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Microblaze C Cheat Sheet General Purpose I/O Tcl Console Commands

Get TCL commands source

Initialization/Platform ipcore dir/microblaze mcs setup.tcl
Platform library "platform.h" Update bitstream microblaze mcs data2mem
Parameters library "xparameters.h" workspace/sdk-program /
Initialize platform init platform()
Inputoutput library "xiomodule.h" Debug/sdk-program.elf
Clean up platform cleanup platform()
Input and output type. XIOModule gpiOrGpo 2013 Sren Nrgaard
UART Initialize GPIO XIOModule Initialize(&gpiOrGpo, Public domain.
UART I/O library <stdio.h> XPAR IOMODULE 0 DEVICE ID)
Print string print(s ) Start GPIO XIOModule Start(&gpiOrGpo )
Print number as hex putnum(n ) Read from GPI XIOModule DiscreteRead(&gpi,
Small printf function. xil printf("format ", arg 1 ,...) gpiNum )
Large printf function printf("format ", arg 1 ,...) Write data to GPO XIOModule DiscreteWrite(&gpo,
Large scanf function scanf("format ", &name 1 ,...) gpoNum, data )

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