Making Questions Exercises - Mixed Types

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Wh- Questions (Information Questions) Completa la tabla con la informacin que falta.

Wh- Ejemplo Uso Significado

What What did you do there? cosas
Which Which dress do you like? cosas (cuando se elige)
Who Who told you this? personas (Subject)
Who(m) Who did you tell? personas (Object)
Whose Whose car is it? posesin (personas)
When When will he arrive? tiempo
Where Where is she living? lugar
Why Why are you late? causa
How How do you open this? manera
How tall are you? medida (adjetivos)
How old is he? edad
How often do you cry? frecuencia
How long does it take? tiempo, duracin
How much do we spend on cantidad (incontables)
How many people do you cantidad (contables)
How deep is the swimming- profundidad
How fast does light travel? velocidad

Complete the questions to match their responses. (Yes/No and Information questuions)
1Ali / arrive / in Paris? Last Friday.
2she / start / learning English? Three years ago.
3you / do I all morning? Ive been studying at home
4she / marry / him? Yes, I think she will.
5you / use to play tennis / when you were younger? Three times a week!
6suitcase / be / it? Its Mikes suitcase
7cake / you / going to bake? The chocolate cake, not the apple one
8. Mike / leave / the car? In the garage
9. books / she / read / every month? She reads five or six / ever / go / to Portugal? No, Ive never been

Make questions:
1. ..........................................................................? Yes, Lets go there.
2. ..........................................................................? A few hundreds.
3. ..........................................................................? Shes a dancing teacher.
4. ..........................................................................? Thanks a lot fot offering yourself!
5. ..........................................................................? No, thanks. Ive got enough.
6. ..........................................................................? Since 1971.
7. ..........................................................................? He wore a nece suit.
8. ..........................................................................? Theyre Helens.
9. ..........................................................................? Yes, she has already finished it.
10..........................................................................? No, thanks. Ill call back later.
11..........................................................................? He is very good looking
12...........................................................................? They usually go to bed at half past eleven.
13...........................................................................? Id like an orange juice, please.
14. ..........................................................................? It took her about two hours.
15. ..........................................................................? I taught English there for one year.
Make questions. The underlined words are the answers. (They are all Subject Questions)

1. They caught a cold yesterday. ........................................................................................ ?

2. Peter has broken the window. ....................................................................................... ?
3. They went to London last summer. ....................................................................................... ?
4. Some robberies have happened recently.................................................................................... ?
5. A house was burning yesterday...................................................................................... ?
6. Susan is going to have a baby in June. ....................................................................................... ?

Make questions. The underlined words are the answers.

1. She goes to school everyday. ........................................................................................ ?

2. I woke up at seven yesterday ........................................................................................ ?
3. Well wash these clothes tomorrow. ........................................................................................ ?
4. They have had the same car for twelve years ............................................................................ ?
5. I think he lives twenty miles from here ...................................................................................... ?
6. He usually keeps the eggs in the fridge. ..................................................................................... ?
7. They never make grammar notes ........................................................................................ ?
8. The babys been crying since two. ........................................................................................ ?
9. They caught a cold yesterday. .......................................................................................... ?
10. They caught a cold yesterday. ........................................................................................ ?
11. They caught a cold yesterday. ........................................................................................ ?
12. They caught a cold yesterday. ........................................................................................ ?
13. It costs a hundred pounds. ........................................................................................ ?
14. Ive been there twice. ........................................................................................ ?
15. Hes lived in El Puerto for three years. .................................................................................... ?
16. He lived in El Puerto for three years. ....................................................................................... ?
17. Peter has broken the window. ....................................................................................... ?
18. Peter has broken the window. ....................................................................................... ?
19. I visited my grandmother on Saturday. .................................................................................... ?
20. They went to London last summer. ....................................................................................... ?

Translate the following sentences to English:

1.- A quin viste el sbado? ..................................................................................... ?

2.- Qu ests haciendo? ..................................................................................... ?
3.- Qu compr tu madre? ..................................................................................... ?
4.- Quin ha escuchado esta cancin? ..................................................................................... ?
5.- A quin le diste el regalo? ..................................................................................... ?
6.- Quin te dio el regalo? ..?
7.- Qu ocurrir el prximo mes? ..................................................................................... ?
8.- Quin sabe la respuesta? ..................................................................................... ?
9.- Qu has escrito en ese papel? ..................................................................................... ?
10. Cul quieres, este azul o aquel rosa? ?

Questions with a preposition:

11. De dnde eres?

12. Con qu cortas el pan?

13. A quin ests escuchando?

14. Qu has estado esperando?

Question tags. Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.
Mr McGuinness is from Ireland,____________?
The car isn't in the garage,__________?
You are John,____________?
She went to the library yesterday, __________?
He didn't recognize me, __________?
Cars pollute the environment, __________?
Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, __________?
He won't tell her, __________?
She is collecting stickers, __________?
You have cleaned your bike, __________?
John and Max don't like Maths, __________?
Kevin will come tonight, __________?
I'm clever, __________?
Bob's got two cats, _______________?
You and I are going to the party, _______________?
Let's go out, _______________?
Shut up, _______________?
Clive missed his flight, _______________?
We've already seen that movie, _______________?

Embedded Questions. Fill the gaps.

1 "Where's the station?"
"Can you tell me ___________________________________________ ?"
2 "Are you coming to the party?"
"Can you let me know if ___________________________________________ ?"
3 "How does it work?"
"Can you explain ___________________________________________ ?"
4 "What's the the matter?"
Please tell me ___________________________________________ ."
5 "Where are you from?"
"I'd like to know ___________________________________________ ."
6 "How long does it take to get there?"
"Do you know ___________________________________________ ?"
7 "Has she reached a decision yet?"
"Has she told you whether ___________________________________________ ?"
8 "What time are you leaving?"
"Do you know ___________________________________________ ?"
9 "Does Annie know about computers?"
"I wonder whether ___________________________________________ ."
10 "Excuse me. How do you get to the post office from here?"
"Could you tell us ___________________________________________ ?"
11 "What are you doing?!"
"Do you have any idea ___________________________________________ ?!"
12 "Could you lend me 50 Euros?"
"I don't suppose ___________________________________________ ."
13 "Could you take me to the airport?"
"Is there any chance ___________________________________________ ?"
14 "Does Susana like classical music?"
"I can't remember if ___________________________________________ ."
15 When is Hakan going to move to Ankara? I have no idea _________________________________________

16 Who brought this computer to the office? I want to know__________________________________________

17 Does your new girlfriend smoke? I wonder__________________________________________

18 How many times has Mel been to Bodrum? Could you tell me _____________________________________?

19 What were you doing when the earthquake happened? I dont remember_____________________________

20 Has Aylin moved to Izmir? I dont know__________________________________________

Make Embedded Questions!

Excuse me, Do you know..?
Do you have any idea?
Can you please tell me?
Could you please tell me...?

Im sorry I dont know

Im not sure
I have no idea
I cant remember
I cant recall
I cant tell you

Where is Lakehead University?

Why is the moon so bright?
Where were you on Christmas Day?
What is the teachers family name?
How much do you weigh?
Where did your mother and father meet?
What did we do on Wednesdays class?
Why do you love me?
What did Abraham Lincoln do?
What did the teacher study at university?
Is Ottawa the capital city of Canada?
Is red meat healthy for you?
Is the teacher married?
Are you married?

Questions in the passive. Write the following questions in the passive

1. Has anyone ever called you an idiot before?................................................................................

2. Did your parents give you enough money? .................................................................................

3. Did anyone send you the copies which they promised you? ............................................................

4. Did they offer you the job I told you about.......................................................................

5. Can people of all ages play this game? .......................................................................

Questions in Reported Speech. Write the following questions into Reported Speech

"Where is your sister?" she asked me. She asked me ....................

"Where have you spent your money?" she asked him. She asked him...................

"Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know. He wanted to know ..........................................

What do you think about my job? .......................................

Could you lend me some money I need? .......................................

Why havent you tidied your room today? my mother asked. .......................................

What is this wonderful scent? Oscar asked. .......................................

Are you going to buy some new sneakers tomorrow? Susan asked me. .......................................

Are you taking the early train tomorrow? Peter wanted to know. .......................................

When can you collect your cat? Helen asked Tom. .......................................

Write the questions for the elements in bold (mixed tenses) (Intermediate)

1. Elizabeth Taylor married Richard Burton twice.

2. She fell asleep because she was very tired.
3. The dog bit my little sister.
4. I'm going to buy the blue car.
5. She flies to London every three weeks.
6. I'd like a cup of tea.
7. He sold his father's car.
8. She has taught at this school for four years.
9. I'm leaving in half an hour.
10. The boat sank six months ago.
11. Caroline rang you yesterday.
12. It was windy and foggy yesterday.
13. She studies with my sister.
14. She did it to help me.
15. She likes reading detective stories.
16. It took me ten minutes to do the exercise.
17. He taught Maths at my school.
18. He mowed the grass three times last year.
19. The accident shocked me.
20. My house is very big and modern.
21. I was lying in bed for an hour.
22. She hates washing up.
23. He became a doctor to cure people.
24. My grandfather was very hardworking and intelligent.
25. The teacher forbade me to leave the room.
26. I tried Indian food some years ago.
27. I spilt some water on Mary's dress.
28. He sold his car for 300.
29. I did it once.
30. The thief stole the handbag from me.
31. The letter surprised him.
32. The bus leaves every ten minutes.
33. He decided to go abroad.
34. I was waiting for Peter when you saw me.
35. I'll be there in ten minutes' time.
36. He stood up to ask a question.
37. It will take them three years to build the bridge.
38. He lay in bed for twenty minutes.
39. I was very shy when I was a child.
40. A cloud of smoke rose in the air.

Write the questions for the elements in bold (mixed tenses). (Advanced)

1. Everyone who knew him and Olivia thought he adored her.

2. Stephen was down on his right knee.
3. His being there now was owing to some funny accident.
4. After orange juice and coffee Olivia felt ready for her role of the horrified widow.
5. The dressing gown she was wearing was long, pink and flimsy.
6. Men look silly in aprons.
7. He sent him out of the room so as to speak to the visitor about the affair.
8. Mrs Pitts had been trying to phone them every five minutes since 11.00 a.m.
9. The hammer appeared behind the laurel bushes by the front gate.
10. It stood there for as long as she wanted.
11. I spilt Peter's coffee on Mr Mansons suit.
12. She sat next to her grandfather twisting a piece of cloth in her hand.
13. It'll take them two years to build the bridge.
14. That night she had been woken up every two hours by the baby.
15. He left the dog outside so as not to frighten the children.
16. The house was very modern and extremely comfortable.
17. The message had been delivered by a young man in a leather jacket.
18. The boy stood motionless next to the old man.
19. The officer's weapon shone in the dark.
20. I know that very well.
21. He likes to read psychology books.
22. Liza is buying a couple of tins of Coke.
23. I'm driving my sister's car.
24. My sister is driving my car.
25. Cars can be dangerous.
26. The child wants to go to the zoo.
27. The child wants to go to the zoo.
28. The child wants to go to the zoo.
29. Sheila is wearing tennis shoes.
30. Sheila is wearing tennis shoes.
31. The cat is hiding under the car.
32. The cat is hiding under the car.
33. The cat is hiding under the car.
34. The movie begins at 11.00.
35. The movie begins at 11.00.
36. Sandra sings beautifully when she wants to.
37. Sandra sings beautifully when she wants to.
38. Richard loves Sally.
39. Richard loves Sally.
40. George remembers you very well.
41. George remembers you very well.
42. My new girlfriend doesn't like fast food.
43. My brother Dick knows your father.
44. My brother Dick knows your father.
45. Before starting I do a few limbering-up exercises.
46. We go abroad three or four times a year.
47. Queen Elizabeth likes wearing comfortable clothes.

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