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ersonality factors, indud.

ing self-esteem and self-

Self-Evaluation and Self-
Concept of Adolescents P concept, are among the main factors thought to be
associated with psychological problems in adoles-
cents (Anderson, Clarke, & Spain, 1982). Personality is
also considered a protective factor that can reduce the
With Physical likelihood of adjustment problems (Garmezy, 1983).
How adolescents with physical disabilities value them-
Disabilities selves (their self-esteem) and view themselves (their self-
concept) may therefore be key predictors of their adjust-
ment and future life success (Kapp-Simon, 1986). In fact,
Gillian A. King, Izabela Z. Shultz, self-esteem, which is defined as a generalized feeling of
self-acceptance, goodness, and worthiness (Crocker &
Kathleen Steel, Michelle Gilpin,
Major, 1989), is considered a central aspect of psychologi-
Tarnzin Cathers cal functioning (Crocker & Major, 1989; Taylor & Brown,
1988) and has been shown to be related to a host of
variables including general satisfaction with one's life
Key Words: adolescents. self-concept (Diener, 1984).
Little information is available on the self-esteem and
self-concept of adolescents with physical disabilities (An-
Fifty-three adolescents aged 14 to 18 years with diag- derson et aI., 1982; Magill & Hurlbut, 1986). In the pres-
noses of cerebral palsy (n = 27), cleft lip or palate or ent study, we examined both the self-evaluations (self-
both (n = 17), or spina bifida (n = 9) took part in esteem, social self-efficacy, and self-acceptance) and self-
this study examining their selfesteem, selfconcept, concept (Le., perceptions of self on specific dimensions
selfacceptance, social selfefficacy, and values, as such as academic ability and physical appearance) of ado-
measured by standardized instruments. Comparisons lescents with cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and cleft lip or
were made separately for males and females with palate or both in comparison to normative data. We also
nonns developed for adolescents without disabilities. tested several hypotheses about the relation between
Significant differences were found only on several as-
these aspects of the self and independence (i .e., resisting
pects of self-concept: females with physical disabilities
were lower in perceived social acceptance, athletic the influence of others) and persistence at tasks and
competence, and romantic appeal than the nonnative goals, which are considered important determinants of
sample, and males with physical disabilities were low- academic and vocational success (Abramson, Ash, &
er in perceived scholastic competence, athletic compe- Nash, 1979).
tence, and romantic appeal. in addition, social self-
efficacy was found to be a significant predictor of
both independence and persistence in adolescents Literature Review
with disabilities, who were sigmjicantly less inde- There have been few empirical studies of the self-esteem
pendent and persistent than were nonnative samples. and self-concept of adolescents with cerebral palsy (Ma-
The discussion focuses on the usefulness of the findings gill & Hurlbut, 1986), spina bifida (Campbell, Hayden, &
regarding social self-efficacy and the implications of
Davenport, 1977; Lord, Varzos, Behrman, Wicks, & Wicks,
the findings for occupational therapists.
1990; Murch & Cohen, 1989; Pearson, Carr, & Halliwell,
1985), or cleft lip or palate or both (Brantley & Clifford,
1979; Kapp, 1979; Richman, 1983; Starr, 1978). Several
Gillian A. King, PhD, is Research Coordinator, Thames Valley
studies have examined mixed subject groups consisting
Children's Centre, 779 Base Line Road East, London, Ontario,
Canada, N6C 5Y6. of adolescents with different types of physical disabilities
or adolescents with chronic illnesses (Harper & Richman,
Izabela Z. Shultz, PhD, C Psych, is a Psychologist, Thames Valley 1978; Kellerman, Zeltzer, Ellenberg, Dash, & Rigler, 1980;
Children's Centre, London, Ontario, Canada.
Pless, Cripps, Davies, & Wadsworth, 1989; Tavormina,
Kathleen Steel, MSc, is a doctoral candidate, Department of Kastner, Slater, & Watt, 1976). The majority of these stud-
Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Western Ontario, ies have employed standardized measures of self-esteem
Ontario, Canada. and self-concept but have used convenience samples
Michelle Gilpin, MA, is a Psychometrist, Thames Valley Chil- from clinic populations, which limits their generaliza-
dren's Centre, London, Ontario, Canada. bility.
Tamzin Cathers, BA, is a Research Assistant, Thames Valley These studies provide little evidence to support the
Children's Centre, London, Ontario, Canada. common assumption that adolescents with disabilities
have low self-esteem (see Bryan & Herjanic, 1980; Minde,
This article was accepted for publication August 12, 1992.
1978; Strax, 1988) or poor self-concepts (see Abramson et

132 February 1993, Volume 47, Number 2

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aI., 1979). These findings parallel conclusions drawn by this population, and (b) to examine the effect of self-
Wright (1960), who reviewed early studies on the adjust- esteem and self-concept on behavior, adjustment, and
ment of persons with physical disabilities, and Crocker key life outcomes (La Greca, 1990).
and Major (1989), who reviewed research on the self- With regard to the former, it appears that gender
esteem of stigmatized groups in general. Adolescents may be an important mediator of the effect of disability on
with spina bifida did not appear to differ in self-esteem self-esteem and self-concept. In the group of studies re-
from a comparison group of adolescents without disabil- viewed above, those that employed matched control
ities (Murch & Cohen, 1989), nor did they differ signifi- groups (i.e., Campbell et aI., 1977; Kapp, 1979; Magill &
cantly from matched controls on self-concept or overall Hurlbut, 1986), although generally finding no overall dif-
self-esteem (Campbell et aI., 1977). MagiJ! and Hurlbut ferences between disabled and control groups, did find
(1986) found no significant differences in overall self- that boys and girls with disabilities differed from their
esteem between a group of adolescents with cerebral counterparts without disabilities on some subscales of
palsy and a matched control group of adolescents without the standardized tests. Magill and Hurlbut (1986) found
disabiJities. In a study of adolescents with cleft lip or girls with cerebral palsy to be significantly lower than all
palate or both, Starr (1978) found no significant differ- other groups on their physical self-esteem. Kapp (1979)
ences in their self-esteem compared with that of a found girls with clefts to be significantly lower than girls
matched control group. Brantley and Clifford (1979) re- without clefts on several subscales of the Piers-Harris
ported that adolescents with clefts had, in fact, greater Children's Self Concept Scale (Piers & Harris, 1967), and
self-esteem and self-confidence than did comparison Campbell et a!. (1977) found significant differences be-
groups of adolescents without disabilities and obese ado- tween both boys and girls with spina bifida and matched
lescents. Kapp (1979) found no significant difference in controls on several subscales of a self-image question-
the global self-concept of adolescents with cleft lip or naire. These findings, however, do not portray a consis-
palate and that of a group of matched controls. tent pattern of differences for boys or girls, even on the
In her review of the literature on the psychosocial same measures. Both Campbell et a!. (1977) and Magill
effect of chronic illness on children, La Greca (1990) con- and Hurlbut (1986) used the Tennessee Self-Concept
cluded that "the most striking and parsimonious conclu- Scale (Fitts, 1965) and reported different findings. Differ-
sion that can be drawn from this considerable data base is ent samples may account for the inconsistencies or the
that children with chronic or life-threatening illness ... do findings may be spurious. In fact, Campbell et al. (1977)
not differ substantially from healthy youngsters in terms stated that, due to small sample sizes, their findings
of disease-specific personality patterns or prevalence of "should be regarded as tentative and repeated on similar
severe emotional disorders" (p. 286). Although our focus groups" (p. 406), as well as on samples of adolescents
is on the self-evaluation and self-concept of adolescents with other disabilities. The relatively small sample sizes
with physical disabilities, it appears that a similar general and large number of comparisons in the studies by Magill
conclusion is warranted. In fact, according to Crocker and and Hurlbut (1986) and Kapp (1979) make these
Major (1989), there is little empirical evidence that mem- matched control studies vulnerable to spurious findings.
bers of any stigmatized group have low global self-
esteem. They proposed that a variety of protective
Study Rationale
mechanisms is used to bolster self-esteem (e.g., persons
may attribute negative feedback to the fact that they be- The present study explored the role of gender in mediat-
long to a stigmatized group rather than to faults that they ing the effect of disability on self-esteem and self-concept
possess). Thus, both theoretically and empirically, there by comparing means for males and females with disabil-
is reason to question the common assumption that per- ities with normative data obtained from males and fe-
sons with physical disabilities, as a group, are lower in males without disabilities. A second aim was to extend
self-esteem than are persons without physical disabilities. previous research, which has focused on self-esteem and
As Drotar (1981) has concluded with respect to child- self-concept. Little attention has been directed toward
hood illness, it may be best to view a physical disability as Other elements of the self that may be associated with
a stressor that, depending on its interactions with a host adolescents' successful adjustment to life. As Kapp (1979)
of other variables, such as parental psychosocial charac- has stated, we need to take a more in-depth look at the
teristiCS and family functioning, will have a varying effect self-concept of persons with physical disabilities.
on the adolescent's self-esteem and self-concept. The aspects of the self examined were chosen on the
Rather than attempting to determine whether ado- basis of a conceptual framework we developed to guide
lescents with disabilities, as a group, have lower self- our research. Five key components were examined: self-
esteem and self-concept than do other adolescents, the esteem (Am I worthy?), self-concept (Who am P), self-
most productive next steps for researchers would be (a) acceptance (Do I accept my disability?), social self-efficacy
to determine the factors that have significant effects on (Am I competent in social situations?), and values (What
self-esteem and specific domains of self-concept within do I believe is worth doing?). The social self-efficacy and

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 133

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values of adolescents with physical disabilities are poten- disabilities differed from male and female adolescents
tially important variables that have not been examined in without disabilities on selected self variables, most
previous studies. We believe that a sense of social compe- of which have not been examined in the literature. We
tence and the values of goal orientation, achievement, also explored the relation between these aspects of the
and decisiveness can greatly affect successful life out- self and independence and persistence in interpersonal
comes for adolescents with disabilities. style. It was hypothesized that self-esteem, social self-
Social self-efficacy reflects a person's judgment efficacy, acceptance of disability, and the values of goal-
about whether he or she is capable of carrying out the orientation, achievement, and decisiveness would be
social tasks that underlie successful relations with others. positively related to independence and persistence in in-
Self-efficacy is thought to be an important component of terpersonal style.
social competence in both children (Rutter, 1985) and
adolescents (Connolly, 1989). Values are important as- Method
pects of the self (Rokeach, 1960) and may be instrumental
in determining personal and vocational activities (Gor- Subjects
don, 1967). Both immediate decisions and long-range This study was a survey of the total population of clients
plans are influenced by value systems (Gordon, 1967). registered at Thames Valley Children's Centre (the major
Chronic disease and physical disabilities are thought to rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with
affect values such as goal orientation (Kellerman et aI., physical disabilities in Southwestern Ontario) who met
1980; Werner & Smith, 1982). We examined the values of the follOWing inclusion criteria: prior or current registra-
goal orientation (the desire to have definite goals to work tion at the Centre; condition diagnosed as cerebral palsy,
toward), achievement (the desire to set the highest stan- spina bifida, or cleft lip or palate or both; age between 14
dards of accomplishment for oneself), and decisiveness and 18 years; intelligence within normal range (IQ above
(the desire to think things through for oneself and make 80 as determined by previous standardized psychometric
decisions) . assessments); and residence within a 30-mile radius of
As stated above, a second important direction for London, Ontario. Clients whose speech intelligibility was
research on the self-conceptions of adolescents with dis- less than 80% or who used an augmentative communica-
abilities is to examine the effect of self variables on be- tion system, such as the Bliss Symbol System, were
haviors predictive of successful adaptation to life (La excluded.
Greca, 1990). We examined the relation between aspects Ninety clients met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 78
of the self and the interpersonal style of adolescents with were able to be contacted, whereas the others could not
disabilities - their characteristic ways of relating to other be located. Of the 78 contacted, 53 (68%) consented to
people. More specifically, we were interested in examin- participate. Various reasons were given by the 25 clients
ing the relative importance of self-esteem, social self- who declined to participate: the travelling distance (n =
efficacy, acceptance of disability, and values as determi- 6); parent did not consent (n = 5); sensitive topic area
nants of interpersonal independence and persistence. It (n = 4); not interested (n = 8); busy schedule (n = 2).
is commonly assumed that disabled persons lack inde- Chi-square analyses revealed that the participants and
pendence (Minde, 1978) and there are numerous refer- nonparticipants did not differ in terms of condition or
ences to the issue of dependence for this group (Abram- gender, X2 (2) = 2.9, n.s., and XZCl) = .7, n.s., respectively.
son et aI., 1979; Tavormina et aI., 1976), particularly The 53 participants consisted of 16 males and 11
during adolescence (Bryan & Herjanic, 1980). Due to females with cerebral palsy, 3 males and 6 females with
parental overprotection, children with physical disabil- spina bifida, and 12 males and 5 females with cleft lip or
ities, like those with chronic illness (Tavormina et a1., palate or both (a total of 31 males and 22 females). The
1976), may have particular difficulty in expressing their mean age of the males was 16.4 years and the mean age of
own opinions and resisting the influence of others (Strax, the females was 15.7 years. The specific diagnoses for
1988). Persistence at goals or tasks until they are complet- each group were as follows: of the 27 adolescents with
ed is another area in which adolescents with disabilities cerebral palsy, 12 were hemiplegic, 9 were diplegic, and 6
are assumed to be deficient because others often do were quadriplegic; of those with cleft lip or palate or both,
things for them and intervene when difficulties are expe- 6 had cleft palate, 3 had cleft lip, and the remaining 8 had
rienced. Lack of independence and persistence likely will both cleft lip and palate; all 9 participants with spina bifida
have a negative effect on adolescents' academic and voca- had hydrocephalus.
tional success (Abramson et aI., 1979).
All eligible subjects and their parents were contacted by
Using comparisons with normative data, this study exam- telephone by a research assistant who explained the pur-
ined whether male and female adolescents with physical pose of the study. A consent form and letter of explana-

134 February 1993, Volume 47, Number 2

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tion were then sent to interested clients. Subjects who arate comparisons were made for males and females on
consented to participate attended either an individually total scores or subscale scores, as appropriate.
scheduled, 90-min testing session at Thames Valley Chil- Regression analyses. Two "all possible subsets" re-
dren's Centre or completed the series of standardized gression analyses were performed, with Independence
instruments in their home. Home visits were necessary and Persistence as the outcome variables. In each case,
due to the limited mobility, transportation difficulties, Global Self-Worth (from the Self-Perception Profile for
and physical needs of some of the subjects. Subjects re- Adolescents), Social Self-Efficacy, Acceptance of Disabil-
ceived $15 compensation for their participation. ity, and Goal-Orientation, Achievement, and Decisiveness
(from the Survey of Personal Values) were entered as
Standardized Instruments predictor variables.
Variables were entered into the analysis as T scores
A battery of standardized instruments was used, all of
(Independence, Persistence), raw scores (Goal Orienta-
which are appropriate for adolescents. These instru-
tion, Achievement, Decisiveness, and Global Self-Worth),
ments have adequate psychometric properties and, for
or total scale scores (Social Self-Efficacy, Acceptance of
the most part, provide norms based on samples of adoles-
Disability). Gender and condition were controlled for in
cents from the general population. They were completed
the analyses through the use of dummy variables.
by subjects in a standardized order. The instruments
The predictor variables were plotted against the out-
were: (a) the Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents
come variables to look for nonlinear relations and to de-
(Harter, 1986), which proVides a measure of Global Self-
termine whether transformation of predictor variables
Worth and also measures perceived competence in eight
was desirable. After selection of a model, residuals were
domains (Scholastic Competence, Social Acceptance,
examined to detect outliers. Outliers were removed, indi-
Athletic Competence, Physical Appearance, Job Compe-
vidually and in combination, to examine the stability of
tence, Romantic Appeal, ConductIMorality, and Close
the coefficients. All cases remained in the final analysis.
Friendship); (b) the Adolescent Social Self-Efficacy Scale
Final selection of a model was determined by a significant
(Connolly, 1989), which elicits self-ratings of behavioral
increase in R 2 , in the presence of controlling variables.
effectiveness in problematic peer contexts; (c) the Atti-
tudes Towards Disabled Persons Scale (ATDP-Form B)
(yuker, Block, & ounng, 1966), which prOVides a mea- Results
sure of the degree to which the respondent perceives Differences Among DiagnostiC Croups
disabled persons as being different from persons without
Before conducting the analyses of interest we examined
disabilities and has been widely used as a measure of
whether the three diagnostic groups (cerebral paJsy,
disabled persons' acceptance of their own disabilities
spina bifida, and cleft lip or palate or both) differed in
(Yuker et aI., 1966); (d) the Survey of Personal Values
terms of their self-evaluations or self-concepts. On the
(Gordon, 1%7), which provides measures of Goal Orien-
basis of the literature (Bryan & Herjanic, 1980; Wright,
tation, Achievement, and Decisiveness, as well as Practical
1960), we did not expect to find that particular personal-
Mindedness, Variety, and Orderliness; and (e) the Inter-
ity traits were characteristiC of one diagnostiC group more
personal Style InventOlY (Lorr & Youniss, 1988), which
than of anOther group.
evaluates interpersonal style on 15 scales grouped under
A series of one-way analyses of variance were per-
five empirically-based factors - Interpersonal Involve-
formed on the subscales of the Self-Perception Profile for
ment, Autonomy (including the subscale Independent),
Adolescents, the Survey of Personal Values, and the Inter-
Stability, Socialization, and Self-Control (including the
personal Style Inventory, and on total Social Self-Efficacy
subscale Persistent).
and Acceptance of Disability scores. Due to the large
number of statistical tests performed (n = 19) and our
Ana~ysis Procedures
desire to avoid spurious effects, alpha was set atp < .001
Comparisons with normative data. Sample scores to control for type 1 error rate in this set of analyses (Kirk,
were compared, by gender, with norms for each scale 1968). No significant differences were found between the
(after Anderson et aI., 1982; Tavormina et aI., 1976). The diagnostic groups on the measures employed in this
normative samples consisted of students in grades 8 to 11 study, except that adolescents with cleft lip or palate or
(for the Self-Perception Profiles for Adolescents) and high both had higher scores on Athletic Competence (M =
school students (for the Adolescent Social Self-Efficacy 29) than did adolescents with cerebral palsy (M = 1.9) or
Scale, the Survey of Personal Values, and the Interperson- spina bifida (NI = 1.7, Fl2,50j = 9.2,p < .0005 [p <.05
al Style Inventory); scores by age or grade were not avail- for comparisons]).
able for the ATDP. One-tailed, independent t-tests, with Because there was only one significant difference
pooled estimates of variance (as appropriate), were per- among diagnostic groups, the normative comparisons re-
formed to compare means of adolescents with disabilities poned here are based on all groups combined. It should
with the means reponed for the normative samples. Sep- be noted that normative comparisons also were conduct-

The American journal of Occupational Therapy 135

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ed excluding the cleft lip or palate group. This was clone !\uitudes Towards Disabled Persons Scale
to investigate the possibility that adolescents with clefts Sdf-i\ccejlt:lncc ,\.\ 1063 lb9 29 110.2 2[5 54')
might raise the mean scores for the disabled group, thus F 1206 228 22 1135 220 ')49
obscuring differences between adolescents with and Sun--c)' of' Pusonal Values
without physical disabilities. The findings did not differ Coal Orien-
from those involving all diagnostic groups combined. t:ltiOll ;'vl 178 '5.1 26 181 5.5 1644
F 16.8 ').8 16 lH.2 5.0 1392
Achie\'elllellt M 1')1 3.6 26 165 46 1644
Comparisons with Normative Data r 17.3 '5. I 16 lSI '52 1392
Dl'cisivcncss M 14.7 51 26 145 52 1644
Means and standard deviations for adolescents with phys- F 14.'5 4.7 16 14.1 5.2 1392
ical disabilities were compared with normative data pro- Pracrical
vided by authors of the instruments, either in manuals or Minuedncss M 145 50 26 14.5 50 1644
r 139 4.H 16 14.0 ')1 1392
in articles addressing issues of construct validation (see Varier\' M 127 8.6 26 11.b 8.0 1644
Table 1). The actual size ofthe study sample differs across r II.') 9.1 16 134 78 1392
the various outcome measures due to missing data. We Oruerliness M 147 6.1 26 144 57 1644
F 14') 6.1 16 151 5.8 1392
also selected subjects in grades 9 to 13 on the measure of
Interpcrsonal Style Inventory
self-efficacy to obtain a more precis~ match with the nor-
mative sample. Alpha was set atp < .001, one-tailed to lndcpendcnt" M 44.6 144 28 500 100 225 -7.3''-
control for type 1 error rate. Several significant differ- F 4'53 12.b 21 500 100 425 -6.6':''''
Pcrsislcnl: 1 M 45.1 119 28 500 100 225 -7.7''*
ences were found. As can be seen in Table 1, both males F 411 137 21 ')00 100 423 -12S'"
and females with physical disabilities were significantly
No/e. M = male, r = female.
Higher scores renect higher puceivcd competence (Self-Perception
Profile Il,r Adolescents), higher evaluations or social self-efficacy (Ado-
Table 1 lescent Social Selr-Efficac\' Scale), gre,lter acceptance of disability (Atti-
Measures of Self-Evaluation, Self-Concept and tudcs Towards Disabled Persons Scale), grcater imporr'lIlce of specific
Interpersonal Style for Adolescents with Disabilities valucs (Survey of Personal Values), and grcatel' illliependcnce or pcrsis-
and for Normative Samples tence (lnrelTlcrsonal St)'le Inventory).
"Mean I-SCOI'CS arc presentcd 1'01' both study and normativc samplcs.
NormativL "p < .DOl. one-tailed.
Studv Sample Sampil's "':p < .cJOO'), one-railed
(adolescenr,; (adole,;ceJ1l';
with without
dis~bilities) disabilities) lower in Athletic Competence and Romantic Appeal than
jn~trLllncnt Gen- were the normative samples. In addition, disabled males
(:lIld ,;uhscail's) cler M SD n M SD 11 I-value,;
were significantly lower in Scholastic Competence and
Scif-PcI'ception Profile for Adolescents
disabled females were significantly lower in Social Accep-
Glohal Self-
Wonh M 51 '5 31 32 .6 461 tance_ Both males and females were significantly lower in
F 5D .6 22 30 .7 496 Independence and Persistence than were adolescents
without disabilities.
C'lllllJerenCe M 2.7 .7 31 30 .7 461 -3.2"
F 2.b .b 22 29 .7 496
Soci:ll Regression Analyses
Accepunce ;'\'I 5.0 .6 31 32 .6 461
r 2.7 .H 22 32 6 496 -3.5' Independence. Social self-efficacy was the only sig-
AthletiC nificant predictor of independence in interpersonal style.
C, ,mpctcnce M 2') 9 31 30 .H 461 -jH
r I.b 1.0 22 2'5 8 496 -39'
Its coefficient remained stable when various outliers were
PlwsicaJ removed. The variables indicating condition were not sig-
Appeal-ance M 7 '!
. 6 'II 28 .7 461 nificant, but were stable and were retained because of the
F 21 .7 22 .
? )- .H 496
.loll Com- unbalanced distribution of condition in the sample, in
pctencc M 30 .4 31 32 ') 461 spite of causing a reduction in the significance of the
F 3.1 ') 22 31 ') 496 equation (see Table 2).
Appeal M 23 7 31 27 .6 461 - 32 / Gender was removed as a controlling variable be-
r 2.1 .7 22 26 7 496 - 3.9" cause both the sign and the magnitude of the coefficient
Conduu/ changed when outliers were removed, and therefore its
Moralit\' M 29 4 31 2.H 6 46
F 2.b ') 22 29 6 496 effect, in addition to being nonsignificant, was not inter-
C10sc pretable. Further analysis revealed that self-efftcacy and
Friendship ~'l 3.3 .6 31 31 8 461 independence were most strongly correlated for the
r 31 .H 22 34 .7 496
group with cerebral palsy, both males and females, and
Adolescent Social Self-Effkacy Scale
that they were uncorrelated for females with spina bifida
Sdf-Efficacv M 1188 IHO 28 1196 16.7 40 or clefts. The latter had very small numbers (six and five,
r 1191 232 18 12').1 197 47 respectively) in this sample.

136 February 1993, Volume 47, Number 2

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Persistence. As can be seen in Table 2, social self- selves differently in a global sense, whether it be in terms
efficacy was again the only significant predictor of persis- of their self-esteem, self-acceptance, or perceived self-
tence. Gender and condition were not significant but efficacy in social situations. With respect to clinical impli-
were retained as controlling variables. The correlation cations, these findings indicate that clinicians should not
between subjects' scores on Independence and Persis- assume that adolescentS with physical disabilities will
tence was .32 (n = 49; P < .01). have problems in self-esteem.
The generalizability of these findings concerning
self-evaluation needs to be considered, There were no
Discussion significant differences between the assessed sample and
This study examined whether the self-evaluations and the population from which they were recruited in terms
self-concepts of adolescents with physical disabilities dif- of diagnostic category or gender, and our participation
fered from normative data, and how these self variables rate of almost 70% is quite high, However, because self-
related to two key aspects of success in life, indepen- administered measures were used, we did not include in
dence and persistence at tasks, No differences were our study adolescents with cognitive impairments, who
found in the self-evaluations of male and female adoles- might have lower self-esteem, It is also possible that those
cents with cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and cleft lip or adolescents with feelings of inadequacy were more likely
palate or both in comparison with normative data ob- to decline to take part in the study. Our findings do
tained on persons without disabilities, However, adoles- correspond, however, to those reported in the literature,
cents with disabilities differed from normative samples in although these past studies have been subject to small
terms of several specific aspects of self-concept. Not sur- sample size and have not addressed the issue of statistical
prisingly, both males and females had lower perceived power.
athletic competence, Of greater interest are differences in Statistical power refers to the ahiliry of the analysis to
perceived romantic appeal (for both males and females), detect true differences in the population under study,
scholastic competence (for males), and social acceptance Our study suffered from two factors that reduce power:
(for females), We also found that adolescents' evaluations small sample size (differences must be larger to achieve
of their competence in social situations - their social self- statistical significance when the samples being compared
efficacy - was significantly related to both their inde- are small) and the reduction in the criticalp-value (alpha)
pendence in interpersonal relations and their persistence necessitated by the large number of tests (which means
at tasks, that larger differences are required before being declared
There were no differences between the sample of significant), Our power calculations indicate that we had
adolescents with disabilities and normative samples on low power to detect differences that may truly exist.
measures of self-evaluation, We found no differences in If the difference of interest in this study is specified
self-esteem, social self-efficacy, acceptance of disability, as .5 standard deviations on each of the instruments (a
and values for either males or females, Our findings difference that Cohen [1988] defined as moderate or
therefore extend previous research, which has generally "medium"), the power of our analysis can be calculated
found no differences on global measures of self-esteem The groups of males and females compared in Table 1 are
(e,g., Campbell et aI., 1977; Kapp, 1979; Magill & Hurlbut, unequal, and therefore the harmonic mean must be used
1986; Murch & Cohen, 1989; Starr, 1978). We found no in power calculations. For example, our analysis of the
evidence that adolescents with disabilities evaluate them- Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents has the same row-
er as one that compares equal groups of 58 males and 42
females, which is 85% for males and 74% for females at
Table 2
alpha (une.,i,lccl) = .05 (Cohen, 1988),62% and 47%, respec-
Regression Analyses Predicting Independence and
Persistence tively, at alpha (nne.sided) = ,01, but 35% and 22% ifalpha (one'
sided) is set to ,001 (Cohen, 1988). Similarly, for the analy-
Outcome Variahle Predictor Variahle CoeffiCient oft ses of variance, the power to detect a moderate
Independencea Social self-efficacy 23 01 (medium) difference among diagnostic groups if = .25,
Cleft lip or palate n = 17, k = 3) for any instrument is 3% if alpha = .05,
or both -2,08 .58 13% if alpha =01 (Cohen, 1988),
Spina bifida -602 20
Intercept 1975 .06 Our aim was to be conservative and thiS strategy of
Persisrence b Social self-efficacy .26 01
minimizing spurious findings led us to set stringent alpha
Cleft lip or palate levels. This increases our confidence that the differences
or both 1.19 76 reported here are true differences but decreases the
Spina bifida -3.88 43
chance of finding true population differences of clinical
Gender 45
Intercept 1387 .21 significance. We are therefore unable to conclude firmly
aOveral1 F = 3.38, P = .03, R2 = 18.4 that adolescents with disabilities and their peers without
bOveral1 F = 3,17, P = .02, R2 = 22.3 disabilities do not differ in self-esteem.

The American ]oumal of Occupational Therapy 137

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The sample sizes of thiS srudy are larger than those ties). We found that social self-efficacy was positively re-
of most published studies in the field (see e.g, Campbell lated to both increased independence and perSistence,
et aI., 1977; Magill & Hurlbut, 1986); all eligible subjects of and that independence and persistence were only moder-
one major treatment center were approached for inclu- ately (yet significantly) correlated. These findings indicate
sion in this srudy. To conclusively address whether, or to that social self-efficacy is an important predictor of two
what extent, adolescentS with and without disabilities dif- relatively independent behavioral tendencies with impor-
fer in self-esteem requires a very large, multicentered tant implications for life success in adolescents with
study with adequate sample size. The strengths of our disabilities
study in this regard have been (a) our explicit consider- The concept of self-efficacy is receiving increased
ation of the issue of statistical power, which has not been attention in the literature on stress and coping (Moos &
addressed by previous research in this area, and (b) our Billings, 1982), although self-efficacy is usually conceptu-
examination of other measures of self-evaluation (e.g., alized as a personal resource used in handling adverse
social self-efficacy and acceptance of disability) in addi- environmental events, rather than in dealing with social
tion to self-esteem. situations and difficulties. Persons with higher levels of
We did find several significant differences in self- self-efficacy are thought to be more persistent in their
concept that are noteworthy in light of our conservative efforts to handle threatening situations, whereas those
analyses. Both males and females with disabilities view low in self-efficacy tend to avoid such situations (Moos &
themselves as lacking in romantic appeal. This view may Billings, 1982). Our investigation of social self-efficacy in
be realistic, but nonetheless is an area of particular con- adolescents with physical disabilities has indicated that
cern and worry for this group. Anecdotal and clinical evi- persons high in social self-efficacy are also more persis-
dence of this concern with dating and attractiveness to tent at tasks and goals. Concrete evidence for this relation
the opposite gender is present in the literature (Bryan & has not previously been demonstrated.
Herjanic, 1980), but the present study is the first to dem- Although we found no overall differences between
onstrate it empirically. Campbell et al. (1977) found male adolescents with and without disabilities on social self-
adolescents with spina bifida to have poorer body images efficacy, there are assuredly adolescents with social skill
than did matched controls, and Magill and Hurlbut (1986) deficits related to their feelings of inadequacy in dealing
found girls with cerebral palsy to score lower than with social situations (Shultz, Wan-Leeper, King, McGol-
matched controls on physical self-esteem. These con- drick, & Stanczyk, 1990). Certain adolescents, due to their
cerns with physical image may be related to our finding of physical limitations and social isolation, will not have had
lowered perceived romantic appeal. the mastery experiences in social situations that form the
We also found that males with disabilities viewed basis for one's sense of efficacy.
themselves as lower in scholastic competence than did The present research has indicated that exploration
males without disabilities, a finding that has not been of the social self-efficacy of adolescents with disabilities is
previously reported in the literature. As well, females with an important endeavor, because social self-efficacy is re-
disabilities viewed themselves as lower in social accep- lated to important behavioral tendencies for this group.
tance than did female adolescents without disabilities, One useful research direction would be to examine
which parallels Campbell et al.'s (1977) finding that ado- whether social self-efficacy can be enhanced by social
lescent girls with spina bifida expressed more social con- skills training programs. Because social self-efficacy is
cerns, including isolation and loneliness, than did control based on self-expectations for interpersonal skill, these
girls. Because the presence of good friendships has been programs could increase feelings of self-efficacy by pro-
found to be a particularly important protective factor Viding opportunities for successful experiences with
against adjustment problems for adolescent girls (Rae- peers, reinforcing appropriate interpersonal behavior,
Grant, Thomas, Offord, & Boyle, 1989), the lower per- and encouraging realistic expectations. These strategies
ceived social acceptance of females is of particular are employed by many social skills programs, although
concern. there are few programs for persons with disabilities
Exploration of the relations between aspects of self (Shultz et aI., 1990); furthermore, the effect of such pro-
and independence and persistence reflects a general re- grams on the skills and social competency of adolescents
search strategy that has clinical utility: the exploration of with disabilities remains to be addressed. Social self-
the intrapersonal, interpersonal, familial, and environ- efficacy might be an important outcome to include in
mental factors associated with key life outcomes for ado- such effectiveness evaluations.
lescents with disabilities. As expected, we found adoles-
cents with disabilities to be significantly lower in both
Implications for Occupational Therapy Practice
independence (the disposition to express one's opinions
and to resist the pressure of others to conform) and The findings have a number of implications for assess-
persistence (the disposition to persist at tasks or goals ment and intervention with children and adolescents with
until they are completed, despite obstacles or difficul- physical disabilities. Occupational therapists can and do

138 February 1993, Volume 47, Number 2

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employ a wide variety of methods to facilitate persistence academic interest. To foster social acceptance, therapists
and independence and decrease feelings of scholastic should promote opportunities for girls to develop close
incompetence, social nonacceptance, and lowered ro- friendships. This may involve encouraging parents to al-
mantic appeal. Some of these methods are general tech- low their daughters to go out with others more frequently
niques that apply regardless of content, whereas others or spend more time on the phone. Therapists might also
are specific to a particular area of perceived difficulty. assist in setting up informal support groups for teenagers.
Therapists should not assume that clients will have Adolescents with physical disabilities are described
self-esteem or self-concept difficulties and therefore as being more dependent on their parents than are ado-
should assess for such concerns (Magill-Evans & Restall, lescents without disabilities, not only in a physical sense
1991). Our findings challenge the widely held perception, (Blum, Resnick, Nelson, & St. Germaine, 1991), but be-
shared by therapists, that most persons with physical haviorally and socially as well (Bryan & Herjanic, 1980).
disabilities have lower feelings of self-worth (Arnold & Therapists need to promote independence and auton-
Chapman, 1992). Our findings reinforce the need to use omy early on and not wait for dependency issues to arise
a client-centered approach (Canadian Association of in adolescence before addressing these issues with par-
Occupational Therapists [CAOT], 1991a) to determine ents and children. Useful techniques include problem
whether clients themselves, rather than parents or solving around issues of independence (e.g., difficulties
teachers, have concerns related to self-evaluation or with parents and transportation problems), involving the
self-perception. The newly developed Canadian Occupa- teenager in decision making and goal setting around
tional Performance Measure (CAOT, 1991b) may be a treatment, and training in assertiveness. A lack of persis-
useful tool for assessment in this area as it enables the tence may be tied in with dependency on others, because
client to identify areas of perceived needs and goals for children may be less likely to persist at tasks when they
intervention. Our findings indicate that therapists assess- know that parents will provide assistance when request-
ing clients with physical disabilities should pay particular ed. Therapists can promote persistence at tasks by dis-
attention to concerns about romantic appeal, feelings of cussing the issue with parents and helping them see the
scholastic incompetence (for boys) and feelings of social longer-term, negative consequences of assisting their
nonacceptance (for girls). child too readily.
General intervention strategies that are thought to Future research should attempt to replicate the find-
have positive effects on self-esteem and self-concept in- ings here, and extend them by examining the reasons
clude involving the client in goal setting, encouraging behind the lower self-concepts in certain areas. Why do
problem solVing and role playing around problem situa- teenage boys with physical disabilities feel lower in scho-
tions, and reinforcing behaviors related to the acqUisition lastiC competence? Once the reasons are. known, specific
of competence. Teenagers may also need to be motivated interventions can be used, perhaps in a preventative way,
to acquire behavioral or social competenCies. On the ba- to address the issues. Clearly, not all adolescents with
sis of Harter's (1978) theory of competence motivation, it physical disabilities are at risk for lower self-concepts.
is important to ensure that teenagers have an optimal However, if those who are at risk can be identified early,
degree of challenge, are able to define the boundaries of before behavior patterns become more resistant to
competence by experiencing failure, and are reinforced change, then interventions may be easier and the burden
for attempting to succeed. Perhaps most important, occu- of concern may be alleViated. A
pational therapists need to empower clients to have more
control in therapy, to promote feelings of self-worth and Acknowledgments
competence. We thank Vicky Martin, Maria Gitta, and Sonya Vellet for their
Specific suggestions can be made for interventions assistance. We also thank]an Polgar and occu pational therapists
designed to address particular types of difficulties. Per- at Thames Valley Children's Centre for their input.
ceptions of lack of romantic appeal can be addressed Preparation of this article was supported by a research
award from the Thames Valley Children's Centre and by a doc-
through problem solving around practical issues (such as toral training grant, awarded to Kathleen Steel, from the Easter
clothes and grooming); role playing (e.g., how to ask Seal Research Institute.
someone for a date); discussing societal attitudes and
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