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(SA to) 3 4 «tn fe 3 ot gm oi 13 ey 4 et! maa We are interest in sinlatng Roo SIDMSTALG), Room 302 consists ofa single assembly machi anda vo lates athe and Iti). “Type [pars are only processed on ether ofthe two lathes, Type pats arive to room 302 according to ‘Poisson process with mean rate 4 perhour. When they enter the room, it takes them 8 minutes to get to cither of he lates whore they are processed one-at-a-time. Type I pats goto the ist lathe hat is ie, but will always prefer late if both are availble. The processing time in lated is between 11 and 14 ‘inate, The processing tne of Type [pats ip litho is exponcatlly distributed with mean 9 minutes. flor processing, Type I pars exit room 302 and are sent to box marked for Type I pat “Type il pats are frst assemble by the anny machine and thro ufficient raw materi fo the assembly thats soon asthe machine has finished assembling one pt, it begins working on the next pt, The tie that i takes the assembler to produce partis random with mean 60 minutes and standard ‘devistion 30 mines. Te raw material is next to the assomblr, 3 ther sno time lap in geting the ray material tothe assembler, After a Type part has been assembled it navel lathe (tis takes between 5 and 7 minute) to get fo latheB with its processing time at latheB beng random with uniform listribution between 7 and 11 minutes. ARerprocesing, Type TI pars exit room 302 andar sent toa ‘box marked fr'Typ I pars, (Use a model entity state variable to assign processing times at athe and ‘moda entity property for selecting appropriate links after the ates ) After pats are finished at either Inte, it takes 8 rims to leave Room 302 lace floating label cpntered atthe top ofyonr mode with your fll name, Picktwo colors, Have Type Land Type Il pats be different colors, Also for animation parposes, change th symbol ofthe sink for Typo [pats to ook ike box or pallet instead ofthe del sik symbol Determine the theoretical wilization of Late (assuming that effectively 58% of Type {parts Bo to Lathe) and the theoretical hourly throughput ae, Crete an experiment with 15 replications tc replication of run length 400 hours with a yarmp poiod of 50 hours. Create thee responses that give ‘he (1) long-run Lathe utilization, @) the average throghput ate fr both part types combined, and (3) average time in mite that at Typo spends jn Room 302, 49.8% 0.58 (4) + 1 Alwwe Mine = She ‘Thoosticluilization of LaiheB: 6666. fa “Theorie oul throghp ‘Simulated utilization of Lathe: 7b to SLY ZL Sinolts houry trot 4g te $.2/he Simulated avg. io in he sytem for Typ pants (in mines): BA BS rai A manufacturing job coats has three machines. One dil pross machine and two assmnbly stations ‘Assembly and Assembly), "The dull pres processes Type A parts and there is suficent raw material forthe dil press eo that = soon as the dell press hs ished dling one pat, it begins working onthe next part, The time tha it takes the dil to produce a partis random with mean 30 mines and standard deviation 1S minutes. The a matrial s next co the dil press, so thee io time lapse a geting the raw terial to the dll, press, Aflora Type A part hasbeen assembled it travels tothe assembly stations (this takes between S and mnnutes) 10 go to ithe assembly station. Type A parts goto the fist assembly station that sie, ‘but will always prefer AssembA ifboth ae idl, Aer assembling, Type A parts exit the center and are set toa pallet marke Pallet ‘Type B pants antve to te conte ascording toa Poisson process with mean ate of Sper hou. Parts B 0 lively fo the AssemblyB server station. Ater assembling, Type B pars exit the center and ae sent toa pallet marked Palle, (Use a model entity property fr slocting links after the AssemblyB machine) “The pocenng ine frType Ap at Asya bts 30 an 4 it adi esponetl whan Dats AsenibyB, The prosessng tine Type B peat Ase is raid econ Sand 13 nnts, (Use nl ey atari sn pres teat ‘AssemblyB machine) ely tsa Be ip] ~ (a) srs tor atv ished at th asembly stains takes Salto a fa cen,» gi) Pelt ab cn te op of yor ol wih ai il name Pick two colors. Have Type A and Type B pat be different colors. Also for animation purposes change te symbol ofthe dil press server to Jook lke adil press. Datei the hota ization of Ash ing tatty 25% oF Type A pt oo Ass) andthe heal ony thong. rete ancxprnent with 5 rpleon enh ‘elction of eat 0 bons with wae perio oF 5D hous Cet thee espossthat ie {5 (ong Assent ation, he hoy hop afro ps pe combine, ed (avg tie an tha» Type B pate spendin he ten, paste) tS OO) ‘Thooretical lization of Assembly: Tomo al holy troughpat; 2 + > fo 884A a» re/h Simulated wilization of AssemblyB: Simulated how throushpu: bb ‘Simulated avg ine in the syst for Type B pats (in minutes); — 27. 33-9 Wri

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