child of the Father remains spectator in this spiritual battle

but we must enter into the arena and get involved. We must give
ourselves in service to the Father in whatever way we can so we
too can contribute in saving dying souls.

B. By Prayer
Prayer has done wonders when used in combination with faith
and trust. It helps to attain power over our enemies, and helps
develop faith (Matthew 4:1-11; Matthew 17:14-21).

C. By strengthening unity with the Father through obedience

As members of the body with one head, who is the Father

Almighty through His Appointed Son (1 Corinthians 12: 12-27),
we must be one in spirit in obedience to the Will of the Father.
Whatever makes Him happy should make us happy also;
whatever makes Him sad should make us sad also.

III. In order to be victorious over the enemy, what must we do?

A. Trust the Father

We must not rely or trust in our own strength but instead trust
and lean
on the power of the Father. Let us always invoke the Father in
everyday activity; and praise Him no matter what circumstances
we may
have (Romans 8:28).

B. Strengthen your freedom of choice

Remember, there is no devil that can stop you in doing good; as

well as
no angel can stop you from turning back to the Will of the
Father. Thus,
strengthen your choice, and commit yourself in obedience to His
laws, no
matter what, then the Father will give you the power to become
His son
or a daughter.

IV. The Fathers Promise of Divine Protection: Our inspiration

in times of distress
1. Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who
fear Him.
2. Psalm 91:4 He shall cover thee with His feathers; His truth shall
be thy shield and buckler.
3. Psalm 125:2 The Lord is round about His people from
henceforth and forever.
4. Zechariah 2:5 The Lord will be a wall of fire around about her.
5. Luke 21:18; 10:19 We are given power to tread on serpents and
scorpions; nothing shall by any means hurt you.
6. 2 Chronicles 20:29; 32:8 The Lord our God will help us to fight
our battles.
7. Exodus 23:27; 14:14 The Lord shall fight for you, and will let
your enemies turn their backs unto you.
8. 2 Samuel 5:24 The Lord our God will go out in front of you to kill
your enemies.
9. Psalm 44:5 Through God, we will push down our enemies and
we will tread them under that rise up against us.
10. Revelation 15:2; 3:5 Through God, we have gotten the
victory over the beast and over his mark. He has made us

V. The Fathers promises of Triumph

1. The Lord will give us ultimate triumph over evil influence of men.
(Peer pressure). Psalm 44:5
2. The Lord will give us ultimate triumph over malign spiritual
forces. Luke 10:19
3. The Lord will give us power to triumph over all satanic forces.
Revelation 15:2
4. The Lord promised us robes of righteousness. Revelation 3:5
5. The Lord promised to make us a pillar in the temple of God.
6. They that overcome will be enthroned together with Him.
Revelation 3:21
7. The Father promised us our eternal inheritance. Revelation 2:7.


Our spiritual walk towards eternity is often characterized by spiritual

battle (Ephesians 6:10-18) but we do not have to worry because one man
had already bulldozed our way to salvation.
It is no longer vague to follow and have fellowship of the Lords
suffering because one man coming from the fallen Adamic race had already
gone through the furnace of affliction, yet he overcame by absolute
obedience, commitment and dedication to the Will of the Father using his
own freedom of choice.

Just like what the Appointed Son of God has said, As I have done it,
you can do it also.

Review Questions

1. Who is your number one enemy that you have to defeat?

2. How do you know now that you have committed sin?
3. Can you defeat your enemy by your physical strength? Why?
4. Do you have an idea how to preserve the power of God jn you?
5. What is the number one thing that Satan Lucifer the devil wants to steal
from us?
6. What is your reason why Satan Lucifer the devil wants also to steal faith
from us?
7. Aside from stealing, what are the other works of the Devil?
8. Mention at least three things to do in fighting spiritually our enemies?
9. How would you become victorious over your enemies?
10. Give at least two texts to give you inspiration in times of having
problems or battle
against the Serpent Seed.

Points for Reflection

In the Kingdom, we have Spiritual Revolution. Each Kingdom citizen must

participate in it. How are you in your spiritual battle now? Are you
victorious? How many forces of the Serpent Seed have you defeated? Are
you still fighting? Pastor was able to overcome. You too can overcome.
Really? Who is your model? Praise the Father through the Son.

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