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A. Instruction

1. Answer the questions briefly and clearly

2. You are not allowed to open books and to ask your friends or to copy your
Friends answer
3. The time spent for completing your answer is 90 minutes.
4. You might omit one of numbers by choosing from 1 to 11

B. Test

1. Explain the steps of the children acquiring their first or mother tongue language by
Connecting Peadgets Theory of cognitive development.
2. Elaborate the difference of language acquisition and language learning
3. How is language acquisition (L2) happened naturally? Explain its characteristics
4. Elaborate the five hypotheses of Krashen and Terrel in acquiring language.
5. Explain coordinate mastery and compound mastery in bilingualism and
6. Explain the process of communication by connecting speech act by Austin 1962, and
Searle (1969); accordingly, there three things happened simultaneously, namely
locutionary act. Illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act, state your answer based on
that three things .
7. What does value and proposition of syntaxes or utterances meant based on Searles and
Dell Hymes view.
8. Explain what short term memory and long term memory connecting by storage, and
also retrieved in remembering process.
9. In discourse analysis, we recognize act and its aims, elaborate their categories and give
Each of them example.
10. In language and mind, it is found two categories namely cognitive and social categories;
and each of them having sub-categories; mention each of them and give illustration if it is
11. Explain your answer how is Psycholinguistics related to the language learning and teaching
12. State the core of your paper presented in the classroom.


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